Encore's Steaming Adventure! Side Quests
Xisha asks you to make him the legendary fireworks. Seems like an easy job... maybe?
Unlock a new Companion after completing this quest.
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1 What's that, Mr. Li? Looks really yummy!
2 It's called the Plumpcake. A traditional dessert passed down in Jinzhou for thousands of years. Try it, you'll love it.
3 Thousands of years... Then there's gotta be cool stories about it. Right, Mr. Li? Do you know any?
4 Hmm... Actually, I do. Let's see...
5 This is a story that dates back to the two Sentinels of Huanglong...

1 ...Hello, {PlayerName}. Reminds me of my daughter, that little girl... Can't stop talking when it comes to stories and whatnot.
2 My daughter's gotten herself into fireworks again lately, and she's been bugging me about seeing some.
3 Luckily for her, her father's quite the handyman. So I went ahead and set up a stall here for the festival.
3 Must be tough being a father...
4 Hehe, tell me about it. But that big smile on her face whenever she sees the fireworks... It really gets me going.
5 Said she wanted to see the biggest and prettiest fireworks.
6 And so, I've been trying these few days, but she's not impressed with any of my experiments yet. See the failures behind me?
6 I'm sure you can do it!
7 Without a doubt. Tell you what... I think I've managed to get my hands on an ancient fireworks formula just recently.
8 The ingredients seem kinda sketchy, but as the saying goes, "The weirder it is, the cooler it gets."
8 I don't think that's a thing...
8 Maybe.
9 Mm-hmm... That's why I think this bad boy has the potential! I'm not so sure about this formula though... It seems more suitable for firecrackers than fireworks, according to my experience.
10 I have some Pompyrite left, but the other materials are hard to come by. Can you help me find them?
10 I'll make it happen.
10 I can make room in my schedule.
11 Really? I... Thank you!
12 Encore suddenly shows up next to you. Wasn't she listening to Mr. Li's story?
13 Are you going on an adventure, {PlayerName}? Encore heard it all! C'mon, let's go together!
14 It'll be pretty wild wherever {PlayerName}'s going, little one.
15 No worries! Encore is super strong! Encore will protect her!
15 I trust Encore's abilities. (Jump:16)
15 Thank you, Encore. (Jump:17)
16 Uh-huh! What {PlayerName} said!
16 (Jump:18)
17 *giggles* You're welcome, {PlayerName}. That's what friends are for!
17 (Jump:18)
18 A big adventure to find secret fireworks... Sounds like a great story!
19 Oh well, then I'll leave it to you, Encore.
20 You can count on us!

1 First, the Flarepowder! Says we need to find it around here.
2 This Flarepowder thingie... Never heard of it before. Sounds kinda dangerous.

1 Charcoal. Hmm... Maybe we can find some around the bonfire.
2 Let's go, {PlayerName}!

1 Well, that was quick. You got everything?
2 Yup! Mission Complete!
3 Ha... Stick around for a bit while I go get these fireworks ready, {PlayerName}.
4 After a while, Xisha returns and cautiously hands you the finished fireworks.
5 Hmm... these are different from my usual fireworks, and they don't look like firecrackers either.
6 I might have to ask you guys to go test fire a couple of 'em where it's wide and open and with not many people around, {PlayerName}...
7 Be extra careful, okay?
7 Will do.
8 Yay! Time for some fireworks!

1 Hmm... Let's try it here, {PlayerName}.
2 So we just set it on the ground, light it here... and ta-da! It's a fireworks show!
3 Something's not right... Encore, throw that thing away!

1 *cough*... Are you... Are you okay, {PlayerName}?
1 That was... way too big of an explosion.
1 I'm okay. You?
2 Encore's alright. Not a scratch. Wasn't scared at all.
3 But... Are fireworks supposed to be like that?
3 Not really... These are some very powerful firecrackers.
3 Pretty sure something went wrong.
5 Hmm, I see... I guess his daughter is gonna feel let down this year.
6 ...Do you hear something, {PlayerName}?
6 TDs. They must've been drawn by the explosion.
6 TDs. And quite a few of them too.
7 Hey, Encore has an idea. How about we use the rest of these firecrackers on them, {PlayerName}?
7 You mean...?
8 Yep, trying new things is a big part of adventuring!

1 ...Phew. That's most of the firecrackers. Those TDs didn't even stand a chance!
2 Let's head back, {PlayerName}.

1 {PlayerName}, Encore! How did it go? Did the fireworks go out with a bang?
1 It was a really loud bang...
1 Those were NOT fireworks...
2 Huh? What do you mean...?
3 You tell Xisha what happened.
4 Good heavens...
5 I'm so sorry, {PlayerName}. Are you alright? Did you guys get hurt?
6 No, not at all. {PlayerName} had me covered!
7 *Sigh* I'm glad to hear that. I should get rid of that formula.
7 On second thought. Maybe... It can be put to use elsewhere.
8 Wait... you're saying we can use this against the TDs? That might actually work out...
9 I'll talk to the guys at Lollo Logistics and see if they'll give it a shot... Thanks for all your help today, you two!
10 Don't mention it, Mr. Xisha! Encore got a super cool story out of it!
11 {PlayerName} and the Woolies vanquished all the monsters in the forest. Despite not finding her flowers, the princess brought peace back to the woods!
12 ...Do you understand what she's talking about, {PlayerName}?
12 More or less. (Jump:13)
12 Haven't the slightest clue. (Jump:14)
13 Whew, I wish I could... Then I may figure out where my daughter's getting all those wackadoo ideas from.
13 (Jump:15)
14 Ha... My daughter's like that too. Kids these days, you never know what's going on in their heads.
14 (Jump:15)
15 Speaking of my daughter. Thought I finally got it right this time... But it seems I'll have to keep tweaking my formulas. Can't give up just yet.
16 You can do it, Mr. Xisha! I believe in you!
17 You betcha. Thanks, Encore!