Kaleidoscope of Hongzhen Side Quests
Xunjing, an editor for "Wutherium Geographic", is seeking a photographer. According to him, this is related to an existential crisis in his career...
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1 Oh, perfect! That's the angle we want! This shot will be a winner.
2 Stand over here to take it!

1 Hmm... Can we get a panoramic view of the whole of Hongzhen from here?
2 Right! Let's snap an overhead shot of Hongzhen. Our special edition still needs a cover photo, and this will give readers a wonderful perspective of the town.
3 Because you know, to most folks, Hongzhen is still an enigmatic, secluded place.

1 From up here, every part of the town is visible. Ancient relics and market stalls dot the landscape, connected by winding footpaths.
2 What's surprising is, despite the ancient lore painting Hongzhen as an isolated paradise, what I see is a vibrant, bustling community.

1 Hongzhen is famous for its Sagaci Springs. Let's go take some photos of the hot springs.

1 Here we are! Let's look for the perfect spot...
2 Oh, look at that ancient tree! Such a picturesque sight! Come, let's capture it!

1 A quaint hot spring, nestled under the shade of an ancient tree... The setting is perfect!
2 While the world changes around us, Hongzhen's timeless traditions live on.
3 Here, people soak in the same springs their ancestors did, washing away their worries with the same clear waters.
4 It is... quite special.
5 Now, back to business... I spotted some peculiar rings on the mountains across the gate. Let's capture them.

1 Wow... quite the spectacle. I wonder what these massive rings are for. Could they be... ancient ceremonial sites of Hongzhen's forebears?
2 No... they might be relics from the Pre-Lament era. Hmm... Perhaps colossal colliders or planetary engines? Anyway, let's snap a picture.

1 Let me have a look... Hm, this turned out pretty good. Maybe we'll feature it in an "Explore Hongzhen" column. Already got the headline: "The Mountain Town's Unsolved Riddle."
2 But let's include the peaks flanking the rings in our shot. That'll give a sense of how enormous and awe-inspiring they are.
3 See any good spots nearby?