We Promise, We Deliver Exploration Quests
A mysterious Tacet Discord has appeared. Forces are needed at Port City of Guixu to defeat it.
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1 You defeated all of them! My goodness, {PlayerName}.
2 Let's go inside before their reinforcement comes.

1 Mimika, as you requested, I ordered a fully equipped team to get ready at our branch.
2 Thank you, manager.
3 Though I still don't understand why you had all the Explosive Spears moved to the branch...
3 Shouldn't we move them to the heart of the Sea of Flames?
4 What's on your mind exactly, Mimika? It should be time you tell us.
5 Right. Now, I felt like it would be only too arduous for us to carry the heavy Spears through the Sea of Incinero Petal.
6 That's when I came up with the alternative to ground transport: the air!
6 The air?
7 My manager had invested a fortune in a freight catapult at our branch. And I thought, if the goods can be catapulted, the Spears can too.
8 I, I didn't expect that!
9 If we can catapult the Spears at the maximum power, and correct their trajectory while they fly over the Sea of Flames, they should land right at their destination.
10 Won't this trigger immediate explosions upon landing?
11 Rest assured. Mr. Mortefi said an initiation is needed for them to explode.
12 To be foolproof, the trajectory is calculated by Mr. Mortefi, and Mr. Woodrow's observation returns no possibility of the Spears being affected by the Gravity Storm.
13 Hey, Mimika. The catapult is all set.
14 All right. The rest is yours, miss. This time, we will put an end to it all!
15 That spot is like the epicenter of the Gravity Storm. If we just launch the spears right through it... They would likely get thrown off course by the storm.
15 So the Tacet Mark is in the gravity storm's center?
16 Hey, Rover, you notice that big building? The core Tacet Mark of all these Incinerating Petals is right there…
17 I think the only option is to escape from Gravity Storm and give it a try up close.
18 Hey Rover, remember when you met the Inferno Rider and it whispered “Rush… Till the end...”?
19 Maybe inside that TD, the wishes of the fallen Midnight Rangers still linger.
20 Rover, if you can outrun that TD, those fallen solders may help you… Help you reach the end, the finish line…
20 I understand.
21 Hey, Mimika. The catapult is all set.
22 All right. The rest is yours, miss. This time, we will put an end to it all!

1 We Promise, We Deliver! Your Explosive Spears have been delivered on time!

1 {PlayerName}—!
1 Mimika, are you alright?
2 We're fine! I saw it! You just transformed into that Inferno Rider and flew all the way into the air, riding on that Gravity Storm!
3 A young lady transforming into a flaming rider, rushing to the destination with unyielding conviction to charge at the Tacet Mark! Aah... What a beautiful story.
4 Derived from the fighting spirit of the fallen warriors of the past, Inferno Rider, in the form of an Echo, helped us delivering a heavy final blow to the Core Tacet Mark of those Incinero Petals...
5 Perhaps it's just me, but... I think the fallen Midnight Rangers would be happy to see this.
6 Manager...
6 Is the danger of Sea of Flames resolved?
7 Our observations indicate that Core Tacet Mark is almost completely devitalized, which means the toxin of Incinero Petal pollen is almost gone.
8 The dangerous Gravity Storms over that Core Tacet Mark have vanished. We can confidently conclude that... Jinzhou is safe now.
9 And it's all thanks to you!
9 This is a result of our coordinated effort.
10 Then please come visit our branch when you're back in Jinzhou. We'll be waiting for you.

1 Like it or not, we already declined to deliver their package. Let's pretend this order was never placed.
2 You didn't ask anyone's opinion before sending out that rejection, did you, manager?
3 Even if I did, do you really think you can fulfill the order?
4 Of course! No order is too tough for us to handle! "We Promise, We Deliver!"
5 So why did you even make the promise in the first place? Ugh...
6 That's the Sea of Flames in the Port City of Guixu. I won't allow any of my staff near that dangerous place!
7 But, but...
8 Besides, there's no way anyone would want anything delivered to that place! It's simply a mischief, I'm telling you. What's in the package?
9 Eh... Food for one, some medicine and warm clothes.
10 Look, manager, if this customer is trapped in that dangerous place without access to food or clothing, naturally they'd want these things?
11 Even if that is the case, we won't earn much for delivering these few things. Not the best deal for us.
12 And to say the least, they would place another order if they're really in desperate need.
13 What if they cannot place another order?
14 I'm the manager here, I'll take the responsibility. Period.
15 It's not a matter of responsibility. Look, we tell our customers “We Promise, We Deliver”. Are we lying?
16 You...!
16 Excuse me, are you talking about this "order"?
17 Oh, this is indeed the rejection message I sent out. How come it ends up in your inbox...
18 Mimika! You must have touched the wrong button when you tried to grab my Touchpad!
19 No, manager. It’s meant to be so! Let me deliver it, please!
20 Oh my... I can’t stand this...
20 So, was this a misunderstanding?
21 I'm profoundly sorry for wasting your time due to our mistake.
21 Indeed a waste of my time. (Jump:22)
21 Nevermind. Not really a big deal. (Jump:24)
21 It's all right. I’m idle anyway. (Jump:25)
22 Mimika! Come here and apologize to the customer.
23 S, sorry!!!
23 (Jump:26)
24 Thank you so much for pardoning us. It’s so very kind of you.
24 (Jump:26)
25 I, idle anyway, is it? Ahaha... That’s good to know.
25 (Jump:26)
26 Anyway, it was our fault that caused all this...
27 We'll make an official apology later, but for now please allow us to deal with the strange order.
27 Sea of Flames... is that a dangerous place?
28 Do you not know about Sea of Flames, miss?
28 I've been there. (Jump:29)
28 I know. (Jump:30)
28 I don’t know. (Jump:31)
29 That's incredible of you. In that case I think I don’t have to blabber on about how dangerous that place is.
29 (Jump:33)
30 Hm. The flower there is spectacular for sure, but it's lethal at the same time.
30 (Jump:33)
31 Then let me explain it for you, customer. Sea of Flames is a giant flower field made of countless Incinero Petals, the pollen of which proves strongly toxic.
32 Not to mention the horrible TDs in that place! Few can make it out there alive, as far as I know.
32 (Jump:33)
33 Now, Mimika, you should know how dangerous your trip could be.
34 It is precisely because of the immense danger that we are needed!
35 That customer must have been aware that aside from Lollo Logistics, no one else can deliver the items he needs
36 Just let me go, manager, please!
37 I said no!
38 But why?!
39 Just take no for an answer... Ugh, she's so stubborn. Miss, could you help me talk her out of it?
39 Don't risk your life so lightly. (Jump:40)
39 Yeah, you should fulfill your promise. (Jump:42)
40 You heard it? Those are words of reason! Don't go there!
41 I will go! By giving up, we’re telling all our customers that our slogan is a lie.
41 (Jump:44)
42 That's right! No matter what, we have to fulfill our orders! That's what we do at Lollo Logistics!
43 Miss! What are you...
43 (Jump:44)
44 Manager, please leave this order to me!
45 I'll be the courier for this order. This is called taking responsibility for my action! Sound fair?
46 Hey!!!
47 Mimika grabbed the Communication Touchpad, put on the delivery gear, and hurried away.
48 Darn it! What now... She must have left for the Sea of Flames.
49 What? Of all places, why there...
49 "Of all places"?
50 Sigh... We don't let our employees go near the Sea of Flames. That place is off-limits.
51 The incident dates back to when Lollo Logistics established our Jinzhou branch.
52 That place became infested with a large amount of Incinero Petals, which produced a great deal of toxic pollen and forced the inhabitants away.
53 Besides, the Center for Wutherological Climate Studies discovered dangerous Gravity Storms in that area. It was a perilous destination for anyone to approach.
54 Should the pollen be swept into the upper atmosphere by unexpected Gravity Storms, it would pose a danger to Jinzhou and its surrounding regions.
54 That sounds really dangerous...
55 Absolutely. To prevent the pollen from spreading, researchers determined that the only solution was to destroy the Core Tacet Mark of those Incinero Petals.
56 The Huaxu Academy manufactured an Explosive Spear to disable the Tacet Mark, but the terrain was too dangerous for regular vehicles.
57 Most of the Tacetite vehicles were deployed at the frontlines as the Midnight Rangers fought the TD Outbreak. The researchers couldn't deliver the Spear to the center of the Sea of Flames.
58 So they were reduced to entrusting Lollo Logistics, with delivering the Explosive Spears to the designated spot. We were the only group with spare Tacetite vehicles. After that, Midnight Rangers would go destroy the Tacet Mark with those Spears, risking their lives in the process.
59 It was obvious to any sensible person how dangerous the task was, but Lollo Logistics accepted the challenge, because we wanted to stick to our motto: "We Promise, We Deliver".
60 Yet... We couldn't make it in the end. Our couriers failed to deliver the Spear in time, despite their best efforts.
61 Only one Spear was successfully delivered, but the Midnight Rangers were understanding of us. They thanked us nonetheless.
62 The Rangers decided to escort our couriers out of the Sea of Flames with most of their people, while the couple of them left behind would take turns to charge at the Tacet Mark, at the cost of their lives.
78 They relayed efforts to bring the only Spear closer to the Tacet Mark. Their bodies burned, exposed to a deadly concentration of toxic pollen. They went Overclocked in the end.
78 Then... Why are there still pollen there?
64 ...Because that Spear was damaged during transportation. It failed to explode when it pierced into the Tacet Mark, so the target wasn't effectively deactivated.
65 Fortunately, we managed to control the Tacet Mark and slow down the spread of Incinero Petals. We regulated the pollen concentration to prevent it from endangering the entire Jinzhou.
66 While nobody blamed them, but the Lollo Logistics employees who survived were still filled with remorse. They thought it was their mistakes that costed the honorable military their lives.
67 That order became an unskippable pain in the history of this company. Lollo Logistics has since stipulated that large, important orders must be staffed by Resonators with combat capabilities.
68 "We Promise, We Deliver"... It's just easier said than done...
69 Now you understand why we forbid our employees from going near that place due to its taboo nature. It's important for them to avoid any association with it.
70 All right. That's enough blabbering from me. Let’s focus on finding Mimika...
79 Obstinate and never open to advice, she is well known as a fleet-foot courier. I might not be able to catch her if I don't get going right now.
79 Maybe I can help.
80 No, no, miss! How could I bother you with this...
80 I am partially responsible for Mimika running off.
73 Eh... But...
74 All right then. Thank you very much for your assistance.
75 Let's search for her on the outskirts of the Sea of Flames first. I've sent you the coordinates.
81 Would you go with me, miss?
81 (Go with Tang Manliu)
81 (Go alone) (Jump:82)
82 Okay. Then I'll go first. I'll see you there.

1 Hey, aren't you that Rover? You awake?
1 Professor Woodrow. Why are you here?
2 This is the weather observatory in the Port City of Guixu. You passed out during a battle with the Inferno Rider. Some guys from Lollo Logistics brought you here.
2 The Inferno Rider?
3 Oh, that's the Tacet Discord you just met. It looks like a rider on a motorbike, so I named it the Inferno Rider. A good name, isn't it?
3 And that's the TD you put a bounty on?
4 Hahaha! That’s right. There’s a reason why we must put it down.
5 Our detection shows that the anomalous gravity field here is giving birth to a giant storm, which will sweep the pollen of Incinero Petal to the upper air.
5 Just like the crisis years ago.
6 So you know about it. That'll save me the explanation.
7 Incinero Petal is not a kind of plant, but an animal Tacet Discord. The flower-like structure is actually the end of its limbs.
8 To eliminate the Incinero Petals themselves is pointless. To stop the pollen from spreading, we must destroy the Tacet Mark at its core.
9 Initially, we were thinking about blowing that thing up...
9 ...But Inferno Rider came along.
10 Technically, it didn't "come" to us; it was "discovered". That Inferno Rider seems to have been in the depths of Sea of Flames since that crisis many years ago.
11 A direct strike at Core Tacet Mark deep into the Sea of Flames was already a difficult mission, and the presence of this TD is making it even more impossible.
11 Why don't you leave it to the Midnight Rangers?
12 The special properties of the Sea of Flames make it safer for solo missions, so I've posted the wanted posters, hoping to recruit some skilled Resonators to defeat that TD.
12 By the way, who rescued me?
13 We don't know either. You should ask the guys from Lollo Logistics who brought you back. They're right outside the observatory.

1 Fortunately, you are both safe this time. Otherwise, you will be responsible for getting not only yourself killed but also our customer!
2 Sob sob...
3 Sigh... I'll be disturbed for life if things happen to you two.
3 Mimika, are you okay?
4 Customer! You're awake.
5 Customer! Sob sob... I'm shorry, I'm sho shorry...
5 I'm fine, Mimika. Where did you go?
6 Sob, I...
7 Let me tell you. The Touchpad she grabbed was stormed away by the Gravity Storm when she was trying to find the person who placed the order.
8 And she was lost and had to wander about. Lucky enough, I met her then and brought her out.
8 That's why the Touchpad was there...
9 Yes. It should be blown there by the Gravity Storm.
10 I just didn't know that a TD with that much power could be here, aside from the Incinero Petals.
10 How did you know? Was it you who rescued me?
11 Manager! You really did save her?! That's so cool!
12 Ugh... Despite everything, I was a top courier myself, okay? Escorting a person from danger just happened to fall under my expertise.
13 Woah! I thought you were just a nobody who simply worked long enough in the company to qualify for the manager job...
14 Ugh, you...
14 Did you witness that crisis years ago?
15 I dread remembering it, but that TD... It was saying... "Rush... Till the end..."
16 Those Midnight Rangers who attempted to destroy the Core Tacet Mark in that operation had Overclocked, and a Tacet Field manifested in that location afterward. This TD may have spawned from that.
17 And I, as one of the couriers who delivered the Explosive Spears, witnessed everything.
18 The tenacity of those soldiers back then became the utmost obstacle for us to destroy the Tacet Mark now. What a shame.
19 Then the crisis this time does have something to do with Lollo Logistics, doesn't it?
20 What are you talking about...
21 Manager, I mean, this could be a great chance for Lollo Logistics to wash away the shame!
22 If we can help them to devitalize that Core Tacet Mark thing, we will make up for the regret of the past, and deliver on the "promise" we failed to fulfill.
23 Nonsense. Dismissed.
24 Manager, let me do it!
25 Lollo Logistics will no longer be involved. We must strictly adhere to commercial principles as a business entity.
26 Even if I approve, the headquarters won't allow this. It's not profitable and puts our employees at risk.
27 If we fail to prevent the diffusion of the toxic pollen, nowhere will be safe again, and Lollo Logistics will never be able to deliver the goods to those who need them.
28 Isn't that a great threat on our brand image!?
29 Sigh... I said no, and I meant NO.
29 What if I make it profitable for you?
30 Hm? What did you say, customer?
30 I will defeat Inferno Rider and claim the bounty.
31 Manager, I heard about the tales of {PlayerName}. She sure is strong enough to defeat Inferno Rider.
32 The bounty is one hundred thousand Credits! How many orders do I have to deliver to make that much money...
32 But I can't do it alone.
33 If not even someone as strong as {PlayerName} can do it... Mimika, you should give up already.
34 But why...
34 I will hire you, Lollo Logistics, with that bounty.
35 Wh-what?!
36 That's it! Now it's a profitable deal! The headquarters will let us do this!
37 One hundred thousand Credits... That's indeed a considerable sum of money...
38 Manager, let's accept the order!
39 Hmmm...
40 All right! We, Lollo Logistics, now accept your order. We will do everything we can to support you!
41 Hooray!
41 Though the one crucial problem remains...
42 That's some great news. The support of Lollo Logistics, huh?
43 With the help of Lollo Logistics, our researchers can now easily travel through the Incinero Petals. This will greatly aid their work.
43 But this isn't enough to defeat that Inferno Rider.
44 Well, if not even a Resonator like you, {PlayerName}, could defeat it...
44 That barrier is impenetrable.
45 That's grave news. We do not know how to deal with that barrier yet.
46 If we can't take the Inferno Rider out, we won't stand a chance closing in on the Core Tacet Mark.
47 [Notification rings on Woodrow's Communication Touchpad]
48 Woodrow, I have results for the issue you asked me to look into.
48 ...Mortefi?
49 Ah, Mortefi. You finally called back.
50 Sorry, but your request has been time-consuming to finish, even for someone like me. Had to go over the archives. Your case is years old, after all.
51 Long story short, some spare parts of those Explosive Spears are still kept here, in the Port City of Guixu. They should still work, if assembled properly.
52 With this heavy weapon, you should be able to penetrate Inferno Rider's barrier... and the Core Tacet Mark of Incinero Petals.
53 I can't help but wonder: How do you know so much about what happened back then, at such a young age?
54 I just came across some records on the incident, as I've been working on Tacetite Weapons. Huaxu Academy joined hands with the Court of Savantae(CSC) to develop the Spears back then.
55 They were all about the big guns, without a care for practicality or safety. Typical of those savvies.
56 The CSC was known for wild ideas, but the "Orange Box" group stood out as the most outrageous.
57 According to the records, the spare Spears were disassembled into three parts, before being stored in three different research centers, for security reasons.
58 Though whether they still work after all these years is unclear, I can provide instructions on how to assemble and adjust them. If you can get your hands on them, that is.
60 All right, we will now get someone to clear out a secure path for you. Meanwhile, {PlayerName}, please help us retrieve the spare parts with the couriers from Lollo Logistics.
60 Sure. I'll go tell the Lollo Logistics people.
61 By the way, that courier named Mimika was looking to talk with you. She's waiting for you near the Resonance Nexus.

33 Look! Someone is there!
33 Hey, are you all right?
34 Cough... water, water... Please...
35 Aah, right here. Drink, please.
36 I... I thought it was the end.
5 Did you place an order with Lollo Logistics?
6 Yes, I did. I'm Yunni. I didn't expect Lollo Logistics to really make it here. Thank you so much.
7 You're welcome. Maybe I should apologize... for not delivering your order on time.
7 Why are you here?
8 I don't know. I woke up here, trapped by toxic pollen and unable to leave. I was starving and dehydrated, barely hanging on.
9 The Gravity Storm was interfering with my signal... I tried calling every one of my contacts in my Communication Touchpad, but none of the calls got through. Until I called Lollo Logistics...
10 Hehe, of course it would get through! We invested in strenghening the signal so that anyone can place orders with us at any time, any place.
11 I was worried about losing the signal, so I used your automatic ordering service to quickly order some stuff. But I didn't expect you to actually deliver it here.
12 You bet! We Lollo Logistics always deliver, no matter what!
12 Then, shall we escort you out of here?
13 You don't have to bother. I can walk by myself now. Thank you. I will never forget your help!
14 Please don't forget to spread the word about Lollo Logistics' service! New customers get discounts!
15 Haha. Sure thing! See you!
16 Right. This order is finally settled. It feels so good to finish the job.
16 You honored your slogan. You delivered on your promise.
17 To be honest, I once thought it was no more than a publicity slogan, too. No one would really take each and every order so seriously, right?
18 But I changed my mind when I received a package delivered by Lollo Logistics. It was something my late father left.
18 Your father?
19 Yes. He was a Midnight Ranger. I was told at a young age that he passed away at his post, and that his body was not even found.
20 The delivery guy said my dad got hurt during a battle against the TD Outbreaks. He was trying to protect his friends when he fell into a valley.
21 A Lollo Logistics employee found him, but they could not save him.
22 It was said that he was keeping me on his mind until the last breath, saying his daughter was about to turn ten, yet he couldn't even meet her for one last time.
23 He hoped that Lollo Logistics would deliver the doll he carried with him as a birthday present to his daughter.
23 So that was the package you received?
24 Yes, but it was far more complicated. Father passed before he could say the address and identity, and no identifications could be found with him by then.
25 However, couriers from Lollo Logistics didn't give up. They kept asking and investigating while they delivered other goods.
26 Finally, after all those difficulties, they found the girl, and that was me.
27 But by the time I received this present, I was already over the age of playing dolls. That day was my 18th birthday of mine.
28 Lollo Logistics inspired me. I wanted to join and stick to the motto: We Promise, We Deliver!
28 You will.
28 This order is the proof.
29 Hehe, thank you.
30 One order done. Next up, we have a bigger order to deliver!
31 Me and my colleagues will go with you to the research centers mentioned by Mr. Mortefi. We'll try to find those Spear parts and bring them back if we can.
32 I got the coordinates from him. Let's move.
32 (Fast Travel to the location)
32 (Travel to the location yourself)

1 Hmm... The box hiding the filter is locked, but the key should be around. Let's take a look.

1 Hey! Fork over your cash and food or die!
2 Wait, they came from that research center. We can't let them leave alive.
3 Is that it? Wasn't gonna let them live anyway, ha.
4 These are the Exile thugs Yunni talked about, miss.
4 I can tell. They don't look very friendly.
5 So you know that bitch. A dye-in-the-wood idiot.
6 I only sadfished a little bit, then she fell for it and followed me to the Sea of Flames.
7 The plan was to knock her out, then throw her into the Sea of Flames to lure her cohorts out of the darned research center for a perfect wipe out. Didn't see you saving her, though.
8 Ugh, how despicable...
9 Despicable? Hahaha, we'll show you real despicable. You've got a Resonator on your side I see, but she won't stand a chance against us all!

1 (What a weird wanted poster... I wonder why.)

2 Hm? Aren’t you that Rover? Are you interested in this poster?
2 No. I was just taking a look. (Jump:3)
2 Yes. It's rare to see something like this. (Jump:4)
3 Stop pretending. I can sense that you’re interested.
3 (Jump:5)
4 A showdown with a wanted criminal always attracts real experts. I knew it! This is the most effective recruitment trick.
4 (Jump:5)
5 Oh, I almost forgot. I am the head of the Center for Wutherological Climate Studies, Huaxu Academy. You can call me Professor Woodrow.
5 Did you post it here, Professor?
6 Yes. Doesn't it get your adrenaline rushing to see an old poster like this, made with real ink and paper like in the old days? Hahahaha!
7 A powerful one like yourself must have imagined this...
8 ...A one-on-one showdown with a wanted criminal on a deserted land of death. Then you claim the bounty and leave as people cheer for you. That is the romance of the wild west!
8 What? West...?
9 [Notification rings on Woodrow's Communication Touchpad]
10 Sorry, I've got a message...
11 Yes, it’s me... All right, I see.
12 Sorry, got some emergencies back in my lab... If you're interested in this poster, find me at Donglu Research Station in Port City of Guixu.
13 All right. Young lady! Till we meet next time!
14 (He was unexpectedly friendly... Not what I'd expect from a professor.)
15 You suddenly receive a a strange piece of mail.
16 (A mail from... Lollo Logistics?)

1 {PlayerName}, we’re here!
2 Woah... The barrels are everywhere. Some of them seem super far away from us.
3 Reaching the barrels deep in the Sea of Flames will expose us to toxins for an extended period. Even strong people like you can be impacted...
4 Wait a moment. Something seems wrong with these barrels.
4 Wait a moment. Something seems wrong with these barrels.
5 What problems?
6 If you were to make an Explosive Spear with defective parts, it could trigger an immediate explosion.
7 I-immediate explosion... That sounds horrible...
8 That’s why you should test the durability of those barrels on the spot by by physically impacting them. You'll need at least three functional barrels.
9 Find them, and send them over. Then we will be able to look for similar barrels in the warehouse for substitutes.
10 What do you mean by "physically impacting them"?
10 To attack them with weapons, I assume.
11 Indeed, {PlayerName}. Qualified barrels will not break so easily.
12 In addition, the substance inside the defective barrels should help reduce the toxicity of Incinero Petals. Destroy them whenever you can, it should allow you to stay in the Sea of Flames longer.

1 Manager, {PlayerName} is here!
2 I heard you, I heard you... Shh, lower your voice, will you? I'm getting hummings in the ear.
3 Please excuse us, miss. Mimika is always so noisy. She must have caused a lot of trouble for you back in the Port City of Guixu.
4 I didn't. Please, {PlayerName}, say something!
4 Mimika was a great help. (Jump:5)
4 Mimika was a trouble maker. (Jump:7)
4 I can't come up with a rating for her yet... (Jump:9)
5 Thank you. It was my pleasure!
6 You hear that, manager? I'm quite capable!
6 (Jump:10)
7 You must be kidding, aren't you?
8 As I anticipated... I'm so, so sorry, miss!
8 (Jump:10)
9 Don't be so shy. Feel free to praise me, {PlayerName}!
9 (Jump:10)
10 Anyway, I do need to thank you, Mimika.
11 For real, manager? What's with the sudden compliment? It feels so off to hear that from you.
12 Your insistence saved that customer in the Sea of Flames and ensured successful delivery of the Spears. Without you, our customer may have been consumed by TDs.
13 You're right, Mimika. "We Promise, We Deliver"... This should never be a mere slogan. It should be the faith we stick to.
14 Hehe! I know right?!
15 That being said, I must, however, ask you to reflect on your impulsiveness.
15 Well said.
16 O-Okay...
17 That's the spirit. You will become an excellent courier one day.
17 I have faith in you, Mimika.
18 Thank you manager, thank you {PlayerName}! I will work hard!
19 Finally, on behalf of Lollo Logistics, allow me to express our sincerest gratitude to you, dear customer.
20 Without your help, this crisis would not have been resolved so well.
21 We would probably have to doubt ourselves in regret and shame. It would be a disgrace to our slogan, "We Promise, We Deliver!"
22 Therefore, we thank you... for letting us honor our promise and deliver this overdue order.
22 Thank me no thankings. It's a victory for all of us.
23 You are being modest.
24 The one-hundred-thousand-credit order you placed with us is hereby finished, but since it's your first order, a discount must apply.
25 The discounted amount shall be returned to you. It's our way to say thank you, and my way. Please accept it.
26 Thank you for using our service. "We Promise, We Deliver!"
27 We look forward to meeting you again. Goodbye.

1 (I don’t remember placing an order with Lollo Logistics. Did they get the wrong person?)
2 (Maybe I should go to their headquarters and clarify this.)

1 Hello! We're back with the filter!
2 Almost thought we wouldn't make it... I'll get the filter installed right away!
3 I can't thank you enough... We would have all died without you.
4 I know why you're here. Yunni told me all about it, but the Spear parts...
5 I can guess it. We'll need to solve another puzzle made by those weird geniuses.
6 Um, actually... When those thugs attacked us, they messed around with the device in the lab, and some... accidents happened at the warehouse, where the Spear parts are kept...
6 Accidents?
7 Yes. The spear barrels have been catapuled as a result. They landed inthe Sea of Flames. Some actually quite far into it.
8 Sigh... I feel ashamed to admit this, but we can't get them out from there...
9 I guess... You'll have to go get those barrels yourselves.
9 Do you have the coordinates?
10 Yeah, I'll share them with you.