A True Arena Champion Side Quests
You encountered an Exile attacked by Tacet Discords. After witnessing your capabilities, he seeks for you aid.
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1 Efficient and clean. Come take your badge of speed.
2 The final trial is the most challenging.

1 Take it. It's the last badge. You're indeed strong.
2 With your strength, maybe... I'll forge a report just like they do this time.
2 Forge a report?
3 Do you new participants really think the Seaside Arena is a place for you to hone your skills?
4 To be frank with you, the Seaside Arena is now a steering wheel held by those high-ranked factions.
5 They can ensure they're always at the top of the leaderboard. Even this rule is one of their tactics to maintain their positions.
6 The three trials you just passed not only screen out the unqualified but also give them a chance to precisely assess the strength of the participants, gathering information.
7 In this case, they can be well-prepared in the official match. And, we examiners are responsible for submitting the assessment reports to those factions.
7 Why are you telling me this? (Jump:8)
7 Can I trust what you're saying? (Jump:9)
8 Because I see hope in you. I think you can help me regain my freedom.
8 (Jump:10)
9 Believe it or not. Honestly, I see hope in you. I think you can help me regain my freedom.
9 (Jump:10)
10 I was once a challenger in the Seaside Arena. However, my obsession with victory led me to lose my own freedom.
11 Later, I discovered it was a trap set by those high-ranked factions, waiting for the innocent to jump into it.
12 In this survival-of-the-fittest world, only strength speaks.
13 I no longer have the power to change it, but maybe you can. I've seen countless challengers, and I have keen observation.
14 Will you be my last resort?

1 Congratulations on collecting all three badges. An Exile claiming to be your friend has already completed the registration form on your behalf.
2 Before entering the match, please familiarize yourself with the Seaside Arena rules.
3 Your friend forgot to provide Echo information for you. Unfortunately, once the registration form is submitted, no changes are allowed.
4 According to the Seaside Arena rules, challengers who haven't registered Echo information will be provided with an assistance Echo in battle.
4 Is it strong?
5 Hahaha, unfortunately, it's Zig Zag, an ordinary Tacet Discord. To avoid affecting the match, we can only provide the basic Echo.
6 Here are the rules.
7 The Seaside Arena adopts a single-elimination system. Participants are allowed to use any fighting styles in battle. The winner automatically advances to the next round.
8 When you win all three rounds, you qualify for challenging the previous champion.
9 Are you ready, Rover?
9 Let's get started.
9 Can't wait.
10 Wish you good luck!

1 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's electrifying matches at the Seaside Arena!
2 The energy in the air is palpable; I can feel your enthusiasm building up!
3 Tonight, we have a brand-new challenger stepping into the pit!
4 As a fresh face in the arena, she's about to embark on an exciting career. Let's delve into her introduction!
4 Wait, did he say self-introduction?
4 I don't recall writing that for myself...
5 The collective beliefs in this arena will manifest into a resounding courage, piercing through the sky and lighting the way forward.
6 Introducing the new blood from The Hyenas! The spotlight of tonight's showdown! Let's give a roaring welcome to Rover, the Dark Envoy!
7 It's the first time I've delivered such impassioned opening remarks. Anticipate an unforgettable performance from she tonight!
7 I know who wrote this.
7 Was I summoned?
8 Ladies and gentlemen, our first match tonight features Rover facing off against the renowned and skilled participant. Please join me in welcoming Mira the Danger!
9 Now, before we dive into the action, do either of you have any words for your opponent?
10 One word.
11 I'll either dominate or endure.
12 Direct and to the point! Rover, how about you?
12 I'll be the winner. (Jump:13)
12 Act One: Target, Champion! (Jump:14)
12 I'm wondering who my next opponent will be. (Jump:15)
13 Confidence stands tall as the challenger's mightiest weapon. Who will emerge victorious in this opening round? Ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath and watch!
13 (End)
14 That's a robust response. Who will emerge victorious in this opening round? Ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath and watch!
14 (End)
15 Confidence stands tall as the challenger's mightiest weapon. Who will emerge victorious in this opening round? Ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath and watch!

1 Ladies and gentlemen, what an exhilarating showdown! In the opening round, Rover demonstrated incredible prowess, triumphing over Exile the Danger.
2 Now, brace yourselves for the second round, featuring none other than Wildwolf, hailed as the Dream Crusher among challengers, accompanied by his loyal TD, "Hornet"!
3 Wildwolf, facing a fierce newcomer today. Any fiery words for your opponent?
4 Fortunate for you to survive the initial round, but your luck runs out here.
5 Rover, your chance to respond!
5 Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
5 Act Two: Prepare for Defeat! Hornet.
6 Ohhh! The tension between these two contenders is palpable. Keep your eyes glued to the action, as the second round is about to unfold!

1 Making a debut but conquering two prominent challengers, Rover is just a step away from clinching the ticket to the championship!
2 Now, let's introduce the opponent for the final round. Can she thwart Rover's relentless march forward?
3 A frequent finalist, renowned as the "Echo Master" in the Seaside Arena, let's welcome Crazy Tif!
4 Tif, any words of wisdom for this emerging dark horse?
6 Did everyone catch that? The commanding aura of Crazy Tif is apparent even before the match!
7 Confronted with such a formidable opponent, how will Rover respond?
7 I'll carry no regrets!
7 Act Three: Keep Composure! Victory is Mine.
8 Both competitors are in high spirits. It looks like we're in for a thrilling showdown!
9 Will it be a legendary defense of the championship ticket, or will the dark horse emerge victorious? Let's wait and see.

1 Impressive, snagging a ticket to challenge me on your first attempt. Well done, well done indeed.
2 Looks like I'll need to give it my all. The final is tomorrow at noon. Don't back away in fear, okay?
3 I'll demonstrate what true strength is.

1 By the way, Rover, there are a few things about tomorrow's final that I haven't mentioned yet.
2 Since it's your first participation, there are some variations in the rules compared to regular matches. You should familiarize yourself with them before the final.
3 Meet me at the elevated platform at the camp, and I'll fill you in.

1 Rover, you made it. How's your experience with the Seaside Arena so far?
1 Quite lively.
2 Alright, no beating around the bush. To keep the Seaside Arena running smoothly, I'd like you to forfeit the match.
3 The matches can proceed seamlessly because of our management.
4 However, you've become a threat to our control over the matches.
5 The matches aren't just competitions; they assist in resolving conflicts and distributing resources among factions.
6 The Hyenas call this place home, so you should understand.
7 Besides, with two victories under your belt, you should be in for some substantial rewards. If you agree, we'll consider granting The Hyenas more privileges in the future.
7 It's just your excuse for exploiting others.
7 It's not an excuse for exploiting others.
8 No rush. How about you return and gather opinions from other members? The right choice will become evident.
9 You have until tomorrow noon to think it over. Take your time.

1 No need to think about it. Rover must has her own answer.
2 It's just another trap set by you. Am I right?
2 Yeah.
2 I'll take you down.
3 Hahaha, I was curious why there's a formidable participant stepping into the Arena without prior notice.
4 It seems you've tampered with the reports.
5 I merely bided my time for the right moment. As Rover pointed out, it's nothing more than your pretext for exploiting the vulnerable.
6 The Seaside Arena has completely lost its integrity. It has devolved into a means to fulfill your insatiable greed. I refuse to be manipulated like a mere puppet.
7 Alright, given the circumstances, it appears that a showdown between us is unavoidable.
8 I'll settle things in our match tomorrow. Don't worry; I'll ensure you accept your defeat without any complaint.

1 Hmph, you came.
2 Hope you won't disppoint me, Rover!

1 How… IMPOSSIBLE! How could I lose!
2 Since you've lost, it's time to fulfill your promise according to the rules.
3 Shoot. What do you want? Power, money, or your faction's status?
4 Rover, you're the winner, so it's up to you to answer.
5 You tell Zeyuan and Exile Examiner's wishes to him.
6 "One thrives, all thrive; one declines, all decline." The Hyenas is still as naïve as ever.
7 If my memory serves me right, your faction received assistance from The Hyenas, correct?
8 Without such naivety, would your faction have attained its current status?
9 Rover, can you add an additional condition?
9 What condition?
10 Have the defeated party publicly declare the victor's terms to everyone in the camp.
11 Why go through the trouble?
11 It's worth a shot.
11 Everyone ought to listen to our terms.
12 Alright, I'll take him to the center of the camp. I'll catch up with you shortly.