Festival Preparations III Main Quests
Begin the second-stage festival preparation at Taoyuan Vale
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1 Take this! Flame Punch...!
2 Eek...! Get away from me!
3 A child's voice. Over there!

1 ...Whoa, that was rad! How did you do that? You gotta teach me!
2 Um... Thanks for saving me, miss.
2 Why are you out here all alone?
3 I... I... It's a secret...
4 Well, you did just save me from that TD so...
5 All right. You can be the only grown-up that I tell.
6 Ahem! I, Mahn, am about to awaken my Forte!
6 Your Forte?
7 Well, you know. In the Hero Plays, every great hero is a Resonator with their own unique, super cool Forte.
8 Some of them are born with it, and some have to journey to distant mountains and secret caves to train all alone.
9 And then—"After years of training, a Tacet Mark finally appears. Forte awaken." Hehe, that's my favorite part!
10 That's why I've been eating all my veggies and going to bed early lately. I want to be ready to spend the whole day at this secret base training.
11 I try to practice every move I can think of from the plays, hoping my Forte will awaken soon. I've been so busy, I haven't even watched any Hero Plays lately.
11 So, has your Forte awakened yet?
12 Um... Not really...
13 But I've come up with a new plan. You know how Flame Ranger gets stronger the more danger he's in? They call it a "Forte Boost"!
14 So I thought, why not find a scary monster and try to fight it?
14 So that Tacet Discord just now...
15 Uh... That was an accident... I've no idea where it came from...
16 If I'm gonna a great hero, I have to find an enemy that's even stronger than a TD.
16 That's too dangerous.
17 But... but...
18 Then, you tell me. What should I do to awaken my Forte?
18 Having a Forte is really so important to you?
19 Absolutely, it's a must! Every hero in the plays is a Resonator with a Forte.
20 Becoming a hero means I can protect all my friends. None of us will ever need to be scared again.
21 Besides... being a hero is just the coolest. Every Hero Play, all my friends cheer like crazy for Flame Ranger. I don't plan on being the lame sidekick, no way.
21 You don't need a Forte to be a hero.
22 If you know so much about it... Then what should I do? Tell me, tell me!
22 Exercise more.
22 Get plenty of rest.
22 Eat your vegetables.
23 Ugh. You sound like my mom. Come on, don't treat me like I'm just some kid.
24 I do know... a few warriors. They know firsthand what it means to be a hero.
25 What if I write down some of their quests and daring feats for you? Real heroes, real stories... it might give you some ideas.
26 Wow, really?! Are they even more awesome than the heroes in the plays??
27 When will you show me these stories? I want Li and Momo to see 'em too.
28 Time. Location. Event notification. The Moonlit Fair.
29 (The Moonlit Fair, right in the middle of the festival? It would be the perfect draw for the children in Jinzhou.)
30 (Thankfully, I've still got some time to get everything ready for Mahn's wish before it starts.)
31 How about this? The Moonlit Fair, on the day of the Moon-Chasing Festival. I'll have the stories with me. Pinky promise.
32 YES!! It's a pinky promise, then!
33 Can't wait to see you there!

1 I happened to catch the boy's wish.
2 He aspires to heroism, a feat of spirit that humbles even a grown man like myself.
3 His wish comes from a place of real valor and sincerity...
4 However, he wishes to become a hero by awakening his Forte...
5 Awakening a Forte is an intricate process, and the disparity between a Resonator and an ordinary person's abilities is significant. In our current timeframe...
6 I must confess, the Academy's current research in this domain is rather limited.
7 If we are to approach it from this angle, I'm afraid I may not be able to help the boy much... At least before the Moonlit Fair arrives.
7 You don't need a Forte to become a hero.
8 ...I concur.
9 Thinking back on a few scenes from the Hero Plays... Flame Ranger did not rely solely on his Forte and abilities to achieve his heroic feats.
10 Courage, perseverance, and support from his companions were all indispensable elements.
11 Your idea of finding a real-life role model to show the boy a more grounded version of heroism... is indeed a viable approach.
12 So, have you decided who this hero should be?
12 Jinhsi? (Jump:13)
12 Jiyan? (Jump:17)
12 Any suggestions? (Jump:21)
13 A fine suggestion. I have always admired the Magistrate of Jinzhou.
14 However, any form of recording within the City Hall would require prior clearance. With the Moonlit Fair on the horizon, time may not allow it.
15 ...Actually, the person I have in mind embodies courage, perseverance, and leadership, with steadfast companions who would stand by her, never backing down even in the face of powerful enemies...
16 There's no need to look far, {PlayerName}. You are the most suitable candidate.
16 (Jump:29)
17 A fine suggestion. I have always admired General Jiyan.
18 However, any form of recording involving the Midnight Rangers would require prior clearance. With the Moonlit Fair on the horizon, time may not allow it.
19 ...Actually, the person I have in mind embodies courage, perseverance, and leadership, with steadfast companions who would stand by her, never backing down even in the face of powerful enemies...
20 There's no need to look far, {PlayerName}. You are the most suitable candidate.
20 (Jump:29)
21 ...Actually, the person I have in mind embodies courage, perseverance, and leadership, with steadfast companions who would stand by her, never backing down even in the face of powerful enemies...
22 There's no need to look far, {PlayerName}. You are the most suitable candidate.
22 (Jump:29)
29 Me?
29 I'm no role model.
23 Your actions alone in saving Jinzhou have earned you the title of hero.
24 A true hero is defined not by grand gestures but by their actions.
25 Authenticity is key. Just chronicle your daily life, and let your true self shine through.
25 All right.
25 I'll give it a try.
26 The Pangu Terminal can record your daily activities. Before you begin I'll make some enhancements to provide you with additional assistance.
27 Thank you for your hard work so far, {PlayerName}. It will take some time to analyze the fourth wish. I'll contact you after it is complete.
28 The Moonlit Fair is approaching... I hope that all the wishes in the Moontree Lodge will soon come true.

1 The third wish... Let's see what's written this time.

1 As you ponder the hero's wish, you hear the distant noise of children arguing about the Hero Play. Maybe they…