Carlotta Coming Soon
Rarity 5-star
Element Glacio
Weapon Pistols
Birthday Coming Soon
Gender Coming Soon
Place of Birth Coming Soon
Affiliation Coming Soon
Voice Actors Coming Soon / Coming Soon / Coming Soon / Coming Soon
Signature Dish
Level HP Attack Defense
1 996 37 98
20 2,590 96 251
20+ 3,254 123 314
40 4,933 186 476
40+ 5,597 214 251
50 6,436 245 620
50+ 7,100 273 684
60 7,940 304 764
60+ 8,603 331 828
70 9,443 363 909
70+ 10,107 381 972
80 10,946 412 1,053
80+ 11,610 431 1,117
90 12,450 462 1,197
Resonance Chain
Voice Lines
Upgrade Cost
Normal Attack: Silent Execution
Basic Attack
Perform up to 2 consecutive strikes, dealing Glacio DMG.

Basic Attack - Necessary Measures
With Moldable Crystals, Carlotta's Basic Attack is replaced with Necessary Measures.
Chain up to 3 strikes, dealing Glacio DMG. Each strike of Necessary Measures consumes 1 Moldable Crystal.

Heavy Attack
Deliver a charged attack at the target at the cost of STA, dealing Glacio DMG.

Heavy Attack - Containment Tactics
When Carlotta's Substance is full, her Heavy Attack will be replaced with Containment Tactics: consume all Substance to deal Glacio DMG and reduce the cooldown of Resonance Skill Art of Violence by 6s.

Mid-air Attack
Perform a Plunging Attack at the cost of STA, dealing Glacio DMG. Using Basic Attack shortly after the landing will cast Customary Greetings.

Mid-air Attack - Customary Greetings
Flip over the target and deliver a surprise shot, dealing Glacio DMG.

Dodge Counter
Press Normal Attack shortly after a successful Dodge to deliver a riposte shot, dealing Glacio DMG. This consumes 1 Moldable Crystal.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Basic Attack Stage 1 27.20% 29.44% 31.67% 34.79% 37.02% 39.58% 43.15% 46.72% 50.29% 54.08%
Basic Attack Stage 2 19.89% + 19.89% + 26.52% 21.53% + 21.53% + 28.70% 23.16% + 23.16% + 30.87% 25.44% + 25.44% + 33.92% 27.07% + 27.07% + 36.09% 28.95% + 28.95% + 38.59% 31.56% + 31.56% + 42.07% 34.17% + 34.17% + 45.55% 36.78% + 36.78% + 49.03% 39.55% + 39.55% + 52.73%
Necessary Measures Stage 1 DMG 33.15% 35.87% 38.59% 42.40% 45.12% 48.24% 52.59% 56.94% 61.29% 65.91%
Necessary Measures Stage 2 DMG 30.22% + 36.94% 32.70% + 39.97% 35.18% + 42.99% 38.65% + 47.23% 41.12% + 50.26% 43.97% + 53.75% 47.94% + 58.59% 51.90% + 63.44% 55.87% + 68.28% 60.08% + 73.43%
Necessary Measures Stage 3 DMG 70.38% + 11.73%*4 76.16% + 12.70%*4 81.93% + 13.66%*4 90.01% + 15.01%*4 95.78% + 15.97%*4 102.41% + 17.07%*4 111.65% + 18.61%*4 120.88% + 20.15%*4 130.12% + 21.69%*4 139.93% + 23.33%*4
Heavy Attack DMG 11.48%*2 + 11.48%*2 + 30.60% 12.42%*2 + 12.42%*2 + 33.11% 13.36%*2 + 13.36%*2 + 35.62% 14.68%*2 + 14.68%*2 + 39.14% 15.62%*2 + 15.62%*2 + 41.65% 16.70%*2 + 16.70%*2 + 44.53% 18.21%*2 + 18.21%*2 + 48.55% 19.71%*2 + 19.71%*2 + 52.56% 21.22%*2 + 21.22%*2 + 56.58% 22.82%*2 + 22.82%*2 + 60.84%
Containment Tactics DMG 17.22%*2 + 17.22%*2 + 45.90% 18.63%*2 + 18.63%*2 + 49.67% 20.04%*2 + 20.04%*2 + 53.43% 22.02%*2 + 22.02%*2 + 58.70% 23.43%*2 + 23.43%*2 + 62.47% 25.05%*2 + 25.05%*2 + 66.79% 27.31%*2 + 27.31%*2 + 72.82% 29.57%*2 + 29.57%*2 + 78.84% 31.83%*2 + 31.83%*2 + 84.86% 34.23%*2 + 34.23%*2 + 91.26%
Mid-air Attack DMG 52.70% 57.03% 61.35% 67.40% 71.72% 76.69% 83.60% 90.52% 97.43% 104.78%
Customary Greetings DMG 54.32% + 66.39% 58.77% + 71.83% 63.23% + 77.28% 69.46% + 84.90% 73.92% + 90.34% 79.04% + 96.60% 86.16% + 105.31% 93.29% + 114.02% 100.42% + 122.73% 107.99% + 131.99%
Dodge Counter DMG 52.20% + 69.19% 56.48% + 74.86% 60.76% + 80.54% 66.75% + 88.48% 71.03% + 94.15% 75.95% + 100.68% 82.80% + 109.76% 89.65% + 118.83% 96.49% + 127.91% 103.77% + 137.55%
Heavy Attack STA Cost 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Mid-air Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Containment Tactics Concerto Regen 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 27.2% 29.44% 31.67% 34.79% 37.02% 39.58% 43.15% 46.72% 50.29% 54.08% 0.8 1.6 1.0 0.256 Basic
2 Glacio Damage ATK 19.89% 21.53% 23.16% 25.44% 27.07% 28.95% 31.56% 34.17% 36.78% 39.55% 0.59 1.17 1.0 0.1872 Basic
3 Glacio Damage ATK 19.89% 21.53% 23.16% 25.44% 27.07% 28.95% 31.56% 34.17% 36.78% 39.55% 0.59 1.17 1.0 0.1872 Basic
4 Glacio Damage ATK 26.52% 28.7% 30.87% 33.92% 36.09% 38.59% 42.07% 45.55% 49.03% 52.73% 0.78 1.56 1.0 0.2496 Basic
5 Glacio Damage ATK 33.15% 35.87% 38.59% 42.4% 45.12% 48.24% 52.59% 56.94% 61.29% 65.91% 0.98 1.95 1.0 0.312 Basic
6 Glacio Damage ATK 30.22% 32.7% 35.18% 38.65% 41.12% 43.97% 47.94% 51.9% 55.87% 60.08% 0.89 1.78 1.0 0.2844 Basic
7 Glacio Damage ATK 36.94% 39.97% 42.99% 47.23% 50.26% 53.75% 58.59% 63.44% 68.28% 73.43% 1.09 2.18 1.0 0.3476 Basic
8 Glacio Damage ATK 70.38% 76.16% 81.93% 90.01% 95.78% 102.41% 111.65% 120.88% 130.12% 139.93% 2.07 4.14 1.0 0.6624 Basic
9 Glacio Damage ATK 11.73% 12.7% 13.66% 15.01% 15.97% 17.07% 18.61% 20.15% 21.69% 23.33% 0.35 0.69 1.0 0.1104 Basic
10 Glacio Damage ATK 11.73% 12.7% 13.66% 15.01% 15.97% 17.07% 18.61% 20.15% 21.69% 23.33% 0.35 0.69 1.0 0.1104 Basic
11 Glacio Damage ATK 11.73% 12.7% 13.66% 15.01% 15.97% 17.07% 18.61% 20.15% 21.69% 23.33% 0.35 0.69 1.0 0.1104 Basic
12 Glacio Damage ATK 11.73% 12.7% 13.66% 15.01% 15.97% 17.07% 18.61% 20.15% 21.69% 23.33% 0.35 0.69 1.0 0.1104 Basic
13 Glacio Damage ATK 11.48% 12.42% 13.36% 14.68% 15.62% 16.7% 18.21% 19.71% 21.22% 22.82% 0.34 0.68 1.0 0.108 Heavy
14 Glacio Damage ATK 11.48% 12.42% 13.36% 14.68% 15.62% 16.7% 18.21% 19.71% 21.22% 22.82% 0.34 0.68 1.0 0.108 Heavy
15 Glacio Damage ATK 30.6% 33.11% 35.62% 39.14% 41.65% 44.53% 48.55% 52.56% 56.58% 60.84% 0.9 1.8 1.0 0.288 Heavy
16 Glacio Damage ATK 17.22% 18.63% 20.04% 22.02% 23.43% 25.05% 27.31% 29.57% 31.83% 34.23% 0.34 0.0 1.0 0.108 Heavy
17 Glacio Damage ATK 17.22% 18.63% 20.04% 22.02% 23.43% 25.05% 27.31% 29.57% 31.83% 34.23% 0.34 0.0 1.0 0.108 Heavy
18 Glacio Damage ATK 45.9% 49.67% 53.43% 58.7% 62.47% 66.79% 72.82% 78.84% 84.86% 91.26% 0.9 0.0 1.0 0.288 Heavy
19 Glacio Damage ATK 52.7% 57.03% 61.35% 67.4% 71.72% 76.69% 83.6% 90.52% 97.43% 104.78% 3.0 6.0 1.0 0.96 Basic
20 Glacio Damage ATK 54.32% 58.77% 63.23% 69.46% 73.92% 79.04% 86.16% 93.29% 100.42% 107.99% 0.95 1.89 1.0 0.3024 Basic
21 Glacio Damage ATK 66.39% 71.83% 77.28% 84.9% 90.34% 96.6% 105.31% 114.02% 122.73% 131.99% 1.16 2.31 1.0 0.3696 Basic
22 Glacio Damage ATK 52.2% 56.48% 60.76% 66.75% 71.03% 75.95% 82.8% 89.65% 96.49% 103.77% 1.54 3.08 1.0 0.4913 Basic
23 Glacio Damage ATK 69.19% 74.86% 80.54% 88.48% 94.15% 100.68% 109.76% 118.83% 127.91% 137.55% 2.04 4.07 1.0 0.6512 Basic
24 Glacio Damage ATK 20.4% 22.08% 23.75% 26.09% 27.77% 29.69% 32.37% 35.04% 37.72% 40.56% 0.6 1.2 1.0 0.192 Basic
25 Glacio Damage ATK 30.6% 33.11% 35.62% 39.14% 41.65% 44.53% 48.55% 52.56% 56.58% 60.84% 0.9 1.8 1.0 0.288 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Skill: Art of Violence
Deal Glacio DMG and inflict Dispersion on the target. Press Resonance Skill again shortly after to cast Chromatic Splendor.

Targets with Dispersion are immobilized for 1.5s.

Chromatic Splendor
Consume all Moldable Crystals and deal Glacio DMG.
The Resonance Skill enters cooldown after a while if Chromatic Splendor is not cast or Carlotta is switched off the field.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 72.49% + 72.49% 78.43% + 78.43% 84.37% + 84.37% 92.69% + 92.69% 98.64% + 98.64% 105.47% + 105.47% 114.98% + 114.98% 124.49% + 124.49% 134.00% + 134.00% 144.11% + 144.11%
Chromatic Splendor DMG 56.70% + 56.70% + 170.10% 61.35% + 61.35% + 184.05% 66.00% + 66.00% + 198.00% 72.51% + 72.51% + 217.53% 77.16% + 77.16% + 231.48% 82.51% + 82.51% + 247.52% 89.95% + 89.95% + 269.83% 97.39% + 97.39% + 292.15% 104.83% + 104.83% + 314.47% 112.73% + 112.73% + 338.18%
Cooldown 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Concerto Regen 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Chromatic Splendor Concerto Regen 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 72.49% 78.43% 84.37% 92.69% 98.64% 105.47% 114.98% 124.49% 134.0% 144.11% 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Skill
2 Glacio Damage ATK 72.49% 78.43% 84.37% 92.69% 98.64% 105.47% 114.98% 124.49% 134.0% 144.11% 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Skill
3 Glacio Damage ATK 56.7% 61.35% 66.0% 72.51% 77.16% 82.51% 89.95% 97.39% 104.83% 112.73% 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
4 Glacio Damage ATK 56.7% 61.35% 66.0% 72.51% 77.16% 82.51% 89.95% 97.39% 104.83% 112.73% 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
5 Glacio Damage ATK 170.1% 184.05% 198.0% 217.53% 231.48% 247.52% 269.83% 292.15% 314.47% 338.18% 1.8 0.0 1.0 1.2 Skill
6 Glacio Damage ATK 123.22% 133.33% 143.43% 157.58% 167.68% 179.3% 195.47% 211.63% 227.8% 244.98% 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Skill
7 Glacio Damage ATK 123.22% 133.33% 143.43% 157.58% 167.68% 179.3% 195.47% 211.63% 227.8% 244.98% 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Skill
8 Glacio Damage ATK 96.39% 104.3% 112.2% 123.27% 131.17% 140.26% 152.91% 165.55% 178.2% 191.64% 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
9 Glacio Damage ATK 96.39% 104.3% 112.2% 123.27% 131.17% 140.26% 152.91% 165.55% 178.2% 191.64% 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
10 Glacio Damage ATK 289.17% 312.89% 336.6% 369.8% 393.51% 420.78% 458.72% 496.65% 534.59% 574.9% 1.8 0.0 1.0 1.2 Skill
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Liberation: Era of New Wave
Deal Glacio DMG to all targets in an area (considered Resonance Skill DMG) and inflict Deconstruction on targets hit, then activate Twilight Tango.
Can be cast in mid-air close to the ground.

Dealing DMG to targets inflicted with Deconstruction ignores 18% of their DEF.

Twilight Tango
While in Twilight Tango, press Normal Attack or Resonance Liberation to cast Death Knell.
Each Death Knell grants 1 Meta Vector.
With 4 Meta Vectors, press Normal Attack or Resonance Liberation to cast Fatal Finale.
- All Substance is removed when activating and ending Twilight Tango. Cannot perform Basic Attack Necessary Measures, Heavy Attack Containment Tactics, and Heavy Attack Imminent Oblivion while in Twilight Tango.

Death Knell
Carlotta fires powerful shots with her musket and summons 4 crystal shards to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG, considered Resonance Skill DMG.
- Carlotta moves in the direction of the movement input with each shot of Death Knell.

Fatal Finale
Deal Glacio DMG to an area, considered Resonance Skill DMG.
- Twilight Tango ends after casting Fatal Finale.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 202.56% 219.17% 235.78% 259.03% 275.64% 294.74% 321.32% 347.89% 374.47% 402.71%
Death Knell DMG 92.37% + 7.30%*4 99.94% + 7.89%*4 107.52% + 8.49%*4 118.12% + 9.33%*4 125.70% + 9.93%*4 134.41% + 10.62%*4 146.52% + 11.57%*4 158.64% + 12.53%*4 170.76% + 13.49%*4 183.64% + 14.50%*4
Fatal Finale DMG 324.09% 350.67% 377.24% 414.45% 441.03% 471.59% 514.11% 556.63% 599.15% 644.33%
Skill Cooldown 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Resonance Cost 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Death Knell Concerto Regen 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Fatal Finale Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Deconstruction Duration 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Twilight Tango Duration 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 202.56% 219.17% 235.78% 259.03% 275.64% 294.74% 321.32% 347.89% 374.47% 402.71% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Skill
2 Glacio Damage ATK 324.09% 350.67% 377.24% 414.45% 441.03% 471.59% 514.11% 556.63% 599.15% 644.33% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Skill
3 Glacio Damage ATK 92.37% 99.94% 107.52% 118.12% 125.7% 134.41% 146.52% 158.64% 170.76% 183.64% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
4 Glacio Damage ATK 92.37% 99.94% 107.52% 118.12% 125.7% 134.41% 146.52% 158.64% 170.76% 183.64% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
5 Glacio Damage ATK 92.37% 99.94% 107.52% 118.12% 125.7% 134.41% 146.52% 158.64% 170.76% 183.64% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
6 Glacio Damage ATK 92.37% 99.94% 107.52% 118.12% 125.7% 134.41% 146.52% 158.64% 170.76% 183.64% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
7 Glacio Damage ATK 269.2% 291.28% 313.35% 344.25% 366.33% 391.71% 427.03% 462.35% 497.67% 535.19% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
8 Glacio Damage ATK 269.2% 291.28% 313.35% 344.25% 366.33% 391.71% 427.03% 462.35% 497.67% 535.19% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
9 Glacio Damage ATK 269.2% 291.28% 313.35% 344.25% 366.33% 391.71% 427.03% 462.35% 497.67% 535.19% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
10 Glacio Damage ATK 269.2% 291.28% 313.35% 344.25% 366.33% 391.71% 427.03% 462.35% 497.67% 535.19% 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.7296 Skill
11 Glacio Damage ATK 7.3% 7.89% 8.49% 9.33% 9.93% 10.62% 11.57% 12.53% 13.49% 14.5% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0576 Skill
12 Glacio Damage ATK 7.3% 7.89% 8.49% 9.33% 9.93% 10.62% 11.57% 12.53% 13.49% 14.5% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0576 Skill
13 Glacio Damage ATK 7.3% 7.89% 8.49% 9.33% 9.93% 10.62% 11.57% 12.53% 13.49% 14.5% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0576 Skill
14 Glacio Damage ATK 7.3% 7.89% 8.49% 9.33% 9.93% 10.62% 11.57% 12.53% 13.49% 14.5% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0576 Skill
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Intro Skill: Wintertime Aria
Attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 90.00% + 30.00%*2 97.38% + 32.46%*2 104.76% + 34.92%*2 115.10% + 38.37%*2 122.48% + 40.83%*2 130.96% + 43.66%*2 142.77% + 47.59%*2 154.58% + 51.53%*2 166.39% + 55.47%*2 178.93% + 59.65%*2
Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 90.0% 97.38% 104.76% 115.1% 122.48% 130.96% 142.77% 154.58% 166.39% 178.93% 6.0 0.0 1.0 0.6 Intro
2 Glacio Damage ATK 30.0% 32.46% 34.92% 38.37% 40.83% 43.66% 47.59% 51.53% 55.47% 59.65% 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 Intro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Outro Skill: Closing Remark
Attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG equal to 794.2% of Carlotta's ATK
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 794.2% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
2 Glacio Damage ATK 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 1032.18% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Forte Circuit: Lethal Repertoire
Heavy Attack - Imminent Oblivion
Carlotta activates Tinted Crystal every 22s.
When Substance is full and Tinted Crystal is activated, hold Normal Attack to consume all Substance and cast Heavy Attack Imminent Oblivion, after which Tinted Crystal enters cooldown.
Deal Glacio DMG (considered Resonance Skill DMG), reduce the cooldown of Resonance Skill Art of Violence by 6s, and enter Grand Unveiling state.

Grand Unveiling
Increase the DMG Multiplier of Resonance Liberation Era of New Wave , Resonance Liberation Death Knell, Resonance Liberation Fatal Finale by 80%. Switching to other Resonators ends this effect.
Carlotta can hold up to 120 points of Substance.
Cannot gain Substance while in Twilight Tango triggered by Resonance Liberation.
Restore 30 point of Substance upon casting Intro Skill Wintertime Aria.
Restore 10 point of Substance for every 1 Moldable Crystal consumed upon casting Resonance Skill Chromatic Splendor.
Restore 10 point of Substance for every 1 Moldable Crystal consumed upon casting Basic Attack Necessary Measures.
Consume 1 Moldable Crystal and restore 10 point of Substance upon casting Dodge Counter.

Moldable Crystal
Carlotta can hold up to 6 Moldable Crystals.
Cannot gain Moldable Crystal while in Twilight Tango triggered by Resonance Liberation.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon casting Basic Attack Stage 2.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon casting Heavy Attack.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon casting Mid-air Attack Customary Greetings.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon casting Intro Skill Wintertime Aria.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon casting Resonance Skill Art of Violence.
Restore 3 Moldable Crystal upon a successful Dodge.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Imminent Oblivion DMG 33.62%*5 + 252.11% 36.38%*5 + 272.78% 39.13%*5 + 293.45% 42.99%*5 + 322.39% 45.75%*5 + 343.07% 48.92%*5 + 366.84% 53.33%*5 + 399.92% 57.74%*5 + 432.99% 62.15%*5 + 466.07% 66.83%*5 + 501.21%
Tinted Crystal Cooldown 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Imminent Oblivion Concerto Regen 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Moldable Crystal Duration 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Grand Unveiling Duration 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Glacio Damage ATK 33.62% 36.38% 39.13% 42.99% 45.75% 48.92% 53.33% 57.74% 62.15% 66.83% 1.36 0.0 1.0 0.1069 Skill
2 Glacio Damage ATK 33.62% 36.38% 39.13% 42.99% 45.75% 48.92% 53.33% 57.74% 62.15% 66.83% 1.36 0.0 1.0 0.1069 Skill
3 Glacio Damage ATK 252.11% 272.78% 293.45% 322.39% 343.07% 366.84% 399.92% 432.99% 466.07% 501.21% 10.2 0.0 1.0 0.8016 Skill
4 Glacio Damage ATK 47.06% 50.92% 54.78% 60.18% 64.04% 68.48% 74.66% 80.83% 87.0% 93.56% 1.36 0.0 1.0 0.1069 Skill
5 Glacio Damage ATK 47.06% 50.92% 54.78% 60.18% 64.04% 68.48% 74.66% 80.83% 87.0% 93.56% 1.36 0.0 1.0 0.1069 Skill
6 Glacio Damage ATK 352.95% 381.89% 410.83% 451.35% 480.29% 513.57% 559.88% 606.19% 652.49% 701.69% 10.2 0.0 1.0 0.8016 Skill
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Flawless Purity
After casting Resonance Skill Chromatic Splendor, Carlotta can perform Mid-air Attacks while being immune to any DMG or interruptions before the Mid-air Attack deals DMG.
When Carlotta is on the team, the Resonator on the field's Flight STA cost is reduced by 20%.
Inherent Skill: Ars Gratia Artis
Intro Skill Wintertime Aria, Resonance Skill Chromatic Splendor, Resonance Liberation Death Knell, and Heavy Attack Imminent Oblivion can inflict Deconstruction.
Inherent Skill: Skillful Cooking
Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Resonance Chain Sequence Node 1: Beauty Blazes Brightest Before It Fades
Casting Resonance Skill Art of Violence increases Glacio DMG Bonus by 25% for 15s.
When Resonance Skill Chromatic Splendor hits a target inflicted with Dispersion, Carlotta additionally restores 30 points of Substance.
Sequence Node 2: Fallen Petals Give Life to New Blooms
Dealing DMG to targets inflicted with Deconstruction increases the Crit. Rate of this attack by 25%.
Sequence Node 3: Adelante, Cortado, Spinning in Grace
Enable Outro Skill Kaleidoscope Sparks: Deal 1 additional strike at the end of Outro Skill Closing Remark, dealing Glacio DMG equal to 1032.18% of Carlotta's ATK. The DMG Multiplier of Resonance Skill Art of Violence and Resonance Skill Chromatic Splendor is increased by 70%.
Sequence Node 4: Yesterday's Raindrops Make Finest Wine
Casting Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack Containment Tactics, and Heavy Attack Imminent Oblivion grants all team members 25% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus for 30s.
Sequence Node 5: Toast to Past, Today, and Every Day to Come
The DMG Multiplier of Heavy Attack Imminent Oblivion is increased by 40%.
Sequence Node 6: As the Curtain Falls, I Remain What I Am
Shots of Resonance Liberation Death Knell deal higher DMG and shoot out double the number of crystal shards, representing a total increase of 169.5% in the DMG Multiplier of Resonance Liberation Death Knell.
Shots of Resonance Liberation Death Knell inflict Scattering on targets when hit, during which the target is immobilized. This effect is removed after 1.5s or when the target receives DMG.
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