Echoing Marche Main Quests
As the tides of danger retreat, Jinzhou appears tranquil and vibrant. But beyond its borders lies a fierce and desperate battleground.
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1 Defense at the city gate has been strengthened.
2 It wasn't like this when we came back...

1 Access Pass is required if you're heading to the Norfall Barrens. That place is now off-limits.
2 ...
3 What is your business, young lady? It's my third shift and you're still here.
4 Oh, you must be the soldier on duty at noon yesterday. Nice to see you again.
5 I'm a Resonator and a trained martial artist. I can handle myself. Please, I need to go look for someone.
6 I've promised the missing man's grandfather to bring him back. Would you let me through?
7 Be that as it may, I cannot let you given the current circumstances. My apologies.
8 Well, everything seems fine in the city. Are things really that bad on the frontlines?
9 That's why we must stay vigilant, so people in the city can go on peacefully with their lives.
10 Besides, General Jiyan is currently there at the Norfall Barrens base. Dangerous as it is, he will keep an eye on every soldier, including the one you're looking for.
11 We have already sent a report on your case. You could just go home and wait for the good news. What's the point of staying here?
12 Thank you, but I have already asked the Patrol Station for help and tried every method I could think of. Please, let me through. I promised him, so I gotta give it my all.
13 I understand your concern.
14 I don't want to be a bother. Would it help if I hid my presence and stayed somewhere further away? How about five miles? Or maybe a hundred? A thousand might be too far though, I wouldn't be able to see you clearly...
15 Listen. Nobody knows when the soldiers will return, and even if they do, you might not find the one you seek.
16 It's a dangerous road ahead if you want to reach the frontlines, and you don't even have an Access Pass...
17 ...Ahem. Your Access Pass has been verified.
18 Just you two?
18 Yes. (Jump:19)
18 The monk over there is coming with us. (Jump:25)
19 Greetings. I'm Jianxin. Could you please do me a favor?
20 I want to go look for someone outside the city, but I don't have an Access Pass, so... May I tag along?
20 Okay. (Jump:21)
20 What can you do for us? (Jump:22)
20 What do I get out of this? (Jump:23)
20 You'll have to ask the guards about that. (Jump:24)
21 Thank you for your kindness!
21 (Jump:26)
22 I'm a jack-of-all-trades: Tai Chi, cooking, tea-making, mining, foraging, errand-running, fixing utilities, and caring for animals. Got something else in mind? I'm always up for learning new skills.
22 Alright then. (Jump:26)
23 I see. I've got three Guokui Flatbreads, 34 Shell Credits, and the Mirrors of Clarity. They're all yours.
23 You seem to live a humble life. (Jump:26)
23 You can keep them. (Jump:26)
24 You're right. I should be open about my request. I don't want to lie and cause further trouble for the soldiers.
24 (Jump:26)
25 Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it!
25 (Jump:26)
26 I intend to leave the city with them, and they have agreed. Will it be an issue for you?
27 I, uh...
27 Is it allowed?
27 Please.
28 Well, it says you have the highest level of access, so no procedural issues here.
29 (Honestly, she could lead an entire troop out of the city with that Access Pass and no one would question it...)
29 Let's go.
29 Master Jianxin?
30 Sure!

1 Jianxin explains why she wants to leave the city. She tells you about the person she is looking for.
2 So you're looking for the relative of a veteran, and you believe he's in the Midnight Rangers camp in Desorock Highland?
3 Exactly.
20 What's your relationship with the person you're looking for? (Jump:4)
20 Why is it so important for you to find him? (Jump:9)
20 Do you know anything about the mangosteen? (Jump:11)
20 Where are you from? (Jump:14)
20 Got it. (Jump:17)
4 His name is Zhiyuan. I don't know him in person. On my way down the mountain, I ran into his grandfather, who was looking for his grandson on his own but ended up lost.
5 I couldn't just leave an elderly person like him out there. So I thought I'd escort him to the nearest city and make further plans once we're safe.
6 You're willing to go to such lengths for someone you don't know...
7 You have a kind soul, Master Jianxin.
8 It's all thanks to many kind-hearted people. Without them, Mr. Zongye and I wouldn't have made it to Jinzhou.
8 (Jump:20)
9 Mr. Zongye seemed confused. He's gone through a lot searching for his enlisted grandson. Lending a helping hand was the least I could do.
10 I reported his situation to the Patrol Station, but with the chaos on the frontline, Mr. Zongye has been extremely worried about his grandson's safety... He'd sneak out to look for his grandson the moment no one was watching. I'm really worried about him.
10 (Jump:20)
11 This mangosteen?
12 It's got some fresh-looking leaves, soft springy skin, and eight fleshy segments fully ripened inside. It looks like a nice fruit.
12 Good to know. (Jump:20)
12 Well... thanks for the tip on how to pick out the good ones. (Jump:20)
12 How do you know that? (Jump:13)
12 Nothing else? (Jump:17)
13 Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. There's a bruise at the bottom. If you don't eat that part soon, it'll spoil.
13 (Jump:20)
14 I grew up in my sect on a mountain. Spent most of my time training with my masters.
15 One day, I was told training in seclusion was not enough. I must engage with the world to further my skills.
16 So I started my self-cultivating journey. I've been to various cities and gained valuable lessons, but there is still so much more to learn.
16 (Jump:20)
17 ...According to what I've gathered, Mr. Zongye's grandson is very likely in the Desorock Highland.
18 Thanks to your help, I can finally leave the city to find him.
18 That's where we are heading too.
18 Let's go together.
18 Master Jianxin, please keep us safe.
19 Of course.

1 Is that the Beacon? Why are there so many people?
2 They don't look like soldiers...

1 Hmph, a tough nut, aren't you?
2 I just helped you. Why did you attack us?
3 You're not feedin' all of us with ya bread and pennies. Hand over your goods and grub or face the consequences.
4 We ain't messin' with no kids, but don't test our patience. Just do as you're told!
5 Don't make it tough on yourselves. Or you'll be lucky to leave in one piece.
6 I will not bend to injustice.
7 Rover, Yangyang, please step back as I handle them.
8 Fine! You asked for this!

1 We're beggin' ya, stop! We surrender. Take us in!
2 Why did you attack us when I already gave you food and funds?
3 Do you have other mouths to feed, aside from what we see here?
4 They seem trained... These are not ordinary people.
4 Who are you?
5 O-of course we are ordinary people! We just... we just joined the Exiles recently.
6 We done some wrongs. Tried to run from them Patrollers and left the city, but dang, didn't know the battles up north were so crazy. Our new boss ran outta food before we could even figure out the camp. Figured we'd be better off just go back to the city and get locked up...
7 Then we ran outta food and cash halfway. So we turned to thieving.
8 We ain't got the balls to rob the army, but with stuff just sitting around, why not?
9 Hey, since you're being so generous, how about you throw a little extra cash our way? There's a bunch of us, some injured too. Your first amount ain't gonna cut it for us to survive.
9 We have some spare supplies. (Jump:10)
9 We shouldn't give them more. (Jump:11)
10 Wait. What I gave them was more than enough for them to make it to Jinzhou.
10 (Jump:12)
11 Wait. What I gave them was enough for them to make it to Jinzhou, even when they are so many.
11 (Jump:12)
12 I used to travel alone when I left my Master. I know how much it takes for someone to survive.
13 Hey! What's wrong with you, girlie? It won't hurt to give us more!
14 Pain comes with coveting. He who knows he has enough is rich. It was only meant to sustain you long enough for you to reach the city.
15 You don't understand, girl. You don't make money very easily in a time like this. If we can't find jobs in the city, we gonna starve again.
16 I came from a seclusive place, learning the ways of the world from scratch. It's been a hard time, but even I have managed to make a living with my own hands.
17 If you really can't find any job in the city, come to Liuxian Teahouse and ask for Jianxin. I'll gladly help you search for jobs and work alongside you.
19 Tsk... Fine! Fine! We'll go.
20 Hurry, move! Let's get outta here. I'm not listening to this lecture anymore.
21 I wasn't trying to... Wait, please put that down.
22 Ugh, quite the sharp eye you got. Fine! Here you go!
23 Is this the only Detection Beacon you messed with?
24 Heck yeah! Just the first one we were trying to steal and you bumped right into it.
25 Really? Then why does that one over there seem broken too?
26 That ain't got nothing to do with us! It has been that way for ages. Plus, we ain't ever reaching it with all those thorns.
27 I see. You may leave now.
28 The military's base is not far from here. Shall we fix the Beacons before going?
28 Okay.

1 Master Jianxin, are you alright?
2 This is my first time on a battlefield. It feels so different here...

1 I know another shipment of supplies has just arrived. I've confirmed it, but it's not nearly enough. We must reach out to the city again and demand more supplies immediately.
2 But the approval process is going to...
3 Tell them it's an emergency. We are working around the clock here. Any delay could mean the end of our defense. Do they not comprehend? Here's the list of what we need.
4 I'll talk to them if you can't make them listen! Now go go go!
5 Move, move! What is it? Why are we still not done distributing these?
5 Hello.
6 You new here? Are you backups too?
7 Wait, you don't look like one of us...
8 I am Yangyang, an Outrider of the Midnight Rangers. And they are...
9 Yangyang showed her Midnight Rangers badge.
10 Excuse me. One moment, please.
11 Careful! This chest holds vital medical supplies. If the wounded return and find no medicine, it's on you. Handle with care and precision!
12 An Outrider? So you are part of the backup force, right? Now, I've got wounded soldiers coming soon, and you're just in time to help.
13 Sorry. Have to answer this.
14 Yes. What is it?
15 An Overclocked Resonator? Understood. I'll be there immediately.
16 I'm sorry... Erm, could you do me a favor?
17 The wounded soldiers are being sent back from the frontlines. We need someone to escort them to the medics, but I've got to deal with the Overclocked Resonator now. Could you please take care of them?
18 What exactly do you need us to do?
19 Just make sure they are safe. The medics will take care of their wounds.
19 Sure. Leave it to us.
20 Thank you.
21 It's so busy here... Looks like they don't even have the time to catch their breath.
23 Supplies, medical care, equipment maintenance, personnel management, and logistics... They must carefully manage these matters to provide vital support for our fighters.
24 So this is what a real war looks like. I had no idea it could get this bad.
25 Most people would never have the chance to witness any of this. It's natural for you not to know.
26 I think this is exactly what our military strives for—to ensure peace and safety for our citizens. It's a sacrifice made so others don't have to live in fear.
26 The wounded soldiers are here. Let's go check on them.

1 Be careful! I can feel something dangerous over there...

1 Greetings. What might interest you here? It's dangerous.
2 Oh. We, uh... Nothing, really. You see, we're just on our way south, to the city.
2 Stop lying. I saw it.
3 Excuse me, about this Detection Beacon...
4 Run, everyone!
4 Something's fishy about them.
4 Don't let them run off.

1 I-I can't move... So hungry...
2 P-please don't arrest us! We really had no choice!
3 What happened? Do you need help?
4 The battles are getting real bad up north, and we couldn't live there anymore. Figured we have to go back to the city.
5 We ain't eaten in ages, and we're broke. Some of us can barely move 'cause we're so damn hungry.
6 Then we found some expensive looking stuff here. Now that the military's out there fighting and nobody's really using these thingies, we thought it might get us a few pennies.
7 A damaged Detection Beacon might result in a sudden TD invasion from the direction it covers.
8 Our frontline troops would face attacks from both sides. Have you thought about the consequences?
9 We ain't got the time for that! If we don't steal, we'd starve to death before the Tacet Discords kill us.
10 You shouldn't be stealing public property. Please return the parts.
11 There's still some distance from here to Jinzhou city. Here, you can have my flatbreads.
12 And here's some money. This should be enough for you to reach the city.
13 You're giving us... all of these? Thank you. Thank you!
14 Hey! You! Come over and say thank you before you eat!
15 It was nothing. Master once told me, "The sage takes care of all men, and abandons none."
16 Watch out!

1 Mrs. Panhua, g'morning! Three bowls of extra spicy noodles, please!

1 What did I tell ya? Nothing beats a bowl of spicy noodles in the morning!
2 What do you say, Rover?
2 I haven't had my first bite yet.
2 It's way too spicy.
2 I love it. It's just the way I like!
3 Looks like Baizhi's locked herself in the lab again, hasn't left since yesterday. Bet we won't see her til she's done with her research.
4 No, wait. Since you're the subject of that research, we could use you as bait to lure her out. We can tie you up at the Academy's entrance...
5 And with just a few tugs of the rope, I bet every researcher will come running at you, with Baizhi leading the pack. Hook, line, and sinker!
5 We could give it a try. (Jump:6)
5 Hahaha. (Jump:8)
5 That sounds dangerous. (Jump:7)
5 Let's not try that. (Jump:8)
6 In case of an emergency! Rover, roll out!
6 (Jump:8)
7 Oops. I got carried away. My bad!
7 (Jump:8)
8 By the way. Now that we've figured out the sugar pearl and the sundial, all that's left is that weird leaf and run-of-the-mill mangosteen, right?
9 So it only took us one trip to the Academy to solve half of our problems. Either Rover's really smart, or Madam Magistrate was gonna make it easy for us to begin with.
10 What's our next plan of action, Rover?
10 Look into the mangosteen first. (Jump:11)
10 Look into the strange leaf first. (Jump:15)
10 We've got two more days. Might as well just wait. (Jump:17)
10 I have other plans. (Jump:18)
11 As for the mangosteen, we've got people selling these at the market nearby. Might find some clues there.
12 Mangosteens are not from Jinzhou. These fruits are usually brought in by boat. Should we start from the harbor?
12 Let's leave the city.
14 Do you think the token is guiding us outside the city?
14 (Jump:18)
15 Baizhi said the leaf bears the frequencies of Tacet Discords, so it must be from a tree near a Tacet Field.
16 Then we must leave the city to pursue this lead.
16 (Jump:18)
17 Yes, that may work too. Any plans for the next two days, Rover?
17 (Jump:18)
18 (Tell them about the dream you had.) (Jump:19)
18 Madam Magistrate gave me the Access Pass for that. (Jump:26)
18 My body aches for battle! (Jump:29)
19 An ocean of stars... A dark-haired girl... An inverted Etheric Sea... And the Resonance Chord flowing from your Tacet Mark...
20 And you said it was flowing in a certain direction. The nearest places are the Gorges of Spirits and the Norfall Barrens...
21 You've never mentioned this before.
21 I couldn't find the right moment.
21 I thought it was just a dream.
22 The Etheric Sea and Resonance Chords in your dreams are real, possibly leading to the Gorges of Spirits and Norfall Barrens.
23 Perhaps... It was more than just a dream.
24 That girl might be the key to recovering your memories. Madam Magistrate's information aside, it seems to me your dream points toward the Norfall Barrens.
25 It's the site of the Threnodian War and the source of all TD Outbreaks. The Midnight Rangers' frontlines base is stationed there as well.
25 (Jump:35)
26 The Access Pass may be another hint...
27 There are usually no checkpoints set up in the city besides the City Hall. A pass isn't required unless you have to leave the city borders.
28 Now why didn't I think of that? Gotta hand it to ya, Yangyang!
28 (Jump:35)
29 That's the spirit! Been beating my brain up until now, it's time to get these joints cracking for a change!
30 I don't know who I am.
31 I don't know why I'm here.
32 All I know is I must kill!
33 Whoooah! She's fast! She's furious! She's a TD killing machine!
34 ...Please stop it, you two.
34 (Jump:35)
35 It's a no-go for me if you're leaving the city, my shift's coming up. Protect Rover well and shoot me a message if you need anything, alright Yangyang?
35 I'm sure you meant the other way around. (Jump:37)
35 I'm really strong, you know. (Jump:37)
35 You can just wait for the good news. (Jump:37)
35 Yangyang is safe with me. (Jump:36)
36 I believe in ya!
36 (Jump:37)
37 Without a doubt.

1 We Resonators can boost our combat abilities with special items. Our Echoes can use them too.
2 If you feel like it, head to Instructor Yhan at the training camp for extra practice and to get these enhancement items.

1 Yangyang, did you hear that? I-Is that someone crying and wailing?
2 That should be the Midnight Rangers training camp... Let's not worry about it, Chixia.
3 Instructor Yhan is in charge of training new recruits. I heard he's pretty tough, but I think Rover can handle anything he throws at her.

1 What's the matter? Are you alright?
1 I... I had a vision.
1 I may have resonated with a Tacet Discord.
2 I was worried... You just stood there and gazed into the distance. You were unresponsive when I tried talking to you. What did you see?
3 It felt as if I was seeing through the eyes of a Tacet Discord. I think... I saw what was happening in the Norfall Barrens.
3 (Describe the general in teal first.) (Jump:4)
3 (Describe the woman in red first.) (Jump:7)
4 An imposing warrior wielding the power of a Qingloong(teal dragon)... The Qingloong is the Midnight Rangers' emblem. It's also the symbol of General Jiyan, the leader of all Midnight Rangers.
5 The front lines are not far from here. General Jiyan must be there, fighting alongside our soldiers to keep the Tacet Discords away.
5 But I've never met him.
6 It doesn't seem like a coincidence. We arrived near the battlefield right when General Jiyan was leading an attack against the Tacet Discords...
6 (Jump:9)
7 A woman in red who can control the Tacet Discords...
8 Could it be... One of the Fractsidus...
8 (Jump:9)
9 Your vision... It might be what was happening on the battlefield not far away...
9 It's real.
9 Something's not right.
10 The battle itself is a clear sign of an anomaly.
11 The Streams from the Norfall Barrens feel more suffocating than ever.
12 Rover... something on that battlefield must be connected to you, though we have no idea what it is.
12 There's something inside me. (Jump:13)
12 There's always been a voice. (Jump:14)
13 Resonate with Tacet Discords...?
13 (Jump:0)
14 But I didn't hear anything... or sense any frequencies.
14 (Jump:0)
0 Whatever it is.
0 Maybe I can...

1 Rover?
2 According to Baizhi, the leaf showed residual fluctuations of Tacet Discords.
3 Those fluctuations pointed to a certain set of coordinates.
4 And that is... Qichi Village, in the Central Plains.

3 As I make myself reflect on my goals and plans, those voices in the Streams become clearer and everything starts to make more sense.
4 Rover, perhaps you can give it a try?

1 The thorns are blocking our path. Weird. We'll have to clear them before we can reach the Beacon.
2 Please be careful, they look sharp. Maybe we can find something nearby to help us deal with them?