Reminiscence: Fleurdelys Element: Aero

The otherworldly being that slumbers atop Avinoleum, a prophecy bestowed upon the mortal realm by the Divinity.

Echo Sonata Effects
Set 2-piece Effect 5-piece Effect
Gusts of Welkin Aero DMG + 10% Inflicting Aero Erosion upon enemies increases Aero DMG for other Resonators in the team by {0}, and for the equipped Resonator by an additional {1}, lasting for {2}s.
Echo Skill Summon the Windcleaver to attack the target, dealing 15.20%/18.24%/21.28%/24.32%/27.36% Aero DMG 8 times and 76.00%/91.20%/106.40%/121.60%/136.80% Aero DMG once. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 10.00% Aero DMG Bonus. If this Resonator is Rover: Aero or ???, grant another 10.00% Aero DMG Bonus. CD: 20s.
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Coordinated Type
1 Aero Damage ATK 15.2% 18.24% 21.28% 24.32% 27.36% 0.38 0.0 1.0 0.152 Echo
2 Aero Damage ATK 76.0% 91.2% 106.4% 121.6% 136.8% 1.9 0.0 1.0 0.76 Echo
Level HP Attack Defense Toughness Toughness Recover Hardness Hardness Recover Rage Rage Recover Phys. Res. Glacio Res. Fusion Res. Electro Res. Aero Res. Spectro Res. Havoc Res.
1 3,000 125 800 50,000 2,000 15,000 0 200,000 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
10 4,121 239 872 50,000 2,000 20,605 0 274,740 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
20 7,306 387 952 50,000 2,000 36,531 0 487,080 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
30 17,614 716 1,032 50,000 2,000 88,074 0 1,174,320 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
40 33,188 982 1,112 50,000 2,000 165,942 0 2,212,560 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
50 61,777 1,695 1,192 50,000 2,000 308,889 0 4,118,520 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
60 122,761 2,406 1,272 50,000 2,000 613,807 0 8,184,100 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
70 246,740 4,694 1,352 50,000 2,000 1,233,703 0 16,449,380 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
80 469,119 6,996 1,432 50,000 2,000 2,345,599 0 31,274,660 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
90 787,817 8,375 1,512 50,000 2,000 3,939,088 0 52,521,180 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
100 1,093,347 8,375 1,592 50,000 2,000 5,466,739 0 72,889,860 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
110 1,221,809 8,375 1,672 50,000 2,000 6,109,045 0 81,453,940 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%
120 1,296,515 8,375 1,752 50,000 2,000 6,482,575 0 86,434,340 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 40% 10% 10%