The Past is the Future: Introduction Side Quests
The girl behind the theater seems to have trouble looking for the gift her sister left her. Go and learn about the situation.
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1 Yeah! This is it!
2 I remember the first time I walked through this waterfall. My sister was overjoyed that I conquered my fear and took that first step.
0 The next location isn't far. It's right under that tree ahead.

1 The gift should be around here. Let's look for it.
2 Pudding! Do your best to guide us, okay?
0 Woof!

1 Seems we're all rested. Let's keep moving!

1 I remember there's some rabbit holes nearby; my sister was really good at catching rabbits.
0 I suspect she hid a gift there.
2 Pudding, go, check it out!
3 Woof!

1 Shiyu left only this sentence about the gift under this tree.
0 "Direction of the hand, protection of the heart."
3 Understanding the meaning of "hands" and "hearts" should be enough to find the gift.
2 Let's look around; maybe we'll catch a spark of inspiration to solve this riddle.

1 I didn't realize we'd climbed so high already.
1 I looked for the gift but found nothing.
0 I think I found it—the scenery is what she wanted me to see.
0 It's indeed beautiful.
3 The first time I came here, my sister was already too busy to come home often.
23 But when she knew I was preparing for my exam, she still managed to make some time for me. We came here together to relieve my anxiety.
4 When I finally made it atop this mountain, and saw how beautiful it is here, I felt the joy of climbing for the very first time.
24 I thanked her for inspiring me to reach this height.
5 The vast expanse before my eyes helped cast away all the burdens in my heart.
25 Seeing such a beautiful sight, my stress lessened, and it definitely helped me passing Leyi Academy's entrance exam.
6 And there's another important reason.
26 During the final interview, someone gave up their opportunity. That's how I got off the waiting list.
8 Growth is perhaps like climbing a mountain, with one peak after another waiting for me to ascend. The pains of blood, sweat, and tears will ultimately transform into boundless joy upon reaching the summit.
8 There's something else your sister is trying to tell you.
2 Really? What is it?
2 You past self shaped who you are now.
2 Luck favors the prepared and capable.
9 Is that so? Sounds like my sister did say something along those lines.
10 These gifts were a record of my efforts, and I thought she was just trying to keep me working hard…
7 I didn't realize she was dissatisfied with how I viewed myself.
11 I remember she once said...
27 "Luck isn't the determining factor for your success, but you are."
12 Back then, I didn't pay much attention to those words. I just felt I wasn't good enough.
13 Thank you for helping me understand my sister's thoughts.
28 Thanks for helping me understand my sister's thoughts. I'll take her words to heart and welcome the new chapter of my life with greater confidence!
14 Thanks for accompanying me all the way and helping me find these precious gifts.
14 You're welcome. I'm glad you can finally understand what your sister was thinking.
15 By the way, Shiyu made her decision after climbing this mountain.
16 She climbed to the summit of West Mountain... and that was when she decided to become a soldier, and fight on the frontlines.
17 I've never been to the top of West Mountain. Now, I kinda want to visit the summit she once conquered.
19 My sister's can't stay with me now, but I can still reach the summit she conquered on my own.
19 Shall we go there now?
20 No! My sister managed to conquer the West Mountain on a rainy day. I don't want to lose to her!
18 I'll wait until it rains. I will challenge her on equal grounds.
21 Do you want to join me? Only a handful of people managed to climb to the West Mountain's top.
21 Sounds interesting. Count me in!
22 Great! I remember it might rain tomorrow. Let's climb the mountain together!
29 When the time's right, I'll send you a message, and let's meet at the foot of West Mountain!

1 How's it going? Any discoveries?
1 Nothing yet.
7 Oh, how could that be... If I can't find the first gift, how am I supposed to locate the others?
7 Maybe we should check the next spot first?
8 You're right.
9 Let me check. According to the clue, we have to pass through that waterfall.
9 Let's go. (Jump:0)
0 Wow. Why are you so calm?
2 The first time my sister told me about this route, I was totally freaked out!
4 Back then, she told me to not worry about it, and just take a big step forward!

1 Look! A camp stove!
0 It's getting late. How about we take a rest here?
2 A good rest will freshen us up for the journey ahead!
4 Woof! Woof!
5 Seems like Pudding is hungry too. They've been helping me find the gift all day.
6 Let me whip up some Jinzhou Stew. You'll love it!
7 Oh, do you have a specialty?
7 I can make Jinzhou Skewers.
7 I can make Milky Fish Soup.
3 That's great! I can't wait to taste it!

1 There should be plenty of ingredients around here.
0 If needed, we can also collect some.

1 Pudding can't climb this cliff.
1 We're on our own up ahead.
7 It's up to us now.
0 Pudding, good boy, go back home. Be good, okay? I'll bring you tasty treats when I return!
3 Woof! Woof!

1 This is a fantastic lookout point.
2 When we climbed here before, we sat for a long time.
3 My sister looked at this scenery and got lost in thought. I wonder what she was thinking about back then.

18 You all gathered around and enjoyed a simple yet delicious dinner.

1 So full... Phew... It's been a while since I've relaxed so leisurely.
0 It kinda takes me back to the days when I came here with my sister.
0 You miss her a lot?
2 Yes, but I also worry about her a lot.
3 Though we're sisters, we're quite different.
4 I grew up studying for exams, like most Jinzhou kids.
5 After studying for so many years, I finally got the job I like.
6 A peaceful life, as calm as dead water. It seems to be my life in a nutshell.
7 However, Shiyu, my sister, is a born Resonator, and she is good at using her ability. So… we're bound to take different paths.
8 Instead of spending time in school, she traveled around with her teacher, mastering Martial Arts and engaging in contests to hone her skills.
9 Eventually, she joined the Midnight Rangers, so we barely see each other—maybe a few times a year, I'd say?
10 Despite her busy life, I know she cares about me.
11 In crucial moments of my life, she's always there for me, climbing higher and higher on this mountain together.
12 Each height where a gift is hidden was once an obstacle for me.
13 I somewhat understand that she probably wants me to take a step back and reflect on how far I've gone.
14 So she hid the gifts in these places…
15 Sorry for troubling you. If only I was a Resonator too...
15 It's okay.
16 It's actually so beautiful up here, but few people ever come here to appreciate it.
17 Let's walk slowly. It's not bad to treat this climb as a sightseeing tour. I will be your guide!