Silver-haired Echo Trainer - II Side Quests
Grandpa Jingzhu has come up with a new method to train Echoes. Go and ask him about the details.
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1 Hey there, Rover! Remember Grandpa Jingzhu?
1 Of course. (Jump:2)
1 Who? (Jump:3)
2 Yep, the one who said that “my-unwavering-love” thing.
2 (Jump:4)
3 The one who said that "my-unwavering-love" thing. Ringing any bells now?
3 (Jump:4)
4 So, I ran into him earlier, and he needs our help in snagging Echoes again. Hence, the call.
4 Sure, why not? (Jump:5)
4 When I have time. (Jump:6)
5 Awesome! We’ll catch you near the training grounds, then.
5 (End)
6 That’s fine. Swing by the training grounds when you’ve got a sec.

1 I’ve heard rumors that Yhan has turned into quite the strict instructor. You’d better take care.
2 There are quite a few juniors in there who were once beaten hard by me, haha! So, I’ll refrain from joining you and spoiling their spirits.
3 Here we are. Go on in. Wish you good luck!

1 Back so soon?
2 Yhan is quite a formidable figure. Breezing through his training is truly commendable.
3 I have no doubt that the world will soon be at your feet, youngsters!
4 Haha, enough banter. Let’s get down to the business first. The scythes of the Havoc Warrior await our sharpening!

1 Back here again, in this familiar spot.
2 Grandpa Jingzhu, you’re here to see Grandma, right?
3 I heard you're... um, what's the word? Courting Grandma?
4 Oh my! Hold on, Yingying. You’re too young to understand what that means.
5 I even learned a new term! Late-life love!
6 Anyway, Grandpa, you should go for it! I’ll go tell Grandma you’re here!
8 Grandpa Jingzhu is back with more Noctemints for you, Grandma!
9 Oh my, oh my, kids these days are something else.

1 Whoa! It’s even more impressive now! Check out those scythes—they’re seriously intimidating!
4 Despite your youthful vigor, enduring Yhan’s training again in such a brief span may still be quite a challenge. Maybe, we can...
5 This voice... I knew it's you, Mr. Jingzhu.
6 In-Instructor Yhan?

1 Ah, you still recognize this old face, Yhan.
2 You two know each other?
3 We do and for a long time.
4 In the days of the Midnight Rangers, Mr. Jingzhu commanded my utmost respect.
5 It’s been a while since we last met. Mr. Jingzhu. You still look spirited... though your legs don’t seem as nimble?
6 Ahem, just a minor accident. You see, I’m getting on in years. A little slip while hiking. Nothing to worry about!
7 I’ve been resting and should recover soon.
8 Your injuries seem to have healed well, but don’t underestimate the importance of rest.
9 You’re as talkative as ever, boy. Back in the day, we endured far worse and still fought valiantly in battles. Remember?
10 But you have retired for a long time...
11 Retired I may be, but the fire still burns within me! It’s been quite some time since I retired, and opportunities to mingle with you youngsters are rare these days.
12 And here stands Chief Instructor Yhan. You’ve been keeping well, I trust?
13 I’m merely fulfilling my duty. And how fare your old comrades?
14 Except for Captain and myself, they all... Ah, never mind. Let’s focus on happier topics during this once-in-a-while reunion.
15 The past is the past. When you reach my age, you’ll realize that the present moment holds the most significance in life!
16 Live in the moment and cherish each passing day. That’s how we honor our comrades’ sacrifices.
17 Indeed, Mr. Jingzhu. The present demands our full attention.
18 Exactly, then let’s talk about the present. You know what I need now. Are you willing to lend a hand?
19 You’re as spirited as ever, Mr. Jingzhu.
20 Haha, I’m truly flattered.
21 These should be enough for your needs. Take them.
22 Great, thanks.
28 Instructor Yhan doesn’t seem half as evil as the rumors make him out to be.

6 I’m still surprised at the revelation that Grandpa Jingzhu was once a Midnight Ranger.
7 Hmph, I’m used to keeping a low profile. Bide my time to impress Linghan.
8 Make her fall in love with me with only one shot!
9 With my natural charm and these finely honed scythes, I’m confident this time I’ll win Linghan’s heart and let her accept my Noctemint!
9 Are you sure? (Jump:10)
9 Really? (Jump:12)
10 Ahem, absolutely!
11 What makes Grandpa Jingzhu so sure that having a powerful Echo will win Grandma Linghan’s heart?
11 (Jump:13)
12 I’m with you on this one. What makes Grandpa Jingzhu so sure that having a powerful Echo will win Grandma Linghan’s heart?
12 (Jump:13)
13 Of course, it’s not just the Echo I’ve prepared! Linghan once shared her criteria for an ideal partner.
14 She said her ideal partner is a wise and valiant soldier wielding a handsome greatsword, accompanied by a majestic Echo, facing countless foes with unrivaled poise.
15 You see? Apart from the majestic Echo, everything else fits me to a tee!
15 ... (Jump:16)
16 ...
16 (Jump:17)
17 Why the look? Do you lack faith in me? It’s understandable, given the generation gap between us.
18 But when it comes to matters of love, especially for us seniors, trust me. I’ve got this!
19 Alright, all set and ready. Let’s pay a visit to Linghan.