Shadows of the Past Exploration Quests
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1 Hey, I was almost frozen to death. I told you that thing underground is a ticking bomb.
2 Sigh, the detectors are not responding from the bottom of the Mine. The data they recorded is probably lost. All those efforts in vain.
3 Have you heard about it? The shutdown of the Mine wasn't a simple accident. It's because...
4 What are they talking about? Are they Lei'li and Modee?
5 I should go and ask them what happened to the Mine.

1 The temperature went down so fast.
2 How’s it going, {PlayerName}. Can you hold on?
3 By the way, this feels the same as what I saw in the dream. Only in that dream, I was Uncle Hong.
4 Let’s go. We have to find the entrance to the bottom of the cave first.

1 This Ice Chrysalises looks different from the last one.
2 Maybe due to the chill. It feels even colder here than just now.

1 (Listen close. The chilling wind is mingled with slight sounds...)
2 (Wind, murmur, crushing ice... all mingled together, and closing in)

1 The communication returns normal, and the temperature is rising too. {PlayerName}, looks like you succeeded.
2 Uncle Hong is safely back too. The Mine is rebooting the Refinery Tower. Thank you for your efforts!

1 ...
1 Uncle Hong?
2 Oh, you’re back, {PlayerName}. Thank you for lifting us through this crisis.
3 Keep on calling me Uncle Hong.
3 You remembered?
4 Yes, with the help of this plate, which I found when I left the cave.
5 Chengwen told me in my dream that this kind of plate is made of a special mineral, and that words inscibed on it won’t be worn away after years.
6 Look, {PlayerName}. He didn’t lie. His name is inscribed on it in a perfect condition.
7 It was all in my dream, but now it’s here before our eyes.
8 I only understand now that the dreams were real things.
8 You are calmer than I think.
9 I don’t know why, but it feels like I losing the ability to feel as I forget things. No matter it is sadness or regret.
10 What is left was only scenarios. They keep overwhelming me until I lose breath.
11 {PlayerName}, will you listen to the other half of my boring dream?
11 Only too glad.
12 After Lampylumen Myriad was awakened, Chengwen and I walked the same path as we do today.
13 We broke Ice Chrysalises, removed the block at the entrance, and managed to suppress Lampylumen Myriad.
14 However, the Refinery Tower wasn’t built in the dream. Suppressing Lampylumen Myriad could only buy time for the rescue from Jinzhou to arrive.
15 Chengwen was heavily injured in the combat, and he didn’t make it on the way back to Jinzhou for healing.
16 Later, when the Ministry started to investigate the reason of the crisis at the Mine, I was ready for being held accountable.
17 But what met me was actually applause and medals, which I only found strange.
18 It was Chengwen, who took all the responsibilities himself on the way back to the Ministry.
19 It was only out of his simple belief that I could rebuild the Mine, and that the Mine couldn’t afford to lose two heads.
20 Was it guilt?
21 After that I started to study the documents Chengwen left. I picked up the piles of research materials that I myself pushed to the ground.
22 And I found that we were both wrong. The coexistence wasn’t a job to do at the two ends of a line, but one to do on the middle point.
23 I found the initial ideas of the Refinery Tower from his notes, and it became what it is now after iterations.
24 We managed the balance by suppressing Lampylumen Myriad’s chill with the Refinery Tower’s heat, so as to prevent it from awakening.
25 It was with this report that Ministry of Development agreed on the proposal that the Mine coexists with the TD.
26 This was the way of survival that he and I joined efforts to find, but his name was forever wiped from the Mine’s documents, and marked as a sinner.
27 And now, even I am losing his memories. I want to write something down, but my brain is just blank.
28 I often go to the places he spent time at, but his traces are only disappearing, because the Mine is changing so fast.
29 Lucky I have some fragments that I can put down on the journal. These stories and arguments, and Jinzhou Stew that we both love.
29 So the journal is a recollection of the past.
30 Yes. What if one day I stop distinguishing the current from the past and forget myself?
31 What if I get swallowed in a woven world, just like today?
31 The past is irrelevant. You walked out of it. (Jump:32)
31 The past is irrelevant. You faced everything. (Jump:33)
32 Walked out... Maybe. I don’t want to be a coward anymore.
32 (Jump:34)
33 Faced everything... Maybe. I don't want to be a coward anymore.
33 (Jump:34)
34 And I don’t want the kids to walk down my path again.
35 Maybe this crisis is a chance for growth for them. It will correct their overdependence on the experience of previous generations.
36 The balance of our coexistence with TD is forever changing, and the Refinery Tower is only one part of it.
37 Interestingly, this is the first time I've seen Lei'li and Modee work together.
38 Thank you, {PlayerName}, for listening to this boring dream until the end.
39 You should be tired after all this, right? I already informed the food stall.
40 You must come and have a taste of the special Jinzhou Stew of the Mine.

1 The entrance is blocked by ice.
2 Yes, maybe due to the Ice Chrysalises. It is a product of the awakening of Lampylumen Myriad.
3 Defeat it to remove the block of the entrance.