Festival Preparations IV Main Quests
Begin the third-stage festival preparation at Taoyuan Vale
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1 Are you alright? It's not uncommon to feel a bit queasy after leaving a Sonoro Sphere.
1 I'm fine. Not feeling off at all.
1 Sonoro Spheres? More like my playground.
2 I'm glad to hear that.
2 How's Patty?
3 Given the situation is now under control, it should be fine. I will check on Patty, just to be safe.
4 (He might need some time alone to process what just happened...)
5 Don't worry about me, {PlayerName}. I can handle the rest myself. It's just a quick checkup on Patty.
6 Go join the celebration down the mountain. Remember those kids you promised to meet up with? They must be waiting for you.
7 Besides, I need some time to prepare a small gift for you, as thanks. I'll... catch up with you later.
7 See you later.

1 Hello? What's up, Chixia?
2 Hey, {PlayerName}! You've been to the Wishing Tree, right? What did you wish for?
3 Did it come tru— Oh wait, it can't be that fast...
4 Just leave it here, Chixia.
5 Gotcha!
6 Still busy with the preparations?
7 Almost finished! It's crazy here with all these people bustling around!
8 You hear the buzz from our side?
9 Need to double-check the procedure. Hmm? Did I just see Madam Magistrate... Was it just me?
10 Sorry! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Ugh, I should've just stayed home to avoid causing trouble.
11 Pretty hectic, isn't it?
12 Indeed.
13 Everyone's really giving their all for this year's Moon-Chasing Festival!
14 Oh, and the Loong Dance performance is happening tonight! Come and watch it with us, {PlayerName}! I've secured the best seat!
14 Sure, I'll join you. (Jump:15)
14 Can I say no? (Jump:16)
15 Hooray! That's settled then!
15 (Jump:18)
16 Seriously? What a pity... Okay then, I'll tell Yangyang and Baizhi you can't make it to the show...
16 Wait, I'm joking!
17 You are? Whew... I thought someone else had beat me to it.
17 (Jump:18)
18 We'll be waiting for you then!
19 Before we hang up, anything you wanna say to {PlayerName}, Yangyang?
20 Me? But I'm not ready...
21 Okay, erm... How're you doing today, {PlayerName}?
22 I'm looking forward to enjoying the Moonlit Fair with you tonight.
23 And you, Baizhi?
24 ...
25 Please come early if possible.
26 People have been preparing for the Moonlit Fair for many weeks.
27 {PlayerName}, I just sent the coordinates to your Terminal! See you there!
27 Thanks. Can't wait for tonight.
28 Haha, get ready to be blown away!

1 Hmm... Are we not going to that restaurant, then?
2 Let's eat there with Yangyang and the others later.
3 Yay! ...Wait!
4 I smell something delicious! It's the real deal for my empty tummy, I just know it!
5 Isn't that...
6 Hello, {PlayerName}. Can you come to the Moontree Lodge?
7 Hey, you done deciphering that fourth wish?
8 Yes... As I suspected, Patty's malfunction was caused by something else.
9 Understood. I'll be right there.
10 Thank you. I'll see you in the usual spot.

1 More trouble to solve eh? Wait... didn't you just promise Yangyang we'd hang out tonight?
2 Yeah, I did. Let's go handle it quickly so we can still make it on time.

1 Tacet Field... Hate... Pascar... The world...
2 Thank you for coming, Rover.
3 Is that... the smell of Sonoro?!
4 Patty is now a portal to a Sonoro Sphere.
5 Its built-up frequencies likely resonated with something and created this.
6 Should we alert the Midnight Rangers? But then...
7 ...Then people might think there's another TD outbreak... Since a major fight has just happened... I think we should...
8 We'll handle it ourselves.
9 ...
10 You're already planning to do so, I can tell. It's written all over your face.
11 Yes... I've thought it through. I believe that would be the most practical solution.
12 If the Sonoro is benign, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
13 And worst-case scenario, if it turns malignant, you'll have no trouble handling it.
14 I just didn't expect you to bring it up first. Guess I wasted time hesitating.
15 You hesitated... because of the name "Pascar"?
16 Yes. He was a close friend of mine...
17 He died from the Waveworn. I think... if this Sonoro Sphere is related to him, it must contain his messages for me.
18 This is my personal request, {PlayerName}. Please help me.
19 Sure thing. In fact, I'm also doing this for a personal reason.
20 You are?
21 I promised my friends we'd enjoy the Moonlit Fair together tonight. Can't let this incident ruin the festivity.
22 Thank you, {PlayerName}. Let's enter the Sonoro now.

1 {PlayerName}, I'm hungry...
2 Panhua's got a must-try dish for the Moon-Chasing Fest—heard about it? Can we go try it? Puh-leeze?
3 Sure. Let's go try it out.

1 Sorry I kept you waiting, {PlayerName}.
2 No worries. Is Patty alright?
3 I found some unusual frequencies inside its body. Not sure if that's the Sonoro Sphere's influence.
4 Out of safety concerns, I locked it up for the time being.
4 I thought you'd dive right into studying the cause.
5 Normally I would. But not this time, because I promised you a gift.
6 Here, please take this.
7 I know you're going to the Moonlit Fair. Here's a camera to capture memories for you to keep.
7 Is this a perk of working for the Moontree Lodge?
8 It can be. Maybe I should include it in the employee handbook.
8 We have a handbook already?
9 Not yet. That's why I'm about to write one.
10 I couldn't have solved this so fast without you by my side.
11 Those wishes were their cries for help. Someone had to act fast and save them, or there could have been severe consequences.
12 Thanks to your help, people can see their wishes come true.
13 The fulfilled wishes bring warmth and comfort to be shared by many more.
14 In the end, the Moontree Lodge kept its promise... to everyone, including Pascar.
15 What about you? What is your wish?
16 My wish? I haven't really thought about it in a while... But I may already know the answer to your question.
17 It's the same reason why I'm taking care of the Moontree Lodge: I want to follow in our pioneers' footsteps.
18 Those who forsake everything in pursuit of truth, and those who dedicate their lives to the welfare of others.
19 My parents each embodied one path. They were my role models, and I have strived to emulate them both.
20 Their passing left me searching for answers, for a way to find balance between the two.
21 That was why I inherited the Moontree Lodge. Still, I've often questioned: how closely should I follow my parents' paths?
22 Should I abandon all social connections in pursuit of the elusive ultimate truth, like in a certain story?
23 But in the end, you didn't do that.
24 No, I didn't. Because Pascar found me and brought me out of my room. Without him, I never would've known about my father's ties to the Moontree Lodge.
25 When Pascar left the Academy, I considered going with him.
26 Perhaps we are the same kind of people after all.
27 I wanted to give up everything for the ultimate truth, but I still craved companionship. That's why I hesitated.
28 Seeking truth can be futile. It's like constantly pushing a boulder uphill, only for the Lament to send it back down every time.
29 In this disaster-stricken world, our beliefs, innovations, even entire societies risk falling into oblivion in an instant.
30 Still, someone must push the boulder of curiosity and explore uncharted territories beyond that hill.
31 I've longed to push that boulder, Rover. Perhaps one day, I'll give in to the urge... Even if it means leaving everything behind.
32 Because it's there. Hard to resist the temptation when truth feels so close, almost within reach.
33 I've been trying to tell you for so, so long... I just want to let you know...
34 It's alright. You can venture as far as you need to. You will always return to open arms.
35 The way how you've always tried to clear Pascar's name, how he's done his utmost to tell you the truth. That's what we call a human connection.
36 That's why your memory worked as a "key" in the Sonoro Sphere.
37 Have more faith in humanity. The hero who pushed the boulder of truth for us all will be remembered, and the bond between people will endure.
38 Because we are here for you, always.
39 Hey, {PlayerName}! Over here!
40 Your friends are calling out to you.
41 Go. Don't keep them waiting.
42 Yao.
43 They say the Moon-Chasing Festival is a time for reunions?
44 Traditionally, yes…
45 Come with me, then. It's not a reunion when you're left alone.
46 But I...
47 You have a promise to keep, remember?
48 Thank you, my friend. Please... Please witness the world we've protected... on my behalf...
49 ...Yes, I do.
50 What's up with you two, {PlayerName}? C'mon, let's go!

1 Boss, look! She's back!
1 Mahn? Why are you kids here?
2 Well... the Moonlit Fair was starting, but we saw you were busy with something else... so we...
3 We followed you up the mountain and saw you chatting with someone, and then, poof! You two just vanished into thin air.
4 We tried to ask for help, but all we found was a rabbit robot.
5 Mr. Rabbit said you're tough and will be okay. He told us not to worry about you.
6 But... Come on, there's no way we wouldn't worry! How can people just disappear? My mom said it only happens in hero plays.
6 So you've been waiting for me all this time?
7 Yeah! We had a plan! If anything went wrong, our boss and Momo would run super fast downhill to get help from the grown-ups.
8 And I'll keep watch in case anything goes down. My eyes don't miss a thing!
8 Thank you.
9 Hehe, you're welcome. Since you're safe now, can you show us... the hero play you mentioned earlier?
10 You show the footage recorded in the Sonoro Sphere to the children.
11 Hm? The hero in this video... is that you?
11 Hero {PlayerName}, reporting for duty.
12 {PlayerName}... This name sounds so familar.
13 Oh! I know! Grandpa told me you are the hero who saved Jinzhou!
14 That's awesomel! No wonder you beat that monster with only a few moves! You're a true hero!
15 And the guy fighting with you is incredible! I don't recognize him, but his mecha arm looks SO COOL!
16 I want to be just like you! But... I don't know how to use Forte... or what it takes to be a hero...
16 I think you're already a hero.
17 Huh?
18 Despite wanting to go to the Moonlit Fair, you chose to stay here and protect us.
19 You walked the walk, sacrificing your own enjoyment for the sake of others.
20 This is exactly what the Flame Ranger would do.
21 I see...
22 A-are you saying that... We are the Flame Rangers now?
23 Yes. With your swift feet and keen eyes, you'd make a formidable team, ready to face any challenge together.
24 Just like me and my "mecha-arm" partner.
25 So, I'm a hero now... and I have my hero squad, with Li, Momo, and Mr. Rabbit! The Moontree Lodge really made my wish come true!
26 Hehe! Thanks, {PlayerName}!

1 Oh, hey. Good to see you again.
1 Hello.
2 Thanks to you, Jiuli and I can restart our Tacet Discord research. With our past experience, I'm sure we'll get better results this time.
3 We've been busy moving the equipment to our new lab.
4 Speaking of that, can you please clean your room? Only been a few days and it's a mess already. Piled high with papers, devices, and take-out...
5 I can't even get in, let alone find what I need...
6 Have you seen Xiangli Yao's room? It's a perfect example of "order out of disorder." I learned it from the genius.
7 And you always find things no matter where I leave them. Man, you know my room better than I do.
8 Well, can't deny it...
8 Are you here for the Moonlit Fair too?
9 Yes, our colleague Zhixiu organized this event called "Swim, Gulpuff, Swim." We're here to show support. Plus, Shifan never misses Tacet Discord events.
10 Haha, you know me. Zhixiu's interested in those monsters too. Should we invite her to join our research? More brains, better ideas.
11 Let's get the creative juices flowing!
11 Glad to hear you're having fun.
12 Thanks! Happy Moon-Chasing Festival!
13 Happy Moon-Chasing Festival!

1 I made it! Whew.
2 No rush, child. Take a breath.
3 What took you so long, Wenyu?
4 Packaging. I wrapped the pastry up to keep the warmth. It'll taste better...
5 Please have a bite, Mrs. Heying, I made this myself. And this one's for you, Shangyun.
6 Thank you, dear.
7 Mr. Xiuyuan made this pastry for us during previous Moon-Chasing Festivals...
8 ...Yes, I really liked it, so I asked him for the recipe.
9 But... My son never learned to cook... When did he make this for you?
10 He learned it in the military. At first, the food he made was... um, average, but he got better over time.
11 He could make a feast out of even the simplest ingredients. That's how good he was!
12 Cooking's not that hard. I can do it too.
13 Shall I make a meal for you when I get some leave, Mrs. Heying?
14 Thank you, thank you...
14 (Mrs. Heying's not alone. It's good to see.)

1 You are... Whoaahh! Sorry, I couldn't see you! My glasses were smudged...
2 A-Are you... still looking for that researcher named "Xiaosheng"? I asked around but... no luck...
3 I'm so sorry for being so useless... I... I can ask more people if you want!
4 Y-You can pick any of my paintings, as an apology? Please choose one, I insist...
4 It's okay. I've already found Xiaosheng.
4 Thank you, but I've already found Xiaosheng.
5 Really? Whew... That's good to know...
5 What are you doing here?
6 I'm painting...
6 The view's nice indeed.
7 Yeah, lots of people. I can see all of Taoyuan Vale from here.
7 What do you want to draw?
8 Um... I guess it's everyone down there... I'm not good with people, but... their smiles make me feel warm inside too.
9 It's like... when I pick up a paintbrush... the warmth just spreads through me.
9 Looking forward to your stunning artwork.
10 S-stunning... No, you flatter me. It's not that good... just average...