Wild Heart's Return Companion Stories
In Jinzhou, you meet an unusual... human?
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0 They... They say you have claws...
1 We heard you can tear those monsters into shreds...
2 Wanna take a look?
3 Yes! Please!
5 Okay, then! Here you go...
7 Eek...
8 C-Candies!
9 Try some! I hope these candies can make up for not showing you my impressive claws.
10 See? He's not scary at all!
11 Thank you, L-Lingyang!
12 You're welcome! Do come by to see our liondance show tomorrow!
13 I will!
14 See you soon!
16 Hmm... you smell unfamiliar, yet so powerful, and so pure...
16 Do I smell funny...?
16 Are you talking to me?
17 You must be that famous Rover.
20 Hiya! I've heard a lot about you, and now I finally get to meet you in person.
21 You can call me Lingyang, glad to make your acquaintance! Fare thee well, blessings swell!
21 I'm {PlayerName}. (Reach out your hand) (Jump:22)
21 I'm {PlayerName}. (Don't reach out your hand) (Jump:24)
22 You really are different from everyone else...
23 So we've shaken hands. Now we're good friends!
23 What are you doing here? (Jump:26)
24 Hmm... So even you are scared of me, too...
25 ...Anyway! Welcome to the city of Jinzhou!
25 What are you doing here? (Jump:26)
26 Our troupe is doing a big liondancing show tomorrow evening, and I'm now doing some advertising!
26 Your troupe? (Jump:27)
26 A liondance show? (Jump:29)
27 Yeah, the Liondance Troupe. We do cool liondancing shows for parades.
28 Oh, and liondancing(Taiping Musical) is a traditional thing in Jinzhou.
28 (Jump:31)
29 Well, liondancing(Taiping Musical) is a traditional thing in Jinzhou.
30 We've got whole groups dedicated to liondancing, our troupe for example.
31 We've got lots of activites in Jinzhou. I can't wait to show you!
32 (his stomach growled...)
33 Oh! Oops, uh.. Sorry, I guess I'm a bit hungry after rehearsing for a whole day.
34 Speaking of that, I should treat you to dinner! Let's talk over food. That'll be fun!
34 That's a thing in Jinzhou too? (Jump:35)
34 You seem a bit too kind... (Jump:37)
34 What do you want from me? (Jump:39)
35 Well actually... Yes it is! Jinzhou people love feeding our guests! It's our way of showing hospitality.
36 Get ready to be blown away by the amazing flavors here!
36 (Jump:41)
37 Don't get me wrong, but this is just how we treat our guests here in Jinzhou.
38 You'll love the hospitality here, I promise!
38 (Jump:41)
39 N-Nothing! Please believe me. I'm just trying to treat you to a meal, since you're our super important guest and all.
40 You'll see how we roll with our guests soon enough!
41 But right now, I still have some other things to finish...
42 I've been getting a ton of requests for private liondances lately, and some happen to overlap with our big show tomorrow.
43 And you know how important liondancing is to the folks here in Jinzhou! Can't just turn 'em down.
44 So I had an idea: why not combine all these personal requests into the grand performance? That way, everyone's happy.
45 We can even customize the performances to cater to each client's needs.
46 But first, gotta figure out exactly what our clients want!
47 {PlayerName}, wanna come with me?
48 We can go visit my clients on our way to grab food. I'll show you around and introduce you to our local customs firsthand.
49 It'll be way cooler than just hearing about it from others. What do you say?
49 Nice, I'm in.
49 Since it's your treat...
50 Great! Let's goooo!!

0 Okay, let me think.. My first client's nearby. You might've seen them before.
1 Just cross the bridge, keep going, and we're there!

0 Done! Now, onto the next client... Hmm, I remember it's a young couple.

0 Sorry, but I'm not the one you're looking for. I never made any liondancing requests...
1 {PlayerName}, what brought you here?
1 I was worried. (Jump:2)
1 You didn't pay enough for the meal. (Jump:3)
2 It's not a big deal, really! Thanks for coming to check on me.
2 Are you in trouble? (Jump:5)
3 What? Oh no! How much money did it cost you? I'll pay you back!
3 I'm just kidding.
4 I was really freaked out for a moment. If anyone finds out I let the guest pay, I'll be shamed in Jinzhou!
4 Are you in trouble?
5 I received a strange request from the Bei Family. It didn't mention any specific requirements.
6 Could it be your parents?
7 ...No, it can't be. Now, if there's nothing else, please excuse me.
8 Please, one moment! Bei Shi... do you have an older brother?
9 How did you know...
10 The client who called me had a mature male voice.
11 And since he said he's from the Bei Family, there is only one other possibility...
12 Bei Shi, has something happened to you?
13 ...
14 I'm Lingyang from the Liondance Troupe. This is {PlayerName}.
16 You can trust us.
17 ...It's about my brother, Bei Ji. It's been a week now, and he still hasn't come back home.
18 A week ago... That's when I received this request.
19 Was he acting strange the last time you saw him?
20 My brother and I stopped talking to each other a while back, after a big fight. I don't even know when he last left our house...
22 But... he still sends me packages from time to time. It's been a bunch of strange stuff...
24 This package has old Angelica flowers, they don't smell good anymore.
25 And these meats... They are almost bad, even though they're refrigerated... Anything else he told you?
26 He mentioned hanging out with people from The Savages in one of his letters...
26 Why didn't you inform the Patrollers?
27 I didn't tell anyone, because I was worried my brother would get in trouble if I reported it to the police.
28 Yeah, The Savages seem shady. And there's talk of the Jingle Beast being connected to them.
29 But the return addresses on these packages are all different. How are we supposed to find him?
29 We can go ask the package delivery people.
30 I see... {PlayerName}, you're so clever!
31 Bei Shi, leave it to me! I'll help you find your brother.
32 Can I go with you?
34 I get it, Bei Shi. You really want to find your brother.
35 But it's dangerous out there with the TD Outbreaks happening more frequently. I can't guarantee your safety if we run into a spreading Tacet Field.
36 I... I can handle it. I used to be a member of the Pioneer Association, too.
37 Us Pioneers never... never back down from a challenge...
37 You don't sound so confident.
37 Don't bite off more than you can chew.
38 But... I...
39 If you insist... Okay, but we'll need to ask {PlayerName} about it.
40 She is a strong Resonator. With her, we'll be safer on our journey.
41 To be honest, I don't want to drag my friend into this... But this is an emergency, and Bei Shi want to tag along, so I'm asking a favor of you.
42 {PlayerName}, I know it's a big ask...
43 But please... Please help me!
43 I plan to.
43 Okay, then, since you're asking for my help...
44 Amazing! Thank you, {PlayerName}!
45 The guy who brings my packages is always the same dude, and I know where he works.
46 Okay, let's get this dealt with. {PlayerName}, are you ready?
46 Let's go.
46 One moment.

2 It should be around here...
4 Wait... There's someone calling for help...
3 Over there! The Hoochiefs are attacking someone!

0 Phew... Thank you! You saved my life!
1 Are you alright?
2 Thanks for asking. I'm fine. I could have run away, but then the packages wouldn't reach their recipients...
2 Your professionalism is commendable. (Jump:3)
2 Do people often drop off their packages here? (Jump:4)
3 Of course! "We Promise, We Deliver"! That's our slogan at the Lollo Logistics!
3 (Jump:5)
4 All packages must be transferred at this station, but we rarely see anyone dropping off their packages here. If someone did, I will surely remember them.
4 (Jump:5)
5 We're searching for a missing person who used your service. Can you help us?
6 Sure! You just saved my life. I'll tell you everything I can remember!
6 Does this look familiar to you?
8 Hmm, I'm sorry, but this doesn't ring any bell...
9 But we just checked the package tracker, and it said you were the deliveryman...
10 ...M-Maybe it was a mistake?
11 I see... Well, we still have another question.
11 About the Jingle Beast... (Jump:12)
11 About "The Savages"... (Jump:18)
12 The "Twinkle Beast"? You mean that monster everyone's been talking about recently?
13 You mean the "Jingle Beast", right?
14 Yeah, whatever. That dangerous, man-eating thing.
15 It's said to have long tusks and sharp claws that can tear anything to shreds...
16 And there's this Exile group, called "The Savages", and they claim to be able to talk to that beast.
17 So people have been paying them to talk the "Jingle Beast" out of attacking humans...
17 (Jump:24)
18 "The Savages"... Yeah, sounds familiar...
19 Do you know the "Tingle Beast"? That monster everyone's been talking about recently.
20 You mean the "Jingle Beast", right?
21 Yeah, whatever. That dangerous, man-eating thing.
22 It's said that they know how to communicate with that ferocious beast.
23 So people have been paying them to talk the "Jingle Beast" out of attacking humans...
24 That's all I know, sir.
25 Thank you, but I've got one last question.
26 Do you know where we can find The Savages, or the Jingle Beast?
27 ...Sorry, but we have our rules to f-follow... I cannot divulge details of our clients.
28 But I heard the Jingle Beast is often found roaming in a campsite. It's somewhere near a broken tree, on that mountainside...
29 Those working on the guard tower can often spot it, too.
30 I see. Thank you for answering my questions.
33 Sir, may I remind you...
34 That thing is very dangerous... It's ferocious beyond your wildest imagination. Please be careful...
35 And there may be more than one of them...
36 Don't worry! If there really was a second Jingle Beast... Well, I'll have to see it for myself!
46 The deliveryman thanks you and leaves...
38 Oh well... We didn't get anything useful from him...
38 We did learn something.
39 Yeah. At least now we know The Savages and the Jingle Beast are definitely connected.
40 Besides, did you see his expression?
41 He seemed frightened. I bet he was hiding something from us out of fear.
41 He had been threatened.
41 He felt guilty.
42 Well, but at least we still got some clues from him. Like where we can find the Jingle Beast.
43 B-but there are so many campsites in the wild, how can we pinpoint its exact location with a couple words from him?
44 Follow me. Let's keep our eyes open for anything unusual.

1 Shh... Let's stay low...
2 Let's not step on those bushes. Try not to make any noise!

0 How did it go?
1 Hehe, you're so smart, boss! That "Jingle Beast" rumor really did the trick!
3 So they're really here...
4 Shh... Keep quiet. Do you see these bushes?
6 These bushes are not supposed to grow so well on exposed ground.
7 Must be planted on purpose. There might be traps hiding underneath.
8 Let's stay put and listen to what they're saying.
9 Oh, about that new guy. He's been getting things down quickly, I'll give him that.
10 He's too nosy. Can't shut up about the "Jingle Beast".
11 Let him go find the beast if he's so eager.
12 And then we'll handle him ourselves.
14 Boss, I heard this guy we're dealing with is tough.
15 He probably won't believe in the "Jingle Beast" rumor.
16 Let's see how he feels after we rough him up in the dark.
18 You get it now?
19 Brilliant plan, boss. You're relentless.
20 Heh, watch and learn, kid.
21 You're just a pup. You don't know what really scares people...
22 But I'll come with you this time.
23 Alright everyone, let's go! Grab your stuff!
25 Phew... Are they gone?
26 No... Wait, they're still nearby.
28 I can still hear them breathing. They're on high alert.
30 But they're still inexperienced by beast standards.
31 Okay, now they've gone farther away.
32 Let's go check it out.

0 {PlayerName}! Wow, it's only been minutes since I sent you the signal. Didn't expect you to arrive so soon!
0 What are you doing here?
1 While I was tailing The Savages, I overheard them talking about where Bei Ji went.
1 Did you hear the bell ringing? (Jump:2)
1 The "Jingle Beast"? (Jump:3)
2 A loud bell ringing? I think I heard something like that, but...
2 (Jump:5)
3 But I didn't... I didn't see anything like the Jingle Beast.
5 Let's stick with the Bei Ji thing.
6 Do you remember what we overheard at the campsite? They mentioned a newbie who was obsessed with the Jingle Beast.
7 And just now, they sent him to some deep cave.
8 I'm sure I did hear the bell ringing... So the Jingle Beast is probably hiding in here, too!
9 Well... Given how big it is, I don't think it could fit inside a cave like this. What do you say?
10 I do smell danger from this cave though...
11 Based on what we've gathered so far, the newbie, probably Bei Ji, is in danger. We need to act fast.
11 Shall we keep moving?
11 Let's go. Time is ticking down.
13 ...{PlayerName}, I've always known how strong you are.
14 I probably shouldn't be asking you for more help, but Bei Ji is in danger, the situation's looking dire, and we need your aid.
15 Could you please help us rescue him? Your help would mean everything to me!
15 Sure, I'm curious what really happened. (Jump:16)
15 Let's help him reunite with his family. (Jump:17)
15 Two meals and deal. (Jump:18)
16 Once we find him, we must make him explain. Everything!
16 (Jump:19)
17 Yeah. His sister is super worried too!
17 (Jump:19)
18 Of course! You have my word!
18 (Jump:19)
19 I-I'm going with you!
20 My brother's in there. I want to find him as soon as possible...
21 Bei Shi, I understand how much you want to find your brother.
22 But it's really dark inside, and we've got no idea what could be hiding in there. We'll be stretched thin just watching each other's backs...
23 Besides, I have a more important thing for you to do.
24 I need you to go back to the city as fast as you can, let Patrollers know what happened today, and request their help.
25 But... I don't want to run away from danger anymore...
26 Bei Shi... As an explorer of the Pioneer Association, I trust you understand.
27 A seasoned explorer knows how to make sound decisions in the moment.
28 And sometimes, choosing to retreat doesn't mean we are weak.
29 Please trust {PlayerName} and me. We promise to bring your brother back safely.
29 Please trust Lingyang.
29 Please trust me.
29 Please trust us.
30 ...Yes, I will. Please help him!
31 And please stay safe, you two!
32 No worries. We'll bring him back!

0 So, when you found out that Bei Shi lost her courage because of the Jingle Beast, you came up with a plan to get rid of it?
1 Yeah... I thought I could kill the Jingle Beast, and make my sister happy again...
2 And I heard rumors about an Exile group called "The Savages". Said they knew how to talk to that beast...
3 So I thought...
3 You wanted to find the Jingle Beast through them?
4 Yes... I wanted to prove my courage. Wanted to make her proud of me.
5 I just wanted to show her... If her timid brother could do it, so can she!
5 Your courage is commendable. (Jump:6)
5 Being brave is not the same as being reckless. (Jump:7)
6 But in the end, I couldn't achieve anything...
6 (Jump:8)
7 Yes, you're right...
7 (Jump:8)
8 I failed. Couldn't find the Jingle Beast, couldn't beat the bad guys... I only knew how to cower in fear... That's all I could do...
10 I'm just an incompetent coward. I've always been!
11 No... That's not true...
12 At least, you didn't choose to work with those bad guys.
13 Succumbing to desire and killing their own kind, these are the deeds of beasts.
14 It's a uniquely human trait to go against their natural instincts, even sacrificing themselves for someone else, or for a greater cause.
15 It only takes a moment for a human to descend into beastliness.
16 But holding on to one's humanity requires unwavering commitment and courage.
17 Bei Ji, you've already proved your bravery.
18 I'm sure your sister is proud of you, too.
19 R-really...?
20 Yes! I love you, brother. But promise me you won't do anything stupid again.
22 Okay, yes, I promise you... But, um, at least I did find something this time!
23 We now know the so-called Jingle Beast is just a bluff!
24 So, Bei Shi, you don't need to fear it anymore!
26 But I did hear the bell...
27 Perhaps it was just your imagination? Or maybe it was some Tacet Discords?
28 No way! I heard it loud and clear. I couldn't have mistaken it.
30 Hmm... I guess we still need to help Bei Shi get over the Jingle Beast...
30 Why is she still so convinced?
30 Yeah, we should do something.
31 {PlayerName}, Lingyang, we'll be going home now. Sorry for the trouble I caused...
34 Sure, go get some good rest. Don't forget to come see the liondancing show tomorrow!
35 Eh? Tomorrow?
36 Don't tell me you've forgotten your liondance request?
37 No, no, I didn't...
38 Sorry... Actually, I made that request to further investigate the Jingle Beast...
39 But now, I guess that's no longer necessary...
40 I see...
41 I know you've still got questions about the Jingle Beast. Who knows? You may find the answers in tomorrow's liondancing show...
41 Let's go cheer for Lingyang.
41 The liondancing show tomorrow is really important.
42 I see. We'll come watch the show!
43 Nice! Please do come, yeah?
48 Bei Shi and Bei Ji waved you goodbye and left...
44 {PlayerName}, I know you still have a lot of questions to ask...
45 And there are things I'd like to discuss with you.
46 Please, follow me.

1 Keep going down this road and we'll reach the theater. But I guess you've been here many times already...
0 Well, let's just hang out a bit while we're here!

0 Phew, and now we're back.
1 Lingyang! You're finally here! Master's been looking for you!
2 Oh no! I completely forgot!
3 {PlayerName}, could you look around the backstage for a bit? See if you can find anything that might help Bei Shi overcome her fear...
4 I'll be right back!
5 Hurry up! Master's getting angry!
6 I'm coming! I'm coming!

0 I was once chased by a big creature in the wilderness. All I could hear was a bell ringing and my only thought was to run away.
1 Then I heard about the Jingle Beast, so I figured it must have been what attacked me.
2 But when I saw you perform today, it all came back to me! That's the same bell ringing sound I had heard back then!
3 So... I must have been saved by that bell.
4 The bell that sounded like it was chasing after me... It was actually guiding me away from danger.
5 The liondance inspires and empowers each person in a unique way. I'm glad my performance could give you courage and inspiration.
6 Yeah! I loved your performance! I think I can keep working as Explorer for the Pioneer Association now!
7 Bei Shi, that's amazing!
8 When you joined the Association, I was actually so proud... I'm happy you get to keep chasing your dreams...
9 And, erm, please forgive me...
10 I am upset, because you never told me anything... You always carried the burden alone.
11 Didn't even tell me you were gonna go kill the Jingle Beast... Don't you ever do something like that again!
12 I promise, I promise. Let me treat you to something as my sincere apology.
13 I know a nice food stall, it's right up ahead in the square. You should check it out.
14 Awesome! Bei Shi, let's go!
19 {PlayerName}, how was my performance? Did you like it?
19 It was great. (Jump:20)
19 Yeah, not bad. (Jump:21)
20 Hehe, getting your compliment is all that matters to me!
20 (Jump:28)
21 Hmm... Guess I still need to hone my skills a bit more...
21 Bravo! Bravo indeed! Such a blessing to witness.
26 You're making me blush, {PlayerName}...
27 Anyway, I'm super glad to hear that from you.
28 {PlayerName}, thank you so much for your help.
29 I couldn't have accomplished any of this without you.
29 I have one more question.
30 Yeah, sure... Let's talk somewhere more private.

0 Alright! Just one more client to go! He's at the place where we'll be eating our dinner!
1 Uhh... My stomach's rumbling again. Can't wait for a big feast!

0 Here we are. This is the place!
1 Heya, mister! Lionpeppers on the beam, may your profits always stream!
2 Oh hi! Isn't that the Lingyang boy?
3 What brought you here? My liondance request? I heard you're getting a ton of requests. I hope you can still fit mine in.
4 Look, I got the Lionpepper and everything. Just waiting for you to put on the lion head and chow down at my store opening!
5 Sir, there's something I need to tell you...
6 Yeah, I heard. My thing conflicts with the performance you're doing for the soldiers, right? Will you have to cancel?
7 Exactly. So I was thinking we could incorporate some "Lionpepper" elements into the show to make up for it...
8 Nah, no need to worry about my little shop, boyo. Just focus on your big performance!
9 Oh, and you must be...
9 Call me Rover.
9 I'm {PlayerName}.
10 Haha, looks like Lingyang has made a new friend.
11 Here, try this while you're here! A new snack I just came up with!
12 Go on, {PlayerName}. Dinner's on me. Mr. Shuncai is a great chef!
13 To really get to know a city, start with the food!
13 Don't mind if I do.
14 Yum-yum! Hey sir, can we share this snack with the audience during our evening show? No snacks, no show!
15 Let me do something for you. Anything! To help you attract more customers.
16 Oh my, that'll be my great honor!
17 But...
18 What's the matter?
19 Have you heard? There's a monster in the wild recently, one they call the Jingle Beast...
21 The Jingle Beast...
22 Yeah. Somehow the nickname sounds cute even!
23 But you know what? It does all the terrible stuff you can think of!
24 When hunting, it makes these jingling sounds... They say its tusks are over half a meter long and its claws shred prey with ease.
24 It sounds scary.
24 Interesting.
25 No, that's not true. The "Jingle Beast" doesn't look like that...
25 Do you know it?
26 It... It's a... A friend of mine.
27 Well, actually... I need this one ingredient for my new snack, but the Jingle Beast has been messing things up. Can't find good meat anywhere right now.
28 Do you have other ways to replenish your stock?
29 There's only one place left to get it, and it's run by this Exile group called "The Savages".
30 Apparently, they're in cahoots with the Jingle Beast, and that's how they still have meat for sale.
31 But it's crazy expensive—five times the usual price! It's insane!
32 I'm just a small shop, how am I supposed to afford that?
33 So... I can't make a lot of these snacks for you to hand out yet.
33 Are you okay?
35 Me? Oh... I'm fine...
36 It suddenly struck me that there was another request to deal with... It should be right next to the tea house not far away. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go!
37 Sorry, {PlayerName}. I'll be back soon!

0 Oh, that's typical Lingyang.
0 Well, that was sudden...
0 Before I could say anything, he's gone...
1 You'll get used to him soon.
2 He's spontaneous, always doing whatever pops into his head at the moment.
3 He just loves helping people.
4 You'll often see him sprinting around the alleys, lending a hand wherever needed.
5 He's quick and strong, nothing seems to faze him. He's been such a blessing to us.
6 We do feel bad when he injures himself accidentally, though... He brushes it off and tells us not to fret, but even though he says not to worry, we still do.
7 {PlayerName}, can you go check on him? Whatever you order at my place will be on the house!
7 Sure, I'll go. (Jump:8)
7 Let me finish my food first. (Jump:9)
8 Thank you!
8 (Jump:10)
9 Of course, take your time.
9 (Jump:10)
10 The teahouse Lingyang mentioned is in the residential area, just past the square. Keep walking and you'll find it...

0 This thing may still be working. My brother could have left me a message...
0 Let's check it out.
1 Hmm... Ah! There is a message!
2 Sorry Bei Shi... I stood between you and your dreams.
3 Perhaps you were right... Your brother is just a selfish coward.
4 I don't dream of your forgiveness... But still... I want to do something for you.
7 Farewell, Bei Shi. I'll kill the Jingle Beast... for you...
8 (The video ends here...)
9 I-It's my brother...
9 Why is he feeling guilty?
10 It's probably because I joined the Pioneer Association.
11 My brother was really against my decision...
12 But that was my childhood dream, so we had a big fight...
12 Why is he trying to kill the "Jingle Beast"?
13 I... I don't know. He never told me anything about it...
15 (Ring... Ring...)
17 Eek!
17 Was it my imagination?
17 Nothing happened.
19 No... It must be the Jingle Beast!
20 I know... I know that sound too well.
21 A while ago, when I was on a mission in the wilderness, I got ambushed by Tacet Discords...
22 As I struggled to escape, I heard the sound of a bell ringing in the distance...
22 What happened after that?
23 I-I can't remember... I was so scared, my mind went completely blank.
24 After hearing the bell, I...
25 I just kept running without looking back. That bell kept chasing me and only disappeared when I reached a safer place.
26 If I hadn't made it, perhaps I would have been eaten by the Jingle Beast...
27 So... Yes, this must be the Jingle Beast again!
27 I'm here with you.
27 Let's check it out.
28 Alright... L-Let's go...

0 This is... This is my brother's device.
0 So he's that newcomer.
1 How could this be... Is my brother really working for those bad guys?
2 Bei Shi, what kind of person is he?
3 He's shy and careful, but not sneaky. He may be timid, but he really loves me...
4 Bei Shi... Sometimes, we can't trust what we hear or see.
5 We have to use our hearts and logic to uncover the real truth, it's not always obvious.
6 ...Thank you. I see.
7 {PlayerName}, you found anything else?
7 (Show him the tusk.) (Jump:8)
7 (Show him the frozen meat.) (Jump:10)
8 It's just the tusk of an adult Sabyr Boar. It's indeed larger than usual, but...
8 (Jump:9)
9 They must be using this to make people believe the "Jingle Beast" is real.
9 (Jump:12)
10 It's been refrigerated for a while, but the inside has spoiled... Exactly like the thing we found in one of those packages...
10 (Jump:11)
11 I can even smell the chemical preservatives in there...
11 (Jump:12)
12 They're not just spreading rumors, they are also selling spoiled meat.
12 It's unacceptable.
12 Disgusting!
13 Ugh... It pisses me off, too.
14 The top priority now is to find clues about Bei Ji's whereabouts.
15 Now we have another problem. We have to keep tabs on "The Savages" to see what they're planning.
16 According to what we just heard, their next victim is about to show up.
16 I'll go look for Bei Ji. (Jump:17)
16 I'll go look for The Savages. (Jump:18)
17 Sounds good. The Savages are super alert, but I know the wilderness better than them. I can track them down.
17 (Jump:21)
18 {PlayerName}, I understand your anger.
18 (Jump:19)
19 But they are super alert. It'll be too risky for you to go alone. Besides, I know the wilderness better than them. Maybe I should go.
19 (Jump:20)
20 I want to ask you to take Bei Shi and go look for her brother.
20 (Jump:21)
21 She'll be safer with you by her side.
21 Leave it to me.
21 Understood. I will.
22 If anything happens, I'll "call" you.
22 Please stay safe.
24 Thank you, {PlayerName}. You take care of yourself too.

1 Why... Why did this happen?
2 When it rains, it pours...
3 This is not what I had planned!
3 You did this to yourself. (Jump:4)
3 You can't always get what you want. (Jump:4)
4 Behave!
15 Lingyang! Rover!
5 Thanks for the tip, young lady. We made it in time to catch them because of you.
6 Lingyang! {PlayerName}! Are you alright?
6 Your brother... (Jump:7)
6 We are fine. (Jump:7)
7 Bei Shi...
8 Bei Ji!
9 Bei Shi, I'm so sorry I made you worry...
10 Though seeing your reunion is truly touching...
11 I still gotta say, this isn't the right place for conversation. Let's head back to the city first.

0 {PlayerName}, let's talk here.
0 About the Jingle Beast...
0 About Bei Shi...
1 Where should I begin...
2 {PlayerName}, have you ever thought about this...
3 Since there are humans with Resonance Abilities...
4 ...Then, could there ever be beasts with the same kind of power?
4 That's impossible.
4 I believe so.
5 Uncontrolled emotions in human Resonators lead to disasters(Overclocking). It's even more dangerous in beasts, as they follow instincts.
6 Over time, most of them died out, driven extinct by their unrestrained desires.
7 Beasts that can bring their power under control are extremely rare, but... They do exist.
8 And the Jingle Beast... It happens to be one of them.
9 A long, long time ago, the Jingle Beast wasn't called the Jingle Beast. It used to have a name—
10 It was called "Suan'ni".
10 That's a ferocious name.
10 That's an adorable name.
11 Back then, the Suan'nis lived a tranquil life in deep forests, far away from humans.
12 However, when the Tacet Fields expanded rapidly, their territories were not spared.
13 Some of them had to encroach upon certain human territories for a chance to survive.
14 Humans suffered greatly against the Suan'nis, with their terrifying appearance, powerful Resonance Abilities, and wild animal instincts...
15 ...And that's why the Suan'nis were deemed evil.
15 How do you know all that?
16 Uh... I read it in an old book in Huanglong. Said they lived under that giant Violet Banyan tree in the Dim Forest.
17 The Suan'nis have nearly gone extinct over the years. And now, there might be only one of them remaining.
18 And... I've heard of an interesting theory from the archaeologists...
19 That last Suan'ni may have yearned to become a human.
20 To make itself more approachable, it first came up with a less intimidating name... Something like, "the Jingle Beast".
21 And then, it yanked off all its fur, filed down its claws, twisted its bones, and learned to stand upright...
21 Why did it want to become human so bad?
22 Maybe... It was drawn by the bustle and merriment of human cities. It must have been lonely as the last of its kind.
23 Maybe it was moved by human bravery against the Lament, and wanted to offer help. Maybe it wanted to fight the catastrophe that ruined its once homeland.
24 Or maybe, it simply couldn't resist human foods?
25 Anyway... It never really became a human in the end.
25 Is it because of its appearance?
25 Is it because of its "heart"?
26 If it truly wanted to become human, it had to first understand the essence of what makes a human.
27 If you ask me, the essence would be the 'heart' of a human.
28 Therefore, the "Jingle Beast" no longer rejected its appearance and began to, in its animal form, connect with humans, to assist them...
29 Perhaps, in this process, it happened to save a girl in the wilderness.
30 {PlayerName}, what do you think the ending for the "Jingle Beast" was? Did it finally become a human?
30 It has a long way to go.
30 Yes, it did.
30 It doesn't matter anymore.
31 Well... is that what you think?
32 I think the "Jingle Beast" no longer cares whether it's a human or a beast. It lives in its own way.
33 In this world, there are beings with the appearance of a beast and the soul of a human, just as there are beings with the appearance of a human and the soul of a beast. All it needs to do is be true to itself.
34 It will remain resolute and convey the beautiful and inspiring qualities it once saw in humans in its own way.
35 Oops, I got carried away and almost forgot—here, keep this bell as a memento!
36 Thank you, {PlayerName}!
36 (Reach out your hand.)
39 Lingyang! Come here!
40 Coming!
41 {PlayerName}, I must go get the props ready for the next show.
42 Come watch my performance again next time! Food's on me!
43 Please keep this bell! It should bring you good luck! Fare thee well, blessings swell!

0 Campsite near a broken tree, and visible from the guard tower... I think I know where it is.
1 That's the place. Let's look around and stay alert.

0 From the size of this campsite, it doesn't look like they can hold a big gathering here.
1 The broken tree... It should be somewhere up ahead. Let's keep walking!
2 Hmm? I just heard people talking. It's coming from above that slope...

1 Sir! May your business boom!
0 Thank you, Lingyang!

1 After our adventure in the wilderness, the hustle and bustle brings a comforting sense of prosperity.
0 I must... do what I can to keep it thriving.

1 Have a happy wedding, Ms. Linling!
2 Thank you, Lingyang!

1 Haha, Ms. Ganxue's shop is always so popular. Let's not bother her for now!
2 Her souvenirs are all made with care. I'm sure people will love them!