Riverside Games Companion Stories
You have received an invitation letter from Wenshu. It mentions that the“Jinzhou Riverside Games” will be held soon. Go to the coordinates enclosed in the letter and have a look.
Dialog blocks are currently not sorted correctly.
2 See? How lively! You really need to come and see it in person for the full effect.
3 And that's thanks to your efforts, Wenshu.
4 Well, I'm just doing my job. I should be the one thanking you. After all, without the Midnight Rangers tirelessly guarding the front lines, the Riverside Games(sports games) wouldn't be possible.
32 Don't always be so tense. Sometimes, you have to give yourself a breather. It's not good to push yourself too hard. So, how about picking up an event to participate in?
5 Wenshu... Thank you, but you don't have to pitch me.
6 Why not? Go enjoy your youth! I would've rushed to sign up if I was still young.
7 {PlayerName}, it's good to see you here.
8 Oh! I guess you must be the Rover?
9 Nice to meet you! I'm the director of the Riverside Games. You can call me Wenshu.
9 Thank you for the invite, Wenshu.
10 Ah, I almost dropped the ball on this one. I would've forgotten to send out those invitations without Jiyan's reminder.
11 It's not worth mentioning, Wenshu. This is the first Riverside Games in many years, and you must have been busy with various matters. I only offered a little help when I could.
12 {PlayerName}, it's a slow day today. Please, take a break and have some fun.
14 That's right. Go participate in the event, you two! That's how you enjoy your day off!
14 You mean I can participate too?
16 Of course! The Jinzhou Riverside Games is an event for all people to enjoy. We always welcome guests to participate.
17 Indeed. I'm looking forward to your performance, {PlayerName}.
18 Only a few events specifically require participants to be Resonators. Other than that, there are no special restrictions for any event.
19 We haven't held the Riverside Games in years. Look at him, Jiyan still remembers the rules better than I do. Who would've thought?
20 During the preparation, I came across some pictures from past Games and instantly felt a rush of adrenaline. Ah, the memories of my youth...
21 It's a pity that the Midnight Rangers are always on the front lines, getting ready for emergencies. The Riverside Games is their only chance to relax and have some fun.
24 {PlayerName}, I suggest looking around for events to join if you're interested. Many of them are open to on-site registration.
25 Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to confirm the safety of the surroundings before the race begins... You can consult Wenshu should you need any assistance.
25 Got it.
33 Have a great time, {PlayerName}.
26 Oh well, I didn't invite him over for that. I hoped he'd come and relax, not to find a new place to work.
27 On the other hand, we couldn't have brought the situation at the borders under control without Jiyan's prudence...
29 Sorry, I'm getting off track. The Gulpuff Relay is about to start, and I have to go to the scene in case anything happens.
30 Especially those still warming up in the backup lane. Gotta bring them over.
31 {PlayerName}, are you coming with me?
31 Sure, why not.

2 Ugh... All those hours of training for nothing. We're doomed.
3 Don't give up yet. We've still got some time before the relay starts!
32 Lingyan, Ganquan, what's wrong?
4 Hi, Wenshu! And this is...?
5 This is {PlayerName}.
6 Perfect timing! We're have a bit of a situation right now.
6 What's the matter?
7 Two of our teammates accidentally injured themselves during warm-up... Luckily, the wounds weren't too bad, but the doctor said that they wouldn't be able to participate in the relay anytime soon.
8 We've asked the organizing committee. Said we can still participate with temporary teammates.
9 But the relay is starting soon. It's impossible to find another person to join us, not to mention two...
10 Sigh... First our captain had to quit because of some family emergency, and now this...
11 Ugh. Are we supposed to just wait for the next Riverside Games? Who knows when that will be...
12 Speaking of which... Do you have a team, {PlayerName}?
12 No.
13 {PlayerName} is also a Resonator. She's fully qualified for the Gulpuff Relay.
14 Still... it depends on whether she would like to join you.
14 What kind of competition is it, then?
15 It's simple! Four people take turns controlling a Gulpuff in a relay race. The first team to reach the finish line wins.
15 Sounds interesting. Count me in. (Jump:16)
15 What can I get out of this? (Jump:17)
16 Thank you so much! If we can get the prize money, we'll definitely split it with you!
16 (Jump:18)
17 Even if we don't rank, we'll treat you to a big feast in Jinzhou to thank you for doing us such a big favor.
17 (Jump:18)
18 That's right! We'll buy you the best barbecue in Jinzhou. That place is everyone's favorite!
19 Then you're only one person short for the relay. I know a good candidate for that...
19 Is it the person I'm thinking of?
20 Wh-who?
20 Jiyan.
21 Bingo.
22 !!!
23 Oh! Why didn't I think of him!
24 Huh? Are you serious? The general doesn't look like he'd be interested in events like this.
25 Well, there's more to your general than you know. That's all I can say.
26 What do you mean?
27 Instead of asking questions here, why don't you just go and invite him?
28 I don't have the guts...
28 I'll go.
30 Go invite him now, and you may still have a chance to get him onboard. Don't let others take your chance!
31 We're counting on you, {PlayerName}!

2 You... You managed to rope the general in?
3 Greetings, General Jiyan, {PlayerName}.
4 {PlayerName} has told me what happened. I will join you.
5 Hooray! Now we can join the race! With General Jiyan and {PlayerName} on our side, maybe we can even aim for a new record!
6 Not to be the party pooper here, but as a last-minute team, we probably won't hit the record. Unless...
7 Unless what?
8 Uh, sorry, forget about it.
8 Wait, what record?
9 Ten years ago, a team set the record in the Gulpuff Relay race. That record remains unbeaten to this day.
10 Since then, every time the Games are held, a major highlight is whether the record will be broken.
11 Yeah! I really wanted to learn from their strategy, but the video of that race got borrowed and never returned. Bummer.
12 They set the record. They must have trained together for a long time.
13 Well we're a temporary team. Wouldn't have been able to learn much from it anyway.
14 Keep your chin up. Your hard work will pay off.
15 Not to mention the team you were talking about was a temporary team, too.
15 That's unexpected.
16 Wow, so even General Jiyan has heard of that race!
17 Yes. That was a... good race.
18 Well, it's been ten years... I wonder how that team's doing now.
19 We should worry about ourselves first... There's not much time left, and we haven't even decided the relay order.
20 Ah, the relay order... It used to be decided by the captain...
21 Then... General, can you decide it for us?
22 As you have trained together extensively, I trust you can decide the order better than me. I will gladly cooperate to the best of my abilities.
23 Alright... in that case, I think Ganquan would be perfect as the first runner!
24 Me... the first? Seriously?
25 You've always been the first runner during our training. Surely you'll make a good start!
26 The first runner doesn't need to coordinate with the two of us; he only needs to exchange the controller with Lingyan. It's a safe arrangement indeed.
27 Whew—I'll do my best.
28 Hmm... As for General Jiyan and {PlayerName}, I think...
29 General, can you be the connecting third runner? Since you're familiar with both {PlayerName} and us Midnight Rangers.
30 A reasonable strategy. I agree.
31 Then the relay order would be me first, followed by Lingyan, then General Jiyan, and {PlayerName} last.
32 {PlayerName}, this is your first race, and you may receive plenty of attention as the last runner. Please stay calm and relax.
32 A piece of cake. (Jump:33)
32 Butterflies are fighting in my stomach. (Jump:34)
32 Prepare to be surprised when I win the race. (Jump:35)
33 I'm glad to hear that.
33 (Jump:36)
34 Once I arrive at the exchange zone, go for the goal and don't look back. I'll take care of the rest.
34 (Jump:36)
35 I've always trusted your capabilities.
35 (Jump:36)
36 Any other questions?
37 Yes!
38 Our team doesn't have a name yet!
39 Since {PlayerName} brought this team together, maybe we should let her decide the name.
39 Team Rover. (Jump:40)
39 Team Gulpuffalos. (Jump:41)
39 Team Jiyan's Genius Head. (Jump:43)
39 Team PowerPuff Heroes. (Jump:44)
40 Good, it sounds easy to remember.
40 (Jump:46)
41 I'm starting to crave some buffalo wings too...
42 Not bad. It helps to release the tension.
42 (Jump:46)
43 We can have this as the team name, though I wouldn't call myself a genius.
43 (Jump:46)
44 Considering your character, I was expecting something... different.
45 Nevertheless, it is a good name. I have no objection.
45 (Jump:46)
46 The name is settled, then. Everyone, please get ready in your designated exchange zones.
47 We can stay in touch with our Terminals once the race begins.

2 {PlayerName}, are you all right?
3 I'm sorry for what just happened. You almost reached the finish line, and then...
3 I'm just glad everyone's okay.
4 {PlayerName}, did you notice anything unusual before?
4 I think I heard something.
4 No.
5 An unfamiliar voice briefly interrupted our team's channel...
6 Wenshu, let's evacuate the spectators now. Send them back to the city in batches.
7 I understand, but most of the teams are waiting to start their race, and it's our first Riverside Games in years... Ending it early may spoil their fun.
8 The voice you mentioned... Could it be our spectators cheering?
23 When {PlayerName} asked me to team up with her, I heard something similar by the racing lane.
24 I have requested the monitoring data records of all nearby waterways from the Academy for safety measures.
10 I see. I thought the Gulpuffs were just frightened...
11 There might be an underlying cause of this unusual behavior.
14 The records will take some more time to download. Evacuate the people first.
15 I trust your decision, but...
15 What happened?
16 A man somehow ended up riding a Gulpuff when it all happened, and he seemed to really enjoy it. Now, other people are eager to give it a try too...
17 They all seem super excited... I guess it will take some time to evacuate them.
18 Get that person to leave first, and the others should follow.
19 Wenshu, I'm going with you.
19 Anything I can help you with?
20 Of course! Rover, you are respected by many. If you're willing to help us calm people down, it will making things easier for sure.
20 No problem. Let's go.
21 Thank you.

2 Sir, please calm down and stop talking about riding Gulpuffs.
3 But that was really fun!
4 May I have your hand?
5 What... What's wrong?
6 Nothing major. I just need to confirm something.
7 As I expected.
8 Huh? When did I get hurt? I didn't feel it at all.
9 The adrenaline from excitement may have dampened your sensitivity to pain.
10 However, your nervous response betrays your condition. You right hand has been shaking involuntarily, likely because the wound has been left untreated.
11 Fortunately, it's not caused by the Gulpuffs. Please take this to relieve the pain for now.
12 Ouch... It's really starting to hurt now that you've mentioned it.
13 Alright. Have you calmed down now?
14 I'm sorry. I got a little carried away... Sorry again for the trouble I've caused.
15 Let's go have someone see to your wound.
16 {PlayerName}, fancy seeing you here.
16 Jiyan and I are joining the relay race together.
17 I don't want to spoil your fun, but I'm afraid we need to suspend the race for now.
18 Can you fill us in on the data?
19 I checked the monitoring data as you asked, and I found unusual fluctuations near the upper waters to the north.
20 Why didn't the nearest Beacon pick up on this anomaly?
21 The Resonance Beacon is functioning properly, but we still don't know why it didn't issue a warning this time. I will investigate this further at a later time.
21 Is it related to the Gulpuffs' strange behaviors?
23 Animals are often the first to detect signs of danger.
24 Tacet Discords are similar to animals in this regard. They're very sensitive to any change in the frequencies in their surroundings. That's why those Gulpuffs went haywire.
25 I suppose that's why you asked me to check the monitoring data for you, Jiyan?
26 Yes.
27 The timing of this change is concerning... Why did it happen precisely during the Riverside Games?
28 Perhaps the Riverside Games' frequency resonated with something in the upper waters?
28 Let's go check out the upper waters now.
29 Yes. Let's go.
30 The lack of perceivable warning signs typically suggests unknown risks. Jiyan, {PlayerName}, stay safe.

1 {PlayerName}, what are you doing here? Have you found any event that you're interested in?
1 Yes, but I've run into a bit of trouble.
2 Trouble? If you're comfortable sharing, tell me about it. Maybe I can help.
2 Actually, I do need your help.
3 So... you want me to join the relay as your temporary teammate?
3 Yes.
21 ...
21 What's the matter? (Jump:5)
21 What, are you scared? (Jump:6)
5 No worries.
5 (Jump:7)
6 No.
6 (Jump:7)
7 The key to winning a relay race lies in mutual understanding, cooperation, and trust among team members.
8 Most of the teams are formed according to the Midnight Rangers units they belong to. Therefore, they're familiar with their teammates and have good teamwork.
9 I believe you can find a better candidate for your team. That candidate doesn't have to be me.
9 But we'll be disqualified without another teammate. (Jump:10)
9 I really want to join the race with you. (Jump:11)
10 Disqualification for teams without enough participants... Yes, I remember that rule. I imagine your teammates would be greatly disappointed if that happened.
10 (Jump:12)
11 Joining you... I see. It might be fun.
11 (Jump:12)
12 But given we never trained together before, it may prove challenging to win.
12 Doesn't matter, we're a last-minute temporary team anyway.
13 A temporary team...
13 You alright?
14 I'm fine, thank you for asking... It's been a long time since I last heard that phrase.
15 Indeed. No need to worry about the end result before the competition begins.
15 The team would be thrilled to have you.
16 Yes... I'll join you.
17 Spectators are gathering along the lanes. The race should start soon.
18 Let's go join our new teammates.
19 ...
19 What's wrong?
20 Nothing... Perhaps it's just my imagination.