Spring Adventures Side Quests
Bing'ge has been scorched for his work recently. He needs someone who can help.
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1 This is my analysis. Hmm... It lacks adequate theoretical support and empirical validation, but I am resolved to... maintain my stance.
2 Save it, please. This is art. Creation. It defies the cold logic of mere numbers!
3 Anyways, what's your choice?
4 Corn!
5 Egg!
5 ...?
5 What is this about?
6 Ah... it's {PlayerName}! You have perfect timing. We were just discussing which foods taste better when cooked in hot spring water.
7 Trust me, I've been around. When it comes to cooking things in a hot spring, your first thought would be an egg, right?
8 I beg to differ. An egg has a shell! Boiling it in a hot spring is no different than boiling it in regular water.
9 Corn, however, can really absorb all the good stuff from the hot spring. But eggs? ZERO ABSORPTION!
10 ...Like I said, cuisine is an art, not a science!
11 Who likes plain old boiled eggs anyway?!
11 This is what you're arguing about?
12 We're at a stalemate here, so it's up to you—yes, you! Which food do you think tastes better when cooked in a hot spring?
12 Eggs? (Jump:13)
12 Corn? (Jump:14)
13 Look, even {PlayerName} agrees. Eggs boiled in hot springs are the best! That's what I call art!
13 (Jump:15)
14 Hmph, just as I expected. {PlayerName} always makes judgments with wisdom and reason.
14 (Jump:15)
15 At this moment, an elderly man shuffles over unsteadily.
16 I could hear you quarreling from a mile away... Cough, none of you are from Hongzhen, are you?
17 This spring's barely warmer than body heat. It's not even good for a hot bath, let alone boiling food in it.
18 Is... is that so?
19 How embarrassing... We should have inspected the hot spring first before our discussion...
20 If it's spring fare you're after, make your way to Spring's Taste.
21 They've got a spring nearly boiling over—perfect for cooking up local specialties. It's a well-known delight in Hongzhen.
22 That water’s hot enough to perfectly steam a chicken, let alone eggs or corn.
23 I see...
24 My mouth is already beginning to water!
25 In that case, should we go take a look later?
25 (End)

1 Fish... There are fish in the hot spring!
2 The water is so hot. Wouldn't it cook the fish?
3 Oh! I get it! They are jumping out of the water because it's too hot!
4 Hey, do you know what's happening here?
4 These fish are Airsailers. They can handle the heat. (Jump:5)
4 Uh... I guess... what you said is right! (Jump:6)
5 Oh... so that's the reason. Awesome! Thanks for teaching me this!
5 (Jump:7)
6 Ha! So the teacher was right! When in doubt, think it out.
6 (Jump:7)
7 These fish... Oh, I just know the teacher will be thrilled if I write about them! Yep, it’s diary time!
8 Hongzhen is full of fun things to do... Where should I go next?

1 Look at that! Finally, an unguarded hot spring!
2 We traveled so far and endured so much, all... all for this moment.
3 Boss...
4 You feel it, don't you? Our hard work paid off! Ah, and that faint scent of sulfur... Just standing here is already washing away all the exhaustion.
5 Um... It's not that. Boss, I'm trying to say...
6 Hm?
7 Does that person over there... look familiar?
8 Ah... it's that... What were they calling her?
9 Rover?
10 Yes! They were with that little monk outside Jinzhou! How did she manage to follow us here... Oh no, did they find out what we did in Jinzhou...
11 That seems a bit much, doesn't it? Just lifted a few fish... from the cages, no less! And we did replace them with worms later, didn't we?
12 Wait, that monk... She isn't here, right?
13 I don’t see her. Looks like the Rover is alone.
14 Alone...? She's thumbing her nose at us.
15 This is our chance. Grab your weapon, boy! Time for revenge.

1 Spare us, please! We surrender, we surrender!
2 How was that even possible? We had the numbers...
2 Are you here for the hot springs?
3 Of course. We pulled off a mission just days ago, now today we need to—
4 —That's right! We heard that the hot springs in Hongzhen were the best, so we left Jinzhou looking for them. We've been behaving ourselves perfectly all the way, I swear!
5 Forgive us, we didn't know you were in charge of this hot spring. It's just, we weren't allowed in Hongzhen, so we had to—
5 "Pull off a mission"?
6 No, no! That’s not it, you see, what I meant was... We couldn't pay the admission! Yes, we couldn't pay the admission fee to the hot spring!
6 Really...?
7 Really. Ever since the day when you and that monk showed us a better way, we've been reforming our ways. We even helped Lollo Logistics to deliver goods the other day!
8 Ha... Well, this was all just a misunderstanding. Let's skedaddle, shall we?
8 Don't let me catch you a third time.
9 You got it. From here on out, we'll be model citizens, contributing positively to society.
10 The exiles leave in a hurry.

1 Good, I've gathered all the Pavo Plums Bing'ge requested.
2 I'll head back to town now to deliver them.

1 Oh, you're back. Did everything go well?
2 Time for a little inspection... Hmm, color checks out. And the smell... all good.
3 Now, onto the taste... Mmm... Yup, spot on.
4 The zesty bitterness hits the spot. Seems like these hot springs are clean. Whew, I can finally breathe easy.
5 By the way, happen to see anything interesting along the way?
5 Flying fish in a hot spring?
5 Two people arguing about eggs and corn?
5 Exiles hoping for a soak?
6 What in the world... Ha, that's got to be one heck of a story!
6 You can say that again.
7 But I'm on duty now. Ugh, should've skipped work to see it myself. This endless grind is driving me crazy!
8 Anyway, thanks for the help, {PlayerName}. Until next time!