Danger! Explosive! Side Quests
On the hillside, Exile Yongli is surrounded by Explosive Charges. You detonated all of the charges out of impulse. Go listen to what he has to say.
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1 Well, well, well. What do we have here? Looks like we got here just in time. The minerals are open for the taking.
2 We appreciate you for blowing up the rocks for us.
3 Oh, no you don't! You got away with our Explosive Charges, we're not letting you...
4 Just shut yer trap. In this day and age, winner takes all. Get 'em!

1 Wow. I can't believe you really came back with thirty of them!
2 Great. Now we can proceed with our plans according to schedule.
3 Say, you must've got a few tricks of your own if you managed to get those charges so fast. Why do you join us in our plan?
4 If we can't get it done before nighttime, the other camps will definitely try to come seize the minerals. We could use the extra hand guarding the mining site.
5 You help us guard the minerals, and we give you part of the cut. How does that sound?
5 Sounds good to me.
6 Perfect. I need to split the Explosive Charge for my buddies. Wanna come with me?
7 You don't wanna miss the fireworks!

1 Very nice. Didn't expect you to them this fast.
2 Now, time for the magic to happen. Just wait.

1 Consider this your lucky day, my friend. Not many people have the opportunity to taste such delicacy you know.
2 Go ahead. Take a mouthful.
2 Is it... supposed to be in flames like that...?
3 Exactly. That's when you know you're having authentic "Bomblicious."
3 I think I'll pass. (Jump:4)
3 Okay. Just one bite. (Jump:6)
4 Suit yourself. I'll enjoy it all to myself then.
5 Mmmhmm... The aroma... The wonderful texture... Ohhh...
5 (Jump:9)
6 Well? What do you think?
6 It's unlike anything I've ever tasted before.
7 I knew it. No one can resist the spurring sensation.
8 Huh? Wait, your nose... You have smoke coming out of your nose...
8 (Jump:9)
9 Yes... That's the Explosive Charges doing their work. I can confidently say the new recipe is a success.
10 This recipe wouldn't have happened without you. As promised, the rest of my Explosive Charges are yours.

1 Sounds like that Afeng has a lot of Explosive Charges on him.
2 The ones in this camp don't seem quite enough for Yongli. I should go find Afeng once I'm done here.

1 Hey. No touching my precious ingredients!