Basic Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heavy Attack Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heavy Attack: Rapsodia Improvviso Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG. - After performing Basic Attack Stage 2 or Stage 4, hold the Basic Attack button to perform Heavy Attack: Rapsodia Improvviso. - After performing Mid-air Attack Stage 4, press the Basic Attack button to perform Heavy Attack: Rapsodia Improvviso.
Mid-air Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG. Hold the Basic Attack button mid-air to attack the target continuously until the attack ends or the button is released. Releasing the Basic Attack button during Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or 2 allows Brant to flip backward after hitting the target. Brant flips backward automatically after performing Mid-air Attack Stage 3. Press the Basic Attack button after each flip to perform the next stage of Mid-air Attack. If Mid-air Attack Stage 1 misses, Brant slashes forward instead, dealing Fusion DMG.
Dodge Counter Press the Basic Attack button after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Flip backward and shoot the target within the attack range, dealing Fusion DMG.
Mid-air Attack: Plunge Press the Resonance Skill button to perform Mid-air Attack: Plunge at the cost of STA, dealing Fusion DMG, which is considered Basic Attack DMG. - Perform Mid-air Attack Stage 1 to slash forward. If it misses, press the Basic Attack button to perform Mid-air Attack: Plunge instead. - If Mid-air Attack Stage 2 misses, press Basic Attack button to perform Mid-air Attack: Plunge instead.
Deal Fusion DMG to the target within the attack range and enter Aflame mode that heals all Resonators in the team for 12s. Can be performed in mid-air.
Aflame When Normal Attack or Resonance Skill Anchors Aweigh! hits the target, Bravo Regen is increased by 100%. Meanwhile, Forte Circuit Staged Moment is replaced by My Moment.
My Moment Additionally increase Brant's ATK based on his Energy Regen: When Brant's Energy Regen exceeds 150%, for every 1% of Energy Regen beyond 150%, Brant gains a 20 increase of ATK, up to 2600.
The incoming Resonator has their Fusion DMG Amplified by 20% and Resonance Skill DMG Amplified by 25% for 14s or until the Resonator is switched out.
Forte Circuit: Saga at Sea
Staged Moment Additionally increase Brant's ATK based on his Energy Regen: When Brant's Energy Regen exceeds 150%, for every 1% of Energy Regen beyond 150%, Brant gains a 12 increase of ATK, up to 1560.
Waves of Acclaims Heal all Resonators in the team when Bravo reaches 25, 50, 75, and 100.
Returned from Ashes When Bravo is fully restored, replace Resonance Skill Anchor Aweigh! with Returned from Ashes. Consume all Bravo to perform Returned from Ashes, dealing Fusion DMG and granting a shield. The DMG dealt is considered Basic Attack DMG. Performing it in Aflame mode will end this mode instantly.
Bravo Brant can hold up to 100 Bravo. - Obtain Bravo when Normal Attack hits the target. - Obtain Bravo when performing Intro Skill. - Obtain Bravo when Resonance Attack hits the target,
Resonance ChainSequence Node 1: By Currents and WindsPerforming Returned from Ashes temporarily reduces the movement speed of nearby targets. Performing Intro Skill or flipping after each stage of Mid-air Attack increases Brant's DMG by 20% for 4s, stacking up to 3 times.Sequence Node 2: For Smiles and CheersIncrease the Crit Rate of Mid-air Attack and Returned from Ashes by 30%. Performing Intro Skill marks a target for 20s. The mark explodes upon taking Resonance Skill DMG, triggering once per second and dealing Fusion DMG equal to 440% of Brant’s ATK. This DMG dealt is considered Basic Attack DMG. Each mark can explode up to 2 times.Sequence Node 3: Through Storms I SailThe multiplier of the DMG dealt by Returned from Ashes is increased by 50%.Sequence Node 4: To Freedom I SingThe Shield obtained from Returned from Ashes is increased by 20%.Sequence Node 5: All the World's A Stage, Says the ActorWhen dealing Basic Attack DMG to the target, Brant's Basic Attack DMG is increased by 15% for 10s.Sequence Node 6: All the World's A Carnevale, Says BrantMid-air Attack's multiplier is increased by 30%. Performing Returned from Ashes generates an explosion, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 36% of the DMG dealt by Returned from Ashes. The explosion DMG is considered Basic Attack DMG.StoriesComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing SoonComing Soon