A Taste of Everything Side Quests
Though the promise of sharing a meal has yet to be fulfilled, now could be an opportune moment to catch up with her. If you have no other pressing matters, why not arrange a meeting in Jinzhou?
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1 Hey ya! Long time no see, {PlayerName}. How’s it going?
2 Well, just calling to see what you're up to. Are you free now?
2 What happened?
3 No worries at all! It’s no biggie, really. Well, not as huge as diving into those tokens, that’s for sure.
4 Remember my promise? About treating you to a nice meal? Well, since I’ve got a few days off and figured you’d be around, now’s the perfect time to cash in on that promise and invite you out.
12 So, what do you say? How about this Jinzhou Speedster takes you on a culinary adventure at Auntie Panhua’s Restaurant?
6 The Maocai she cooks is an explosion of spice and flavor! One gulp and you’ll feel the buzz in your bones!
6 Alright, it sounds spicy just as I expected. (Jump:7)
6 Where there’s delicious food, there’s me. (Jump:8)
6 Great! When should we go? (Jump:9)
7 You know, that’s what I like. But hey, no pressure if spicy isn’t your thing. Auntie Panhua’s a culinary genius, whipping up many treats like Poached Chicken, Rising Loong... you name it! It’s all authentic Jinzhou cuisine!
7 (Jump:9)
8 Didn’t expect you to be a foodie too. Next time I’m on patrol and find something tasty, I’ll make sure you get a taste.
8 (Jump:9)
9 So, we’re on for a date, right?
10 Let’s meet at Panhua’s Restaurant on Gourmet Street. Time-wise, just let me know before you’re ready.
11 I’ll be eagerly waiting to hear from you!

1 After arriving near Panhua's Restaurant, you message Chixia and wait for a moment...
2 Hey there, Rover! Finally found you! Hope I didn’t keep you waiting!
2 Felt like forever. My stomach’s rumbling already. (Jump:3)
2 No worries. Delicacies are always worth the wait. (Jump:4)
3 Ah, my bad! Let’s not dilly-dally any longer. Trust me, once we munch, you won’t wanna stop!
3 (Jump:5)
4 Aw, you’re too kind, but eating always comes first! Let’s dive straight into ordering and kick-start this feast!
4 (Jump:5)
5 Ah, well, look who’s here! Our little Xiaofang has brought a friend along today. How delightful!
6 No, no, no, Auntie Panhua, just forget that name! I’m begging you!
7 Yeah, exactly! Meet Rover, my awesome new friend! Today’s treat’s on me, so I brought her here to experience your culinary magic.
8 Oh dear, then I must show her something!
9 Any preferences or dislikes? Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, just let me know what you like. There’s always a Jinzhou cuisine for every taste!
9 I prefer something light, something that lets the ingredients shine. (Jump:10)
9 Spicy! Give me the thrill! (Jump:12)
9 I’m not picky. Chixia, any recommendations? (Jump:14)
10 Alright, something light... Find yourselves a spot inside. The dishes will be ready soon.
11 Before long, Panhua served up the dishes. The delicious pairing of sweet Candied Caltrops and slow-cooked Jinzhou Stew made you hungry.
11 (Jump:20)
12 Alright, something spicy... Find yourselves a spot inside. The dishes will be ready soon.
13 Before long, Panhua serves the dishes. The saucy Poached Chicken, complemented by the spicy and numbing Mapo Tofu, whets your appetite.
13 (Jump:20)
14 Hmm... The Candied Caltrops is fresh with just the right sweetness; the Poached Chicken sauce is Auntie Panhua’s original, unmatched anywhere else. Oh, and the Jinzhou Stew! It’s something you can only find here. I bet you’ve never tasted anything like it! Trust me, you don’t wanna miss out on this!
15 I’ve decided. Let’s get all of them.
15 Thanks, but it’s unnecessary. (Jump:16)
15 That’s too much... Can we finish them all? (Jump:17)
16 We Patrollers don’t get paid a lot, but I love treating my friend to a feast once in a while. It’s just one meal, I won’t go broke!
16 (Jump:18)
17 To cater to all appetites, Auntie Panhua’s rolled out a small portion menu. Same fantastic flavors, just less food waste. So, no need to fret about over-ordering!
17 (Jump:18)
18 Alright, find yourselves a spot inside. The dishes will be ready soon.
19 Before long, Panhua served up the dishes. The delicious mix of Candied Caltrops, Poached Chicken in sauce, and Jinzhou Stew made your mouth water.
19 (Jump:20)
20 Rover, you enjoying the meal?
20 Yeah, it was amazing. I’ll certainly be back for more. (Jump:21)
20 Not bad. (Jump:23)
20 I want something special this time. (Jump:25)
21 You got it! Next time, we’ll bring Yangyang and Baizhi along. Food’s always better with more pals, right? But what should we get then?
22 If you come next time, I’ll have to treat you to a taste of my famous Essence Medley Soup.
22 (Jump:27)
23 That’s all? Seriously? Not even Auntie Panhua’s culinary magic can shake you?
24 Looks like I’ll have to introduce you to the wonders of the Essence Medley Soup.
24 (Jump:27)
25 Something special? Hmm, give me some time to think.
26 In that case, I’ll have to introduce you to the wonders of the Essence Medley Soup.
26 (Jump:27)
27 Essence Medley Soup? What’s that?
28 It's brewed from the finest Jinzhou ingredients. Every essence is simmered and distilled into a single bowl. Some gourmets claim it's the epitome of Jinzhou's flavor, captured in a nutshell.
28 Don't tell me you're thinking of trying it right now... (Jump:29)
28 Why the eager expression? (Jump:30)
28 It sounds super delicious. I’m eager to give it a taste myself. (Jump:31)
29 Even though I just polished off my plate, there’s always room for soup in my second stomach. Rover, fancy trying it out? Auntie Panhua, can you whip it up for us?
29 (Jump:31)
30 Whoa, did you hear that? Brewed from the finest Jinzhou ingredients! My taste buds are tingling already... Rover, fancy trying it out? Auntie Panhua, can you whip it up for us?
30 (Jump:31)
31 It's not that I'm unwilling to make it right now... In fact, it's an old wartime dish, a recipe lost to the ages. We keep it alive through word of mouth, preserving its memory. Now, about its taste, people have a lot of fun debates about it, but one thing's certain: it's like a warm, fresh hug, absolutely delightful and unforgettable.
32 However, while searching through old books, I stumbled upon its recipe. Though, calling it a recipe might be a stretch. See, back then, they used names for ingredients that are like riddles to us now. “Red beads,” “sweet roots,” “Monkvyrid,” “golden handle spoon”... I have no idea what they are.
33 Speaking of peculiar ingredients, it does remind me of someone...
33 Who?
34 Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me. I won’t take offense.
35 Well… it’s Uncle Mahe!
36 Hmph, he’s always bragging about how he can get any ingredient, but if he’s clueless about these, he’s just wasting his time in this business.
37 Just so we’re clear, I won’t go to him for answers, but if you want to give him a shot with this recipe, it’s your call.
38 Auntie Panhua! You’ve got the sweetest heart. I always knew it!
39 Alright, I’ll copy the recipe for you.
39 I’ll take a stroll around the city with Chixia to get a feel for the place.
39 Once the soup’s done, don’t forget to let us have a taste!
40 Don’t worry! I won’t let you do it for nothing! Auntie here will make sure you eat your fill!

1 Hello there, how can I help...? Oh, Ms. Chixia?
2 What brought you here? Picking up medicine for someone else, or feeling under the weather? Any injuries? Have you seen a doctor? Need any prescriptions?
2 Wow, quite the enthusiastic welcome there. (Jump:3)
2 It seems you get worried for her pretty often. (Jump:4)
3 Oh no, it’s just a habit I’ve picked up from running this pharmacy. Sometimes people struggle to describe their symptoms, so I ask a lot of questions to get a clearer picture.
3 (Jump:8)
4 Yeah... Hold up! Rover, what’s that supposed to mean? Obviously, I...
5 Obviously, just like this lady said, once you get carried away, you forget your own safety!
6 Ms. Chixia, you’re the reigning champ on our pharmacy’s medication leaderboard. While I wholeheartedly appreciate your support, topping the charts won’t result in any discounts here.
7 Seriously, don’t you have work to do? Who keeps tabs on this stuff anyway!
7 (Jump:8)
8 Alright, let’s cut to the chase. {PlayerName} and I are here to get you to check out this recipe Auntie Panhua handed us.
9 Essence Medley Soup? I felt like I heard it from my grandmother or someone of her generation.
10 Really? C’mon, wrack your brain for it! Uncle Mahe thinks it’s more of a medicinal cuisine than a regular dish.
11 Let's see... Caltrops, Kudzu, Honeysuckles, a handful of Gemberries, and some pulled poultry breast. Simmer with water from the Monkvyrid. Once it's boiled, give it a stir with a golden-handled spoon... Water from the Monkvyrid? Isn't that the medicinal soup made from Coriolus, Perilla, and Lemongrass?
12 Who knew the medicinal soup could serve as a base... In a way, it leans towards medicinal cuisine. But with so many ingredients, wouldn’t it dilute the medicinal effect? There’s always something new to learn in dietary therapy.
12 Since we know the ingredients required, Chixia and I will head out and grab what we need. (Jump:13)
12 Are you interested in dietary therapy? (Jump:14)
13 No need to go through all that trouble. Remember where you are? A pharmacy! I’ve got some pre-made medicinal soup right here.
13 (Jump:16)
14 Good medicine often tastes bitter, so I've been thinking of ways to make it more palatable.
15 By making it into medicinal cuisine, we preserve its healing qualities while getting rid of the bitterness, so it’s enjoyable for everyone.
15 (Jump:16)
16 This recipe seems ancient. The Monkvyrid water is an old term from pharmacies, referring to that medicinal soup. Hold on, I’ve got the pre-made stuff for you.
17 Oh, and here are some new recovery and synthesis potions. Consider them a bonus.
18 But even with potions to treat your injuries, stay safe out there, alright? Always keep your guard up when exploring.
19 Don’t be like Chixia, just barging in and scaring everyone.
19 Thanks for reminding me. (Jump:22)
19 Trust me. I won’t. (Jump:20)
20 Are you for real right now? My reputation as the Jinzhou Speedster is...
21 I-I had no other choice! How can I remember all those safety rules when there are bad guys coming at me? They’d only slow me down... Okay, okay, next time, I’ll watch out!
21 (Jump:22)
22 So, are you two heading back to help Auntie Panhua with this Essence Medley Soup? If so, count me in on learning that recipe too!
23 Just let Auntie Panhua know. It should be cool for you to join in!
24 But there's still one last piece of the puzzle to crack: the golden-handled spoon. If we whip up the soup without figuring out what that is about, the flavor might not hit the mark, right?
25 Wait, isn’t the golden handle spoon that big pyrite spoon from Uncle Wei’s shop? I thought you both knew.
25 The answer was right in front of us all along.
25 That makes sense... After all, pyrite is called fool’s gold.
26 Seriously? No way! Who’d have guessed that!
27 Oops, looks like I gotta step down from my role as the Jinzhou encyclopedia. I’ve never even heard of that pyrite spoon!
28 Haha, no worries. I spotted that spoon the last time I dropped off medicine at Uncle Wei’s and asked out of curiosity.
29 Why does the best weapon maker in Jinzhou have a big pyrite spoon tucked away? Well, I’m counting on you to solve that mystery, along with the last step of the recipe.

1 We’ve covered more ground from Gourmet Street to here. Bet you haven’t had many city strolls like this before, huh?
2 Even though it’s a bit of a trek, I’m thrilled to show you around my hometown. We’re nearing the commercial street, where things get even more interesting.

1 Well, well, if it isn’t our Xiaofang. Back so soon? Didn’t I just fix up your pistols last week? You broke them again already?
2 ...Aw, please don’t call me Xiaofang! It’s Chixia!
3 Oh no, I'm doomed. It seems everyone knows my other name now.
4 Haha, you’re exaggerating. As far as I know, only we, your old pals, are calling you that.
4 Uncle Wei, no need to tease her. (Jump:5)
4 Got it now, Xiaofang. (Jump:6)
5 Coll, cool. Let’s get to business then.
5 (Jump:7)
6 {PlayerName}, you too?! No, please no... Let’s keep that name between us, alright?
6 (Jump:7)
7 Anyway, we're here to help Auntie Panhua recreate the Essence Medley Soup.
8 According to the recipe, once it's bubbling away, we gotta stir it with a golden-handled spoon. And according to Koko, you just own a pyrite spoon with that exact name, right?
9 Ah, I see.
10 That’s right. The golden handle spoon, indeed the pyrite spoon I have. And let me tell you, I have a bit of history with this Essence Medley Soup. Any guess what this soup is all about?
10 A secret medicinal cuisine. (Jump:11)
10 A secret dish. (Jump:12)
10 A chowder. (Jump:13)
11 Just a simple brew of herbs, really. Barely qualifies as medicinal cuisine in my book.
11 (Jump:14)
12 Well, I don’t think it’s a formal dish, seeing as we just throw a bunch of ingredients together.
12 (Jump:14)
13 Haha, you have the point. It’s indeed a chowder, but not an ordinary one.
13 (Jump:14)
14 You youngsters didn’t witness the making of this soup. Back then, Jinzhou was still under construction, right around the year-end. Every household would bring out their cherished foods to share. And if they had nothing, they’d whip up some medicinal soup. If that wasn’t an option, they’d pitch in however they could.
15 And that’s when I forged this large pyrite spoon. Made stirring that big pot a breeze. What a shame though, those border guards insisted on every bit of metal being used for weapons. Otherwise, you’d still see it around.
15 So that’s the authentic Essence Medley Soup. (Jump:20)
15 So that’s the real recipe. (Jump:16)
16 No wonder Auntie Panhua said it’s passed down through word of mouth, sparking debates over its flavor.
17 Seems like this recipe is more of a shopping list than a detailed guide.
17 I know it must be delicious. (Jump:18)
17 Is it really going to taste good? (Jump:19)
18 Absolutely! Every household pulled out their secret stash of ingredients to brew up this soup. It’s gotta be divine.
18 (Jump:20)
19 Even if it doesn’t require any fancy cooking techniques, those good reviews can’t be bogus, right? Just like Auntie Panhua said, it’s brewed from the finest Jinzhou ingredients...
19 (Jump:20)
20 Now I’m even more eager to get a taste, knowing the backstory! Uncle Wei, mind lending us your big pyrite spoon?
21 The reason that the spoon affects the soup's flavor is because it releases a few minerals while stirring. You could use a smaller pyrite spoon instead.
22 That makes sense... By the way, doesn’t Auntie Panhua already have one on standby?
23 Since we’re here, might as well make the most of it. Can you lend a hand and check out my friend’s weapon?
24 Ah, I remember you. New to Jinzhou, right? You’re that... that...
24 {PlayerName}.
24 Rover.
25 That’s right. Madam Magistrate mentioned you’re Jinzhou’s guest.
26 Let’s have a look at your weapon... Hm, this wear and tear... Can’t let youngsters like you wander around with a weapon in this state.
27 Here, take these unused casting molds and ores the Ordnance Division gave me. They’re the building blocks of a weapon. With these, you can forge a new one.
27 I feel bad for taking them...
27 Thank you so much.
28 Kid, materials are meant to be used. If you want to thank me, put them to good use.

1 Check it out. That’s Uncle Wei’s weapon shop right over there.
2 He’s the top-notch weapon maker in Jinzhou! If you have any weapon-related questions, just go ask him.
3 How’s your weapon maintenance? Once we figure out what that big spoon deal is, you can ask him to check it for you!

1 And here we are. This is the Synthesizer Uncle Wei mentioned.
2 Aside from crafting materials and beefing up their quality, you can also whip up some basic potions here. It’s like a one-stop shop for all your needs, whether you’re kicking it in the city or out on an adventure.
3 I’ve got some synthesis materials right here. Go ahead, give it a try.
4 It might seem a bit tricky just hearing about it, but once you try it hands-on, you’ll get the hang of it real quick.

1 Wow, can you believe we’ve covered almost half of Jinzhou in just one day?
2 Tiring, but so worth it! I’m usually tied up with patrols, so catching up with so many friends all at once like this is a total first for me.
3 Introducing you to everyone, shooting the breeze... It’s like reconnecting with old friends all over again. Wait, didn’t I promise to treat you to a meal? How did it end up with you being my tour buddy instead?
4 But hey, thanks to you, I finally get why folks rave about the Essence Medley Soup as they do.
5 Brewed from the finest Jinzhou ingredients, with every essence distilled into a single bowl... The real treasure lies in everyone’s willingness to share their most prized grub, don’t you think?
5 That’s the true Jinzhou flavor.
6 Exactly! If we were back in wartime, Auntie Panhua reminding me to eat on time, Uncle Mahe caring about my work, Koko fretting over my safety, Uncle Wei dropping knowledge bombs on me, and all the other folks in Jinzhou...
7 They’d all without a doubt open up their pantries and share their most cherished grub with us.
8 As for me, I wanna be someone who can protect every single soul in Jinzhou... including you! I wanna keep you safe too! I’ve had a great time hanging out with you.
9 So, while we’re in Jinzhou, let me shoulder your worries and troubles, alright?
9 Looks like I can’t say no.
10 You can bet on this Jinzhou Speedster’s determination!