Rectifier of Voyager The Rectifier provided by the Pioneer Association for the explorers, with bright colors, not easy to lose, hard texture, can cope with various extreme environments for a long time, is very popular among the explorers. Rarity: 3-star
Weapon Type: Rectifier
Level ATK Energy Regen
1 24 7.2%
20 62 12.7%
20+ 78 12.7%
40 118 18.3%
40+ 134 18.3%
50 155 21.1%
50+ 171 21.1%
60 191 23.9%
60+ 207 23.9%
70 227 26.7%
70+ 243 26.7%
80 263 29.5%
80+ 279 29.5%
90 300 32.3%
Passive Crusade
When Resonance Skill is cast, restores 8/9/10/11/12 Resonance Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.
Breakthrough and Level Cost