Journal of Jinzhou: Vol.2 Side Quests
The upcoming issue of the journal is in progress. Go and check out the featured content.
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1 Thank you for your help. Please take this: It’s a small token of our appreciation.
1 What is this?
2 This is a commemorative issue of “Jinzhou: A Closer Look”. Our magazine has been officially recognized by Jinzhou Institute as a teaching resource.
3 Look, we put your name on the acknowledgement page.
4 “We want to thank {PlayerName} for greatly assisting us in our journey for knowledge.”
4 Thank you.
5 No, we are the ones who owe you our gratitude!
6 Now “Jinzhou: A Closer Look” is on the right track, which can be considered a satisfactory result.
7 However, when we write other publications, we may still need your help.
8 Hopefully, we will get the chance to continue collaborating, {PlayerName}!