Repair the lighthouse in Desorock Highland Side Quests
Tacet Discords threaten the engineer on her way to the lighthouse. Provide her with escort.
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1 Come to think of it. TDs are so unpredictable. There's no way of knowing where and when they're going to pop out.
2 I can't even imagine how people managed to deal with them back in the old days.

1 *sigh* I think I might of jinxed myself. There they go again, appearing out of thin air... Almost scared myself to death.
2 I don't know how you're keeping a straight face while you fight TDs like that. Must be a perk of being a Resonator.
3 If it were a normal person... All they can do is run for their lives. Just like me. *sigh*

1 Verifying Ship Registration>>>>> Extracting latest log entry—Complete
2 Ship Registration [NUS8910]>>>>> Initiating voice recording
3 This is Acting Captain Moak of the Stingray... Today is our forty-third day since our departure from the harbor.
4 Xie Qi reported the ship's first sighting of a lighthouse's light beam from up on the highlands. We followed it and arrived at these coordinates in preparation for landing...
5 To our surprise, not a single person was found on the shores, only the lighthouse projecting its lonely light... Not a very assuring sight to say the least.
6 Xie Qi insisted on staying... As an engineer, he wanted to stay behind and modify the communications equipment of the lighthouse.
7 In his words, with necessary modifications in place should make communication with other survivors possible. He'll inform us when the time comes... We hope his efforts will not go in vain.
8 Since Xie Qi's the brightest out of any of us, he wouldn't have suggested it if he didn't know what he was doing. We respected his decision and provided him some of the supplies before setting sail again.

1 (A set of coordinates appeared on-screen after the recording.)
2 (I should check out these coordinates I see what I can find.)