Beguiling Melody Forged from the scale of Jué, this weapon resembles a musical instrument more than a tool of destruction. Rarity: 3-star
Weapon Type: Broadblade
1 24 6.7%
20 62 11.9%
20+ 78 11.9%
40 118 17.2%
40+ 134 17.2%
50 155 19.8%
50+ 171 19.8%
60 191 22.4%
60+ 207 22.4%
70 227 25.1%
70+ 243 25.1%
80 263 27.7%
80+ 279 27.7%
90 300 30.3%
Passive Graceful Touch
When Intro Skill is cast, restores 4/5/6/7/8 Concerto Energy. When Outro Skill is cast, restores 4/5/6/7/8 Resonance Energy.
Breakthrough and Level Cost