Replica of Past Days Companion Stories
The Jinzhou Riverside Games will be suspended because of an anomalous emergency. You and Jiyan decide to go to the source of anomaly to find out...
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2 ...Let's...
3 Don't... Come near me...
3 That looks scary. (Jump:4)
3 That looks adorable. (Jump:4)
4 The Tacet Discords are increasing. Let's take them down first.

1 It's the Retroact Rain... We need to hurry up.

2 ...Let's participate... Together...
3 Help... help me...
4 The voices are coming from here.
5 ...I don't want...
6 It might be trying to tell us something... We need to decipher the message somehow.

2 You should relax... Weekend... Who knows when is the next... Let's go... Come on... Go... Takeover...
9 Tacet Discords... They won't... No... I'm gonna... I can't... Help...
9 The voices... They are...
12 It's the cheers during the Riverside Games, mingled together with cries for help.
5 Perhaps some people have been trapped in this place, or maybe...
7 Anyway, we have to figure it out.