Decode corrupted wishes: I Main Quests
Try to solve the first wish
Dialog blocks are currently not sorted correctly.
1 Hello {PlayerName}, I hope you've been well? Remember how I mentioned that the stall vendors at the Moonlit Fair will adjust their offerings based on everyone's wishes?
2 Based on the wishes we've received so far, I've thought of a few excellent themes. Maybe we can start preparing for them.

1 Alert: The person ahead is confirmed to possess information related to "Xiaosheng."
2 Based on the writing style, paragraphing habits, and content of the wish, it can be inferred that "Xiaosheng" is likely introverted, and may exhibit nervousness in public settings, difficulty in communication, and a preference for solitary activities...
3 These characteristics match this individual's behavior.
3 Are you saying she's Xiaosheng?
4 A definitive conclusion cannot be drawn. Master requests that Xiang-LEE avoid making judgments about humans solely based on their external appearances.
5 According to my data analysis, there is a 25.4% correlation between these two individuals. Xiang-LEE proposes {PlayerName} make the decision on whether to proceed.
5 If you say so...
5 Won't hurt to ask I guess.
6 Excuse me, miss...
7 (Wow, what a cute little robot... Would it feel weird to ask if I could do a sketch of it? Oh, I'll just do it at a distance once they've walked away...)
8 Hello?
9 Wh-Whoa... H-Hi. Lovely weather, huh...? Can I help you?
10 Analyzing weather conditions. Detecting a rapid increase in air humidity and a significant drop in air pressure.
11 Data suggests rainfall should be expected within the next few hours covering 60% of the Jinzhou area.
12 Um...
13 Err... That's right. The weather isn't actually all that great, I didn't realize. Hehe...
13 Don’t worry, we’re just here to chat.
14 Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't think you mean anything bad... I'm just not very good at talking to strangers, that's all...
14 My name's {PlayerName}.
15 M-My name is Zhezhi. Um... Nice to meet you...?
15 Does the name "Xiaosheng" ring any bells? (Jump:16)
15 What were you doing just now? (Jump:20)
16 Ohhh...! I'm so sorry!! Wait, hold on... It's not the due date for the "Sounds of Spring's Dawn" yet...
17 Do you mean to tell me... they're changing the requirements again?
17 I don't follow...
18 Speculation. The "Xiaosheng" mentioned by both parties does not appear to be the same individual.
19 You notice the painting supplies and pigments Zhezhi is carrying.
19 (Jump:23)
20 Me?
21 Ah, this is my painting scroll. I'm searching for inspiration for my next painting. Am I not allowed to do that here? I'm so sorry, I'll leave right away...
22 Verifying Rules and Regulations. There is currently no prohibition on painting or photography in this area. You may rest assured, ma'am.
22 (Jump:23)
23 So you're a painter?
24 A painter...? Oh, no, no, no, it's just a hobby...
24 (So it's not a match.)
24 (She isn't who we're looking for.)
25 Um... Excuse me, but is something wrong?
25 We're actually looking for someone...
26 Hmm... Someone who goes by the name"Xiaosheng"? Maybe a shy researcher?
27 I've never heard of anyone by that name... Sorry I couldn't help... I-I don't have a wide social circle, mostly just my painting clients...
28 But I'll let you know if I do.
28 Appreciate it.
29 You're welcome... I, uh, I'll be on my way then. Goodbye.
30 It's unlikely she has anything to do with the wish.
31 Affirmative. The individual showed no signs of abnormalities when mentioning the name "Xiaosheng."
31 Let's go ask around somewhere else.

1 Might as well ask another researcher...
2 Detected. Individual meeting search criteria. Analyzing target identity: Researcher of the Department of Laboratory Evaluation, Huaxu Academy. Suggested topics of inquiry: "Xiaosheng" or "Work Stress."
3 Work stress...?
4 Rest assured. When discussing heavier topics, I will employ a light and humorous inquiry method.

1 Attention. During our conversation with Shifan, another researcher was detected within close proximity.
2 The individual has been eavesdropping on our conversation up until this moment.
3 Eavesdropping? Wait a minute...
4 Uploading the researcher's location to your Terminal.
5 Finally, some useful information for once.
6 Xiang-LEE is always useful.

1 Hi there {PlayerName}, how are things on your end?
2 Transferring progress log... Transfer complete.
3 ...Fantastic. It appears everything has been going smoothly.
4 Long story short, I've managed to decipher the code from earlier.
5 It's Echoes. The code mentions three Echo sample datasets Shifan once needed for his research.
6 According to the Academy's archives, his research partner, Jiuli, had an accident while searching for these Echoes. Shifan shut down the project shortly after.
7 I hope this data can be of help to you. Once I've wrapped up here at the Academy, I'll meet you as soon as I can.
8 Well then... It's time to look for some Echoes.

1 Beep. Beep... All target Echoes acquired. Task complete. Well done, {PlayerName}!
1 Now we can go find Shifan.
1 We have everything we need now!
2 I knew you could do it, {PlayerName}.
3 Transmission is normal... Yes, that's everything.
3 Xiang-LEE sounds just like Xiangli Yao!
3 What's going on?
4 It’s one of Xiang-LEE's features. I can join you on your travels this way.
5 I'll remotely control Xiang-LEE, ensuring our audio-visual and movement modules are in sync to keep our communication seamless. It’s our quickest way to connect.
6 Plus... I suspect Shifan might find it difficult to open up in front of a colleague from the Academy.
6 You're right. (Jump:7)
6 Xiangli Yao unleashes his second form. (Jump:8)
6 (Pat the robot on its head.) (Jump:10)
7 So, without further ado, let's be on our way.
7 (End)
8 Haha. A similar scene from the Hero Plays that children enjoy... if I recall correctly.
9 No time like the present. Let's be on our way, "partner."
9 (End)
10 Oh...
10 Sorry, I couldn't help it... (Jump:11)
10 You can feel the touch? (Jump:12)
11 Ahem... it's fine.
11 (Jump:13)
12 Not necessarily... No.
12 (Jump:13)
13 So, without further ado, let's be on our way.