Ominous Star Main Quests
Forbidden memories of the past lay buried in ashes and ruins. The ominous “fractured star” beckons, holding untold secrets within its shadows. Secrets that still burn within a cindered heart.
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1 This must be the place...
2 I sensed something ominous from the leaf back there, but I couldn't pinpoint its source...
3 And now, the hatred and pain is so strong in this place. I don't even need to concentrate to feel it...
4 Rover, something terrible must have happened here.
5 We have to be cautious. This is a Tacet Field. Let's take out those Tacet Discords first.

1 I think I've found something, Rover.

1 Ritualistic wooden plaques...
2 But why are they here? These plaques are usually placed in ancestral shrines...
3 And they seem to belong to a different time...
4 I remember reading about something like this. People held large-scale ancient rituals periodically in their villages, driven by certain beliefs.
5 I see... Let's check somewhere else.

1 Watch out!
2 Ugh... Uh? Uhh...
3 Something's not right. Why wouldn't it attack us?
4 Nngh... brother...
5 Help... Help...
5 (Talk to it.) (Jump:6)
5 (Attack it.) (Jump:13)
6 Brother... help...
7 Ugh...
7 Who is your brother? (Jump:8)
8 Help...
9 It seems to only repeat these lines... This is not a common Tacet Discord.
10 Tacet Discords attack other living beings, because they need to feed on those frequencies to make themselves whole again. When frequencies are scattered and recombined, a new Tacet Discord is born.
11 This one probably devoured the frequencies of... humans.
12 Turning the last bits of a human's consciousness into such monotonous mumbles... Are these words the last cries of someone innocent? Who is behind this twisted plot?
12 (Jump:21)
13 W-wait! It doesn't look like it's trying to attack us...
13 Do Tacet Discords have consciousness too? (Jump:14)
14 Help...
15 ...Brother...
16 ...
17 It seems to only repeat these lines... This is not a common Tacet Discord.
18 Tacet Discords attack other living beings, because they need to feed on those frequencies to make themselves whole again. When frequencies are scattered and recombined, a new Tacet Discord is born.
19 This one probably devoured the frequencies of... humans.
20 Turning the last bits of a human's consciousness into such monotonous mumbles... Are these words the last cries of someone innocent? Who is behind this twisted plot?
20 (Jump:21)
21 Yangyang crouches down, hand on the Tacet Discord's head. As she focuses on the Streams, sorrow fills her expression.

1 I'm sorry...
1 Are you talking to it?
2 No, that's beyond my ability. I just sensed some complex feelings from it... A mixture of deep sadness and eager anticipation.
3 Rover... I think I know what's going on here.
3 Go ahead.
4 It seems to be begging for help, but it's not asking us to help it. I can sense the pained cries of this Tacet Discord... No, the cries of this whole village.
5 The village is crying, waiting for rescue.
6 Something truly awful must have happened here... And the victims' Reverberations still linger.
7 Based on the evidence we've found and the condition of these ruins, that didn't happen all too long ago. I can still feel it in the Streams.
8 Perhaps the Tacet Field has kept this village from being discovered, or maybe someone has been intentionally concealing it. Anyway...
9 There must be something we can do. We may find the victims nearby. I can feel someone connected to what happened here is still close... This place is dangerous.
10 I'll inform Chixia about what happened here. Can we continue our search before the official investigators arrive?
11 Sorry, I know it doesn't sound very convincing... It's just a hunch of mine, and I don't have any evidence to back it up.
11 No, not at all. I believe you.
11 This is where Jinhsi's token has pointed to.
12 Thank you, Rover. Please stay vigilant.
13 As for the little one here... Let's leave it be.

1 These cards... I see...
2 The Fractsidus is likely behind it all.
3 The Fractsidus?
4 Yes. I don't know much about the Fractsidus, but as an Outrider, I've worked on related cases.
5 It's a group of extremists obsessed with fusing humans with Tacet Discords. They've caused terror attacks of various scales around the world.
6 Fusing humans and Tacet Discords...
7 We've seen signs of their presence in Jinzhou, left by lower-ranked members called "Artificers".
8 Above the Artificers are the Overseers, leaders with eerie abilities and unknown intentions. They pose a far bigger threat...
9 No one knows their true intentions. Some members speak of world destruction, while others claim they seek eternal power.
10 And there is one particularly insane Overseer. He's crazy even by the Fractsidus's standards...
11 A man who sees no order and revels in destruction... I've seen similar cards in the physical evidence file of the Fractsidus-related cases.
12 They belonged to this one Overseer I'm talking about. They call him... Scar.
13 If he's responsible for what happened to these villagers... Who knows what kind of cruel and twisted atrocities he's capable of...

1 Guess you won't need my self-introduction. Aww, I spent so much time on it.

1 You are... Scar?
2 If you need to hear it from me, then... Yes, I am Scar.
3 "Cruel and twisted maniac."
3 Where is Yangyang?
4 We deserve a meeting free of such disturbances, don't you agree?
5 That girl... She's gonna sway your judgment.
5 What do you want? (Jump:7)
5 Give her back to me! (Jump:6)
6 Aw, so you really care about her.
6 (Jump:7)
7 Don't worry, I don't plan to make you hate me just yet... She is safe now.
8 Well, let's just enjoy our time together for the moment. Forget about that irrelevant person, will you? I have a lot to share with you.
9 To begin with... I heard you've lost your memories?
9 How did you know? (Jump:10)
9 Answer my question first. (Jump:15)
10 So it's true.
11 That makes sense, given how fragile you were when you woke up. Or I would've questioned the authenticity of those rumors.
11 You followed me.
12 So you noticed? Aww, I'm flattered.
13 No need to be so on edge. By now you should've realized I'm just one of the onlookers.
14 But out of all the onlookers, I'm the only one who came forward to meet you, with absolute honesty.
14 (Jump:16)
15 Hehe... Indeed. I'll tell you then.
15 (Jump:16)
16 Before you knew anything about this world, you were already the center of conflict.
17 You are the unknown variable we've been waiting for. Forces have been fighting for possession over you.
18 From the moment you opened your eyes, everyone you've met, including that girl you care so much about... They all knew how valuable you are.
19 The world is a cruel place. You are a living, breathing person, but you're just a pawn to many.
20 That's why I'm here... Because I see you as a dear friend, and I want to tell you the truth. I am so, so sorry for everything you are about to face.
21 But truth hurts sometimes.
21 As if you were any different. (Jump:22)
21 You're just trying to make me join your side. (Jump:23)
22 Hehe, I know you are not one I can sway with simple words.
22 (Jump:24)
23 You could say I'm looking forward to your choice.
23 (Jump:24)
24 My goal is simple. I just want to deepen our mutual understanding, nothing more.
25 Come on. Observe the surroundings a little more, and tell me what you see.
26 As you learn more about this world, your true desires will surface, and our little game will become... even more entertaining.
27 And before that, I don't want anyone to disturb my precious alone time with you... That's all.
27 What did the Fractsidus do to this village?
28 Aww. Why do you have to assume we are the culprits?
29 Maybe you should be asking me what actually happened here.
30 I won't tell you everything just yet. That's too boring. As I said, why don't you take a look around and see for yourself?
31 So. Go ahead, what do you see?
31 A large-scale ritual.
31 People were injured.
31 A strange Tacet Discord.
32 Bravo! Didn't think you'd catch on to that!
33 Now, what is the conclusion you've drawn?
33 The Fractsidus manipulated the villagers. (Jump:34)
33 The villagers killed each other. (Jump:36)
34 Ah, how typical. The age-old tale of savage wolves and helpless lambs. Good and evil as clear as day. It's a tired story that people cling to in their mundane lives. Oh, how it keeps them in check.
35 But let me ask you this: do you truly believe the real world can be that simple?
35 (Jump:39)
36 I see you don't really trust those villagers.
37 Ah... So they were right about you. You are indeed quite exceptional.
38 I like it. Your keen observation, precise judgment, and accurate understanding of human nature...
38 (Jump:39)
39 Let me give you a couple more tips.
40 The truth is far more complicated than you think.
41 First, who are the players in our tale?
42 An innocent girl, a revered leader, and a flock of simple villagers.
43 Next, what makes up our main plot?
44 False devotion, fleeting kindness, collective deceit, senseless killings, and... The one vulnerable soul, pushed onto a path of destruction by the masses.
45 Now, Rover, the story is yours to spin.
46 I'm eager to hear your version after you've learned more.

1 How do you like my story, Rover?
2 What really happened here? I suppose you already have it figured out.
3 The black lamb who rebelled against the rules, and the white lambs who succumbed to their greed.
4 The innocent maiden sacrificed, and the villagers who turned on each other in a ruthless frenzy.
5 ...They had it coming.
6 All the shepherd had to do was execute the rebel. That's how he kept the flock in check and maintained the status quo.
6 Is that why you became a "shepherd" yourself?
7 Fun answer, but no. Not even close.
8 I was never the "shepherd". Never will be. You and I... We are the "black lamb", the one who breaks the rules.
8 "He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself."
9 Hahaha... Interesting, Rover! I'm liking you more and more!
10 Well then. Let's see if this black lamb is going to end up like you say!

1 Rover... Rover!
1 ...Yangyang.
2 I shattered Scar's illusion. That should've injured him.
3 Hehe, should I thank you for showing me mercy?
4 Stay away from her!
5 Ugh. Didn't you promise to leave me some alone time with Rover?
6 With one condition. I do hope you haven't let that slip from your mind.
7 Don't let your improvisation trouble others.
8 Ugh... Look at you, rushing in to protect your precious "Perfect Movement".
9 No worries. I know all the dos and don'ts. I don't need you to tell me what to do.
10 Rover, it seems our happy little date... must come to an end.
11 But don't forget my sincere reminders.
12 Let me know what you'll choose: an unexpected gift, an honest and open exchange, or a highly risky gamble...
13 The choice is yours. I know how smart you are. You won't make a hasty decision.
14 We'll meet again... in the not-too-distant future.
15 They are gone. Should we go after them?
15 ...Let's skip it for now. (Jump:16)
15 Nevermind. Are you alright? (Jump:17)
16 ...
16 (Jump:18)
17 Oh... Don't worry. I'm okay.
17 (Jump:18)
18 Scar's Resonance Abilities appear to involve teleportation and the manipulation of space. He trapped me in confinement, and I could only sense that it wasn't far from here.
19 It took me some time to break that barrier. Sorry, Rover, if only I could've reached you sooner...
19 You are safe now, and that's all I care.
19 I broke free from it all thanks to you.
20 B-brother... Brother...
21 Eh? Why are you here, little one?
21 It probably hid out of fear.
22 I've never seen any Tacet Discord display such vivid emotions...
23 The 'brother' it mentioned... Could it be...
23 Scar...?
24 Yes, that is a possibility, since Scar had been here before...
25 Let's talk about it later. Rover, can you fill me in on what happened?
26 You tell Yangyang about what just happened and the leads you gathered.
27 It seems all the tragedies in Qichi Village were linked to that "ritual“...
27 ...And Scar was feeding me bits of info.
28 Making up stories based on real life to support his twisted beliefs... That does sound like something he might do...
29 We cannot take his words for granted. Now we must locate where the "ritual" took place and see for ourselves.
29 Yes, we should give it a check.
30 Hmm? What's the matter?
30 ...Nothing.
31 Two distinct frequencies of Tacet Discords... I see.
32 I can feel it in the Streams... Over there. Follow me.
33 (In the south...)
34 They are unharmed. Please rest assured.
35 As you anticipated, Scar did not try to kill them... Yes, I stayed out of it like you asked.
36 Is everything alright on your end?
37 ...Please be sure to stay safe, My Lady.

1 Rover, do you still have the plaque we found earlier? The one broken in half.
2 Yes, as I thought... I just felt a similar vibration from that direction. Please follow me.

1 Look, the water is going down!

1 I can't believe it... There's such a big opening down here...
2 How odd... This place should have been soaked in water, but everything is dry here. Even the vegetation is thriving.
3 Did Scar do this? Given his powers, it doesn't seem too hard for him.

1 Where did it go...?!
2 Is that a... diary?

1 The tree branches are loaded with paper slips, each containing someone's wish. The words on most of the notes are soaked and no longer legible.
1 (Read the paper slips.)
2 Another crumpled page from a children's book, half-buried in the mud.
3 One day, a shepherd visited the village.
4 The shepherd brought them promises of abundance and protection. The lambs, drawn in by his words, soon lived in comfort and security...
4 Is that... the end of your story?
5 Nope, quite the opposite! The shepherd's arrival is only the beginning.
6 With a wave of his hand, the shepherd could grant their every wish.
7 His flock obeyed, bowing their heads, pleading for better food and shelter.
8 They no longer had to struggle for survival, as their once meager lives were replaced with endless luxury.
9 The flock worshipped their shepherd-turned-god, praising him and holding him in the highest regard...
9 ...
10 What's wrong? Does my story make you uncomfortable?
11 Imagine you were one of those lambs, facing irresistible temptation and pressure from your peers. Wouldn't you bow down and beg for food from your master?
11 We are all created equal. There should be no hierarchy.
12 Haha... So we agree already.
13 You are right, but the world we live in falls short of our ideals. The shepherd still reigns, and the lambs have grown complacent.
14 It's up to the two of us to make that ideal world a reality.

1 A crumpled page from a children's book, silently resting on the ground.
2 The lambs reveled in endless bonfire parties, celebrating their new god every night, except... the one little black lamb.
3 As each night passed, it was the only one to notice how its flock was dwindling away.
4 Rover, do you think someone would give you what you want without taking anything from you?
4 I believe in quid pro quo.
5 Hehe...
6 I once believed that too. Thought as long as I paid a high enough price, I could get my desired outcome.
7 But true equality is scarce. Always has been.
8 The world was never a fair place. Wouldn't you agree?
9 To receive equal retribution, one must give more, and more... and more.
10 When every wish comes with a hefty price, people weigh their options carefully.
11 But when they can make someone else bear the price...
12 They all rush to make more wishes. They don't consider they too may one day pay for another's selfish desire.
13 Funny, isn't it...

1 The area's a mess, but it doesn't look like a warzone. Someone was hurt and dragged away.
2 Look, there are many footprints here. These are... traces left by a fight.
3 Someone was injured...

1 Sorry, Rover. I didn't feel comfortable down there.
2 The air was heavy in that place, without any wind to speak of, but I could still feel so many emotions and desperate cries for help... I... I couldn't handle it.
3 The villagers were a complex mix of emotions... hope, resentment, and despair. And as I read the diary, I could feel the intense sorrow and longing of its owner.
4 What was the diary's owner longing for? Was it the peaceful life she once had, or did she miss her only family—the person who pushed her towards such tragic end?
5 ...My apologies. I got lost in thoughts again.
5 It's okay.
5 I understand.
6 I wish I could say such tragedies won't happen again...
7 ...But I still lack the confidence to make that claim.
8 It was tragedies like this that made me want to become an Outrider... to become someone with the strength to stop them from ever happening again.
9 I cannot stop the Lament, but at least I should do everything in my power to help those affected by it.
9 I trust you.
9 I'm with you.
10 Really? Thank you... Rover.
11 Dwelling on it won't do us any good... Let's go. I'll compile a report on what had happened here, and send it in along with the clues we've gathered.
12 Yes. Let's go back... together.

1 You find some markings on the walls.
2 As you lean in closer to look, you notice some faint markings on the wall.
3 Words like "MONSTER", "WITCH", "BANISH HER" and "ALL HER FAULT" are written thickly on the wall.
4 A crumpled page from a children's book, silently resting on the ground.
5 Later, the shepherd openly blamed the black lamb for the flock's decline.
6 On the next day, the white lambs welcomed the rising sun as usual, but the black lamb was nowhere to be found.
7 The shepherd introduced an unspoken rule to this village, one that our black lamb violated by telling the truth.
8 Suddenly, the once doting "god" stopped fulfilling wishes, because no more sacrifices were being made.
9 After witnessing the black lamb's actions, and hearing from their almighty shepherd... What do you suppose the white lambs did?
10 Ah, those oblivious lambs. Little did they know, the most fearsome demon was right under their noses.

1 That tree... It's stunning. It's almost eerily enchanting.
2 Please... Save us...
3 Are you trying to tell us about... something hidden here?

1 That girl just wanted to save her village...
2 But those sacrifices didn't lead to redemption.
3 I guess the Tacet Discord we saw stayed here to convey her last wishes...
4 ...Please excuse me.
5 It's getting a bit too cold here... Can we head back now?