Operation: Lunar Duo Side Quests
Enforce justice and cleanse the crimes lurking in the shadow before the Moon-Chasing Festival is around, now!
Unlock a new Companion after completing this quest.
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1 The person you're after... Is he an Exile?
2 Exactly. Exiles aren't allowed in Jinzhou. To sneak in, he disguised himself and didn't wear the Exiles' uniform.
3 His name is Lei. He used to involve in petty crimes and just got out of prison a few days ago.
4 Used to be my informant before I became an undercover agent myself, but he fled at a critical moment.
5 Something feels off about him being here... It seems he's talking to someone. Let's find out what he's up to.

1 Big Lei, are you saying… You got a new hustle for us?
2 Hell yeah. You know who I used to , right? The Savage Beasts. Lots of cash for you.
3 Sweet! I'm listening. Money's been shit lately.
4 You know the Moonlit Fair? Lots of snobs, easy cash for the taking.
5 Just got outta the slammer, remember that big boss I was talkin' about? He's got the connections, loyalty, and street smarts.
6 Stick with him, we'll clean up at the Moonlit Fair. Soon we'll be swimming in cash!
7 C-can I meet him?
8 What, so you can ditch me for him?
9 No joke! I'm a loyal guy. Just curious, that's all.
10 Then come with me and see for yourself. And keep your mouth shut! This deal's ours alone.
11 Big boss wants us there, 2-4 AM, east side of Taoyuan Vale. Don't mess it up! Get ready!
12 Got it! You can count on me!

1 Looks like they're planning something. {PlayerName}, what do you think we should do?
1 We need to think carefully. (Jump:2)
1 Let's arrest them directly. (Jump:3)
1 You're the expert. I'll follow your lead. (Jump:4)
2 I agree. Lei mentioned a 'Big Boss'. That man must be the mastermind behind their scheme.
2 (Jump:5)
3 Lei isn't the true culprit. The so-called Big Boss must the mastermind behind their scheme.
3 (Jump:5)
4 We should track down that Big Boss. He must be the mastermind behind their scheme.
4 (Jump:5)
5 We know when and where they're meeting. Maybe we can pay them a surprise visit... What do you say?
5 I'll call the Patrollers.
6 Hold on. We don't want to tip off our target. Let's scope it out first, just the two of us.

1 {PlayerName}, and… Yinlin? What brings you here?
2 Thank you, thank you for saving our lives... Wait, you are...
3 Keep an eye on them, {PlayerName}. I'll go see what they have here… Might be dangerous substance.
4 Shortly after, Yinlin returns.
24 Bombs or guns?
6 ...Just some meat, fresh and nice. No hidden compartments, and it's not poisoned.
7 Alright, tell me your story. What are you doing here?
8 I'll spill everything! It was all Uncle Li's idea!
9 Hold on, {PlayerName}… Is buying meat illegal now?
9 Buying meat…?
10 Yeah, I've been working on a new dish—Special Jinzhou Skewers. I'm trying to sell it at the Moonlit Fair, but the taste wasn't quite right.
11 So, I thought about using top-quality meat and grilling it over charcoal for that perfect flavor.
11 But what does it have to do with the Exiles?
12 What? Exiles? I left that life behind when I got out of jail.
13 Uncle Li knows life ain't easy for a man with a past like mine. Used to run with the Savage Beasts, know how to hunt, so he hired me and my crew to fetch meat for him.
14 Then why are you dressed up like this? (Jump:15)
14 What do you mean by "we'll clean up at the Moonlit Fair"? (Jump:16)
14 Why are you meeting up here at midnight in a remote place? (Jump:17)
14 I'm done. (Jump:18)
15 We were goin' huntin'. Can't wear clothes that tear easy, right? These are better for the job.
15 (Jump:14)
16 Well, because the Moonlit Fair's got easy targets everywhere... I mean, rich folks. Mr. Li's skewers are gonna sell like crazy! And he gives us a generous cut!
16 (Jump:14)
17 Since I have a stall to attend to, I have to wait till the wee hours when all the customers are gone to get my supplies. Besides, look at them? They won't be allowed into the venue dressed like that.
17 (Jump:14)
18 I see… There are no holes in your answers. Thank you for cooperating with the investigation. I apologize for the confusion.
19 Uh, no need to apologize to us, ma'am. I know what's up now. Gotta work on my language, drop those old habits.
20 I totally thought we were gonna break some laws too... No wonder they'd grow suspicious...
20 Good to know you're doing legit work.
20 I'm rooting for you.
21 I will. Jail taught me, gotta make honest cash to stay outta trouble and find some damn peace in my life.
22 Uncle Li, heading back to the stall already? Let us handle the boxes. We'll get 'em close to the venue, but the rest...
22 We'll help him.
23 Oh, great! Thank you, all of you!

1 The puppets are ready. I'm all set for tonight's performance, {PlayerName}.
1 You look happy.
2 Of course. I've been spending most of my time dealing with criminals.
3 Many of them have lost all scraps of humanity. As long as they're alive, they'll keep doing harm. I've stopped some, but there's always more out there.
4 Lei used to steal, but he's not a lost cause. He lacks bravery and brags, but he knows there are other ways to survive.
5 Now he's turned his life around, and as someone who fights crime, it brings me joy to see that change.
5 This isn't the only reason, right?
6 What do you mean…?
6 You discovered the truth long ago.
7 Heh… Of course you'd see through my lies, {PlayerName}. Alright, I didn't think this level of performance would fool you either.
8 But I'm curious. How did you figure it out?
8 From Lei's identity. (Jump:9)
8 From what Uncle Li purchased. (Jump:11)
8 With my instinct. (Jump:13)
9 Indeed. Lei was my informant. I had to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't rat me out.
10 So, it didn't make sense for me to not know he had gone straight… That was a glaring flaw in my words, yes.
10 (Jump:24)
11 Your theory makes sense—Uncle Li is known for his exquisite taste, and the items he bought just happened to attract attention from greedy Tacet Discords like Spearback.
12 Plus, Lei's past with the Savage Beasts suggests he has strong hunting skills. It would be easy to put two and two together from here.
12 (Jump:24)
13 Heh, your instinct is sharp indeed. Noticed that since the first time we met.
13 (Jump:24)
24 But that's not the main reason behind my conclusion.
14 Oh? What is it then?
14 You are a great undercover agent. Very experienced.
15 …So, you believe I wouldn't mess up such a simple case?
16 Hehe, I see. So {PlayerName} really does trust me a lot, huh?
16 I had a lot of fun today. (Jump:17)
16 Thank you, Yinlin. (Jump:18)
17 Same here. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.
17 (Jump:19)
18 I should be the one thanking you, {PlayerName}. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.
18 (Jump:19)
19 You make me feel like I can be myself, no masks or pretending. I can do whatever I want, without any masks. You are... the only one.
19 "So Yinlin really does trust me a lot, huh?"
20 Sure I do. But earning my trust is no easy task.
20 It's my honor.
21 Can you do something for me, {PlayerName}?
21 What is it?
22 Don't worry. I won't ask for anything outrageous. It's simple.
23 No matter how busy you are, remember to come watch my performance. I'll be waiting until you show up.