Lost Ranger Side Quests
Mrs. Jué is worried about Guhong, who regularly visits the elderly but hasn't shown up for a few days. Help her find him.
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1 Guhong is a Midnight Ranger, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War.
0 Let's pay the Ministry of War and ask about Guhong there.

1 You checked your Terminal and found Guhong's contact information.
0 You can't help but feel a sense of unease. You make yourself stay focused and dialed the number.

1 ... Desorock...
0 ... Cave...
2 ... Requesting... Backup...

1 Thank you, Rover.
1 Mrs. Jué asked me to come find you.
0 I was careless and got ambushed. Got held back... I regret having Mrs. Jué feel worried.
2 Can you help me back to the city, Rover?
3 I wish to tell Mrs. Jué what happened on the frontlines in person.
3 I got you.