Tacet Discord Hunter Side Quests
Find the Resonator who once proclaimed to be “Tacet Discord Hunter” to obtain the precious TD Material.
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1 Cough…
1 Are you alright?
2 I'm fine. Just a bit careless to be attacked by those minions. Not a big deal. I scared them off effortlessly.
2 You sure?
3 What's with that look! Seems like it's time for your first lesson as my apprentice.
4 Rule Number One for "TD Hunter"—"Never look down upon minions!"
5 Even weaker enemies can cause unexpected trouble. Got it?
5 But you didn't seem to follow your own rule. (Jump:6)
5 Okay, okay, let's keep moving. (Jump:7)
5 Yes, Master! (Jump:8)
6 Ahem, I intentionally put myself in danger to teach you a lesson.
6 Why are we gathering here? (Jump:9)
7 Alright, it's your loss not listening to me. I'm speaking from experience.
7 Why are we gathering here? (Jump:9)
8 Good, remember my words. They'll be useful to you one day.
8 Why are we gathering here?
9 Bell-Borne Geochelone lives in the Gorges of Spirits, which is the source of the Qing River flowing through here. I can sense the state of a TD through the remaining frequency in the medium.
9 What did you find then?
10 I told you that only I can find the "Bell Spiriton," right? It's because Bell-Borne Geochelone emits a special frequency during specific periods, and only when defeating it during these periods can one get the "Bell Spiriton."
11 No matter how many times you defeat Bell-Borne Geochelone, as long as it's not the right timing, you can't get the "Bell Spiriton," and only my Resonance Ability can tell if it's the right timing.
11 What about now?
12 We're pretty lucky. There's a high chance we'll get the "Bell Spiriton" if we hunt Bell-Borne Geochelone now.
13 Plus, it seems that those from the Pioneer Association are planning to go to the Gorges of Spirits along the river.
13 I can see signs of someone camping here.
14 Seems like they're well-prepared. The Pioneer Association is really interested in Bell-Borne Geochelone.
14 What's special about Bell-Borne Geochelone?
15 You wanna know? Curiosity is a good trait! The more you know about your enemy before a battle, the more confident you'll be.
16 Let's start from the question "how Tacet Discords are formed." Most people believe that they are born out of chaos, but there are some exceptions—some TDs seem to come from legends or even real history.
17 Legend has it that the ancient army in Huanglong used to sound a bronze bell in battle, inspiring soldiers to fight bravely and symbolizing the good wish of a triumphant return.
18 One day, the bell ringer saved a turtle along the Qing River by accident. From then on, that turtle became an indispensable part of the soldiers, sharing their happiness and sorrow.
19 Before the fierce battle ended, the bell ringer died. However, the sound of the bell still echoed on the battlefield. It's said that the turtle was the one who sounded the bell.
19 The turtle carried on the duty of that bell ringer.
20 Yes, that's the story. Later, someone found a rusted ancient bell in the Gorges of Spirits, similar in style to the bronze bell the ancient army used.
21 Underneath that ancient bell was a giant turtle-shaped Tacet Discord. It witnessed the fierce war and bid farewell to the bell ringer and soldiers. These memories tied the heavy ancient bell to its back.
22 But it's just a story. After all, no one knows if TDs have memories and emotions.
23 No matter what happened in the past, this TD is now a hideous creature bringing nothing other than pain and torture to Huanglong.
24 You don't need to show any mercy. If it really had emotions, it wouldn't want to be a creature destroying happiness and peace of people in Huanglong.
25 Rule Number Two for "TD Hunter"—"Never show mercy to Tacet Discords!"
25 I see. (Jump:26)
25 Again... (Jump:26)
25 Yes, Master! (Jump:26)
26 The Pioneer Association should have left not long ago. Let's follow their traces and catch up quickly!
27 Have you used the Scan function on the Terminal?
27 Of course. (Jump:28)
27 Not yet. (Jump:29)
28 Wonderful. Let's follow the path displayed on the Terminal and track them down.
28 (End)
29 This is where having me as your master comes in handy. I can teach you everything you wanna know.
30 Turn on your Terminal and select the Scan function. You'll see a path displayed on the screen, and all you need to do is to follow it!
31 Understand? Great, let's follow the path displayed on the Terminal and track them down.

1 That sound…
1 I heard it too.
2 It's a signal that Bell-Borne Geochelone is waking up.
3 Ugh… My head…
3 What happened?
4 Nothing, just a bit of a headache.
5 (Darn, it's happening again. It feels like something in my memories is about to be awakened.)
6 The problem is, the traces left by the Pioneer Association members seem to disappear here…
6 We can follow the sound of the bell.
7 Right, they must be where the bell sound is. Let's go.

1 Hey! Wake up! Can you hear me!
1 We're late…
2 Ugh, you are… those people at the teahouse?
3 Enough talking. I'll check your injuries with my Forte.
4 No major organ damage, but there are multiple fractures. Did you fight against Bell-Borne Geochelone?
5 Ha, it can't be called a fight. We're completely crushed.
6 You should leave. Though it's calm now, no one knows when it'll wake up again.
7 It's not an opponent you ordinary people can deal with.
8 Ordinary people? You've got us wrong. I'm Lianfeng, a professional "TD Hunter," and this is my top apprentice.
8 "Top apprentice"… You've only got one apprentice, okay? (Jump:9)
8 I'm not your apprentice. (Jump:9)
8 Just leave it to me and my master! (Jump:9)
9 You guys stay here and rest. Leave the rest to us.
10 {PlayerName}, listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
10 Alright.
11 Do you see the large bell in the center of the "Bell-Borne Ravine"? Ringing it will awaken Bell-Borne Geochelone.
12 Since it's giant, it moves and turns slowly, so we'd better…
12 Stay away from it. (Jump:13)
12 Get close to it. (Jump:15)
13 Staying away from it will only force us into corners with its massive body. It can also use icy breath and condense water into ice crystals for indiscriminate attacks.
14 Though it may seem crazy, it's actually safer to get as close to it as possible.
14 (Jump:17)
15 Yeah, getting close allows us to take advantage of its blind spots during its turns and attacks. Smart move.
16 Its four legs, head, and tail are all highly offensive weapons. Don't underestimate them.
17 Also, its weakness is the big bell on its back, but it's relatively high and not easy to attack under normal circumstances.
17 Unless we can find a way to make it fall…
18 You have a clear head, huh?
19 Bell-Borne Geochelone's feet are covered in hard ice, protecting them from hard.
20 However, it's also its weakness. Once the ice is shattered, Bell-Borne Geochelone will lose balance and fall down, which gives us a good chance to attack its most vulnerable point.
20 But it keeps moving around.
21 I'll draw its attention, and you seize the chance to attack.
21 Won't that put you in danger?
22 Tsk, are you underestimating a "TD Hunter"? Once you figure out its attack pattern, dodging is easy. That's how we took it down before.
22 We? I thought you defeated it on your own?
23 We... I... Ugh, my head...
23 Was there anyone else who fought Bell-Borne Geochelone with you?
24 (In my memory, there's a group of people fighting alongside me.)
25 (Who were they?)
26 Ugh… my head hurts!
26 Don't push yourself too hard. You'd better take a rest in your condition.
27 It's dangerous to confront Bell-Borne Geochelone on your own.
27 It'll be fine. Leave it all to me.
28 Wait, {PlayerName}!!

1 These are the TDs that just attacked me.
2 Be careful. They seem to get extremely aggressive due to the awakening of Bell-Borne Geochelone.
3 Even someone as experienced as me got caught up in a tough battle.