True Colors Companion Stories
On the way to the Pioneer Association for new tasks, you received a sudden call from Zhezhi, saying that she was summoned to appear at a dispute hearing...
What is the purpose of this hearing, and what's the story behind it? Caught up in a struggle of consciousness, will this artist being tried find the courage to reconnect with her emotions and talents, and continue to breathe new life into her paintings?
Dialog blocks are currently not sorted correctly.
1 I didn't expect such a big crowd at the hearing...
2 Hmm... S-should I take the stand myself? What do you think, little kitty?
3 Ah, maybe we can do a little show of... um... paws. Raise your left paw if you think I should testify, or your right paw if...
4 W-wait! You raised your left paw before I even finished my sentence... No, that doesn't count. Let's try again.
5 Okay, if you raise your right paw, I'll... let someone else handle it.
6 Hmm... right paw, huh? Well... I did actually want to tell everyone the truth myself. Let's give this another shot.
7 Ms. Zhezhi, the hearing is about to start. If you would, please join us.
8 Now? Y-yes, Madam Juyao! I... I'll be there in a minute!
9 Hi, Zhezhi. I've made it.
10 {PlayerName}, oh, you're here! It's... it's really nice to see you! And... I appreciate you coming.
11 I just handed over all the evidence we gathered from Mingyan's studio and the Exile's camp to the Patrollers.
12 Now the Shanyun Art Exchange can't deny the fact they were producing and trading art forgeries.
13 But... there is one more thing. The Patroller said we still need someone to testify in the hearing.
13 Do you want me to testify? (Jump:14)
13 You can do this. I believe in you. (Jump:20)
14 You're really kind, but... um, I'll be fine to do this myself. You've already helped me so much, even just having you here is a huge relief.
15 Some things, I've got to face on my own.
16 That said... I, uh, didn't... didn't expect there would be so many spectators coming to watch...
17 If I get nervous and mess up any details, could you please help to remind me?
17 No problem.
18 Thank you! Having you here helps, more than you know.
19 It's about time. We should probably go in, huh?
19 (End)
20 Eh? B-but... I've... I've never spoken in front of so many people before...
21 H-how about... you do the talking, and, um, I'll add details... if, if I have to?
21 You know this case better than I do. (Jump:24)
21 Actually, I kind of forgot the details... (Jump:22)
22 We wouldn't want my lack of artistic expertise to give the Shanyun Art Exchange a chance to turn the hearing against us.
23 You're right... Then... I'll... I'll do it myself...
23 Relax, I'll be here if you need me. (Jump:24)
24 Don't worry, I've got your back. Just remember, you're the only one who can lay out the truth—the whole truth— for everyone to see.
25 ...You're right.
26 I was the one who chose to uncover the truth behind this case. I can't back down now, not when it matters most.
27 I'll give it my all, I promise. Let's go.

1 With both parties present, this hearing is now in session. Let us begin.
2 First, a brief overview of the case before us.
3 Ms. Zhezhi alleges that the guilty party, Mingyan, implicated in the Tacet Discord Assault, was coerced into committing art fraud under duress.
4 Therefore, her mental state was adversely affected, which led to her committing actions contrary to her will.
5 Today, based on new evidence provided by Ms. Zhezhi and the result of this hearing, we will determine whether to revisit Mingyan's charges and consider if the Shanyun Art Exchange is indeed guilty of selling illegal art forgeries.
6 What?! With all due respect, this doesn't match what we discussed before!
7 Mr. Baici, I remind you that any evidence or arguments presented before and during the hearing are valid.
8 If you would like to add further information, you are welcome to do so at any point.
9 Now, without further ado, either party may begin their opening statement.
10 Madam Juyao, th-the situation is...
11 Madam Juyao, as the head of the Shanyun Art Exchange, I, Baici, must clear our name and seek justice here today.
12 There are two points I'd like to address. Firstly, the authenticity of our artworks remains unimpeachable. Secondly, Mingyan's provocative creations stem solely from her own greed and vanity. She alone should bear responsibility for the assault.
13 Throughout my tenure at the Art Exchange, our foremost principle has been that of integrity, a well known fact. And yet...
14 Integrity in business is not enough to stave off discord.
15 We are aware of certain painters, rejected by the Art Exchange, nursing grudges, and resorting to threats...
16 They bombarded us with spite and slander, causing a public uproar simply because they didn't get what they wanted.
17 Should the public be swayed by these slanderous insinuations, that paint us as wicked fraudsters, then I'm afraid justice will never be served!
18 Please control yourself, Mr. Baici.
19 Forgive me, Madam, but if this injustice persists, I will have no choice but to sue them for harming the Shanyun Art Exchange's reputation. They have damaged the trust we built with our clients!
20 I demand they compensate us for our losses and issue a public apology!
21 Such disgraceful behavior will not diminish us! Our principles will not waver, and we will protect the Shanyun Art Exchange from any ill intent!
21 He's actually blaming the victim now...
21 He's trying to change the topic...
22 ...
23 I've bought paintings from Shanyun Art Exchange before. They were good quality, and their service was decent. Hard to believe they'd be involved in something like this...
24 The honest always get the short end of the stick... But who's Mingyan? A painter? Never heard of them...
25 Tsk, must be some nobody trying to get attention using the Shanyun's name.
26 Why is the Art Exchange always in the middle of some controversy?
27 Order! Order!
28 You may continue your statement.
29 I...
30 ...
31 Madam, allow us to present our account of the events.
32 This all really began three days ago.
33 I was entrusted to investigate a certain "Arcane Artist" in the Tiger's Maw.

1 Hey, Rover! Took you long enough to get here!
1 So you were the one who ordered this task.
2 Things are getting awfully strange around the mine lately. Figured you're just the one to untangle this mess.
3 With your knack for solving mysteries, you'll figure this out in no time!
3 What happened?
4 I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but there's a special folktale in Jinzhou...
5 Word has it, there's this mysterious Arcane Artist whose paintings come to life as they paint, as if each brushstroke has a life of its own.
6 Once their canvas dries, whatever they've painted leaps right off the page. Mythical creatures, the whole shebang—all real as day!
7 The thing is, anyone who might've seen these paintings? Well, they vanish into thin air...
7 What does the mine have to do with all of this? (Jump:9)
7 Sounds like a Forte to me. (Jump:8)
8 I've never heard of such unique Forte.
8 (Jump:9)
9 Lately, I've been receiving reports about eerie monsters wandering the mine at midnight. Some witnesses even ran into them more than once!
10 These monsters, they look like paintings from a distance. But approach them and they're as docile as can be.
11 Reading these reports, I couldn't shake the tale of the Arcane Artist from my mind.
12 Sure, some say it's just a prank or some new Tacet Discord variant...
13 But with rumors swirling, folks are getting jittery. Can't let things escalate. That's why I reached out to you.
13 Let me take it from here. (Jump:14)
13 Good pay, good service. (Jump:15)
14 Great! Counting on you to crack this case wide open.
14 (Jump:16)
15 Deal! I'll pay whatever it takes to keep the goosebumps coming. I can't wait for you to uncover the truth!
15 (Jump:16)
16 Oh, and you might want to chat up the witnesses. Got their names right here for you.

1 I've gathered enough information. It's time to check the scene where those monsters were spotted.

1 There's... something ahead...
2 That figure... that paintbrush... Could it be...

1 Nothing here. That's odd... Did I just imagine that?
18 Zhezhi...?
2 R-rover? You're here...
3 Sorry, did I scare you just now?
3 I'm fine. Why are you here?
4 ...F-finding inspiration.
5 The night... often sparks my creativity...
5 ...Don't tell me you are actually the Arcane Artist.
6 Of course not!
7 I... I heard about the tale of the Arcane Artist and hoped to find out who they are...
8 Sorry I lied to you, I just... didn't want to drag anyone else into this...
8 You too? Why are you investigating this? (Jump:10)
8 Are you also a ghost story enthusiast? (Jump:9)
9 N-no, I'm not into ghost stories.
9 (Jump:10)
10 Bringing painted creatures to life, making fantasies real—it sounds like a fairy tale, but when the Arcane Artist first caught people's attention in Jinzhou years ago, it was more than just a tale.
11 Now this story is making the rounds again. Most don't see the dangers it holds. As someone who feels the threat, I... I want to uncover the truth before it's too late.
11 The Arcane Artist showed up before?
12 Yes, there was once an artist who could create paintings that felt so real, you could almost step into them...
13 But these paintings, they strayed from the artist's original intentions and... caused a lot of trouble.
14 I don't know who's behind these latest events, but if it's really the Arcane Artist... their paintings will bring nothing but trouble. T-that's why I... I have to stop them, to prevent the past from repeating itself...
15 Unfortunately, I'm... not very good at investigating, so I haven't found any major clues yet.
16 I'm here for the Arcane Artist, but also hoping to meet an old acquaintance. Maybe he knows what happened in the mine...
16 I'll go with you. It's linked to the case I'm investigating.
17 Is that so? O-ok.

1 Hey, Zhezhi! Long time no see! You need more pigments already?
2 N-no, not yet...
3 And this must be the Rover! Nice to meet you. Heard a lot about you. Didn't realize you and Zhezhi knew each other.
3 We met during the Moon-Chasing Festival.
4 But I've never had the chance to introduce myself properly...
5 Great moment for it! Here's the thing, Rover. I can't say I know Zhezhi very well, but I do know she's got this quirk where her courage tends to crumble right when it's crunchtime.
6 So, when it comes to introducing herself to you, I'd bet money on it she's been mentally rehearsing it for forever before she got the guts to take action.
7 No, it's not like that!
8 Zhezhi, you can't keep avoiding things! You've got to take action, or you'll never get what you want! You only live once, right?!
8 That does make sense.
8 Well, that's a bit too much...
9 Yes... Mr. Shilang is right. Rover, I've actually been meaning to tell you something.
10 Hello, my name is Zhezhi. We have met before, but I'd like to make this a formal request. I would really like for us to become friends!
11 Of course, I'd be happy to.
12 Hello? Zhezhi?
13 Hey, what are you waiting for?
14 Eh? I... um... Okay! I can do this!
15 Um... Rober...
15 ?
16 (That was a pretty obvious slip of the tongue...)
17 Ahem! Nice to meet you, my name is Zhezhi. I'm... a painter. I take art commissions and strive to create beautiful paintings.
18 I... I'm not being very articulate... b-but I hope we can be friends!
34 Hello, I'm {PlayerName}.
34 We're already friends.
19 Haha, how sweet! I must say, I've never seen Zhezhi this nervous since she first became one of my cherished patrons.
20 W-wait, Mr. Shilang! We're actually here today to talk about the tale of the Arcane Artist.
21 Oh, I know the tale, but I've never come across this mystical maestro myself.
22 If such an artist truly existed, I'd be the first to know, without a doubt!
22 What makes you say that?
23 I supply ore to pigment manufacturers, and sometimes serve as their sales proxy, so most painters in Jinzhou come to my shop to buy pigments.
23 Anything suspicious about the pigment buyers?
24 Hmm... pigments aren't flying off the shelves these days. Just a few regulars, you know?
25 Oh... but those ore buyers from a while back, they seemed a bit suspicious.
26 They bought heaps of leftover ore—the cheapest type—and told me not to let anyone know they got the ore here.
27 People don't usually buy that stuff. Oh wait, Zhezhi, didn't you buy some once? A long time ago, right?
28 I remember you saying you couldn't afford the fancy pigments, so you made your own. That stuck with me.
29 So when those guys asked for leftovers, I paid extra attention.
30 Are you sure you can tell us this? I thought they asked you to keep it a secret...
31 Pft, they turned out to be thieves who stole from me during the night! When I found out, I reported the theft to the Patrollers and that was the end of it.
32 Thieves don't deserve my business or respect.
32 May I have a look at your transaction record?
33 Of course. Help yourself.

1 (The vase must've been on that cabinet, judging by where it fell.)
2 (Looks like the cabinet used to be over there, but... something bumped into it, and that's why the vase got knocked over.)
3 (I bet the water on the floor is from the fishbowl... Huh? Why is that water mark in the shape of a Gulpuff...)
4 (Okay, I've figured it out! That must be the reason. {PlayerName} will definitely be impressed with my deductive skills.)

1 If this is the situation...
2 Hmm? {PlayerName}? Hey! {PlayerName}!
3 What brings you here? It's been ages since we last met! The Patrol Station's been pretty busy lately, so I haven't had the time to catch up with you.
4 And Zhezhi's here too! Hiya! Do you remember me? We met at the Moon-Chasing Festival.
5 Oh? Are you alright? You don't look well... Do you need help?
6 H-hello... No, it's not... uh... no, thank you...
7 The painting we had you do for us during the festival is awesome! Everyone loves it, so we put it up on the wall!
8 Really? Hehe, I'm glad you all like it...
9 We'd also like to invite you to our station, so we can formally thank you in person!
10 Wait, how bout' coming to the station with me today? Are you heading back to the city?
11 Uh... but we're still investig— I... O-okay.
11 Are you sure we can go now? (Jump:12)
11 Wait, we have a case to investigate. (Jump:13)
12 Oh, is this not a good time?
12 (Jump:14)
13 Investigate? About what? A new case?
13 (Jump:14)
14 Yes, about the Arcane Artist tale.
15 Oh, I get it! In that case, it's probably not the best time for a get-together.
16 Sorry...
17 That's okay! Just tell me if you need any help!
17 Thanks. But why are you here, Chixia?
18 I'm here to support the Patrollers. There was an assault near the mine recently, and they're short on people to investigate.
19 What's odd is those monsters haven't caused any more trouble since we got here. Right now, we're talking to witnesses and trying to figure out what triggered the incident.
20 Did something just happen over there...
21 Don't tell me it's a Tacet Discord... Hold on, just got a message... Seems like they really are stirring up trouble again. Sorry, but I gotta go check this out!
21 We'll go with you. (Jump:22)
22 S-should we go as well?
22 Why not? Maybe we'll find some clues useful to our case.
23 You could be right, but there's one other thing...

1 That's strange... Eh? Oh, {PlayerName}, you're back.
1 I think I've figured out the truth behind the Arcane Artist tale.
2 Y-you've figured it out already?
2 I checked out that painting. (Jump:3)
2 I talked to the witnesses. (Jump:4)
3 The painting blurs the line between reality and illusion, causing whoever sees it to experience hallucinations.
3 (Jump:5)
4 They repeatedly describe witnessing bizarre, otherwordly visions.
4 (Jump:5)
5 The researcher indicated they were created by the artist's Forte.
6 So... Mingyan channeled her Forte into the painting, creating temporary phantasms.
7 People saw her abilities and spread the rumor, believing she was the Arcane Artist from the tale.
7 And the Tacet Discords were being drawn to her Forte.
8 The monsters described in the rumors were probably just exaggerated phantasms seen by scared people at night.
9 In fact, I had sensed something odd at the mine. But after we met, I thought it was coming from you, so I didn't give it much attention.
10 Come to think of it now, it might've been Mingyan's Forte fluctuation.
11 So she was there at the same time we were... I didn't even notice her presence...
12 But... what could have driven her to create such dangerous paintings?
12 One witness said she probably did this for personal gain.
13 From what I know of her, she doesn't seem like someone who would take such risks for personal gain.
13 Any leads on your end?
14 She kept squeezing my hand and trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand what she was saying...
15 I think she wants me to continue the investigation. Maybe there's more to this story than I thought...
16 Besides, I don't recall her having a Forte before...
17 Maybe this has something to do with me...
17 Count me in. (Jump:18)
17 It's linked to my case as well. (Jump:19)
18 Huh? A-are you sure? I definitely won't say no to your help! Actually, I... I've wanted it since we last met at the mine!
18 (Jump:20)
19 Then... if you're up for it, I hope you can join me in the investigation. Consider it a formal invitation, {PlayerName}!
19 (Jump:20)
20 Where should we start from?
21 You want me to decide? To be honest, I haven't really thought it through...
22 Hmm... I remember meeting Mingyan in an art studio in Jinzhou before. I wonder if she kept going there after I left...
23 Should that be our first stop? She may have left some of her artwork behind. That could be a good start...
24 I've never tried to investigate anything, so I'm not sure if this is the way to go...
24 I think it is. After you, then.
25 Okay, let's go.

1 After learning about the details of the assault, we decided to push forward with the investigation to get to the truth.
2 Pointless! The witnesses on the scene made it clear that it was all because of Mingyan's greedy ambition that she...
3 I haven't finished my statement, Mr. Baici!

1 Yes, this is the art studio. My memory did serve me right. Looks like she's been painting here.
2 Let's find the clues.
3 Okay.

1 The clues from the studio led us to an Exiles' camp.
2 There, we found new clues that pointed to a hidden player behind all of this...

1 Who are you?
2 Er, h-hello... we are...
2 We're here for Mingyan's painting. She's our friend. (Jump:3)
2 We want to buy paintings. (Jump:6)
3 If it's her paintings you're after, why are you here?
4 She... she wasn't in her studio, so we thought we could ask around.
5 I see. Just wait for her here. When she leaves, it usually doesn't take long for her to return.
5 (Jump:10)
6 You're here to buy paintings? That's not how this works. Go on, get out of here.
7 W-we are actually here for Mingyan's paintings. She wasn't in her studio, so we thought we could ask around.
8 Huh? Okay then, my bad.
8 What did you mean just now?
9 ...It's nothing. Just wait for her here. When she leaves, it usually doesn't take long for her to return.
9 (Jump:10)
10 Do you know her?
11 Know her? We go way back. She's... okay in our books. Though she hasn't had the easiest run either, she helped us out a while back.
12 Guess you could call us friends. She even gifted us a painting. It's somewhere around here...
13 Ah, here it is! We're no fancy connoisseurs, but even we can tell that girl can paint!
14 I kind of like it, myself. It's lively, bright... Almost like you can touch the freedom and joy she felt painting it.
14 Did something happen to her recently?
15 Can't recall anything noteworthy...
16 My guess? She's dabbling in some new, secretive art piece. I spotted her taking risky stabs at painting out in the wild.
17 Well, now that you mention it, I do remember her talking about making art you could "step into" or whatever.
18 But her little art excursions stirred up some unstable Frequencies. We warned her, but did she listen? Nope.
19 That's right! I saw her paintings myself! Tried to steer her clear, and what do I get? A lecture! Artists, always on their own wild wavelength, aren't they?
20 Sorry to interrupt, but mind if I ask what you normally do for a living?
21 Us? Oh, the usual. A bit of hunting, some gigs here and there. Just the everyday grind.
21 Anything else? (Jump:22)
21 You don't buy ore to make your own pigments? (Jump:23)
22 Nope, not many jobs around, just enough to scrape by.
22 (Jump:25)
23 Uh... Oh! Right, haha, you reminded me. We do make and sell pigments occasionally.
24 Oh yeah, Mingyan buys from us often. We give her the lowest price, just as friends do!
24 (Jump:25)
25 I see. Thank you. We'll leave now.

1 I have an idea.
1 Did you wanna say something just now?
2 Yes. I think... neither these Exiles nor Mingyan has told the truth.
3 I noticed some of the Exiles' hands were blackened... The thought suddenly hit me, what if it's from constant exposure to ink?
4 If so, they must be making a lot of pigments and ink sticks...
4 But they lied to us and tried to cover it up.
5 The painting they showed us and the artworks in the studio... they all match what Mingyan described in her diary.
6 Her diary shows us she had major mood swings, which really affected her art.
7 All these strange things... started happening after the Shanyun Art Exchange got involved.
7 We can investigate the camp again tonight. What do you say? (Jump:8)
7 Maybe there's more they're trying to hide. (Jump:9)
8 Good idea.
8 (Jump:10)
9 Makes sense.
9 (Jump:10)
10 You two patiently wait until night falls.

1 Who the hell are you?! Coming at us like this... Think you can just push around Exiles, huh?!
2 It's them! They were here asking about Mingyan earlier today!
2 What were you saying just now?
3 Who do you think you are?! We don't need to tell you a thing!
3 We just want the truth of Mingyan's case. (Jump:5)
3 (Draw your sword) (Jump:4)
4 W-wait a second! Things don't need to get violent! We'll talk, okay?
4 (Jump:5)
5 About Mingyan... Didn't my men answer your questions already? That's everything we've got on her, I swear. What more do you want?
5 Spill the truth or we won't let you go.
5 (Draw your sword)
6 Alright, alright! I'll tell you everything!
7 Yinfeng! We aren't supposed to...
8 What? Can't you see that we're no match for her? Go ahead and pick a fight if you want, but I'm not risking my life for this.
9 Now what else do you want to know? Just ask!
9 Did Mingyan get hurt because of you? (Jump:10)
9 Why are you really making pigments and ink sticks? (Jump:13)
9 Are you with the Shanyun Art Exchange? (Jump:14)
9 I've nothing else to ask. (Jump:17)
10 If Yinfeng hadn't pushed her so hard, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Now, she can't even pick up a paintbrush, much less finish this batch of paintings.
11 Oh, quick to sell me out, huh? All I did was remind her to focus on her paintings.
12 She's been rebellious and a bit too smart for her own good lately. I just wanted her to keep her head down and work. Who knew she'd crack and cause that mess.
12 (Jump:9)
13 To cut our costs and keep our cooperation with the painters going. What else could it be?
13 (Jump:9)
14 We... we're with the Shanyun Art Exchange. We're only pretending to be Exiles because our boss, Mr. Baici, wants this business kept quiet.
15 You shouldn't have told them! Mr. Baici said no one can find out about the Art Exchange's involvement, no matter what!
16 You just can't stop talking back, can you?
16 (Jump:9)
17 So the Shanyun Art Exchange has been involved in Mingyan's case right from the start.
18 No wonder they got all shifty when we brought up Mingyan earlier...
18 Masquerading as Exiles is indeed cunning. (Jump:19)
18 Yinfeng... the name sounds familiar. (Jump:20)
19 Yinfeng... Yes...
19 (Jump:20)
20 It was his signature on Mr. Shilang's transaction record.
20 We spoke right where it happened.
21 When I asked him about the incident, he put all the blame on Mingyan, saying she had ulterior motives.
22 The Exiles we questioned during the day did the same, trying to divert attention and cover up their own involvement at the scene in the first place.
23 These distractions led us to concentrate solely on Mingyan, ignoring other possible angles.
24 I have a theory... but we need that "batch of paintings" they mentioned to test it...
24 Let's give the area another sweep.
25 But there are so many more people in the camp now! How will we get in?
25 We'll walk right in. (Jump:26)
25 We'll disguise ourselves as Exiles. (Jump:27)
26 They might hide all the evidence if we barge in like that...
26 Then we'll just have to "blend in." (Jump:27)
27 Huh? Why are you staring at me? Wait, I've told you everything I know! Aaargh—
28 With the Exile clothing in hand, the two of you quickly change into your disguises.

1 That's quite the story. At best, this merely proves our involvement in the incident at best, yet the real culprit remains unknown. Your accusations are groundless.
2 Allow me to remind you, she was the one who created those paintings, insisted on selling them, and concocted the entire terrifying incident.
3 Do you honestly believe her paintings would've earned a single penny without my intervention?
4 No... Mr. Baici, you're changing the subject.
5 How ungrateful. She ensnared us in this debacle, and now you dare to lay the blame at our feet?
6 B-Before we proceed, I wish to present this audio recording to the court.
7 "Ugh, Mr. Baici stopped by again, grumbling about the delay in getting Mingyan's paintings to the Shanyun Art Exchange..."
8 "If Yinfeng hadn't pushed her, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Now she can't even paint, and our order is gonna be late."
9 "She's been rebellious and a bit too smart for her own good lately. I just wanted her to keep her head down and work. Who knew she'd crack and cause that mess."
10 Mingyan was initially only making copies. Everything changed after you stepped in.
11 Trickery, misinformation, and later on even threats... She was led down the path of forging artworks for you.
12 I do understand that... if her own heart hadn't wavered, none of this would've happened... But there was already no turning back by the time she wanted to quit.
13 So, saying she was the mastermind behind it all... that's just not fair.
14 Even so, how is forgery a valid accusation? Nothing like that was mentioned in your recording, now was it?
14 We found the original painting in the hidden warehouse.
14 We found evidence of forgeries being bought and sold.
15 This evidence clearly shows that these paintings are no ordinary copies, but your way of making a profit.
16 Heh, there's no such thing as real or fake paintings. You're not fooling anyone.
17 For it to be forgery, there has to be another original artist. These paintings are all the work of Mingyan. Even if she made dozens of identical copies, it wouldn't be considered forgery.
18 ...Mr. Baici, do you recognize this painting?
19 Well, of course. It's "Serenity of Xiehua Village," the work of the Arcane Artist.
20 Then can you tell the difference between this one and the others?
21 Of course, this piece possesses a lifelike quality unmatched by any other, all thanks to the Resonance ability of the Arcane Artist—Mingyan.
22 However, judging from these paintings, it seems Mingyan's ability never stabilized successfully, except for this original piece.
23 What does this have to do with anything? Do you have solid evidence to prove the differences between these paintings?
24 What you're saying is all speculation. There's no guarantee a painter won't make mistakes, is there?
25 Artists seeking perfection always choose the highest quality pigments for their most important pieces.
26 During our investigation of the studio, I accidentally got paint on me and discovered something interesting about the materials used in these paintings.
27 The original paintings had pigments that were purer and brighter, able to blend more naturally and retain color for longer.
28 In contrast, the forgeries used pigments made from mineral scraps. These don't hold up the same, smudging at the slightest touch.
29 We can distinguish the real paintings from the fakes simply by analyzing the ink used.
30 Doing so only proves the so-called "original painting" is created differently from the others. Are you implying that Mingyan is only allowed to use a single kind of pigment throughout her work?
31 How is this supposed to prove that we are behind the forgeries?!
32 ...
33 Because the original creator of "Serenity in Xiehua Village" is me.

1 I hear people talking.
1 We can eavesdrop on their conversation.
1 [Enter combat] Let's beat the truth out of them.
2 OK, I'll use my Terminal to record it, just in case.

1 Ugh, Mr. Baici stopped by again, grumbling about the delay in getting Mingyan's paintings to the Shanyun Art Exchange...
2 If Yinfeng hadn't pushed her, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Now she can't even paint, and our order is gonna be late.
3 Hey, watch yourself. I just did what I always do.
4 She's been rebellious and a bit too smart for her own good lately. I just wanted her to keep her head down and work. Who knew she'd crack and cause that mess.
5 Luckily, I slipped away, and the Patrollers didn't suspect me... No big deal. I pinned it all on Mingyan, so we're in the clear.
6 Someone was here earlier asking about her case. No Patrollers, but... Do you think they could find out what we did?
7 Doubtful. They might notice we're making pigments here, but that's it.
8 It doesn't matter if they find out. We pose as Exiles, and what doesn't an Exile do?
9 But we should be careful. Remember what Mr. Baici warned us about? Keep these things on the down low, and if anyone finds out, they can't be allowed to trace it back to the Shanyun Art Exchange.

1 Well, that was certainly a touching story. But I'm afraid your words alone won't be enough to prove you created this painting.
2 ...Madam Juyao, to prove my statement, I request your permission to use and paint with one of these copies.
3 Granted.
3 Are you sure you want to do this?
4 Yes. Mingyan's experience has made me realize something.
5 To create art that truly resonates, I must first accept myself.
6 The paintings I drew in the past... they were heartfelt creations, pieces of my life. They formed my past and shaped who I am today.
7 It's not just about proving a single painting... it's about so much more...
8 If my Forte is the cause behind all this, then I must take responsibility... I can't just let this go on and hurt others.

1 When I learned the truth, I was heartbroken...
2 I believed that by sealing my Forte, no one would get hurt because of my paintings. I never expected them to continue causing harm after all these years.
3 But {PlayerName}'s words made me realize something.
4 It was never about the paintings themselves, but rather those who sought to use them to hurt others.
5 Mr. Baici, you run a highly esteemed calligraphy and painting institution, yet you've suppressed the creative spirit and violated these artists' dignity, all for the sake of wealth.
6 Everything they cherished has now become a tool for profit... The works they held dear are just tools for your gain, insulting to both the original artists and their imitators.
7 Set before you is the original painting from many years ago and the one I've just completed. Now, everything has been brought to light.
8 We received word from the Public Security Bureau ten minutes ago that they have taken the Exiles into custody and found the location where the paintings were hidden.
9 Mr. Baici, do you have anything else to add to your defense?
10 ...
11 Very well. We will re-evaluate Mingyan's charges, determine the Shanyun Art Exchange's involvement in the incident, and conduct a comprehensive investigation as soon as possible.
12 This hearing is adjourned.

1 Zhezhi... It's been a while.
2 Your injuries...
3 The researchers have taken good care of me. A chat won't hurt. And you must be... the Rover?
3 You know me?
4 I heard about everything you did. Thank you for freeing me from those nightmares.
5 You know what, Zhezhi? You may seem soft and gentle on the outside, but if your boundaries are crossed, I think you can be tougher than anyone else.
6 And... I still owe you an apology.
7 Forgive me. Because I was so obsessed with wanting to be you... to be better than you, I've caused you so much trouble...
8 ...The pain of these injuries managed to put a stop to my obsession with imitating your paintings.
9 Heh. Maybe... I was never meant to be a painter to begin with...
10 I brought you a gift...
11 Mingyan accepts a scroll of painting from Zhezhi, staring at it for a long time after opening it.
12 Hehe, see...? Only you can create a painting with such life. I still have a long way to go.
13 This is your painting.
14 It's the one you gave me when we first met.
15 I... Hehe... How ironic. I've been trying to imitate you for so many years that now I can't even tell my own paintings apart anymore.
16 Your paintings were never inferior to mine. Just look at this piece, even you approve of its value. It doesn't matter who painted it.
17 Mingyan, I hope you can find your true self, whoever she is. I know you can do it.
18 ...Thank you for bringing me this painting... Really.
19 Mingyan opens the scroll painting once again and stares at every detail for a long time. She appears lost in thought. Zhezhi and you leave quietly after seeing this.

1 I think it's safe to say she'll give it some thought.
2 During the few times we met, she was always passionate about discussing art with me. I think that fire inside her won't just fade away.
3 Come to think of it, the deep discussions we had and the painting duels back then felt like true friendship.
4 So... seeing her in so much pain, I just had to help.
5 I don't want Mingyan to lose hope and have someone who loves painting so much just disappear...
5 I think she understood what you meant earlier.
6 To be honest, I didn't just see this case through to correct mistakes or help the artists. Deep down, I...I didn't want to let you down.
7 I wanted to tell you this back at the mine, but the words just didn't come out right...
7 It's fine, I understand what you're trying to say.
7 I'm glad you finally said it.
8 Thank you for being my friend and helping me through all of this, {PlayerName}.
8 I can say the same to you.
9 While I have yet to uncover my past and who I am, every moment with you is a new and special memory.
10 Thank you for your help, Zhezhi. This experience has helped me understand you and the world a little better.
11 You seem to be pretty slow on the news, {PlayerName}.
11 So you know how to tell jokes now?
12 Hehe... You've given me the courage to joke around.
12 Does that mean you can do the same in front of others?
13 Hmm... well...
14 Let's take it slow for now.

1 So this Shanyun Art Exchange has been involved in Mingyan's case right from the start.
2 No wonder they got all shifty when we brought up Mingyan earlier...
2 Masquerading as Exiles is indeed cunning. (Jump:3)
2 Yinfeng... The name sounds familiar. (Jump:4)
3 Yinfeng... Yes...
3 (Jump:4)
4 It was his signature on Mr. Shilang's transaction record.
4 We spoke right where it happened.
5 When I asked him about the incident, he put all the blame on Mingyan, saying she had ulterior motives.
6 The Exiles we questioned during the day did the same, trying to divert attention and cover up their own involvement at the scene in the first place.
7 These distractions led us to concentrate solely on Mingyan, ignoring other possible angles.
8 I have a theory... but we need that "batch of paintings" they mentioned to test it...
8 Let's give the area another sweep.
9 But there are so many more people in the camp now! How should we get in?
9 We'll walk right in. (Jump:10)
9 We'll disguise ourselves as Exiles. (Jump:11)
10 They might hide all the evidence if we barge in like that...
10 Then we'll just have to "blend in." (Jump:11)
11 Okay.
12 With the Exile clothing in hand, the two of you quickly change into your disguises.

1 Some ore residues are scattered beside the trolley, with color stains on it.
1 Looks like pigments...
2 The trolley is worn... Maybe it carried something very heavy.
2 Maybe the Exiles used it to transport ore and pigments.
3 Could it be they transported ore, made pigments from them, and then moved the pigments elsewhere?
4 Could the buyers Mr. Shilang mentioned be the ones who stole the ore?
4 Let's see if we can find the evidence.

1 After {PlayerName} and I bumped into each other, we decided to investigate the surroundings and follow Patroller Chixia to the scene of the incident.
2 It was there we learned about the details of Mingyan's offense and the truth behind the tale of the Arcane Artist.
3 (Once Zhezhi has the paintbrush in her hand, she begins to speak calmly.)
4 (She'll be fine making the statement on her own now.)

1 After {PlayerName} and I bumped into each other, we decided to investigate the surroundings and follow Patroller Chixia to the scene of the incident.
2 It was there we learned about the details of Mingyan's offense and the truth behind the tale of the Arcane Artist.
3 (Once Zhezhi has the paintbrush in her hand, she begins to speak calmly.)
4 (She'll be fine making the statement on her own now.)

9 Zhezhi seems to be struggling to tell what she couldn't express earlier, but eventually stays silent.
1 Phew... Sorry to trouble you, {PlayerName}.
1 Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? (Jump:4)
1 Don't worry about it. (Jump:2)
2 Thanks... Uh, wait, I haven't said why.
3 What I'm trying to say is...
3 (Jump:4)
4 If I had been clearer, you wouldn't have had to explain things to Chixia for me.
5 She's really nice. It's just... we're not that close, and I'm not sure how to respond to how friendly she is... I didn't want to be rude, so I... I couldn't bring myself to turn her down.
5 It's okay. I got you.
5 Her friendliness is infectious.
6 I'll do my best not to trouble you and express my feelings properly next time...
6 I'm sure you will.
6 No trouble at all.
7 Thank you...
8 Then both of you decide to ask people around about the situation.

1 After learning about the details of the assault, we decided to push forward with the investigation to get to the truth.
2 Pointless! The witnesses on the scene made it clear that it was all because of Mingyan's greedy ambition that she...
3 I haven't finished my statement, Mr. Baici!

1 The clues from the studio led us to an Exiles' camp.
2 There, we found new clues that pointed to a hidden player behind all of this...

1 {PlayerName}, it's almost time for the dispute hearing.
2 I... I still hope you'll come with me.
3 I don't mean to burden you, but if you'd like to come, please meet me at the Public Security Bureau entrance.

1 {PlayerName}, it's almost time for the dispute hearing.
2 I... I still hope you'll come with me.
3 I don't mean to burden you, but if you'd like to come, please meet me at the Public Security Bureau entrance.