Riddle and Reunion Side Quests
Riddle Twiddle is offering a limited special prize! Join Yangyang and try to win it!
Unlock a new Companion after completing this quest.
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1 The lantern riddles look fun. Would you like to give them a try?
2 Well, {PlayerName}? Are you up for the challenge?
3 Look, I've got some tough riddles fresh from the press. Solve three and you'll win the jackpot. It's a collector's item, trust me!
4 Tough riddles...
4 Wanna tag team, Yangyang? (Jump:5)
4 I might need some backup on this! (Jump:6)
5 Together? Is that allowed in the rules?
5 (Jump:7)
6 Then, if that's allowed in the rules... I'd like to take on this challenge together with {PlayerName}.
6 (Jump:7)
7 Of course, it's a festival after all. What could be more important than having fun? Yangyang, you seemed totally into our riddles. I bet you'd enjoy solving them yourself!
8 Plus, my riddles are tough! Wouldn't want to have {PlayerName} make a fool out of themselves, now would I?
8 I won't be so sure about that.
8 Try me!
9 All right! How about we get you warmed up with an appetizer? Riddle Number 1: Round as the moon, with a belly just as white. In the air it may leap, in the waters it may creep.
10 Name this Tacet Discord!
11 It's round in shape with a white belly, able to swim in water... Could it be...
11 ...A Hoartoise? (Jump:12)
11 ...A Gulpuff? (Jump:15)
11 ...A Tick Tack? (Jump:14)
11 ...A Clang Bang? (Jump:13)
12 Not quite. Try again.
12 (Jump:16)
13 Not quite. Try again.
13 (Jump:16)
14 Not quite. Try again.
14 (Jump:16)
15 That's right. You got it. It's a Gulpuff!
15 (Jump:16)
16 A Gulpuff really does remind you of the moon when it jumps up in the air, doesn't it?
17 I remember when I was little... I loved the Moon-Chasing Festival. We'd make Plumpcakes in all sorts of shapes, mostly cute round animals...
18 We all loved the Gulpuff Plumpcakes.
19 Haha, truly a kids' favorite. Now... On to the next riddle! This one might be a bit trickier!
20 You're given a cage full of chickens and rabbits. You count 14 heads and 38 legs...
21 Question... How many chickens and rabbits are there in total? Your five-minute timer starts… Now!
21 ...Is that even a riddle?
22 Yeah... Isn't that more like a math problem than a riddle...
23 Ahem... You see, it's a question with a definitive answer. And since it's hanging under a lantern, let's call it a riddle.
24 ...If you say so. Still, it feels a bit off...
25 I remember learning how to solve it in class, such as the "half-leg method"...
25 You got this one in the bag. Right, Yangyang? (Jump:26)
25 (Give the answer.) (Jump:28)
26 Okay, I'll see what I can do...
27 Done! The answer is... 5 rabbits and 9 chickens!
27 (Jump:30)
28 (First, suppose that all of them are chickens, then calculate the difference in the number of legs, getting the amount of rabbits... I see.)
29 There are 5 rabbits and 9 chickens.
29 (Jump:30)
30 Correct! You figured it out even faster than Mr. Bosong. I'm impressed.
31 For the last riddle, how about we change things up a bit? You two can pick one from any of the lanterns.
32 (Xieyang gestures to a row of lanterns above, adorned with swaying riddle slips.)
33 Umm... I don't really see any riddles...
34 Oh, the riddles here are written in special ink. You'll have to hold them close to a lantern in order to see.
34 So we're going in blind…
35 Of course. The more suspense, the better! Solving lantern riddles is like a journey of discovery. You'll have to trust your instincts!
36 I see... That does make things more interesting.
36 I'll leave it to you, Yangyang.
37 Huh? Me? Well... Then I'll choose, this one.
38 Alrighty! Let's see... The riddle has revealed itself!
39 I am made up of many, but can also be one. I bring people together and make them have fun. What am I?
40 Name this phrase!
41 Made up of many, but can also be one...
41 Is it... "Moon-Chasing Festival"? (Jump:42)
41 Is it... "Family"? (Jump:44)
42 Ooh. Close, but not close enough!
43 ...I know. It's "Family", right?
43 (Jump:44)
44 Correct!
45 Bravo. You've completed all 3 riddles. The special prize is yours!
46 Xieyang brings out a beautifully crafted lantern adorned with drawings of "The Fox and the Moon" tale.
47 It's so pretty...!
47 Isn't it just a lantern? (Jump:48)
47 Yangyang, you seem to like it a lot. (Jump:49)
48 Well, it's not just any lantern.
48 (Jump:50)
49 I was little when I last received a lantern like this... I really miss those times.
49 (Jump:50)
50 We were lucky to get this lantern from a renowned collector for our special occasion.
51 It's said that Sentinel "Hsin" handcrafted it and hid many more in the woodlands, making it a prized possession. Finding one is like getting a year's worth of blessings.
52 How's that for a souvenir? Congratulations! Endless fortune be with you!

1 {PlayerName}, do you have a moment?
2 Can we... go on a walk together?

1 I remember always looking forward to the Moon-Chasing Festival when I was a child.
2 Fireworks light up the night sky, lanterns dot every street corner, and we indulge in family-made plumpcakes. Every face I see is filled with joy...
3 ...Those memories have grown fuzzy, but I still remember the heartfelt smiles of my loved ones.
4 I joined the Midnight Rangers to protect their happy smiles... Even if my strength alone won't make much difference, I'll do what I can.
4 See, everyone's having a great time. (Jump:5)
4 ...Are you feeling homesick? (Jump:6)
5 Yes! This is why I love Jinzhou. I love what we've fought to protect.
5 (Jump:7)
6 Maybe a little... But I'm okay.
6 (Jump:7)
7 While I can't be with my family today, the laughter in the air is already making me feel delighted.
8 As I look at the bright moon, I know they are having a great time somewhere.
9 Thank you, {PlayerName}.
10 I feel so happy for this moment, and for all you've done.
11 This year's Moon-Chasing Festival... You've made it feel very special to me.
11 There's still plenty of the Moonlit Fair to enjoy. (Jump:12)
11 I'm sure future festivals will only get better. (Jump:14)
12 Indeed! Any other places you'd like to visit, {PlayerName}?
13 Let's take a little break here before moving on to more spots.
13 (End)
14 Thank you, {PlayerName}. I hope... we can always celebrate together, for every festival, just like we do now.