Jinhsi Thawborn Renewal
Rarity 5-star
Element Spectro
Weapon Broadblade
Birthday March 6th
Gender Female
Place of Birth Huanglong
Affiliation Jinzhou
Voice Actors Yoshino Aoyama / Jiang Yue / Anna Devlin / Park Ha Jin
Signature Dish
Jinhsi, Magistrate of Jinzhou, gently brightens the hopes of her people, like rays of winter sunlight. As the revered Sentinel's Appointed Resonator, she displays humility and wholeheartedly commits herself to guiding her people towards a brilliant future.
Level HP Attack Defense
1 866 33 103
20 2,252 85 264
20+ 2,829 110 331
40 4,289 166 500
40+ 4,866 190 264
50 5,596 218 652
50+ 6,173 243 719
60 6,903 271 803
60+ 7,480 296 870
70 8,210 323 955
70+ 8,788 340 1,022
80 9,517 368 1,107
80+ 10,095 384 1,174
90 10,825 412 1,258
Resonance Chain
Voice Lines
Upgrade Cost
Normal Attack: Slash of Breaking Dawn
Basic Attack
Perform up to 4 consecutive strikes, dealing Spectro DMG.

Heavy Attack
Perform a charged attack at the cost of STA, dealing Spectro DMG.

Mid-air Attack
Perform a Plunging Attack while in mid-air at the cost of STA, dealing Spectro DMG.

Dodge Counter
Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to counterattack, dealing Spectro DMG.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Stage 1 DMG 33.43% 36.18% 38.92% 42.75% 45.50% 48.65% 53.03% 57.42% 61.81% 66.47%
Stage 2 DMG 19.61% + 9.81%*3 21.22% + 10.61%*3 22.83% + 11.42%*3 25.08% + 12.54%*3 26.69% + 13.35%*3 28.54% + 14.27%*3 31.11% + 15.56%*3 33.68% + 16.84%*3 36.26% + 18.13%*3 38.99% + 19.50%*3
Stage 3 DMG 5.36%*7 + 16.07% 5.80%*7 + 17.39% 6.24%*7 + 18.70% 6.85%*7 + 20.55% 7.29%*7 + 21.86% 7.80%*7 + 23.38% 8.50%*7 + 25.49% 9.20%*7 + 27.59% 9.90%*7 + 29.70% 10.65%*7 + 31.94%
Stage 4 DMG 31.74% + 47.60% 34.34% + 51.51% 36.94% + 55.41% 40.58% + 60.87% 43.19% + 64.78% 46.18% + 69.26% 50.34% + 75.51% 54.50% + 81.75% 58.67% + 88.00% 63.09% + 94.63%
Heavy Attack DMG 12.00%*5 + 18.00% + 42.00% 12.99%*5 + 19.48% + 45.45% 13.97%*5 + 20.96% + 48.89% 15.35%*5 + 23.02% + 53.71% 16.33%*5 + 24.50% + 57.16% 17.47%*5 + 26.20% + 61.12% 19.04%*5 + 28.56% + 66.63% 20.61%*5 + 30.92% + 72.14% 22.19%*5 + 33.28% + 77.65% 23.86%*5 + 35.79% + 83.51%
Mid-air Attack DMG 6.20% + 12.40% + 43.40% 6.71% + 13.42% + 46.96% 7.22% + 14.44% + 50.52% 7.93% + 15.86% + 55.50% 8.44% + 16.88% + 59.06% 9.03% + 18.05% + 63.16% 9.84% + 19.68% + 68.85% 10.65% + 21.30% + 74.54% 11.47% + 22.93% + 80.24% 12.33% + 24.66% + 86.29%
Dodge Counter DMG 7.38%*7 + 22.14% 7.99%*7 + 23.96% 8.59%*7 + 25.77% 9.44%*7 + 28.32% 10.05%*7 + 30.13% 10.74%*7 + 32.22% 11.71%*7 + 35.12% 12.68%*7 + 38.03% 13.65%*7 + 40.93% 14.68%*7 + 44.02%
Heavy Attack STA Cost 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Mid-air Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Spectro Damage ATK 10.72% 11.6% 12.48% 13.7% 14.58% 15.6% 17.0% 18.4% 19.8% 21.3% 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.0952 Basic
2 Spectro Damage ATK 32.14% 34.78% 37.4% 41.1% 43.72% 46.76% 50.98% 55.18% 59.4% 63.88% 0.6 1.19 1.0 0.2856 Basic
3 Spectro Damage ATK 158.68% 171.7% 184.7% 202.9% 215.94% 230.88% 251.7% 272.5% 293.34% 315.44% 2.95 5.89 1.0 1.4104 Basic
4 Spectro Damage ATK 33.43% 36.18% 38.92% 42.75% 45.5% 48.65% 53.03% 57.42% 61.81% 66.47% 1.24 2.48 1.0 0.5943 Basic
5 Spectro Damage ATK 19.61% 21.22% 22.83% 25.08% 26.69% 28.54% 31.11% 33.68% 36.26% 38.99% 0.73 1.46 1.0 0.3486 Basic
6 Spectro Damage ATK 9.81% 10.61% 11.42% 12.54% 13.35% 14.27% 15.56% 16.84% 18.13% 19.5% 0.37 0.73 1.0 0.1743 Basic
7 Spectro Damage ATK 5.36% 5.8% 6.24% 6.85% 7.29% 7.8% 8.5% 9.2% 9.9% 10.65% 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.0952 Basic
8 Spectro Damage ATK 16.07% 17.39% 18.7% 20.55% 21.86% 23.38% 25.49% 27.59% 29.7% 31.94% 0.6 1.19 1.0 0.2856 Basic
9 Spectro Damage ATK 31.74% 34.34% 36.94% 40.58% 43.19% 46.18% 50.34% 54.5% 58.67% 63.09% 1.18 2.36 1.0 0.5642 Basic
10 Spectro Damage ATK 47.6% 51.51% 55.41% 60.87% 64.78% 69.26% 75.51% 81.75% 88.0% 94.63% 1.77 3.53 1.0 0.8462 Basic
11 Spectro Damage ATK 12.0% 12.99% 13.97% 15.35% 16.33% 17.47% 19.04% 20.61% 22.19% 23.86% 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.192 Heavy
12 Spectro Damage ATK 18.0% 19.48% 20.96% 23.02% 24.5% 26.2% 28.56% 30.92% 33.28% 35.79% 0.6 1.2 1.0 0.288 Heavy
13 Spectro Damage ATK 42.0% 45.45% 48.89% 53.71% 57.16% 61.12% 66.63% 72.14% 77.65% 83.51% 1.4 2.8 1.0 0.672 Heavy
14 Spectro Damage ATK 6.2% 6.71% 7.22% 7.93% 8.44% 9.03% 9.84% 10.65% 11.47% 12.33% 0.06 0.1 1.0 0.062 Basic
15 Spectro Damage ATK 12.4% 13.42% 14.44% 15.86% 16.88% 18.05% 19.68% 21.3% 22.93% 24.66% 0.11 0.2 1.0 0.124 Basic
16 Spectro Damage ATK 43.4% 46.96% 50.52% 55.5% 59.06% 63.16% 68.85% 74.54% 80.24% 86.29% 0.37 0.7 1.0 0.434 Basic
17 Spectro Damage ATK 7.38% 7.99% 8.59% 9.44% 10.05% 10.74% 11.71% 12.68% 13.65% 14.68% 0.28 0.55 1.0 0.15 Basic
18 Spectro Damage ATK 22.14% 23.96% 25.77% 28.32% 30.13% 32.22% 35.12% 38.03% 40.93% 44.02% 0.82 1.64 1.0 0.45 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Skill: Trailing Lights of Eons
Dash forward and perform consecutive strikes that inflict Spectro DMG.

Overflowing Radiance
After Jinhsi uses Basic Attack 4 or, while not in Incarnation, Intro Skill Loong's Halo, an alternative Resonance Skill Overflowing Radiance is available within 5s.
Resonance Skill Overflowing Radiance inflicts Spectro DMG and sends Jinhsi into Incarnation.
Can be cast in mid-air.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 9.79%*4 + 39.15% 10.60%*4 + 42.37% 11.40%*4 + 45.58% 12.52%*4 + 50.07% 13.32%*4 + 53.28% 14.25%*4 + 56.97% 15.53%*4 + 62.11% 16.82%*4 + 67.25% 18.10%*4 + 72.38% 19.46%*4 + 77.84%
Overflowing Radiance DMG 4.96%*4 + 14.88%*4 + 19.84% 5.37%*4 + 16.11%*4 + 21.47% 5.78%*4 + 17.33%*4 + 23.10% 6.35%*4 + 19.03%*4 + 25.38% 6.75%*4 + 20.25%*4 + 27.00% 7.22%*4 + 21.66%*4 + 28.87% 7.87%*4 + 23.61%*4 + 31.48% 8.52%*4 + 25.56%*4 + 34.08% 9.17%*4 + 27.51%*4 + 36.68% 9.87%*4 + 29.59%*4 + 39.45%
Incarnation Duration 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Cooldown 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Overflowing Radiance Cooldown 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Overflowing Radiance Concerto Regen 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Spectro Damage ATK 9.79% 10.6% 11.4% 12.52% 13.32% 14.25% 15.53% 16.82% 18.1% 19.46% 0.28 0.55 1.0 0.25 Skill
2 Spectro Damage ATK 9.79% 10.6% 11.4% 12.52% 13.32% 14.25% 15.53% 16.82% 18.1% 19.46% 0.28 0.55 1.0 0.25 Skill
3 Spectro Damage ATK 9.79% 10.6% 11.4% 12.52% 13.32% 14.25% 15.53% 16.82% 18.1% 19.46% 0.28 0.55 1.0 0.25 Skill
4 Spectro Damage ATK 9.79% 10.6% 11.4% 12.52% 13.32% 14.25% 15.53% 16.82% 18.1% 19.46% 0.28 0.55 1.0 0.25 Skill
5 Spectro Damage ATK 39.15% 42.37% 45.58% 50.07% 53.28% 56.97% 62.11% 67.25% 72.38% 77.84% 1.09 2.18 1.0 1.0 Skill
6 Spectro Damage ATK 4.96% 5.37% 5.78% 6.35% 6.75% 7.22% 7.87% 8.52% 9.17% 9.87% 0.07 0.0 1.0 0.1 Skill
7 Spectro Damage ATK 4.96% 5.37% 5.78% 6.35% 6.75% 7.22% 7.87% 8.52% 9.17% 9.87% 0.07 0.0 1.0 0.1 Skill
8 Spectro Damage ATK 4.96% 5.37% 5.78% 6.35% 6.75% 7.22% 7.87% 8.52% 9.17% 9.87% 0.07 0.0 1.0 0.1 Skill
9 Spectro Damage ATK 4.96% 5.37% 5.78% 6.35% 6.75% 7.22% 7.87% 8.52% 9.17% 9.87% 0.07 0.0 1.0 0.1 Skill
10 Spectro Damage ATK 14.88% 16.11% 17.33% 19.03% 20.25% 21.66% 23.61% 25.56% 27.51% 29.59% 0.19 0.0 1.0 0.3 Skill
11 Spectro Damage ATK 14.88% 16.11% 17.33% 19.03% 20.25% 21.66% 23.61% 25.56% 27.51% 29.59% 0.19 0.0 1.0 0.3 Skill
12 Spectro Damage ATK 14.88% 16.11% 17.33% 19.03% 20.25% 21.66% 23.61% 25.56% 27.51% 29.59% 0.19 0.0 1.0 0.3 Skill
13 Spectro Damage ATK 14.88% 16.11% 17.33% 19.03% 20.25% 21.66% 23.61% 25.56% 27.51% 29.59% 0.19 0.0 1.0 0.3 Skill
14 Spectro Damage ATK 19.84% 21.47% 23.1% 25.38% 27.0% 28.87% 31.48% 34.08% 36.68% 39.45% 0.25 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Liberation: Purge of Light
Unleash the power of invocation to deal Spectro DMG.
Can be cast in mid-air.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 251.40% + 586.60% 272.02% + 634.71% 292.63% + 682.81% 321.50% + 750.15% 342.11% + 798.25% 365.82% + 853.57% 398.80% + 930.53% 431.78% + 1007.49% 464.77% + 1084.45% 499.81% + 1166.22%
Cooldown 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Resonance Cost 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Spectro Damage ATK 251.4% 272.02% 292.63% 321.5% 342.11% 365.82% 398.8% 431.78% 464.77% 499.81% 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 Liberation
2 Spectro Damage ATK 553.08% 598.44% 643.79% 707.28% 752.64% 804.79% 877.36% 949.92% 1022.48% 1099.58% 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 Liberation
3 Spectro Damage ATK 586.6% 634.71% 682.81% 750.15% 798.25% 853.57% 930.53% 1007.49% 1084.45% 1166.22% 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.8 Liberation
4 Spectro Damage ATK 1290.52% 1396.35% 1502.17% 1650.32% 1756.14% 1877.84% 2047.16% 2216.47% 2385.79% 2565.69% 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.8 Liberation
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Radiant Surge
Jinhsi gains 20% Spectro DMG Bonus.
Inherent Skill: Converged Flash
DMG Multiplier of Intro Skill Loong's Halo is increased by 50%.
Intro Skill: Loong's Halo
Attack the target, dealing Spectro DMG.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 80.00% 86.56% 93.12% 102.31% 108.87% 116.41% 126.91% 137.40% 147.90% 159.05%
Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Spectro Damage ATK 80.0% 86.56% 93.12% 102.31% 108.87% 116.41% 126.91% 137.4% 147.9% 159.05% 10.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Intro
2 Spectro Damage ATK 120.0% 129.84% 139.68% 153.46% 163.3% 174.62% 190.36% 206.1% 221.85% 238.58% 10.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Intro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Outro Skill: Temporal Bender
Summoning the power homologous with the Sentinel, Jinhsi may now gain Incandescence via Eras in Unity from damage of the same Attribute more effectively, at 1 time(s) every 1s for 20s.
Forte Circuit: Luminal Synthesis
While in Incarnation:
- Alternative Basic Attack "Incarnation - Basic Attack" becomes available. Perform up to 4 consecutive strikes, dealing Spectro DMG considered as Resonance Skill DMG. The basic attack cycle of this will not be reset. Can be cast in mid-air.
- Alternative Resonance Skill "Crescent Divinity" becomes available. Deal Spectro DMG. Can be cast in mid-air.
- Alternative Heavy Attack "Incarnation - Heavy Attack" becomes available. Attack the target in mid-air at the cost of Stamina, dealing Spectro DMG.
- Alternative Dodge "Incarnation - Dodge" is available while in mid-air. Can be cast multiple times at the cost of Stamina.
- Alternative Dodge Counter "Incarnation - Dodge Counter" becomes available. Deal Spectro DMG.
Can be cast in mid-air.

Resonance Skill - Illuminous Epiphany
After Stage 4 of Incarnation - Basic Attack, Incarnation terminates and Jinhsi gains Ordination Glow.
Can be cast in mid-air.
While Ordination Glow lasts:
- Basic Attack is replaced with Heavy Attack "Incarnation - Heavy Attack". Attack the target in mid-air at the cost of Stamina, dealing Spectro DMG.
- Resonance Skill is replaced with Resonance Skill "Illuminous Epiphany". Send out Solar Flare that detonates as Stella Glamor, dealing Spectro DMG after a short delay. Consume up to 50 Incandescence, with each point of Incandescence granting bonus DMG Multiplier percentage to Stella Glamor.
Can be cast in mid-air.
- After casting Resonance Skill Illuminous Epiphany, Jinhsi gains Unison. This can be triggered once every 25s.

While Jinhsi has Unison, switching to other Resonators will remove Jinhsi's Unison to trigger Jinhsi's Outro Skill and the incoming Resonator's Intro Skill. Unison will be consumed in priority in place of Concerto Energy when Concerto Energy is full.

Jinhsi can hold up to 50 Incandescence.
When Jinhsi is in the party, all nearby Resonators in the party gain Eras in Unity.
Eras in Unity provides 2 independent effects:
Jinhsi gains 1 Incandescence anytime Resonators in the party inflict Attribute DMG. This effect may be triggered by damage of the same Attribute for up to 1 time(s) every 3s. Additionally, Jinhsi gains 2 Incandescence when Resonators in the party damage the enemy with Coordinated Attacks. This effect may be triggered by Coordinated Attacks of the same Attribute for up to 1 time(s) every 3s.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Incarnation - Basic Attack 1 DMG 44.58% 48.23% 51.89% 57.00% 60.66% 64.86% 70.71% 76.56% 82.41% 88.62%
Incarnation - Basic Attack 2 DMG 39.22% + 13.08% + 13.08% 42.44% + 14.15% + 14.15% 45.65% + 15.22% + 15.22% 50.16% + 16.72% + 16.72% 53.37% + 17.79% + 17.79% 57.07% + 19.03% + 19.03% 62.22% + 20.74% + 20.74% 67.36% + 22.46% + 22.46% 72.51% + 24.17% + 24.17% 77.97% + 25.99% + 25.99%
Incarnation - Basic Attack 3 DMG 50.02% + 33.35% 54.12% + 36.08% 58.23% + 38.82% 63.97% + 42.65% 68.07% + 45.38% 72.79% + 48.53% 79.35% + 52.90% 85.91% + 57.28% 92.47% + 61.65% 99.44% + 66.30%
Incarnation - Basic Attack 4 DMG 9.39%*6 + 37.56% 10.16%*6 + 40.64% 10.93%*6 + 43.72% 12.01%*6 + 48.03% 12.78%*6 + 51.11% 13.67%*6 + 54.65% 14.90%*6 + 59.58% 16.13%*6 + 64.51% 17.36%*6 + 69.44% 18.67%*6 + 74.67%
Incarnation - Heavy Attack DMG 24.00% + 56.00% 25.97% + 60.60% 27.94% + 65.19% 30.70% + 71.62% 32.66% + 76.21% 34.93% + 81.49% 38.08% + 88.84% 41.22% + 96.18% 44.37% + 103.53% 47.72% + 111.34%
Incarnation - Dodge Counter DMG 22.08% + 16.56%*2 + 55.19% 23.89% + 17.92%*2 + 59.71% 25.70% + 19.27%*2 + 64.24% 28.23% + 21.17%*2 + 70.57% 30.04% + 22.53%*2 + 75.10% 32.12% + 24.09%*2 + 80.30% 35.02% + 26.27%*2 + 87.54% 37.91% + 28.44%*2 + 94.78% 40.81% + 30.61%*2 + 102.02% 43.89% + 32.92%*2 + 109.71%
Crescent Divinity DMG 50.68% + 38.01%*2 + 126.70% 54.84% + 41.13%*2 + 137.09% 59.00% + 44.25%*2 + 147.48% 64.81% + 48.61%*2 + 162.03% 68.97% + 51.73%*2 + 172.42% 73.75% + 55.31%*2 + 184.37% 80.40% + 60.30%*2 + 200.99% 87.05% + 65.29%*2 + 217.61% 93.70% + 70.27%*2 + 234.24% 100.76% + 75.57%*2 + 251.90%
Illuminous Epiphany: Solar Flare DMG 10.00%*6 10.82%*6 11.64%*6 12.79%*6 13.61%*6 14.56%*6 15.87%*6 17.18%*6 18.49%*6 19.89%*6
Illuminous Epiphany: Stella Glamor DMG 175.00% 189.35% 203.70% 223.79% 238.14% 254.65% 277.61% 300.57% 323.53% 347.92%
Additional multiplier per Incandescence 22.40% 24.24% 26.08% 28.65% 30.49% 32.60% 35.54% 38.48% 41.42% 44.54%
Incarnation - Heavy Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Incarnation - Dodge STA Cost 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Ordination Glow Duration 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Unison Duration 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Crescent Divinity Cooldown 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Crescent Divinity Concerto Regen 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Illuminous Epiphany Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Spectro Damage ATK 44.58% 48.23% 51.89% 57.0% 60.66% 64.86% 70.71% 76.56% 82.41% 88.62% 1.24 1.24 1.0 0.5943 Skill
2 Spectro Damage ATK 39.22% 42.44% 45.65% 50.16% 53.37% 57.07% 62.22% 67.36% 72.51% 77.97% 1.09 1.09 1.0 0.5229 Skill
3 Spectro Damage ATK 13.08% 14.15% 15.22% 16.72% 17.79% 19.03% 20.74% 22.46% 24.17% 25.99% 0.37 0.37 1.0 0.1743 Skill
4 Spectro Damage ATK 13.08% 14.15% 15.22% 16.72% 17.79% 19.03% 20.74% 22.46% 24.17% 25.99% 0.37 0.37 1.0 0.1743 Skill
5 Spectro Damage ATK 50.02% 54.12% 58.23% 63.97% 68.07% 72.79% 79.35% 85.91% 92.47% 99.44% 1.39 1.39 1.0 0.6669 Skill
6 Spectro Damage ATK 33.35% 36.08% 38.82% 42.65% 45.38% 48.53% 52.9% 57.28% 61.65% 66.3% 0.93 0.93 1.0 0.4446 Skill
7 Spectro Damage ATK 9.39% 10.16% 10.93% 12.01% 12.78% 13.67% 14.9% 16.13% 17.36% 18.67% 0.27 0.27 1.0 0.1252 Skill
8 Spectro Damage ATK 37.56% 40.64% 43.72% 48.03% 51.11% 54.65% 59.58% 64.51% 69.44% 74.67% 1.05 1.05 1.0 0.5008 Skill
9 Spectro Damage ATK 24.0% 25.97% 27.94% 30.7% 32.66% 34.93% 38.08% 41.22% 44.37% 47.72% 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.24 Basic
10 Spectro Damage ATK 56.0% 60.6% 65.19% 71.62% 76.21% 81.49% 88.84% 96.18% 103.53% 111.34% 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.56 Basic
11 Spectro Damage ATK 50.68% 54.84% 59.0% 64.81% 68.97% 73.75% 80.4% 87.05% 93.7% 100.76% 0.64 0.0 1.0 0.4 Skill
12 Spectro Damage ATK 38.01% 41.13% 44.25% 48.61% 51.73% 55.31% 60.3% 65.29% 70.27% 75.57% 0.48 0.0 1.0 0.3 Skill
13 Spectro Damage ATK 126.7% 137.09% 147.48% 162.03% 172.42% 184.37% 200.99% 217.61% 234.24% 251.9% 1.59 0.0 1.0 1.0 Skill
14 Spectro Damage ATK 10.0% 10.82% 11.64% 12.79% 13.61% 14.56% 15.87% 17.18% 18.49% 19.89% 0.33 0.0 1.0 0.0852 Skill
15 Spectro Damage ATK 175.0% 189.35% 203.7% 223.79% 238.14% 254.65% 277.61% 300.57% 323.53% 347.92% 5.67 0.0 1.0 1.4894 Skill
16 Spectro Damage ATK 22.08% 23.89% 25.7% 28.23% 30.04% 32.12% 35.02% 37.91% 40.81% 43.89% 0.0 0.62 1.0 0.3 Basic
17 Spectro Damage ATK 16.56% 17.92% 19.27% 21.17% 22.53% 24.09% 26.27% 28.44% 30.61% 32.92% 0.0 0.46 1.0 0.225 Basic
18 Spectro Damage ATK 55.19% 59.71% 64.24% 70.57% 75.1% 80.3% 87.54% 94.78% 102.02% 109.71% 0.0 1.54 1.0 0.75 Basic
19 Spectro Damage ATK 14.5% 15.69% 16.88% 18.55% 19.74% 21.1% 23.01% 24.91% 26.81% 28.83% 0.33 0.0 1.0 0.0852 Skill
20 Spectro Damage ATK 253.75% 274.56% 295.37% 324.5% 345.31% 369.24% 402.53% 435.82% 469.11% 504.49% 5.67 0.0 1.0 1.4894 Skill
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: test/
Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 1.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: Crit. Rate+
Crit. Rate increased by 2.80%.
Resonance Chain Sequence Node 1: Abyssal Ascension
When casting Basic Attack "Incarnation - Basic Attack" or Resonance Skill Crescent Divinity, Jinhsi gains one stack of Herald of Revival, stacking up to 4 times and lasting for 6s. When casting Resonance Skill Illuminous Epiphany, Jinhsi consumes all stacks of Herald of Revival. Each stack increases the damage of Resonance Skill Illuminous Epiphany by 20%.
Sequence Node 2: Chronofrost Repose
Jinhsi restores 50 Incandescence while staying out of combat for more than 4s. This effect can only be triggered 1 time(s) every 4s.
Sequence Node 3: Celestial Incarnate
Jinhsi gains one stack of Immortal's Descendancy after casting Intro Skill Loong's Halo. Each stack of Immortal's Descendancy increases Jinhsi's ATK by 25%, stacking up to 2 time(s) and lasting for 20s.
Sequence Node 4: Benevolent Grace
When Jinhsi casts Resonance Liberation Purge of Light or Resonance Skill Illuminous Epiphany, all nearby Resonators on the team gain 20% Attribute DMG Bonus for 20s.
Sequence Node 5: Frostfire Illumination
The DMG Multiplier of Resonance Liberation Purge of Light is increased by 120%.
Sequence Node 6: Thawing Triumph
The DMG Multiplier of Resonance Skill Illuminous Epiphany is increased by 45% and the additional DMG Multiplier gained by consuming Incandescence is increased by 45%.
Stories Thawborn Renewal
Evaluation Basis: [Resonance Assessment 2100-G]
The exact timing of Resonator Jinhsi's Awakening remains unclear. Signs of her Awakening manifested early in her life, establishing a profound resonance with Sentinel Jué.
Positioned at the midpoint of her back, Jinhsi's Tacet Mark is a distinct feature. When activating her Resonance Ability, crystalline formations resembling Loong horns materialize above her head.
Through her unique gift, Jinhsi can manipulate light to create holographic projections mirroring Sentinel Jué, showcasing power comparable to the Sentinel's own abilities.
Observational data points towards the exceptional growth capacity of the subject's Resonance Ability. The pinnacle of this ability hints at the remarkable prospect of time shifting.
Detailed analysis of Jinhsi's Resonance Spectrum Pattern has unveiled a striking resemblance to that of Sentinel Jué. Rigorous testing has uncovered strong Syntony reactions. Nevertheless, the precise trigger behind Jinhsi's Awakening remains enigmatic due to the Sentinel's special position.
Analysis of test samples has revealed a non-convergent Rabelle's Curve with a noticeable periodic waveform, which classifies Jinhsi as a Congenital Resonator.

Resonator Jinhsi's waveform graph displays elliptical fluctuations. The pattern of Time Domain is stable with no abnormal waveform.
Resonant Criticality: Extremely high. Resonator Jinhsi's frequency displays high stability. It is almost certain that she bears no risk of Overclocking.
Resonator Jinhsi has no past record of Overclocking.
Routine examinations are recommended, while psychological counseling is currently deemed unnecessary.
Her Leadership
Jinzhou, on the borderlands, often conjures images of desolate lands and barren mountain ranges.
Once a merchant was tasked with a journey to Jinzhou. "I'm not well," he promptly refused. "I would die halfway if I were to go there." His colleague smiled and responded, "You'll know what it's like once you see it for yourself."
Reluctantly, the duo set out for Jinzhou. They traversed countless barren wastelands and perilous jungles until they finally reached a picturesque place embraced by lush mountains and clear water.
Standing at the end of the forest path were towering city gates. Soldiers on guard gave them a friendly welcome, granting them entry after a quick check of their papers.
A lively tapestry of life unfurled before them as they ventured into Jinzhou. Contrary to expectations, the city was a bustling hub of activity and lacked any trace of desolation or bleakness. Amidst well-designed buildings and serene ponds teeming with colorful carp, they discovered a captivating scenery that rivaled even the lush landscapes of inland regions. Lost in the lively atmosphere, they sampled Kungfu Tea at Liuxian Teahouse, savored the specialty dish at Panhua's Restaurant, and immersed themselves in the shows at Jinzhou Theater. With each experience, their weariness faded away, replaced by the invigorating energy of Jinzhou and the warm hospitality of its people.
"Unbelievable! Who would have thought a borderland city could thrive like this? It feels like a utopia. It must have taken a lot of hard work to create such beautiful structures in here."
"Our magistrate always preached the value of hard work. No matter your circumstances, with determination and effort, you can achieve your dreams. So despite the barren mountains and Tacet Discords, we built our homes and savored the good times before hardship struck."
"It's amazing how you all pulled it off. It couldn't have been easy, but each of you made it happen. Truly impressive."
"Well, it's not as tough as it seems with our great magistrate leading the way. We just follow her lead, and she takes care of everything here."
"Yeah, she seems really wise and capable. I bet she has years of experience too?"
"Nope, she's still young, only in her teens!"
Her Wish-granting Magic
When Jinhsi became the Jinzhou Magistrate, she was young and inexperienced. The people of Jinzhou placed their trust in her decisions, but she knew it was not her alone, but also her role as the Sentinel's Resonator, that earned their faith.
Taking on this great responsibility, Jinhsi felt determined to guide Jinzhou towards a better future, despite her initial challenges. She also understood that trust had to be earned through hard work and dedication.
Despite the skepticism she encountered, Jinhsi was more troubled by the weariness etched on the faces of the people—a weariness born of life's hardships and a lack of hope.
She realized that beyond addressing tangible issues like material shortages and external threats, her true challenge was to restore the hope and confidence of the people of Jinzhou, who had been worn down by life.
In such times, what the people needed most was a reliable source of hope, regardless of who provided it.
During a reconstruction event, the young magistrate performed a "miracle" known as "Sentinel Granting Wishes." The remote village had been plagued by weather anomalies for years. Even though the Tacet Discords had stopped, villagers still suffered from extreme cold and gloom.
Jinhsi asked the villagers to voice their wishes. At first, silence hung heavy until a sneeze broke the silence. A timid voice then followed, "It's so cold… I wish it was a bit warmer here."
Standing amidst the crowd, Jinhsi held a Loong Scale, closed her eyes, and nodded, "I will convey your wish to the Sentinel."
Right after her words fell, loong horns sprouted from her head, and a Sentinel-like light pierced the dark clouds and the snow on the ground—just in an instant, the ice thawed, and the land once again sprang to life.
Witnessing this spectacle, the crowd exclaimed, "The Sentinel... the Sentinel has shown itself!" People observed the loong-shaped light in awe, with hope rekindling in their eyes.
News of the young magistrate's wish-granting ability spread rapidly in Jinzhou. Wishing became a popular custom, with people submitting their desires to her at City Hall. She meticulously examined each one and devised effective strategies to fulfill them.
"Dear Magistrate, I'm worried about Tacet Discords infiltrating our city."—Taoqi, director of the Defense Division, was then tasked with fortifying the city defense walls.
"Dear Magistrate, I pray for my father's safe return and an end to the war."—Jinhsi prioritized research on Tacetite weaponry and material engineering, pushing for new weapons against Discords and faster upgrades for defense.
"Dear Magistrate, the Exiles have been spotted in the city. I'm scared."—Jinhsi expanded Patrol Stations, added Patrollers in the city, and assigned more Midnight Rangers to guard outside.
Within three years, the city defense walls were renewed, new weapons were created, and Tacet Discords were repelled. Jinzhou finally ushered in peace and prosperity.
As time passed, people came to realize that the so-called "Sentinel Granting Wishes" was just a white lie from the young magistrate.
However, they also discovered her true dedication to addressing their problems and concerns, always being on the spot at lightning speed.
The lights in City Hall never went out, even on holidays. Jinhsi worked tirelessly until midnight, developing feasible plans to fulfill people's wishes.
And eventually, they came to understand that she possessed an incredible power - without a Loong Scale, she could summon a dazzling light that could pierce through ice and turn the tide of time.
Today, making wishes has become a habit for Jinzhou people, an unspoken agreement between them and their young magistrate.
"Dear Magistrate, I hope you can take some time to relax and come watch our latest show." This was the last wish of the year.
Smiling, Jinhsi closed the file in her hands, leaned against the window in her office, and listened to the melodious singing from Jinzhou Theater, where the new Hero Play, Loong Maiden and Wishes, was being performed.
Her Kindness
In any situation, Jinhsi always wears a gentle smile, reassuring those around her, "There's still much to do, but rest assured, I'm here to guide you through it."
Back then, Tacet Discords ravaged the lands, and warriors fought for every piece of land. People dreaded the thought of bidding farewell to loved ones heading to the front lines, uncertain if those farewells might be forever.
After witnessing the despair and anguish in her people's eyes, the newly appointed young magistrate couldn't bear to add to their sorrow. She understood that revealing her own distress would only weaken the hard-earned confidence and hope they held onto amidst adversity.
Thus, she never let a hint of despair show, always exuding composure.
Despite her unwavering smile and gentle demeanor, Jinhsi was aware that without tangible results, her actions may be perceived as insincere or ignorant of the people's suffering. To counter this, she resolved to be a proactive magistrate, tirelessly working to address their concerns and guide them towards a life of happiness and peace.
While the Midnight Rangers valiantly fought to protect Jinzhou, a different yet equally difficult battle raged within the city walls.
Families of soldiers grappled with anxiety. Their worries for their loved ones' safety had disrupted their daily lives.
Unfortunately, interference in the Tacet Fields hindered real-time communication with soldiers. In response, Jinhsi implemented a speedy delivery service in collaboration with the Ministry of Development and Lollo Logistics. Free letters were quickly delivered to families of soldiers, thanks to Lollo Logistics, while the Ministry of Development built shortcuts for efficient transport. This helped ease the worries of families wanting updates on their loved ones serving in the military.
Another pressing issue Jinhsi tackled was comforting families who lost loved ones in battle. She worked with the Ministry of War and Ministry of Development to create a thorough plan.
The city honored fallen soldiers by increasing compensation for their families and building a wall of remembrance in Knell Square. Tablets bearing their names were made from the finest ore, able to withstand the elements and provide solace for centuries to come. The Midnight Rangers may not have fought for honor, but their sacrifices deserved to be remembered. With the completion of Knell Square, people had another place to commemorate and seek comfort in their loss.
In all these efforts to console and address the aftermath, Jinhsi always led by example. Whenever people saw her gentle smile, they knew she would introduce policies that cheered them up just like her smile did. Such warmth served as a balm for the wounds of war, helping the people of Jinzhou endure difficult times.
Her Rare Anger
Jinhsi possesses an exceptionally good temper; no matter the circumstances, she always maintains a graceful and gentle smile, and hardly anyone has ever seen her get angry.
"Does our magistrate even know how to get angry? She's always so calm, no matter what."
"Seriously, I've wondered about that too. How would she look when mad?"
"I've seen it," replied Shi, a typically solitary miner who stays focused on his work.
It was an exceptionally bitter winter. The contractor, citing supposed excessive equipment usage, claimed a hefty sum from a mining project, leaving the miners with nothing to show for their labor.
Fresh from the aftermath of battles, chaos reigned. With the surge in demand for civil construction, the need for ores skyrocketed. However, the Ministry of Development's exploration equipment fell short, forcing them to resort to renting privately owned tools. However, the contractor proved to be a profiteer, reneging on payment when the time came. What's worse, as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, he wielded a monopoly over exploration equipment in the market and paid little heed to the officials.
After a year of hard work, Shi had been counting on the payment to spend a joyous New Year with his family. But now, that simple wish seemed out of reach. Looking at his calloused, weathered hands, Shi recalled the words of his colleague, Debiao: "…Honesty won't fill our pockets. Let's take action and get back what we deserve—our own hard-earned cash."
Under the cover of night, Shi and his fellow workers sneaked into the merchant's mansion. Pressing his ear against the door, Shi listened intently for any signs of movement, ready to seize the chance to burst in.
"Mr. Zhu, I'm here to deliver some news," a young girl's voice sounded from within, gentle yet tinged with an unsettling chill. "You have been removed from the Chamber of Commerce, and your business license has been revoked. Henceforth, you are forbidden from engaging in any commercial activities in Jinzhou."
"Huh? That's funny. We're in Jinzhou, a city renowned for its adherence to the law. Since you're new to your role, dear Magistrate, I'll turn a blind eye to your ignorance. Let me tell you: expelling a Chamber of Commerce president takes a minimum of two weeks here, and as for revoking my business license, I demand evidence! No evidence, no revocation. Simple as that."
"Since you mentioned the law, then let's discuss it. Per Article 180 of the Jinzhou Commercial Law, expelling a Chamber of Commerce president requires over half of its members' signatures, as well as those of the Minister of Commerce and Director of the Ministry of Development. Obtaining approval from the magistrate can be time-consuming. Therefore, I am here to inform you personally in order to expedite the return of wages for our workers."
"Regarding the evidence you requested… The Patrol Station has already collected and submitted it to the Decree Council. I am always prepared."
"As I leave, know that your monopoly on exploration gear has ended. The Ministry of Development expedited production and new equipment arrived today. Your monopoly was never going to last."
Lost in the noise inside, Shi missed the rest of the conversation. It seemed like someone was defending themselves, but Shi knew it would be useless against overwhelming proof and careful planning.
Soon, they were notified of their rightful payment on their Terminals. Finally, they could ring in the New Year with happiness.
Following that, such occurrences ceased as Magistrate Jinhsi enacted new laws prohibiting monopolies and amended payment settlement procedures: workers' wages are settled before contractors receive their payments.
As winter faded into spring, a new era dawned.
"C'mon Shi, spill the beans! What was the Magistrate like when she got angry?"
"Well... She wasn't scary. She looked very dependable. Reassuring."
Her Long-awaited Guest
Many praise young Magistrate Jinhsi for her remarkable intelligence and perceptive nature. There seems to be no realm of knowledge beyond her grasp, nor any challenge she cannot surmount.
Since taking office, she deftly navigates Jinzhou's complex affairs, implementing policies that have brought about peace and prosperity for its people, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity.
As the Magistrate of Jinzhou, Jinhsi's responsibilities extend from matters of great importance, such as military and political affairs, to seemingly minor issues. However, she believes that even the smallest details can greatly impact people's lives. This is the standard she holds herself to.
Though well-informed, Jinhsi still faced mysteries unknown to her. Lately, a person of great significance to her city had arrived, surrounded by elusive secrets. This only piqued her curiosity and concern for them even more.
According to historical records, a legendary hero in Jinzhou was said to possess the power of absorbing Tacet Discords with their bare hands. This person left an unforgettable mark on the history of Jinzhou and even the entire Huanglong region. Now, a new individual with unique abilities was about to appear in the world. Jinhsi suspected they may be connected to the fabled hero. Knowing the significance of this distinguished guest, Jinhsi planned a careful welcome, fully aware that they would be drawn into conflicts and conspiracies. Thus, she crafted a meticulous plan to greet them in her own distinctive manner.
She recorded a message to be broadcast throughout the region, extending a warm welcome to all visitors to Jinzhou, ensuring they felt warmly welcomed. She then purposefully left tokens to find her awaited guest, and to uncover hidden threats in the shadows.
Worried about her distinguished guest's safety, she sent her personal bodyguard to protect them in secret. Mobilizing all available resources, she provided just the right amount of assistance to help her guest unravel one puzzle after another. Jinhsi remained determined to return to Jinzhou in time for their three-day agreement, despite hardships.
Once a serene haven, Mt. Firmament bristled with instability, its tranquility disrupted by the Sentinel's peril and minions of the Fractsidus. Driven by a desire for Jinzhou's peace, the young magistrate ventured alone into the fray, confronting various difficulties while seeking information about the Sentinel.
Emerging unharmed from such adversity was challenging for even someone as strong-willed as Jinhsi. But whenever she felt discouraged or lost in self-doubt, she'd remember a certain person. Upon waking up, that individual swiftly grasped the intricate circumstances, exhibiting patience as they awaited her decision. Jinhsi was sure they would lead Jinzhou to a brighter future, together.
On the City Hall's terrace, Jinhsi, the returning magistrate, gazed at esteemed guest with relief and joy. With a nod of greeting, she uttered the words she had rehearsed a thousand times over:
"It's been three days."
"We've both made it on time."
"Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Jinhsi... It brings me great joy to see you, Rover."
Loong Bun
A plate of Loong Buns made by Jinhsi herself, each adopting a pink hue and a sprinkling of osmanthus powdered sugar.
Each Loong Bun has a unique filling: custard, lotus seed paste, or sweet bean paste...
"Our honored guest awaits just beyond the threshold... I wonder which flavor will tick the box..."
To-do List
The Magistrate of Jinzhou is constantly overwhelmed with work. From military matters to city defense and civilian security issues, she must handle everything. The City Hall is always filled with pending documents, but they alone cannot aid her in making accurate judgments. Jinhsi prefers to be present and listen to the people's demands firsthand. To make this possible, she asked Xiangli Yao to create an electronic to-do list that she could access on-the-go, allowing her to review documents while attending to other tasks.
Loong Scale
Jinhsi had frequent nightmares in her childhood.
Once, she was drowning in her dream, caught in the surf and about to sink to the bottom of the ocean. A piece of driftwood floated by, and she clung to it, returning to shore against the tide.
When she woke up, what she was holding in her hand was a piece of scale. If you look closely, you'll notice that the scale looks similar to the ones on the Sentinel's body...
Voice Lines Thoughts: I
Welcome to Jinzhou, esteemed guest from afar. My apologies for any shortcomings in my hospitality; my schedule is quite full. If there is a matter requiring my attention, please do not hesitate to find me at City Hall.
Thoughts: II
The bustling city of Jinzhou is a product of every blooming flower, sturdy brickwork, and occupied home. With every new visitor, the city gains new life. Among them, you are truly one of a kind... No, I am not simply repeating what our Sentinel has said. These words come from my heart as well.
Thoughts: III
An old proverb states, "When a great mind emerges, even the sea will part and the mountains will tremble." It speaks to the transformative power of extraordinary individuals... With your presence in Jinzhou, I believe great changes will come in due time.
Thoughts: IV
I used to be quite curious about your background. However, I've come to realize that one's actions hold more weight than their past. Your past may shape you, but it is your present deeds that truly define you. Having witnessed everything you have done for Jinzhou, I cannot help but notice the mysterious connections between them... Perhaps there is something deeper behind your arrival in Jinzhou.
Thoughts: V
Walking alone may lead to a faster pace, but a group can cover greater distances.
Moving forward, I will stand by my companions… and I will stand by you as we face whatever the future holds, together.
Jinhsi's Hobby
Have you been to the Jinzhou Theater? It's a place of endless joy and laughter, especially when a show concludes on a happy note. I've always cherished that sight, which is why I want to ensure everyone finds their own happy ending.
Jinhsi's Trouble
Hmm... When faced with challenges, I am driven by a sense of purpose to find solutions instead of succumbing to worry. The feeling of worry or frustration rarely crosses my mind nowadays.
Favorite Food
If you haven't yet, I highly recommend visiting Jinzhou's morning market. The breakfast stall vendor sells the most delicious Loong Buns topped with plump red dates. As they steam, their sweet aroma envelops the air. They are truly a delight.
Disliked Food
Jinzhou once suffered from severe food shortages because of the Lament crisis. As someone who lived through that difficult time, I've learned to understand that food is not something to be taken lightly. Every morsel is a gift from Mother Nature as are those who work tirelessly to cultivate it... Personally, I have no dislikes when it comes to food, except for wasteful extravagance or exorbitant prices.
People prayed to the Sentinel not out of weakness, but because they had no other recourse. As leader, I will guide my people towards a future where humanity takes control of our own destiny.
Chat: I
As a child, I had vivid dreams, some of them turning into nightmares. I would find myself lost at sea, fighting against the crashing waves and tangled seaweed. But each time, I managed to hold onto a piece of driftwood and make it back to shore. And when I woke up, I would find something in my hand… Yes, it was this shiny piece of scale.
Chat: II
The snows of Mt. Firmament... I still vaguely remember how the snowflakes there danced in their own whimsical ways. One moment they were hovering in the air, and the next moment they flew upwards into the sky, twirling around the tree branches... Before long, everything was coated in a shimmering blanket of white. In Jinzhou, the snow brings a sense of peaceful togetherness. Strangers become friends as they brush off each other's shoulders and build snowmen together... Whether the snow is light or heavy, I pray to always protect these precious moments of pure tranquility.
About Changli
Over the years, my esteemed teacher Changli has taught me much… Yet her smiling eyes still hold mysteries that I cannot yet comprehend.
About Sanhua
Amidst my busy days, meals can easily slip my mind. Before I knew it, it would be well past the time for another meal. But like a blessing, Sanhua would always appear with a plate of delicious Loong Buns, filled with exactly what I was craving. I am in awe… How does she know every time?
About Taoqi
Taoqi is able to breeze through mountains of workload with ease, despite her frequent yawns. Her efficiency is truly remarkable.
About Jiyan
"Qingloong rise, monsters gone"... Every child in Jinzhou knows this nursery rhyme by heart. My faith rests with Jiyan, for with his protection the Tacet Discords will never breach our borders.
About Rover
I can feel it in my heart that we both have something we'll fiercely defend, a cause worth fighting for... And we won't back down, no matter what it takes.
Birthday Wishes
After much contemplation, I have decided that a handmade gift will better express my feelings than any expensive store-bought present. Every day since learning of your birthday, I have devoted time to crafting a Loong lantern from materials I've handpicked. Fortunately, I've finished it in time. If you could find time in your busy schedule, please join me at the City Hall to fly this lantern together. It is a beloved tradition in Jinzhou to make a wish upon a soaring lantern on one's birthday, and it is said that the Sentinel will bestow blessings for the year ahead.
Idle: I
Idle: II
Idle: III
May I pray for anything specific for you? It would be my honor… I'm sure your wishes will come true.
I am Jinhsi, the Magistrate of Jinzhou. My role holds great power and duty. I vow to serve my people with diligence and bring prosperity to our land.
As the Sentinel foretold, you and I were meant to cross paths.
Join Team: I
Let's go together.
Join Team: II
Learning through experience.
Join Team: III
I am here to assist.
Ascension: I
No one is born good at anything. As the Magistrate of Jinzhou, I must constantly learn and improve.
Ascension: II
As the new Magistrate, I initially worried about my lack of ability to protect my people. But soon, I realized that dwelling on self-doubt only hindered my progress, so I trained harder. With each session, my strengths grew. It is an honor to serve and defend my people. I'll always strive to improve as their Magistrate.
Ascension: III
Thank you for your guidance. I have seen growth in my strength and leadership abilities, and it seems you have taught me more than just swordsmanship; you've taught me valuable life lessons.
Ascension: IV
I am aware that I have rather peculiar frequencies. It is rare for me to encounter someone whose vibrations align with mine so perfectly... Could it be that you also share a mysterious connection with our Sentinel? I do hope so, as that would make me feel… even closer to you.
Ascension: V
As I get to know you better, I can't help but notice the similarities between us. Our frequencies, powers, and even purposes seem to align. Defending Jinzhou is my duty, and now I sense a deep connection between you and this land… I once believed that mankind should control our own destiny, but my meeting with you has shown me the power of fate. I am grateful for its hand in bringing you into my life.
Heavy Attack: I
The hour of hope.
Heavy Attack: II
Shine forevermore.
Heavy Attack: III
The time is nigh.
Heavy Attack: IV
Divine Loong's blessing.
Aerial Attack: I
Fallen star.
Aerial Attack: II
Beckoning light.
Resonance Skill: I
Moment of awakening.
Resonance Skill: II
Thawing harmony.
Resonance Skill: III
Embrace the change.
Resonance Skill: IV
Our lights shine through.
Resonance Skill: V
Florescent Shadows.
Resonance Skill: VI
Bask in starlight.
Resonance Skill: VII
Take flight!
Resonance Skill: VIII
The sky beckons!
Resonance Skill: IX
Strike fast!
Resonance Skill: X
Thus it ends!
Resonance Skill: XI
Evil be cleansed!
Resonance Skill: XII
Sacred light!
Resonance Liberation: I
Thunder guide us!
Resonance Liberation: II
Heaven ordains. Banish all vice!
Resonance Liberation: III
O stars... Heed my calling!
Hit: I
Hit: II
Negligence on my part...
Injured: I
So be it.
Injured: II
Worry not.
Fallen: I
There is... much to be done...
Fallen: II
I must not... falter...
Echo Summon
Take form.
Echo Transform
Lend me your strength!
Intro & Outro Skills: I
Together we fight.
Intro & Outro Skills: II
Strike as one!
Enemies Near
I shall lead the way.
Glider: I
As far as the eye can see.
Glider: II
Soar against the winds.
Be swift.
A lucky find.
Wall Dash: I
A different approach.
Wall Dash: II
All paths converge.
Jumps over Obstacle
Forgive me.
Supply Chest: I
Found anything useful?
Supply Chest: II
The lands of Jinzhou are filled with riches.
Supply Chest: III
Would these be enough for your needs? Tell me if there is anything else you want.