Solitary Path Companion Stories
A cryptic message reveals the Séance Society's involvement in Jinzhou's disappearances. Is this the key to unlocking the truth?
Dialog blocks are currently not sorted correctly.
1 What's going on?
2 Miss Yinlin! The Tacet Discords are here!
3 Go tell your grandma. Get everyone somewhere safe.
4 O-okay!
5 What about you, Rover? Will you join them or flee while you can in this chaos?
5 They're not bad people...
6 So you want to help protect them. Knew it.
6 You owe me the truth after this. Everything.
7 Everything, huh... The secrets I hold might be bigger than you imagine.
8 If you really want to know... You'll need to survive this first!

2 (Chixia just called me. I wonder what's happening...)
2 Oh no. Did I break the law or something? (Jump:3)
2 Hello Chixia, what's up? (Jump:5)
3 Huh? Is that your first reaction? Come on!
4 Anyway! You know, we could really use your help with this ongoing case!
4 (Jump:6)
5 Here's the thing, we could really use your help with this ongoing case...
5 (Jump:6)
6 We've been getting a lot of missing persons reports recently.
7 Nobody ever saw those people assaulted or anything, they just vanished.
8 Some of those people are even Resonators or they've served in the military!
8 These cases might be connected.
9 Since you're always coming and going from the city, can you help me watch out for anything weird or suspicious?
9 Sure thing.
10 Thank you so much! Knew I could count on you!
11 Ring me up when you spot anything sus, yeah? Laterz!
12 (You received a message right after hanging up with Chixia.)

0 (The Séance Society... Never heard of them before. They said they have a "solution"... But how? This is very suspicious, no matter how I look at it.)
1 (Guess I'll just go and see for myself.)

0 Oh… So you've accepted my invitation, Rover.
0 Are you from the Séance Society?
1 Well, yes. My name is Lirong.
2 Since you are here, you must have lost someone, too.
3 Daddy…
4 Now, Yuanyuan, no need to be afraid… She's not one of those evil Patrollers. You're safe with me.
4 Is this your daughter?
5 Yes, my daughter… Her name is Yuanyuan. My only precious.
6 I am Daddy's precious?
7 Absolutely, my dear. We will stay together... Nothing can take you from me again...
7 She was taken from you?
8 Ah, yes... Once we were separated by an unfortunate turn of events... But now I have her back, thanks to the Séance Society's help...
9 Truly a miracle, is it not?!
10 And you… Yes, you too can be reunited with your loved ones... Just come join us...
10 So... Your daughter had died?
11 No! She didn't... She was never gone!
12 Can't you see? Yuanyuan, she... She's still alive! Alive and well!
13 Daddy!? What's happening…? You're scaring me…
14 (He seems off. Is he Overclocking?)
14 Calm down! I'll get you a doctor!
15 No! No doctor! I don't need anything!!
16 I am not leaving her… You're not leaving daddy, right Yuanyuan?
17 Wah... I...
17 He might hurt the girl... I must act fast!

1 Yuanyuan!
1 Stop, you're going to injure her.
2 Shut up! Take your hands off her NOW!
3 No! Daddy! *screams*
4 That's enough, Lirong.
5 Urgh…!?
6 She'll be safe in my care. You still have other things to do, remember?
7 Huff... Ugh... No! Don't! Yuanyuan!
8 Lirong!
9 Do you want to lose your daughter again?
10 Urgh… Gah… No, I... Fine, I'll leave it to you.
10 Do you know him?
11 Now, hand over the girl…
12 You see, that man is her father. Why do you want to separate them?
12 He is dangerous…
13 Oh well, whatever. Yuanyuan? Come over here please?
14 Yes...
15 Good girl. Stay here, Yuanyuan.
15 What did you do!?
16 And why would you be concerned? Smart girls know how to mind their own business.
17 Oh? You're quite the fighter… Hmm, how about…
17 We're not fighting now? I can go on if you want.
18 Shh... They're coming… It's the Patrollers. We can't let them find out about Yuanyuan.
19 Now if you don't want to get into trouble, better do as I say... I'll explain everything later.
20 Including what's happening with the "Séance Society"…
20 Fine. (Jump:21)
20 No. (Jump:22)
21 Smart choice...
21 (Jump:25)
22 Oh, don't be so pigheaded. What if I pinned the blame on you?
23 Say, for trying to abduct this little girl? You'll have a real time talking your way out of that... Right, Yuanyuan?
24 Yes, Miss Yinlin...
24 (Guess I'll have to do as she said, for now.) (Jump:25)
25 Good. Now come give me a hand. We'll need to hide the traces of fighting here.

1 And the so-called Séance Society... They are the ones behind Jinzhou's recent missing person cases.
2 They offer these puppets to people who have lost their loved ones.
3 These puppets can perfectly replicate the personalities of the deceased… To those mourning people, they are indistinguishable from the living.
3 Yuanyuan... Did she really pass away?
4 Yes… With the puppet, she has been resurrected by her father's longing.
5 People gave up everything to join this Society for one chance to reunite with their beloved.
6 As for how they got their hands on these puppets... I have no idea yet.
7 Beware, the puppets may seem harmless, but those who got too attached are much more likely to Overclock.
7 Didn't know they were so dangerous...
8 Lirong's the recruiter. You're the perfect outsider, traveling all alone, ripe for the taking.
9 Heh... But it seems he picked the worst candidate possible.
9 Then why are you still helping him?
10 I need to apprehend the true culprit behind this group…
11 But this is not your problem. I'm on a mission. Leave now and forget everything that happened here today, will you?
11 Were you looking for this?
12 Lirong's transaction record… Where did you find it?
13 *sigh*… You're such a box of surprises.
13 You promised to tell me everything.
14 Sure, why not. I'll give you what you want...
15 But I don't want prying eyes. If you're really that curious, meet me outside the city at these coordinates.

1 Lirong. Here's your daughter, as I promised.
2 Yuanyuan!! I was so afraid… I can't bear to lose you again…
3 Please don't cry, Daddy… Was I being bad?
4 No, you're always a good girl... always...
5 Ugh, enough with the make-believe. That's a puppet.
6 Daddy… am I a puppet?
7 No! You're not! Yuanyuan, I...
8 Yuanyuan's ten times more human than you people.
9 You call that thing human? Hah! That's just a robot lab rat.
10 You...!
11 Enough, we don't have time for this… Where's our stuff? Bring them out.
12 Lirong, go bring them the prototype puppets.
13 Huff... Huff... I…
14 Hey… We ain't got all day. Hurry up.
15 No! I won't let you have them!
16 We'll make you regret this...
17 After him! You're going nowhere either, Missy!
18 Here we go…
19 (Lirong's trying to escape with the puppets. Here's hoping that Rover can stop him in time…)
19 Lirong is our only lead... I must follow him!
20 You follow closely behind Lirong.

1 (Found him. Lirong is here.)
0 (I should go take a closer look...)

0 Daddy… I'm tired...
1 It's okay, Yuanyuan... They won't find us here.
2 Those scary people... Are they coming after me?
3 Not just you, Yuanyuan... They want all the puppets here. But I won't let them.
4 I'll make sure every puppet finds home, together with people who love and need them. I will NOT let those freaks use them for experiments!
5 Master Dollmaker… How could you be the first to betray our belief...
6 ("Dollmaker"… Is that the leader of the Séance Society?)
7 Is Master Dollmaker bad, Daddy?
8 I... I'm not sure anymore. He was our hope... He saved us all, but...
11 *sigh* Doesn't matter now. I must get all of you to safety first.
9 (I guess they still have some morals. There's still things they won't do.)
10 I spotted them! Over there!
12 You can't hide from this good ol' sniffer of mine!
13 Yuanyuan, get behind Daddy, quick...
14 I'll grab these puppets now. What about that guy, boss?
15 Ice him… We'll take that puppet behind him too.
16 Huh… Urgh… Huff... I will not... Let you! Aaaghhah!
17 (Lirong's going to severely Overclock at this rate.)
19 Eek… *gasp*…
20 H-Help!
20 Yuanyuan, take your father somewhere safe!
21 Hey! What the hell are you doing here?!
22 One woman's not gonna make a difference. Get rid of them now!
23 Forgetting someone, are we?

0 What the… Those idiots. They were supposed to take care of you!
1 Careful!
2 Sorry I knocked out your friends earlier. We're not planning to start anything with the Fractsidus, really.
3 What do you say? Care to give Lirong and his daughter a little break? They're our people, after all.
4 You may have these puppets here. We can pretend none of this ever happened.
5 You think we're stupid or what? We're taking the puppets, and you're all going under!
6 Aww, you sure you want to do this? We're business partners, remember?
7 Partners? You're just a bunch of lab rat keepers trying to play the game!
8 So they're not up for peace talks. What do you say, Rover?
8 Count me in. It's not like they'll let me off the hook.
9 Hehe... True. You know your Fractsidus well.
10 You've got some moves. Impressive…
11 Guess I can rely on you a bit more. I'll be counting on you.

0 How did you like the fight? Are you injured?
0 Not a scratch. (Jump:1)
0 They were a bit hard to handle. (Jump:2)
0 I can take on a dozen more! (Jump:3)
1 Those were the Fractsidus and you didn't bat an eye... Looks like you've got the skills, and the nerve too.
1 (Jump:4)
2 Yeah, better stay cautious. I've seen too many die from recklessness.
2 (Jump:4)
3 Ooh, really? I'll sit back and leave it all to you next time.
3 (Jump:4)
4 We took care of them for now… but there's probably more trouble coming our way.
4 Is your cover at risk?
5 My, my... Are you worried about me?
6 What a surprise. I thought you never trusted me this entire time.
6 ...
7 Fine, I'll spare you the teasing for now… Your serious face is quite cute though.
8 Don't worry, we took care of all the Fractsidus people here. If the Society becomes suspicious, I'll just pin everything on them.
9 They may still question me, but I've mastered gaining trust with lies. It's the key to being an undercover investigator.
10 Just like what I did to you… Try feeling your back.
10 You planted a bug on me!?
11 A bug and a tracker. Yes. How else did you think I got here so quickly?
12 I put it there the first time we met.
12 Why did you do this?
13 "Don't trust anyone"… That's the first thing I learned in training.
14 You may not belong to any group, but you seemed to care for Lirong and Yuanyuan, and you want to recover lost memories…
15 I can't risk you betraying me by helping them run off or selling me out. Better safe than sorry.
15 Then I'm sure you overheard the name "Dollmaker"?
16 Of course. Dollmaker... He must be a big deal in the Séance Society, or even their leader.
17 We're getting close to the truth... But we have another issue at hand.
18 I did a quick checkup on Lirong. He just passed out from Overclocking. Lucky for him it wasn't that bad.
18 What about Yuanyuan?
19 Yuanyuan returned to her puppet form once Lirong fell unconscious. Not even I can reactivate her now.
20 I doubt she'll be reactivated any time soon. We've reached a dead end with Lirong.
20 We can try the prototype puppets?
21 Yeah, I was planning to. We may find some clues.
22 But we gotta move first. Can't stay here for long.
23 Go collect the puppets. I'll look after Lirong and Yuanyuan.

0 These must be the coordinates. The Sensor may reveal more clues.

0 This must be the marking. That way.

1 We should be good in here. This safe house is equipped with signal jammers and counter-surveillance measures.
2 The Fractsidus won't find us here.
2 Really living up to its name...
3 Yes, it's as safe and secure as it gets.
4 Nothing gets in, and nothing gets out.
4 But... where are the Patrollers?

1 Don't bother. You won't find any Patrollers here.
2 I told you before...
3 Don't trust anyone. Remember?
4 What a special specimen...
5 Time to have my men take her back to the camp...

1 (I guess that's all the clues. Anyway, this place is definitely connected to the Society.)
2 (I should use it to inform Chixia and the others of my situation, and my current coordinates.)

1 (Done... Here's hoping they'll get my message.)
2 (Now, how do I get out of here...)
3 Oh, you're awake? Come out then.

1 I just remembered there's another place we need to visit. Come with me.
2 Relax. Nothing's going to happen to you... Not yet, at least.

2 (I should check this place out while Yinlin's gone. Might find something about that Dollmaker.)

1 (Yinlin will be back at any moment now.)
2 (I should go back to Quxiu.)

0 Surrender now! We've got you surrounded! You are the leader here, aren't you?
1 My, my. That's quite the party.
2 Hey! Who the hell are you? Let her go!
3 And if I don't?
4 Freeze! Shut up!
5 Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I've got a hostage, you see?
6 Whoa! You-You... Don't move!
7 I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you. Can't risk the VIP of Jinzhou getting hurt, now can we?
8 Ugh, fine... Lower your weapons guys!
9 "Trust me… Come this way."

0 So that's what the Séance Society was up to... Thanks for your statement, it really helped!
1 Somehow the Fractsidus was involved too! Who could have thought… Luckily you were there to stop them in time!
1 How's the Dollmaker? (Jump:2)
1 How are the Séance Society people doing? (Jump:4)
2 The man's still not saying anything... Guess we'll have to keep him under custody for now.
3 Nothing about that suspect lady either. We still have zero info on her.
3 (Jump:7)
4 Most of those Resonators have varying degrees of Overclocking. They need urgent care, the professionals from Huaxu Academy are already on it.
5 A guy named Lirong had it worst, didn't wake up from his coma until yesterday.
6 He's still recovering from some really bad aftereffects, but at least he's making progress.
7 Oh, so the missing cases led to an illegal cult-like organization AND a bunch of other twisted plans!
8 Unbelievable... We'd be toast without your help.
8 Actually, I couldn't do it without someone else's help.
9 Huh? And who's that?
9 An emissary of justice, hidden in the shadows.
9 An honorable companion.
9 I'm not sure whether she's a friend or foe.
10 What? Come on, you need to be more specific… Whoever they are, sounds like they'll make for quite the Patroller.
10 I'll be sure to tell her that.
11 Well, that's it for now. Ring me up when you find something unusual again. I'll catch you later!

2 (A letter without a signature. It can only lead to one thing.)
3 (Yinlin. She's waiting for me.)
4 (Same as last time, she said... Must be the wolf markings. I should look around.)

1 Splendid view, right?
2 As promised, I owe you a lot of explanation.
2 Had you been planning to get me involved?
3 No, I wasn't expecting to meet you.
4 My order was to oversee our deal with the Fractsidus.
5 You were just a pawn in my plan to find where Lirong kept the puppets.
6 But I didn't expect him to try and escape with them. Couldn't risk exposing myself yet, so I had to track him down and retrieve the puppets.
7 Around that time, Dollmaker caught wind of your special abilities. He asked me to bring you to that safe house.
7 You zapped me a little too hard back there.
8 Hehe… Oh, really? I even upped the voltage for the best effect. Was that just a zap to you?
9 No wonder our Dollmaker took so much interest in that body of yours.
9 So he couldn't recover my memories?
10 Unfortunately, no. He tried but couldn't gain access.
11 According to him, you possess a power beyond his understanding that prevented him from prying into your mind. You might be more special than you had thought.
12 Said he couldn't read your mind without risking his own sanity, let alone retrieve any information... I can't imagine what the hell is going on beneath your skull.
13 Who knows? Maybe you helped some strangers again only to mess with the wrong person, and ended up with your memories gone.
14 I say you should stop playing hero and take better care of yourself. You'll live longer that way.
14 Are you worried about me?
15 Don't think I need to, since you can handle yourself just fine. But... if you ever need my help, just let me know.
16 We have a lot in common. Both alone in this world.
17 Maybe I'll keep you in my thoughts. A reminder that I'm not the only solitary soul out there.
18 And eventually, we'll both learn to move through our lives with loneliness.
19 Perhaps the same loneliness was too much for Dollmaker to bear... That's why he gave up everything to resurrect my parents.
19 He had companions, he just never cherished them.
20 Yes… After my parents' death, we all became chess pieces to him, myself included.
21 Raised me to be a Patroller for his own agenda. He needed a mole in the Public Security Bureau.
22 In the end I did become a Patroller, but failed to stay by his side as he desired.
23 Maybe I'm indeed a heart-wrenching betrayer to him...
23 He dug his own grave.
24 Yes... We all have to face the consequences of our actions. I don't plan to defend him.
25 But if I had acted sooner, this whole mess could have been avoided. Why didn't I do something?
26 Perhaps… like everyone else in the Séance Society, I too held onto that naive pipe dream.
27 The dream of finally meeting my parents and having a real family... I indulged in it more than I care to admit.
28 Deep down, I knew my dream was built upon the sacrifices of innocent lives... but I couldn't bear to shatter it.
28 In the end, you still fulfilled your duty. As a Patroller.
29 Hmph... because I met you. A total outsider risking her life for me and for all those people...
30 A lot of it still remains unresolved. Dollmaker was merely a cog in the wheel. A bigger shadow lingers.
30 The Fractsidus…
31 Yes. We must stay vigilant until we expose the true culprits and destroy their plans for good.
31 We?
32 Don't tell me you're pulling out at this point?
33 If you are, I may have to wipe my true identity from your head by force...
33 Please go easy on me…
34 It was a joke. Anyway, I should thank you... Because of you, I was able to accomplish far more and save many more lives than I imagined.
35 You feel different. I have the feeling I can always trust your words, whatever you say.
35 Do you mean it?
36 Hehe... Well, take a guess?
37 Oh, and lastly… There is another thing I should thank you for. For trusting me all the way till the very end.
38 Until we meet again, Rover… Perhaps I'll meet you under an entirely different identity next time.

1 (No injuries. I still have my weapon and Terminal.)
2 (It's hard to tell from what little I've gathered so far. I should find out where this place is first.)

0 No more markings in sight... This must be the safe house.
1 Look, there's a device on that wall.
4 Hmm… We need a passcode.
2 They were thorough. The safe house is hidden and has a passcode.
3 There should be some hints nearby. Let's look around.