Rarity 4-star
Element Glacio
Weapon Gauntlets
Place of Birth
Voice Actors / / /
Signature Dish
An artist for hire trying to make a living. Reserved and timid, she is not good with words but speaks volumes through her art, where her creations come to life with impossible authenticity.
Level HP Attack Defense
1 798 21 86
20 2,075 54 220
20+ 2,607 70 276
40 3,952 105 418
40+ 4,484 121 220
50 5,157 139 544
50+ 5,689 154 600
60 6,361 172 671
60+ 6,893 188 727
70 7,565 206 797
70+ 8,098 216 853
80 8,770 234 924
80+ 9,302 244 980
90 9,975 262 1,051
Resonance Chain
Voice Lines
Upgrade Cost
Normal Attack: Frosty Punches
Basic Attack
Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Glacio DMG.

Heavy Attack
- When Frost is full, hold the Normal Attack Button to cast Frostfall.
- When Frost is full during the Fortune Rolling state, release the Normal Attack Button to cast Frostfall. If Youhu cannot cast Frostfall at the moment, perform Lucky Draw once instead.
Youhu can obtain Frost in the following ways:
- When Frost is not full, hold Normal Attack Button to enter the Fortune Rolling state and restore Frost over time.
- When Basic Attacks hit a target.

Heavy Attack: Frostfall
Youhu dashes forward, dealing Glacio DMG, and performs Lucky Draw once.

Mid-air Attack
Perform a Plunging Attack at the cost of STA, dealing Glacio DMG.

Dodge Counter
When Youhu possesses no Antique, quickly press Normal Attack Button right after a successful Dodge to thrust forward, dealing Glacio DMG, and performLucky Draw once.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Stage 1 DMG 23.83% 25.79% 27.74% 30.48% 32.43% 34.68% 37.80% 40.93% 44.05% 47.38%
Stage 2 DMG 16.05% + 29.81% 17.37% + 32.25% 18.69% + 34.70% 20.53% + 38.12% 21.84% + 40.56% 23.36% + 43.37% 25.46% + 47.28% 27.57% + 51.19% 29.67% + 55.10% 31.91% + 59.26%
Stage 3 DMG 19.15% + 23.40% 20.72% + 25.32% 22.29% + 27.24% 24.49% + 29.93% 26.06% + 31.84% 27.86% + 34.05% 30.37% + 37.12% 32.88% + 40.19% 35.40% + 43.26% 38.06% + 46.52%
Stage 4 DMG 58.53% 63.33% 68.13% 74.84% 79.64% 85.16% 92.84% 100.52% 108.20% 116.35%
Heavy Attack: Frostfall DMG 7.27%*6 7.87%*6 8.46%*6 9.29%*6 9.89%*6 10.58%*6 11.53%*6 12.48%*6 13.43%*6 14.45%*6
Mid-air Attack DMG 62.00% 67.09% 72.17% 79.29% 84.37% 90.22% 98.36% 106.49% 114.62% 123.27%
Dodge Counter DMG 14.53%*6 15.73%*6 16.92%*6 18.58%*6 19.78%*6 21.15%*6 23.05%*6 24.96%*6 26.86%*6 28.89%*6
Mid-air Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 23.83% 25.79% 27.74% 30.48% 32.43% 34.68% 37.8% 40.93% 44.05% 47.38% 1.03 3.28 1.0 0.41 Basic
2 Glacio Damage ATK 16.05% 17.37% 18.69% 20.53% 21.84% 23.36% 25.46% 27.57% 29.67% 31.91% 0.7 2.21 1.0 0.2762 Basic
3 Glacio Damage ATK 29.81% 32.25% 34.7% 38.12% 40.56% 43.37% 47.28% 51.19% 55.1% 59.26% 1.29 4.11 1.0 0.5129 Basic
4 Glacio Damage ATK 19.15% 20.72% 22.29% 24.49% 26.06% 27.86% 30.37% 32.88% 35.4% 38.06% 0.83 2.64 1.0 0.3294 Basic
5 Glacio Damage ATK 23.4% 25.32% 27.24% 29.93% 31.84% 34.05% 37.12% 40.19% 43.26% 46.52% 1.01 3.23 1.0 0.4026 Basic
6 Glacio Damage ATK 58.53% 63.33% 68.13% 74.84% 79.64% 85.16% 92.84% 100.52% 108.2% 116.35% 2.52 8.06 1.0 1.007 Basic
7 Glacio Damage ATK 7.27% 7.87% 8.46% 9.29% 9.89% 10.58% 11.53% 12.48% 13.43% 14.45% 0.0 0.8 1.0 0.1 Heavy
8 Glacio Damage ATK 62.0% 67.09% 72.17% 79.29% 84.37% 90.22% 98.36% 106.49% 114.62% 123.27% 0.52 1.0 1.0 0.62 Basic
9 Glacio Damage ATK 14.53% 15.73% 16.92% 18.58% 19.78% 21.15% 23.05% 24.96% 26.86% 28.89% 0.5 1.6 1.0 0.25 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Skill: Scroll Divination
Youhu smashes her scroll down at the enemy, dealing Glacio DMG, restoring HP for all party members nearby, and performs Lucky Draw once.

Lucky Draw
Youhu obtains a random Antique after the Lucky Draw. With an Antique, her next Basic Attack will activate the corresponding Antique Appraisal.
Only one Antique can exist at a time, and the newly drawn Antique will replace the existing one.

Antique Appraisal
- Chime: Attack the enemy with a Chime, dealing Glacio DMG. Chime can effectively reduce the enemy's Vibration Strength.
- Ruyi: Batter the enemy with a Ruyi, dealing Glacio DMG. Ruyi has a higher DMG Multiplier.
- Ding: Ram into the enemy on a Ding, dealing Glacio DMG. Ding can effectively break the enemy's stance.
- Mask: Throw a Mask at enemies in front, dealing Glacio DMG. Mask can pull in enemies along its path.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 78.70% 85.16% 91.61% 100.64% 107.10% 114.52% 124.84% 135.17% 145.49% 156.46%
Scroll Divination Healing 1041 + 39.00% 1097 + 40.56% 1162 + 42.12% 1302 + 44.46% 1469 + 47.58% 1627 + 50.70% 1655 + 56.55% 1692 + 63.18% 1720 + 70.20% 1767 + 81.90%
Chime DMG 20.65% + 25.07%*3 + 51.62% 22.34% + 27.13%*3 + 55.85% 24.04% + 29.19%*3 + 60.08% 26.41% + 32.06%*3 + 66.01% 28.10% + 34.12%*3 + 70.24% 30.05% + 36.48%*3 + 75.11% 32.76% + 39.77%*3 + 81.88% 35.46% + 43.06%*3 + 88.65% 38.17% + 46.35%*3 + 95.42% 41.05% + 49.85%*3 + 102.62%
Ruyi DMG 68.91% + 84.23% 74.56% + 91.13% 80.21% + 98.04% 88.13% + 107.71% 93.78% + 114.61% 100.27% + 122.56% 109.31% + 133.61% 118.36% + 144.66% 127.40% + 155.71% 137.00% + 167.45%
Ding DMG 14.38%*6 + 57.49% 15.55%*6 + 62.20% 16.73%*6 + 66.91% 18.38%*6 + 73.51% 19.56%*6 + 78.23% 20.92%*6 + 83.65% 22.80%*6 + 91.19% 24.69%*6 + 98.73% 26.57%*6 + 106.27% 28.57%*6 + 114.28%
Mask DMG 5.77%*9 + 22.23% 6.24%*9 + 24.06% 6.71%*9 + 25.88% 7.37%*9 + 28.43% 7.85%*9 + 30.25% 8.39%*9 + 32.35% 9.15%*9 + 35.27% 9.90%*9 + 38.18% 10.66%*9 + 41.10% 11.46%*9 + 44.20%
Cooldown 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Chime Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ding Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ruyi Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Mask Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 78.7% 85.16% 91.61% 100.64% 107.1% 114.52% 124.84% 135.17% 145.49% 156.46% 8.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Skill
2 Glacio Damage ATK 58.27% 63.05% 67.83% 74.52% 79.29% 84.79% 92.43% 100.08% 107.72% 115.85% 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Skill
3 Glacio Damage ATK 20.65% 22.34% 24.04% 26.41% 28.1% 30.05% 32.76% 35.46% 38.17% 41.05% 0.7 0.0 1.5 0.28 Skill
4 Glacio Damage ATK 25.07% 27.13% 29.19% 32.06% 34.12% 36.48% 39.77% 43.06% 46.35% 49.85% 0.85 0.0 1.5 0.34 Skill
5 Glacio Damage ATK 51.62% 55.85% 60.08% 66.01% 70.24% 75.11% 81.88% 88.65% 95.42% 102.62% 1.75 0.0 1.5 0.7 Skill
6 Glacio Damage ATK 68.91% 74.56% 80.21% 88.13% 93.78% 100.27% 109.31% 118.36% 127.4% 137.0% 2.25 0.0 1.0 0.9 Skill
7 Glacio Damage ATK 84.23% 91.13% 98.04% 107.71% 114.61% 122.56% 133.61% 144.66% 155.71% 167.45% 2.75 0.0 1.0 1.1 Skill
8 Glacio Damage ATK 14.38% 15.55% 16.73% 18.38% 19.56% 20.92% 22.8% 24.69% 26.57% 28.57% 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
9 Glacio Damage ATK 57.49% 62.2% 66.91% 73.51% 78.23% 83.65% 91.19% 98.73% 106.27% 114.28% 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 Skill
10 Glacio Damage ATK 5.77% 6.24% 6.71% 7.37% 7.85% 8.39% 9.15% 9.9% 10.66% 11.46% 0.39 0.0 1.0 0.1556 Skill
11 Glacio Damage ATK 22.23% 24.06% 25.88% 28.43% 30.25% 32.35% 35.27% 38.18% 41.1% 44.2% 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.6 Skill
12 - Healing ATK 1041 +39.0% 1097 +40.56% 1162 +42.12% 1302 +44.46% 1469 +47.58% 1627 +50.7% 1655 +56.55% 1692 +63.18% 1720 +70.2% 1767 +81.9% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
13 - Healing ATK 312 +11.7% 329 +12.16% 348 +12.63% 390 +13.33% 440 +14.27% 488 +15.21% 496 +16.96% 507 +18.95% 516 +21.06% 530 +24.57% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Liberation: Fortune's Favor
Youhu hurls her scroll at the enemy, causing a Glacio DMG blast in the area.
On the blast, four buttons will appear. Choose a button within the specified time to obtain the corresponding Antique. Otherwise, obtain one random Antique.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 164.58% 178.07% 191.57% 210.46% 223.95% 239.47% 261.06% 282.66% 304.25% 327.19%
Cooldown 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Resonance Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 164.58% 178.07% 191.57% 210.46% 223.95% 239.47% 261.06% 282.66% 304.25% 327.19% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Liberation
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Treasured Piece
Restore HP for all nearby party members based on 30% of the healing provided by Resonance Skill Scroll Divination when Resonance Skill Antique Appraisal is cast.
Inherent Skill: Rare Find
Gain 15% Glacio DMG Bonus for 14s upon casting Intro Skill Scroll of Wonders.
Intro Skill: Scroll of Wonders
Toss out the scroll and perform Lucky Draw once.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 45.00% + 55.00% 48.69% + 59.51% 52.38% + 64.02% 57.55% + 70.34% 61.24% + 74.85% 65.48% + 80.04% 71.39% + 87.25% 77.29% + 94.47% 83.20% + 101.68% 89.47% + 109.35%
Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 45.0% 48.69% 52.38% 57.55% 61.24% 65.48% 71.39% 77.29% 83.2% 89.47% 4.5 0.0 1.0 0.5102 Intro
2 Glacio Damage ATK 55.0% 59.51% 64.02% 70.34% 74.85% 80.04% 87.25% 94.47% 101.68% 109.35% 5.5 0.0 1.0 0.6235 Intro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Outro Skill: Timeless Classics
The incoming Resonator has their Coordinated Attack DMG Amplified by 100% for 28s.
Forte Circuit: Poetic Essence
At four Auspices, hold the Normal Attack button to release Poetic Essence, dealing Glacio DMG, considered as Resonance Skill DMG, while restoring HP for all nearby party members.
Youhu can hold up to four Auspices.

Poetic Essence
Deal Glacio DMG to enemies within the range and additionally obtain one of the following effects based on the Auspice combination:
- Free Verse: Four different types Auspices. Additionally reduce the Vibration Strength of hit enemies.
- Antithesis: A pair of Auspices. Increase Poetic Essence's DMG by 70%.
- Double Pun: Two pairs of Auspices. Additionally restore HP for all nearby party members.
- Triplet: Three identical Auspices. Increase Poetic Essence's DMG by 175%.
- Perfect Rhyme: Four identical Auspices. Simultaneously activate the effects of Free Verse, Double Pun, and Triplet at the same time.
Casting Poetic Essence removes all Auspices.

- Youhu gains an Auspice through Antique Appraisal. Use Basic Attack while holding an Antique to receive the corresponding Auspice.
- Youhu unlocks Antiques by casting Resonance Skill Scroll Divination, Intro Skill Scroll of Wonders, Heavy Attack Frostfall, Resonance Liberation Fortune's Favor, and Dodge Counter.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Poetic Essence Skill DMG 18.72%*10 20.26%*10 21.79%*10 23.94%*10 25.47%*10 27.24%*10 29.69%*10 32.15%*10 34.60%*10 37.21%*10
Poetic Essence Healing 1180 + 44.20% 1243 + 45.97% 1317 + 47.74% 1475 + 50.39% 1665 + 53.92% 1844 + 57.46% 1876 + 64.09% 1918 + 71.60% 1949 + 79.56% 2002 + 92.82%
Double Pun Bonus Healing 694 + 26.00% 731 + 27.04% 775 + 28.08% 868 + 29.64% 979 + 31.72% 1085 + 33.80% 1103 + 37.70% 1128 + 42.12% 1147 + 46.80% 1178 + 54.60%
Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
2 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
3 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
4 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
5 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
6 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
7 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
8 Glacio Damage ATK 18.72% 20.26% 21.79% 23.94% 25.47% 27.24% 29.69% 32.15% 34.6% 37.21% 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Skill
9 - Healing ATK 1180 +44.2% 1243 +45.96% 1317 +47.73% 1475 +50.38% 1665 +53.92% 1844 +57.46% 1876 +64.09% 1918 +71.6% 1949 +79.56% 2002 +92.82% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
10 - Healing ATK 694 +26.0% 731 +27.04% 775 +28.08% 868 +29.64% 979 +31.72% 1085 +33.8% 1103 +37.7% 1128 +42.12% 1147 +46.8% 1178 +54.6% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Skillful Cooking
Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Resonance Chain Sequence Node 1: Waterside Respite
Youhu has a 10% chance to gain immunity to damage and interruption after casting Lucky Draw. This effect lasts for 5s or until she is switched out.
Sequence Node 2: Sunroom Siesta
Antithesis, Triplet and Perfect Rhyme additionally increase the DMG of Poetic Essence once.
Sequence Node 3: Restless Sleep
Youhu's ATK is increased by 20%.
Sequence Node 4: Frosted Lullaby
Every time Resonance Skill Scroll Divination is cast, there is a 20% chance that the skill will not enter Cooldown.
Sequence Node 5: Dreamland Meander
When Intro Skill Scroll of Wonders is cast, Youhu's Crit. Rate is increased by 15% for 14s.
Sequence Node 6: Slumber Evermore
When casting Resonance Skill Antique Appraisal, gain 1 stack of Sky Blue, stackable up to 4 times, lasting for 7s. Each stack increases Youhu's Crit. DMG by 15%.

Voice Lines