First Resonance Main Quests
As the city lights twinkle, friendly faces beckon you to join them in the bustling border town. Immerse yourself in its prosperous yet tranquil ambiance.
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1 Here we are. Jinzhou's Nexus Tower!
1 The Nexus Tower?
2 Exactly. Lemme see, uh, think of it as Jinzhou's largest server station, or an integration hub. It's something along those lines. I'm not much of a tech person myself.
3 Long story short, it's a navigator, a defense system, and a regional information center all in one enormous package.
4 The smaller ones we ran into earlier are Resonance Beacons.
5 Data is shared between all Beacons. You activate one, and the entire map's data will be relayed to your Terminal. Pretty nifty, huh?
6 Just place your Terminal here.

1 Pleased to make your acquaintance. I apologize for the delay. My name is Sanhua, the bodyguard of Madam Magistrate.
1 Call me Rover for now.
1 Hello.
2 I regret to inform you that Madam Magistrate is currently away. Prior to her departure, she instructed me to bring you these tokens and a welcome gift.

1 This should be it. It's quite a boxful.
2 Let's go back and show it to Mr. Mortefi.

1 I'm back. I'm back! Finally done with my patrol. How's it going, Rover? Feeling spry as ever?
1 You make it sound like like I'm old.
1 Yeah, feeling spry as ever.
2 Baizhi said she is in great health, no issue to report.
3 We've made some progress in investigating the tokens, too.
3 How did it go for you?
4 Nothing special, a typical patrol. Well, Uncle Zhang's cat climbed a tree, and on its way down, it landed on Uncle Chenpi's Head, causing him to take a tumble. Some dogs kept barking and have been scaring the passers-by, so I went there to calm them down.
5 I received a report about someone going missing. I just logged the case and talked to the person who reported it. You're not the one they're searching for, though. Anyhow, I'll need to visit the person who reported the case tomorrow.
6 Oh, I also tried searchin' for Rover's terminal number, but the system came up with nothing. The latest record was from today when I took Rover for registration. That's pretty much the update for now.
6 That's quite a lot. You almost put me to sleep. (Jump:7)
6 That's quite a lot. You've got me feeling hungry. (Jump:8)
6 Looks like you had a fruitful day. (Jump:9)
6 Do you want me to come along tomorrow? (Jump:10)
7 It's the middle of the night. Course you're tired.
7 (Jump:11)
8 It's the middle of the night. Course you're hungry.
8 (Jump:11)
9 You betcha!
9 (Jump:11)
10 Huh? Are you not gonna investigate the tokens?
10 (Jump:11)
11 Oh right, I still owe you a meal! The night markets are closed though. Let's grab breakfast at Panhua's Restaurant tomorrow before my shift. Meet you guys there in the morning. Be there or be square!
11 What do we do now? (Jump:12)
11 I'll be there. (Jump:16)
12 Time to hit the hay, obviously. Don't tell me you're planning on some nightly activities?
12 Night is the time to beat up Tacet Discords. (Jump:13)
12 Night is the time to meet up with Jinhsi. (Jump:14)
12 Don't you ever stop! (Jump:15)
12 Bedtime it is. (Jump:16)
13 Then you'll feel right at home with the Midnight Rangers. Or more like the "Midnight Danger".
13 (Jump:16)
14 What? You're hanging out with our Magistrate already? Quit bluffing.
14 (Jump:16)
15 Stop it! We deserve 8-hour workdays!
15 (Jump:16)
16 Do you have a place to stay, Rover?
16 Sanhua has prepared a room for me. (Jump:17)
16 I'll be staying at the City Hall. (Jump:18)
16 Not yet. Poor me. (Jump:19)
17 Talk about hospitality!
17 (Jump:21)
18 Talk about hospitality! Boy, I wonder what it's like to live in the City Hall.
18 (Jump:21)
19 I-I have a vacant guest room in my house, and if you don't mind coming over...
20 Aren't you forgetting something, Yangyang? Rover told us this morning that she has been offered a stay at the City Hall...
20 (Jump:21)
21 Alright, enough chatter or the sun's gonna come up. Let's get Rover back to the City Hall and we'll leave the rest to tomorrow!
21 No need for the trouble.
21 I'd like some time alone.
21 Okay.

1 Baizhi hasn't replied to my message. She's probably busy in her lab.
2 Over there must be Mr. Mortefi from the Department of Safety. Baizhi once mentioned him before...
3 He might be able to help us get in touch with Baizhi, but, erm... it seems we've caught him at a bad time.

1 Madam Magistrate advised you to explore what these tokens represent during her absence. This may help you acquire the information you desire sooner.
2 I apologize for the inconvenience, but please rest assured: she will be here to meet you in three days' time.
3 Where is the Magistrate? (Jump:4)
3 Why three days? (Jump:7)
3 How am I supposed to know what the tokens represent? (Jump:12)
3 Got it. (Jump:15)
4 Sorry... I cannot disclose her whereabouts at this time. Please trust me that she is eagerly looking forward to meeting you in person.
4 Did something happen to her?
5 Pardon my inability to provide a better answer. Madam Magistrate has a task that she must handle alone, but she has never for one moment forgotten about her meeting with you.
6 Not knowing exactly when you'd arrive, she had to leave without having the chance to welcome you in person.
6 (Jump:3)
7 Because she will require at least three days to complete her current task.
8 Madam Magistrate wanted to assure you that in three days, by any means, she will return to meet you in person.
8 Is there anything I can do to help?
9 You...
10 I'll be sure to convey your kindness to Madam Magistrate. Please accept my sincerest gratitude.
11 Yes, Madam Magistrate does hope to have your assistance, but there is no rush for a decision. She does not want to pressure you into anything you may not desire. We invite you to learn about our situation before making a final commitment.
11 (Jump:3)
12 When it comes to these tokens, it is never her intention to confuse you with the puzzles. Instead, they should serve as clues that lead you toward the truth.
13 Madam Magistrate deeply regrets not having the time to deliver her messages to you in person.
14 We value your presence far more than you might imagine. The same goes for any and all information about you.
14 (Jump:3)
15 How were you certain I was the guest?
16 Since Madam Magistrate is currently away, I cannot make the final confirmation on her behalf.
17 But you. You are truly exceptional.
17 I heard many people were "politely" asked to leave.
18 Regarding that...
19 My eyes can see the frequencies of all living beings.
20 Or rather, those "frequencies" are the only thing I can see.
21 You... You share the same frequency with Madam Magistrate.
21 What does my frequency look like? (Jump:22)
21 The same frequency? (Jump:23)
22 You look undistorted and authentic, in your original form.
22 (Jump:25)
23 Apologies. My description was not accurate.
24 Both you and Madam Magistrate look undistorted to me.
24 (Jump:25)
25 In my eyes, you appear the way you are.
25 What do the frequencies of others look like?
26 They all look different.
27 For some reason, you can tell Sanhua doesn't want to continue this topic.

2 May I have your Terminal for a moment?
2 What do you want with it? (Jump:3)
2 My Terminal? (Jump:4)
2 Are we exchanging contacts now? (Jump:5)
3 I need your Terminal for Access Pass authorization. In the meantime, I will configure the latest Utility modules for you.
3 (Jump:8)
4 Yes, it's the "gourd" on your waist. The device every Resonator carries.
4 (Jump:8)
5 Indeed. It was an oversight on my end. I will now import my contact information and that of all public services, like Patrol Stations, into your Terminal.
6 I will be here on standby, ready to assist whenever you need me.
7 I need your Terminal for regional access authorization. I will also configure the latest Utility module for you.
7 (Jump:8)
8 Madam Magistrate thought you might need it.
8 (Hand over the Terminal.)
9 You waited for a moment.
10 The Utility module on your Terminal has been upgraded to the latest iteration. Now all the Utilities, including Sensor, Levitator, and Grapple, should be fully functional.
11 You are now granted unlimited access to all regions in Jinzhou. I have sent your Terminal ID to every border pass and Resonance Beacon. You will only need to display your Terminal ID, or activate a Beacon with your Terminal for entry.
12 You are free to visit any part of Jinzhou.
12 And that includes the City Hall?
12 So no more annoying paperwork?
13 Yes, including the City Hall. You have full access to its facilities.
14 Also, may I ask... Have you decided your place of residence in Jinzhou?
15 If not, Madam Magistrate has arranged accommodation for you in advance, here in the City Hall.
16 Home sweet home. (Jump:17)
16 Royal suite. Here I come! (Jump:18)
16 That won't be necessary. (Jump:19)
16 I have other plans. (Jump:19)
17 I will lead you to your room if you need.
17 That won't be necessary at the moment. (Jump:19)
17 I have friends waiting outside. (Jump:19)
18 I will lead you to your room if you need.
18 That won't be necessary at the moment. (Jump:19)
18 I have friends waiting outside. (Jump:19)
19 Understood. We will be ready to accommodate you anytime.

1 This is Mortefi, a renowned figure in the Department of Safety. He was born in the New Federation, and he joined the Huaxu Academy a few years ago. I heard his talent is truly impressive.
2 People say he is a bit scary at first glance, but he's actually quite kindhearted once you get to know him...
3 Chixia told me he's quite popular with the kids. Children have been pestering him for all kinds of fancy toys, and he's always open to their requests.

1 Please, follow me.

1 Lady Sanhua will be with you shortly.

1 Kindly have a seat.

1 I mentally prepared myself for the worst, but this place looks... much better than Mr. Mortefi's description, I think?
0 Though it is a bit hard to figure out where we should start...

1 Mao, Chen, Si... Wu, Wei. Rover, it's here.

1 Oh, wait a sec, someone's looking for me.
2 Yeah... What! When did he disappear? Don't worry. It's alright. I'll be right there.
3 Duty calls! Oops, almost forgot. Can't be late!
4 Sorry, Rover, Yangyang, I've gotta head off for my shift. I'll join you right after I'm done, alright?
5 If you need me, just shout my name, and I, the Jinzhou Speedster, will be there in a sec.
5 For real? (Jump:6)
5 Ma Xiaofang! (Jump:7)
6 Well, you only need to send me a Terminal message as you shout! Then I'll be there in a jiffy. Hehe.
6 (Jump:8)
7 STOP! STOP! Don't call me that!
7 (Jump:8)
8 Anyway, I've gotta go. You guys okay on your own? Give me a heads-up when there's any updates!
9 Sure, go do your thing. Don't worry, I'm staying with her.
10 Rover, let's go inside.

1 Can you give us some more details?
1 A giant Tacet Discord with a scythe... (Jump:2)
1 An enormous moon fading in and out of the sky... (Jump:3)
2 A giant Tacet Discord with a scythe... It doesn't sound like the Crownless. Might be even higher-ranked.
2 (Jump:4)
3 An enormous moon looming above you... Now, this reminds me of the unusual sightings that supposedly happened during a past war...
3 (Jump:4)
4 This is the first time we've run into anything like this since we put the training ground into use...
5 The Sonoro Sphere captures everything that once happened in a specific time and place, be it good or bad.
6 We built this simulated training ground after the structure of Sonoro Spheres.
0 Our goal was to extract pure Remnant Energy with the simulated Sonoro Sphere, but we cannot guarantee that all "abnormal frequencies" were eliminated.
7 Your arrival may have revived the "abnormal frequencies" we accidentally captured.
8 Remnant Energy sometimes give rise to memory manifestations of sentient beings. You may have encountered one such manifestation.
9 I suspect it could have something to do with your unconscious mind.
10 Such anomalies could have been hiding in the simulation, and they 'resonated' with your subconscious. Or perhaps... they were lifted from your subconscious in the first place.
11 I'm afraid I can't give you a conclusion yet. Not until we've run a thorough analysis on the data collected.
12 I'll also check the simulated Sonoro Sphere again to see what on earth happened to it.
13 In terms of bodily functions, you seem to be in perfect health... In fact, all the data look quite good.
14 But if you feel anything unusual, please come find me any time.
14 Thank you, I will.
14 I'll consider it.

1 I have the arrangements in place. Rover, you can come visit the Magistrate at any time.
2 Chixia, do you mind bringing Rover over to the City Hall?

1 I have the arrangements in place. Rover, you can come visit the Magistrate at any time.
2 Chixia, do you mind bringing Rover over to the City Hall?

1 There’s still some distance to the Huaxu Academy. Let’s see who reaches there faster!
2 I just installed some apps for you. Please try looking for one that’s called Utility on the Terminal.

1 See? Just open the Utilities, select the Grapple, and there you go!
2 If you wanna be a hero like the Jinzhou Speedster, you gotta master the Grapple! C'mon, give it a shot, Rover!