Phantom: Feilian Beringal Element: Aero

Feilian Beringal - Underdiscovered placeholder

Echo Sonata Effects
Set 2-piece Effect 5-piece Effect
Sierra Gale Aero DMG + 10%. Aero DMG + 30% for 15s after releasing Intro Skill.
Rejuvenating Glow Healing Bonus + 10%. Increases the ATK of all party members by 15% for 30s upon healing allies.
Echo Skill Transform into Feilian Beringal to perform a powerful kick. If the kick lands on an enemy, immediately perform a follow-up strike. The kick deals 144.90%/166.64%/188.37%/210.11%/231.84% Aero DMG, and the follow-up strike deals 177.10%/203.67%/230.23%/256.80%/283.36% Aero DMG. After the follow-up strike hits, the current character's Aero DMG increases by 12.00%, and the Heavy Attack DMG increases by 12.00% for 15s CD: 20s
Entry# Element Type Base Attribute Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Resonance Energy Concerto Energy Hardness Toughness Coordinated Type
1 Aero Damage ATK 144.9% 166.63% 188.37% 210.1% 231.84% 3.62 0.0 1.0 1.449 Echo
2 Aero Damage ATK 177.1% 203.66% 230.23% 256.79% 283.36% 4.42 0.0 1.0 1.771 Echo