Camellya Coming Soon
Rarity 5-star
Element Havoc
Weapon Sword
Birthday Coming Soon
Gender Coming Soon
Place of Birth Coming Soon
Affiliation Coming Soon
Voice Actors Coming Soon / Coming Soon / Coming Soon / Coming Soon
Signature Dish
Coming Soon
Level HP Attack Defense
1 826 36 95
20 2,148 93 243
20+ 2,699 120 305
40 4,091 181 461
40+ 4,641 208 243
50 5,338 238 601
50+ 5,888 265 663
60 6,584 295 741
60+ 7,135 322 803
70 7,831 353 881
70+ 8,382 371 942
80 9,078 401 1,021
80+ 9,628 419 1,082
90 10,325 450 1,161
Resonance Chain
Voice Lines
Upgrade Cost
Normal Attack: Breeding
Basic Attack.
Swing the sword forward to inflict up to 5 sword strikes, causing Havoc DMG, when the 5th strike hits the target, you gain the mark Camellya Flower: Petal.

Heavy Attack
Consuming a certain amount of Stamina, Camellya extends the vine forward, pulling the touched target to her, causing 2 Havoc DMG. Then she turns the sword to inflict 4 Havoc DMG.
If the target cannot be pulled, Camellya will be pulled to the target's position, slashing the target, causing 3 Havoc DMG.
If the target is within 5 meters of Camellya when the skill is cast, the skill becomes Heavy Attack: Flower Blade, causing 2 Havoc DMG.
When Heavy Attack and Heavy Attack: Flower Blade hit the target, Camellya gains the mark Camellya Flower: Bud.

Mid-air Attack
Consume Stamina to swing the sword at the target in the air, then continuously spin and strike, and finally smashes to the ground, causing damage. The smash can cause Havoc DMG.
When any attack hits the target, Camellya gains the mark Camellya Flower: Pistil.

Mid-air Heavy Attack
Camellya consumes a certain amount of Stamina, extends the vine forward in the air, and pulls the touched target back to her.
If the target is immune to control, the vine will pull Camellya to the target's position, and then cause 1 Havoc DMG.
If the target is within 3 meters of Camellya when the skill is cast, the skill becomes Mid-air Heavy Attack: Uppercut, forward and uppercut the target, causing 1 Havoc DMG.
When Mid-air Heavy Attack hits the target, Camellya gains the mark Camellya Flower: Bud.
When Mid-air Heavy Attack: Uppercut hits the target, Camellya gains the mark Camellya Flower: Pistil.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Stage 1 DMG 31.45% 34.03% 36.61% 40.22% 42.80% 45.77% 49.89% 54.02% 58.15% 62.53%
Stage 2 DMG 23.38%*2 25.30%*2 27.21%*2 29.90%*2 31.81%*2 34.02%*2 37.08%*2 40.15%*2 43.22%*2 46.48%*2
Stage 3 DMG 25.50%*3 27.59%*3 29.68%*3 32.61%*3 34.70%*3 37.11%*3 40.45%*3 43.80%*3 47.14%*3 50.70%*3
Stage 4 DMG 12.42%*20 13.44%*20 14.46%*20 15.89%*20 16.91%*20 18.08%*20 19.71%*20 21.34%*20 22.97%*20 24.70%*20
Stage 5 DMG 24.23%*4 26.22%*4 28.20%*4 30.98%*4 32.97%*4 35.25%*4 38.43%*4 41.61%*4 44.79%*4 48.17%*4
Heavy Attack DMG 44.33%*3 47.97%*3 51.60%*3 56.69%*3 60.33%*3 64.51%*3 70.32%*3 76.14%*3 81.96%*3 88.14%*3
Mid-air Attack DMG 33.00%*2 35.71%*2 38.42%*2 42.21%*2 44.91%*2 48.02%*2 52.35%*2 56.68%*2 61.01%*2 65.61%*2
Dodge Counter DMG 50.00%*3 54.10%*3 58.20%*3 63.94%*3 68.04%*3 72.75%*3 79.31%*3 85.87%*3 92.43%*3 99.40%*3
Heavy Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Plunging Attack STA Cost 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 31.45% 34.03% 36.61% 40.22% 42.8% 45.77% 49.89% 54.02% 58.15% 62.53% 0.93 1.85 1.0 0.37 Basic
2 Havoc Damage ATK 23.38% 25.3% 27.21% 29.9% 31.81% 34.02% 37.08% 40.15% 43.22% 46.48% 0.69 1.38 1.0 0.275 Basic
3 Havoc Damage ATK 23.38% 25.3% 27.21% 29.9% 31.81% 34.02% 37.08% 40.15% 43.22% 46.48% 0.69 1.38 1.0 0.275 Basic
4 Havoc Damage ATK 25.5% 27.59% 29.68% 32.61% 34.7% 37.11% 40.45% 43.8% 47.14% 50.7% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
5 Havoc Damage ATK 25.5% 27.59% 29.68% 32.61% 34.7% 37.11% 40.45% 43.8% 47.14% 50.7% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
6 Havoc Damage ATK 25.5% 27.59% 29.68% 32.61% 34.7% 37.11% 40.45% 43.8% 47.14% 50.7% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
7 Havoc Damage ATK 12.42% 13.44% 14.46% 15.89% 16.91% 18.08% 19.71% 21.34% 22.97% 24.7% 0.27 0.54 1.0 0.108 Basic
8 Havoc Damage ATK 12.42% 13.44% 14.46% 15.89% 16.91% 18.08% 19.71% 21.34% 22.97% 24.7% 0.27 0.54 1.0 0.108 Basic
9 Havoc Damage ATK 12.42% 13.44% 14.46% 15.89% 16.91% 18.08% 19.71% 21.34% 22.97% 24.7% 0.27 0.54 1.0 0.108 Basic
10 Havoc Damage ATK 12.42% 13.44% 14.46% 15.89% 16.91% 18.08% 19.71% 21.34% 22.97% 24.7% 0.27 0.54 1.0 0.108 Basic
11 Havoc Damage ATK 24.23% 26.22% 28.2% 30.98% 32.97% 35.25% 38.43% 41.61% 44.79% 48.17% 0.72 1.43 1.0 0.285 Basic
12 Havoc Damage ATK 24.23% 26.22% 28.2% 30.98% 32.97% 35.25% 38.43% 41.61% 44.79% 48.17% 0.72 1.43 1.0 0.285 Basic
13 Havoc Damage ATK 24.23% 26.22% 28.2% 30.98% 32.97% 35.25% 38.43% 41.61% 44.79% 48.17% 0.72 1.43 1.0 0.285 Basic
14 Havoc Damage ATK 24.23% 26.22% 28.2% 30.98% 32.97% 35.25% 38.43% 41.61% 44.79% 48.17% 0.72 1.43 1.0 0.285 Basic
15 Havoc Damage ATK 33.0% 35.71% 38.42% 42.21% 44.91% 48.02% 52.35% 56.68% 61.01% 65.61% 0.83 1.65 1.0 0.33 Basic
16 Havoc Damage ATK 33.0% 35.71% 38.42% 42.21% 44.91% 48.02% 52.35% 56.68% 61.01% 65.61% 0.83 1.65 1.0 0.33 Basic
17 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Heavy
18 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Heavy
19 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Heavy
20 Havoc Damage ATK 50.0% 54.1% 58.2% 63.94% 68.04% 72.75% 79.31% 85.87% 92.43% 99.4% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
21 Havoc Damage ATK 50.0% 54.1% 58.2% 63.94% 68.04% 72.75% 79.31% 85.87% 92.43% 99.4% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
22 Havoc Damage ATK 50.0% 54.1% 58.2% 63.94% 68.04% 72.75% 79.31% 85.87% 92.43% 99.4% 0.75 1.5 1.0 0.3 Basic
23 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Basic
24 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Basic
25 Havoc Damage ATK 44.33% 47.97% 51.6% 56.69% 60.33% 64.51% 70.32% 76.14% 81.96% 88.14% 1.11 2.22 1.0 0.4433 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Skill: Rondeau of Blossom and Blight
When cast on the ground, Camellya manipulates a Witch-ized arm and grabs enemies in front of her for Havoc ranged damage, this is a rechargeable skill that can be stored up to 2 times.

When cast in the air, the skill changes into 1 roundhouse kick forward, juggling enemies, dealing Havoc ranged damage and restoring Camellya's 40 points of Stamina.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Aerial Slash Damage 57.15%*2 61.84%*2 66.53%*2 73.09%*2 77.77%*2 83.16%*2 90.66%*2 98.16%*2 105.66%*2 113.62%*2
Aerial Slash Stamina Consumption 48.45% 52.43% 56.40% 61.96% 65.94% 70.50% 76.86% 83.22% 89.57% 96.33%
Aerial Spinning Slash Damage 22.95%*2 24.84%*2 26.72%*2 29.35%*2 31.24%*2 33.40%*2 36.41%*2 39.42%*2 42.43%*2 45.63%*2
Aerial Smash Damage 11.04%*6 11.95%*6 12.86%*6 14.12%*6 15.03%*6 16.07%*6 17.52%*6 18.97%*6 20.41%*6 21.95%*6
Aerial Smash Stamina Consumption 34.00%*3 36.79%*3 39.58%*3 43.48%*3 46.27%*3 49.47%*3 53.93%*3 58.39%*3 62.85%*3 67.59%*3
11.04%*19 11.95%*19 12.86%*19 14.12%*19 15.03%*19 16.07%*19 17.52%*19 18.97%*19 20.41%*19 21.95%*19
Grab Damage 26.46%*5 28.63%*5 30.80%*5 33.84%*5 36.01%*5 38.51%*5 41.98%*5 45.45%*5 48.92%*5 52.61%*5
Spinning Kick Damage 26.64%*3 28.82%*3 31.00%*3 34.06%*3 36.24%*3 38.76%*3 42.25%*3 45.74%*3 49.24%*3 52.95%*3
Cooldown 57.00%*2 61.68%*2 66.35%*2 72.90%*2 77.57%*2 82.95%*2 90.42%*2 97.90%*2 105.38%*2 113.33%*2
Cooldown 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Explosion Damage 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Cooldown 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 48.45% 52.43% 56.4% 61.96% 65.94% 70.5% 76.86% 83.22% 89.57% 96.33% 1.43 2.85 1.0 0.57 Basic
2 Havoc Damage ATK 22.95% 24.84% 26.72% 29.35% 31.24% 33.4% 36.41% 39.42% 42.43% 45.63% 0.68 1.35 1.0 0.27 Basic
3 Havoc Damage ATK 22.95% 24.84% 26.72% 29.35% 31.24% 33.4% 36.41% 39.42% 42.43% 45.63% 0.68 1.35 1.0 0.27 Basic
4 Havoc Damage ATK 11.04% 11.95% 12.86% 14.12% 15.03% 16.07% 17.52% 18.97% 20.41% 21.95% 0.24 0.48 1.0 0.096 Basic
5 Havoc Damage ATK 11.04% 11.95% 12.86% 14.12% 15.03% 16.07% 17.52% 18.97% 20.41% 21.95% 0.24 0.48 1.0 0.096 Basic
6 Havoc Damage ATK 34.0% 36.79% 39.58% 43.48% 46.27% 49.47% 53.93% 58.39% 62.85% 67.59% 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
7 Havoc Damage ATK 34.0% 36.79% 39.58% 43.48% 46.27% 49.47% 53.93% 58.39% 62.85% 67.59% 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
8 Havoc Damage ATK 34.0% 36.79% 39.58% 43.48% 46.27% 49.47% 53.93% 58.39% 62.85% 67.59% 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
9 Havoc Damage ATK 57.15% 61.84% 66.53% 73.09% 77.77% 83.16% 90.66% 98.16% 105.66% 113.62% 1.59 0.0 1.0 1.0 Basic
10 Havoc Damage ATK 57.15% 61.84% 66.53% 73.09% 77.77% 83.16% 90.66% 98.16% 105.66% 113.62% 1.59 0.0 1.0 1.0 Basic
11 Havoc Damage ATK 26.46% 28.63% 30.8% 33.84% 36.01% 38.51% 41.98% 45.45% 48.92% 52.61% 0.74 0.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
12 Havoc Damage ATK 26.46% 28.63% 30.8% 33.84% 36.01% 38.51% 41.98% 45.45% 48.92% 52.61% 0.74 0.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
13 Havoc Damage ATK 26.46% 28.63% 30.8% 33.84% 36.01% 38.51% 41.98% 45.45% 48.92% 52.61% 0.74 0.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
14 Havoc Damage ATK 26.46% 28.63% 30.8% 33.84% 36.01% 38.51% 41.98% 45.45% 48.92% 52.61% 0.74 0.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
15 Havoc Damage ATK 26.46% 28.63% 30.8% 33.84% 36.01% 38.51% 41.98% 45.45% 48.92% 52.61% 0.74 0.0 1.0 0.4 Basic
16 Havoc Damage ATK 26.64% 28.82% 31.0% 34.06% 36.24% 38.76% 42.25% 45.74% 49.24% 52.95% 0.79 1.57 1.0 0.3134 Basic
17 Havoc Damage ATK 26.64% 28.82% 31.0% 34.06% 36.24% 38.76% 42.25% 45.74% 49.24% 52.95% 0.79 1.57 1.0 0.3134 Basic
18 Havoc Damage ATK 26.64% 28.82% 31.0% 34.06% 36.24% 38.76% 42.25% 45.74% 49.24% 52.95% 0.79 1.57 1.0 0.3134 Basic
19 Havoc Damage ATK 57.0% 61.68% 66.35% 72.9% 77.57% 82.95% 90.42% 97.9% 105.38% 113.33% 0.68 1.35 1.0 0.27 Basic
20 Havoc Damage ATK 57.0% 61.68% 66.35% 72.9% 77.57% 82.95% 90.42% 97.9% 105.38% 113.33% 0.68 1.35 1.0 0.27 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Resonance Liberation: Embers of Petals
Causes Camellya's flower to fully open and Spread wide in front of Camellya, dealing multiple Havoc DMG and Juggle enemies.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Witch Form Havoc Damage Bonus 605.00% 654.61% 704.22% 773.68% 823.29% 880.34% 959.72% 1039.09% 1118.47% 1202.81%
Havoc Crit. Rate Bonus 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Resonance Energy Cost 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Concerto Regen 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 605.0% 654.61% 704.22% 773.68% 823.29% 880.34% 959.72% 1039.09% 1118.47% 1202.81% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Liberation
2 Havoc Damage ATK 907.5% 981.92% 1056.33% 1160.52% 1234.93% 1320.51% 1439.57% 1558.64% 1677.7% 1804.21% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Liberation
3 Havoc Damage ATK 1210.0% 1309.22% 1408.44% 1547.35% 1646.57% 1760.68% 1919.43% 2078.18% 2236.93% 2405.61% 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Liberation
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Seedbed
When casting Resonance Skill to enter the Witch state, Camellya gains an additional 10 Resonance Energy.
Inherent Skill: Invasion
Each time Resonance Skill is used, its own attack power for the next 7 seconds is increased by 15%.
Intro Skill: Everbloom Flower
Camellya appears to impact enemies forward, dealing Havoc DMG, and upon hitting an enemy, it gains the markings Camellya Flower-Petal and Camellya Flower-Bud on itself.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Skill DMG 100.00% 108.20% 116.40% 127.88% 136.08% 145.51% 158.63% 171.75% 184.87% 198.81%
Concerto Regen 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 100.0% 108.2% 116.4% 127.88% 136.08% 145.51% 158.63% 171.75% 184.87% 198.81% 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.2 Intro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Outro Skill: Twining
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
2 Havoc Damage ATK 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 329.24% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
3 Havoc Damage ATK 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 459.02% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
4 Havoc Damage ATK 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
5 Havoc Damage ATK 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 552.72% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
6 Havoc Damage ATK 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 771.12% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Outro
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Forte Circuit: Floral Universe
Camellya Flower Marker
Camellya gains the markers Camellya Flower-Petal, Camellya Flower-Stamen, and Camellya Flower-Bud when a specific attack from Camellya hits the target.
For each Marker gained, Camellya gains a 5% bonus to attack power for the duration of its existence, and the use of Resonance Skill and Resonance Liberation consumes all Markers Camellya currently possesses.

Camellya Flower Witch
When using Resonance Skill and Resonance Liberation, if Camellya possesses the markers Camellya Flower-Petal, Camellya Flower-Pistil, and Camellya Flower-Bud at the same time, she enters the Camellya Flower Witch state for 10 seconds.
While in the Camellya Flower Witch state, Camellya boosts the damage of all attacks that deal Havoc attribute attacks by 20% and boosts the Crit. Rate of such attacks by 20%.
Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Res. Energy Cost 635.00% 687.07% 739.14% 812.04% 864.11% 923.99% 1007.31% 1090.62% 1173.93% 1262.45%
Skill Damage 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Mark Attack Power Bonus 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Type
1 Havoc Damage ATK 635.0% 687.07% 739.14% 812.04% 864.11% 923.99% 1007.31% 1090.62% 1173.93% 1262.45% 12.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Basic
2 Havoc Damage ATK 1397.0% 1511.56% 1626.11% 1786.49% 1901.04% 2032.78% 2216.07% 2399.35% 2582.64% 2777.38% 12.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Basic
Note: There currently seem to be unused damage data entries for skills in the game. Not all of the entries listed above are necessarily used in the game.
Inherent Skill: Skillful Cooking
Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking
Stat Bonus:
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 1.80%.
Stat Bonus:
Stat Bonus:
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus: ATK+
ATK increased by 4.20%.
Stat Bonus:
Resonance Chain Sequence Node 1:
Camellya skill unfinished
Sequence Node 2:
Camellya skill unfinished
Sequence Node 3:
Camellya skill unfinished
Sequence Node 4:
Camellya skill unfinished
Sequence Node 5:
Camellya skill unfinished
Sequence Node 6:
Camellya skill unfinished
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