Rewinding Raindrops Main Quests
The previous puzzle's answer has been revealed, but it only leads to another one. With a storm on the horizon, you follow the Magistrate's advice and search for clues about "the Black Shores".
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1 ...I see.
2 Yes... I can feel the tension in the Streams.
3 I'm worried something bad is going to happen...
4 There you are, Rover!
4 Sorry for keeping you waiting.
4 Did something happen?
5 The Academy has noted a concerning rise in Tacet Field activities. Please use caution when exiting the city.
5 Thanks for the warning.
5 How's your research going?
6 Remember to check your Terminal signals, and wear the Academy's protective suit correctly...
7 ...And don't forget to stay hydrated. Now, I have experiments to run. Take care.
7 Was that a voicemail message...
7 Is she sending the same thing to everyone...
8 It's just Baizhi being Baizhi. She's a little awkward with showing care, but I think it's cute!
9 Anyway! Rover, quick, tell us what happened!
10 After a brief moment of thinking, you gave them a brief run down of your meeting with Jinhsi, but didn’t mention Jué's disappearance...
11 The Fractsidus again? Ugh, those jerks!
11 About Jiyan...
12 Jiyan the General, Jinhsi the Magistrate, and Jué, Jinzhou’s Sentinel... Is there any kind of connection between them?
13 Connection? ...No idea, but I did hear General Jiyan used to be a military doctor...
14 Hmm... Speaking of that, I think we'll need to start with a bit of Jinzhou's past.
0 A storyteller near the theater once told us something like this...

1 Woah. First time hearing about all that...
1 Why did Jué choose Jinhsi to be the Magistrate?
2 Uhhh... Maybe the Sentinel had its own special ways of picking candidates?
3 Or maybe it is their incomprehensible ways that set these divine beings apart from us? Their thinking tends to be elusive to the average person.
4 Yeah, true. Wouldn't be surprised if Jué decided to make me the Magistrate one day, not gonna lie!
4 Does it ever ask the opinion of the person selected?
5 I understand your concern.
6 Madam Jinhsi was only a teenager, and she was suddenly selected to be the Magistrate. It must have been so difficult for her...
7 I remember people were skeptical when she first took office.
8 Despite her achievements, many believed she lacked the necessary experience and authority in the political realm.
9 People only showed their respect to Madam Jinhsi because they trusted Jué's judgment...
10 Seriously, Lord Jué knows how to choose 'em. Our previous Magistrates were all top-notch at running the show.
11 And Madam Jinhsi? She's already made this city a well-oiled machine in no time.
12 I'd have a mental Overclock just trying to keep up with all that paperwork... She was made for this!
13 Uh, what is that saying again? Real gold never loses its shine!
14 Rover, since you are asking about this... Did you get clues about your past from Madam Jinhsi?
14 Jué asked me to go find Jiyan in the Norfall Barrens at a specific time. (Jump:15)
14 There's another "Overseer" of the Fractsidus lurking in Jinzhou. (Jump:17)
14 An organization called the Black Shores has been watching me. (Jump:20)
15 The Norfall Barrens?! It's been a battlefield since ancient times...
16 Rover, it's dangerous there. The Norfall Barrens is the frontline in our defense against the Threnodian. We must be careful about going there.
16 (Jump:14)
17 They sent two Overseers at once... Their scheme must be far more expansive than we thought.
18 Though the Fractsidus do seem to know a lot about you... Their ideology and actions are too dangerous.
19 And right now, the odds are in their favor. If we rush into a confrontation, it could lead us into their traps.
19 (Jump:14)
20 The Black Shores? Doesn't ring a bell... Sounds like the name of a place, but I've never seen it on any map.
21 This flower... It's only a photo, and I can't tell where it came from with my ability.
21 The Black Shores is an organization that studies the Lament. (Jump:22)
21 Every Black Shores member wears a flower like this. (Jump:22)
22 Hmm... We're still in the dark about Fractsidus' plans, and the Norfall Barrens is too risky. The Black Shores seems to be our only option now.
23 But if we are to look for them with only a photo of this flower... It's going to be difficult.
24 Since it's about flowers... We should go ask Grandma Lin!
25 Yes! Grandma Lin runs a flower shop. I'm sure she can give us some tips.
26 Hehe... You're making me blush a little.
27 Grandma Lin loves listening to storytellers. I think I saw her earlier... Let's go look for her.

1 This should be the shortcut to the back mountain. Once we cross the waterfall, we'll reach Mt. Pingting.

2 The flowers seem to be showing us the way. Let's follow it.

1 Hello... Are you lost? Do you need help?
1 Are you Verina? (Jump:2)
1 Lil Starflower? (Jump:3)
2 Oops, sorry! I should've introduced myself first... I know it's a polite thing to do in Huanglong...
2 (Jump:5)
3 ...Starflower? That's what Grandma Lin likes to call me...
4 Oops, sorry! I should've introduced myself first... I know it's a polite thing to do in Huanglong...
4 (Jump:5)
5 It is… It is a delight to make your acquaintance. I am Verina. My "pressure" to have the opportunity to meet with you today…
5 It's "pleasure". (Jump:6)
5 No need for such formalities. (Jump:7)
5 What if we were some bad guys? Aren't you worried? (Jump:8)
6 My apologies. I used to live in the New Federation, so I'm not very familiar with the language here.
6 (Jump:10)
7 My apologies. I used to live in the New Federation, so I'm not very familiar with the etiquette here.
7 (Jump:10)
8 Eh? Really? But that flower next to you said she likes you a lot...
9 Plants don't lie. I trust their words, so you can't be bad guys.
9 (Jump:10)
10 Hi, Verina! I'm Chixia, this is Yangyang, and she's Rover! Grandma Lin told us we should come find you!
11 Oh, right. Grandma Lin talked about you. I left those flowers so she knows how to reach me.
12 What seems to be the trouble? If there's anything I can help you with...
13 We're looking for a special flower...
13 (Show her the picture.)
14 Hmm... It's an unusual flower indeed. Pure black flowers are rarely found in nature. We can't rule out the possibility that it's been dyed.
15 When looking at the structure, there are a few types of flowers that seem similar.
16 Take Iris, for example. Its petals are similarly oval-shaped, but it has double petals.
17 It's not Viola, either, since Viola has notched petals.
18 Then there's also the Cliffrecluse, but this flower has a longer stamen and an extra petal.
19 Lemongrass is also similar in shape. It's native to the New Federation, and Huanglong people may not be familiar with it.
20 Though it has a similar stamen length, it has a conical inflorescence with a trumpet-shaped corolla.
21 Oh, and I almost forgot the Pecok Flower! It's a single-petaled flower with a similar stamen length!
22 But... The Pecok Flower has a distinct peduncle, while this one doesn't.
23 Wow, you really know your stuff! I learned a lot from that!
24 Anyway, this black flower does look very special. There are hardly any similar plants in nature.
25 So, I'm thinking it might be a newly cultivated species.
26 Also, its veins are somehow cross-shaped... I can feel some faint traces of frequency fluctuations on it too. It's a sign of overflowing Remnant Energy.
27 So, my guess is it should be an unique Remnant plant, created by a certain type of Resonance Energy.
28 But in order to figure out the right soil for it, or exactly what type of Resonance Energy it is, I need more than just a picture.
29 Gosh, help us out, someone! We don't know what kind of flower it is, and we haven't seen anyone wearing it either...
30 Speaking of that... How does it even work? If I wore this flower on me right now, do I automatically become one of them?
31 Chixia, wait, what did you just say?
32 Uhhh... Yeah? I was just saying if I wore this flower, would they immediately see me as one of their own...
33 If this black flower is indeed their symbol, the Black Shores members should immediately notice it on you.
34 But to all the other people, it would only look like a peculiar flower.
35 Given that... if they are indeed in Jinzhou city, we may only need to wear this flower to lure them out...
36 Ohh, I see... but how do we get our hands on one?

1 ...Ha, now you're here.
1 You have nowhere to run!
1 Where are you going to run off to this time?
2 Well, we weren't really running from you! We just wanted to make sure you were alone.
3 Be good, please!
4 Encore and Uncle Aalto won't do anything bad to you...
4 What do you want from me?!
4 She just called you an uncle again!
5 That's enough Encore, you're freaking our precious client out.
6 Encore just did as Aalto said! Encore is usually a good girl.
7 Don't be scared, Rover. We just have a few questions for you.
8 Was it your idea to have those two ladies wear those counterfeit Blake Blooms and attract our attention?
9 I must admit, they looked quite convincing. If I was an outsider, I might mistake them for the real deal.
10 So you worked with a plant-type Resonator... Interesting.
11 A plant-type Resonator? We happen to know someone like that too, don't we?
12 Yeah. There are more than one of them out there. Not a big deal.
13 So please, tell us... What do you want from the Black Shores?
13 Why should I tell you? (Jump:14)
13 My past might be related to the Black Shores. (Jump:15)
13 Now you're finally biting the hook. (Jump:16)
14 Why? Hmm, what if I told you... We have the information you want the most?
14 (Jump:17)
15 Oh? Really? So that lead about you was right indeed...
15 (Jump:17)
16 Haha, not bad, you've managed to catch on real quick.
16 (Jump:17)
17 Like what they say here in Huanglong: the straight hook is for willing fish to bite. Ta-daa da daah! Your efforts finally caught our attention.
18 Surprise! The people you've been looking for are right in front of you!
19 Now, how's that for a piece of intel? I'll let you have it free of charge!
19 You're both from the Black Shores? (Jump:20)
19 Can't say I'm surprised... (Jump:21)
20 Aww, not that disappointed look! Are we not what you had in mind?
20 (Jump:22)
21 Aww, not that disappointed look! Gotta learn how to enjoy a surprise while you can, or life gets real boring, you know?
21 (Jump:22)
22 I know you must have a ton of questions for me, but one moment, please.
23 As you already know, I'm an "information broker".
24 That means I make deals instead of passing out freebies. You want information from me, you gotta give me something in return.
25 Relax, Rover. We just want to make a deal with you.
26 We want you to come with us to an abandoned Court of Savantae facility, to help us recover a "Resonance Beacon".
27 In turn, I'll tell you everything we know so far.
27 Why should I trust you? (Jump:28)
27 And if I say no? (Jump:29)
28 Our business is centered around customer satisfaction and built on integrity! Otherwise, we wouldn't qualify as Consultants of the Black Shores.
28 (Jump:30)
29 Well, if you don't take this opportunity, you'll probably never get to learn more about the Black Shores again.
29 (Jump:30)
30 And since you're a first-time customer... I'm pleased to offer you an additional gift.
31 Here, have this. This should prove we're serious, since you already know what it represents.
32 And if you still have doubts about us... Just show it to that plant-savvy young miss. She'll be able to tell.
33 Finally, as a last resort...
34 Encore, do your cute face, quick!
34 What a dirty move!
34 It won't work on me!
35 Aww... Pwease help us... Pretty Pweeaaase...?
36 Look at this poor child, pleading to you like that! How could anyone have the heart to decline?! The deal's settled then!
37 We'll be waiting for you near this Beacon in Whining Aix's Mire! And don't forget to come alone, okay?

1 (The Fractsidus? What are they doing in a place like this?)
2 Damn that woman! Always getting in our way... And what are you doing here? Get lost!
3 (...I'll have to take them down first.)

1 (The weird noises persist. They're coming after me.)

1 You're such a box full of surprises.
1 Who are you?
1 Why are you following me?
2 So we're playing truth-or-dare now? I see... Oops!
3 Hehe... Getting angry, are we? Sorry, but it's just so much fun to rile you up.
4 You're the very first person to pique my interest like this. You... have great potential.
4 Answer my question.
5 Okay, so you're not up for small talk. I'll keep that in mind. You're my mission target, after all.
5 Are you from the Black Shores?
6 Bingo! I'm one of the Bloom Bearers of the Black Shores.
7 This Blake Bloom is our symbol. It represents our mission to save the world.
8 That's what it says in the rules, at least.
8 What are you planning to do with me?
9 Our plans? Hmm... What is it again? To recruit as many talents as we can, and save the world from its impending doom.
10 So, are you in?
10 You don't sound like you want to save the world.
11 Nuh-uh, I don't! The world? Couldn't care less. If it's all going BOOM tomorrow, why not have fun while we can?
12 To stop at nothing for more power, take down any prey without mercy, and indulge in all our desires for the ultimate pleasure...
12 How are you any different from the Fractsidus then...
13 Well... I mean, I'd love to live that way, but alas, duty calls.
14 Our "Garden"(The Black Shores) is home to many green fruits, and we'll make you the most special "Seed" among them all...
15 My duty is to nurture and safeguard seeds like you, allowing them to blossom into luscious fruits.
16 Then once the fruit ripens, I'll get to pick it, and indulge the sweetness of my labor all by myself.
16 A fruit? (Jump:17)
16 That's none of my business. (Jump:18)
17 You're just like what Tethys(Civilization Simulation Sand Table) has told us... I can feel such explosive potential within you. One day, you'll surely bear the most beautiful fruit imaginable.
17 (Jump:20)
18 Hehe... I like how cold you sound. You're tempting me to push your buttons a bit more...
19 Relax, relax. I'll behave for the time being.
19 (Jump:20)
20 No need to be so on edge. I won't do anything... strange, to you, I think?
21 Actually, I've been diligently protecting you, you know? I got rid of all types of pests that tried to get in your way!
22 Ew, don't mention me and the Fractsidus in the same sentence. I couldn't care less about their petty games, but if they even think of laying their dirty fingers on you... Hmph. You're mine, and I don't like sharing.
23 Just a couple tricks and I had those fools flapping around like headless chickens. What a boring crowd.
23 ...Tricks?
23 Those fools?
24 Woah, don't tell me you haven't noticed?
25 Enjoyed your nightly rendezvous with that Loong Maiden? You have me to thank for keeping those Fractsidus people away.
26 Well... I've answered plenty of questions already. Now it's your turn.
26 What do you want to ask? (Jump:27)
26 Is this how you treat the talents you're trying to recruit? (Jump:29)
27 Hehe, nothing in particular.
28 The way you look at me though, it's almost as if... No, forget about it.
28 (Jump:32)
29 ...
29 We've been in this position for long enough now.
30 ...Cough... Do you think I'd entertain... your inquiries, if I didn't have a blade on my throat?...
31 Anyway, I'm not trying to get any answers from you...
31 (Jump:32)
32 But I'll be watching you. You're a very special "Seed", that I am very sure.
33 I can feel something oddly familiar about you...
34 My name is Camellya.
35 Try not to let me catch you so easily next time~!
36 And she's gone... Huh, that was fast.

1 Ugh! What is this? Is he mocking us?
2 I'll go down that way towards the Patrol Station! I know the streets here like the back of my hand!

1 Here's another split in the road...
2 I'll go look for him in the square. I'll leave the other side to you!

1 The gaps between each "mist figure" are shrinking... Over there, at the end of that alley!

1 Rover, what took you so long to pick up the call? Did something happen?
1 Another stalker showed up.
1 I met a weird woman.
2 Is that a friend or foe? Are you hurt?
2 She's from the Black Shores. (Jump:3)
2 I am safe, thank you for asking. (Jump:5)
3 The Black Shores... Did she tell you anything?
3 A shame. I let her get away. (Jump:4)
4 Phew... At least you are safe.
4 (Jump:6)
5 Phew... At least you are safe.
5 How's it going over there? (Jump:6)
6 Chixia noticed a guy acting suspicious. I think she's keeping an eye on him.
6 I'll be there soon.
7 Sure, we are in the shopping district. See you then.

1 Rover, did you find them?
1 Yes. They're from the Black Shores.
2 What? Seriously? No way...
2 They gave me this Blake Bloom.
3 As I expected! This flower is indeed a type of Remnant plant.
4 And it contains a very unique kind of Remnant Energy. The concentration is much higher than usual, too.
5 No way, are they really from the Black Shores?
6 Tsk... Not as mysterious as people make 'em out to be. Well at least they're good at running, I'll give them that.
7 What did they tell you?
7 I made a deal with them.
8 You explained the current situation...
9 That place... I only heard it's an abandoned research institution. There's nothing special about it.
10 Because of the dangerous weather conditions in Whining Aix's Mire, it's been ages since anyone went there.
11 Don't worry, Yangyang. We all know how strong our Rover is!
14 Okay... Rover, I'll tell the Academy about this, and they'll help transmit your data from the Resonance Nexus. Then that Beacon in the Whining Aix's Mire should be unlocked for you.
12 There have been frequent Tacet Field activities recently. If you're going there alone, please be careful.
13 Just ring us whenever you need a hand! We'll come rushing!

1 Rover, perfect timing! This guy's been sniffin' around here for a while now. He keeps trying to talk to the elderly and minors! I've been keeping an eye on him!
2 And I saw a little girl with him! She kept turning her head and looking around, but now she's nowhere to be found. This is super fishy!
3 Hey, I'm Patroller Chixia. Sir, business license, please.
4 B-Business license? Uuuhh... Oh! I'm Aalto, just a humble information broker. I've been travelling around, helping people out in my own small way...
5 I see. So, no license. I bet you don't have a fixed business location either, huh?
6 ...Business location? Why would I need that?
7 Hmph, now show me your Organizational Accreditation, please.
8 Well... I am an honest broker of information, always open to negotiations at the right price! I'm the all-time Intel champ, with more Best Seller certificates than I can count...
9 No license, no clear business plan... You're running an illegal business, then...
10 ...
11 Who's your supervisor? You should at least have their ID number?
12 My s-supervisor? Oh right! She's, like, a super big deal!
13 She's an ancient being, born with this planet we're living on. She's the will of the star, the reverberation of everything in this world...
13 Are you for real?
13 I'm not buying that.
14 So do you even have a supervisor or not?
15 What? C'mon, I already told you about her! Why won't you believe me?
16 Yeah, yeah! I believe you! I know what's going on!
17 Now, sir, you're coming with me to the Patroller Station!
18 Oh, come on! Please, I didn't do anything illegal! I was just looking for someone!
19 A little girl, um, about this tall... She's the kind to stand out in any crowd!
20 You really think I'm gonna buy that?
21 Ugh, you know! You saw her earlier! It's that girl!
21 A short girl?
21 A pink-haired girl?
21 She seems to bounce while she walks?
22 Yeah! Exactly! Wait, how do you know?

1 Oh, please watch out... It's dangerous to run like that...
2 Here you are! Hurray!

1 Encore! I looked everywhere for you!
2 Back off! Leave that girl alone!
3 Miss Patroller, she's the girl I've been looking for!
4 Hello, little one. Is your name Encore? Do you know this person?
5 Yes! Encore knows him!
6 Uncle Aalto sells stuff without a license, he listens in on people for commercial secrets, and he loves pulling pranks on us kids... But he’s not a bad guy, really!
7 Ugh, Encore! Remember our little chat?
8 What did I say about calling me "Uncle" in public again? I am NOT that old!
8 That doesn't add up with what you just said.
8 You sound really suspicious to me.
8 Is *that* what you're gonna focus on?
9 Miss Verina, where did you meet this girl?
10 I ran into her near a cliff on my way home. She was eating a poisonous mushroom...
11 I managed to make her the antidote in time. Imagine what would have happened if I wasn't there...
12 Don't worry! Encore's had plenty of that mushroom already!
13 But why did you go to such a dangerous place alone, little Encore?
14 We've got your back, little one! No worries! Just tell us what you know!
15 Because... Because Encore must keep an eye on her!
16 Ahahaha... Kids can have such wild imaginations sometimes, haha...
17 Hey, Aalto? Didn't you send Encore there? Wait... Why are they all giving you the side eye?
18 Encore... Some things are better left unspoken, you know...
19 Since the situation has come to this, I've got no choice but to tell you...
20 Indeed! We're here for business. And it's a crucial one! You wanna know what it is?
21 Let's go, Encore!
22 Hey, Aalto! Wait for meeee!
23 See ya! We still have a world to save!
24 Cough cough... Wait!

1 Cough... We can't let him get away!
2 I-I'll go search in the residential area!

1 Huh? Is my TD Detector working? How come it didn't warn us of so many Tacet Discords ahead?
2 Cause they all just appeared outta nowhere!
3 That's weird... Anyway, let's deal with them.

1 This is the place.
2 Ugh, those savants really love their puzzles, don't they...
3 No wonder folks never managed to get inside after all these years. Their security is top-notch.
4 That's because Aalto set off the security alarm! And now the gate's closed, hmph!
5 Ahem... Anyway! We've got to figure out how to open it up again.

1 But why did they keep that big guy here?
2 According to our findings earlier, researchers who worked here were probably only a small faction of the Court of Savantae Committee.
3 They were likely studying an ancient civilization they deemed to be "divine beings", but later got denounced from the CSC due to their extreme methods.
4 Somehow, they believed this ancient civilization had once visited the Mire, which led to their attempts at recreating those past events with artificial Retroact Rain.
5 And when they failed to recreate the Retroact Rain, they resorted to making a "replica" of the lost civilization instead.
6 To get their desired results faster, they started feeding this "replica" various frequencies, datasets, and mechanical constructs...
7 And we've seen what that ended up with. It turned into a monster driven by the frequencies of "hunger," devouring everything in its path.
8 It was probably the culprit behind the disappearance of those folks.
9 And, I suspect, the Fractsidus Overseer mentioned in that log may have something to do with it all.
10 Those researchers... They were too obsessed with validating the "divine miracle", they eventually got lured in by that monster's frequencies of hunger and willingly walked into its maw...
11 The monster devoured them, but not with its teeth... Their own delusions and fear were their undoing in the end.
12 What a crazy bunch...
13 So Rover, now it's time for me to fulfill my promise.
14 What do you want to know about the Black Shores?
14 What on earth does the Black Shores do? (Jump:15)
14 Have you been stalking me? (Jump:21)
14 Do you know a person named Camellya? (Jump:25)
14 What are you doing in Jinzhou? (Jump:30)
14 What is the relationship between me and the Black Shores? (Jump:34)
15 As you already know, we monitor and research the Lament, and we’ve got Resonance Beacons set up in every nation worldwide.
16 The island our headquarters are built on is in fact a massive piece of Tacetite ore, which powers our various energy-intensive operations.
17 This Blake Bloom is a product of that overflowing energy on the island.
18 Our island is located in the perfect spot to accurately monitor the Lament, ensuring precise predictions.
19 ...That being said, the Lament's behavior is constantly changing and we are still studying to understand its true nature.
20 All we can do for now is to observe the Lament, study its patterns, and provide early warnings to countries worldwide.
20 (Jump:14)
21 Alright, alright, no more beating around the bush. Yeah, we've had our eyes on you, but please trust me, we don't mean anything bad.
22 We just wanted to make sure you're a dependable ally.
23 The Black Shores members all work together to save the world from the Lament crisis. We've got talents from all walks of life, including skilled hackers, explosive experts, and even Fengshui masters... You name it, we have it.
24 We like your skills and methods. So, what do you say? Ready to jump on board?
24 (Jump:14)
25 Camellya? Course we do!
26 Yeah, she can be kinda unhinged, but she's indeed one of ours.
27 Just so you know, she only took up this mission because of you! Quite the charmer, aren't you?
27 So she wasn't lying. (Jump:28)
27 She almost killed me! (Jump:29)
28 So you've met her already? Nice, saves me some time introducing.
28 (Jump:14)
29 I know she can be a bit too... straightforward, in how she expresses herself, but... Don't worry. She won't do anything bad to you, really.
29 (Jump:14)
30 We just received a warning from our Lament detection system. Another Threnodian is about to revive near Jinzhou city.
31 So we came here to inform Jinzhou's Magistrate about it.
31 Another? (Jump:32)
31 Did similar things happen in the past? (Jump:33)
32 Yes. Entire countries had been destroyed... We're not letting such tragedies happen again.
32 (Jump:14)
33 Yes. Entire countries had been destroyed... We're not letting such tragedies happen again.
33 (Jump:14)
34 I'm just an insignificant Consultant at the Black Shores, so I don't know that much about all its hidden secrets.
35 But I believe the piece of intel I'm about to share with you will make this trip worth your effort.
36 This is not the first time you've been reawakened. Last time... You woke up at the Black Shores.
36 (Jump:37)
37 Rover, we share the same goal.
38 We're both aiming to fight against the Threnodians and prevent the Lament crisis.
39 Yep! Encore can prove it! The Threnodian is a bad, bad guy, and Encore and Aalto are the heroes of justice, so we're gonna stop the bad guys!
40 I understand. Trust isn't something you can afford to give out that easily.
41 Remember the Blake Bloom I gave you earlier?
42 It is more than just a symbol. It also holds the key to our headquarters. I'm sure it will come in handy for you.
43 Phew! Anyway, mission accomplished! We've got the Resonance Beacon secured, plus a sweet bonus of Court of Savantae's big secrets!
44 Glad I got you on board, Rover. Looking forward to our future collaborations.
45 Oops, almost forgot! Gotta check that Resonance Beacon again, just in case.
46 Wait... This is...
47 No, it can't be...
48 Hey, Aalto! WAAITT!

1 Erm, I... I could probably make one for you with my Resonance Ability... If you just need something that looks similar...
2 Come on, Verina, you can do it...
3 No way? That's amazing, seriously! It looks exactly like the flower in that picture!
4 T-thank you, it's nothing... I'm glad I could help.
5 It's friggin amazing! Could you do that again? Please! I love it!

1 (Better hide here for now.)

1 Hmm... Where is she hiding?
2 Looking for me?
3 Ooh, here you are.

1 (If I climb up to that point, I should be able to get behind that person.)

1 A bridge of flowers... That's impressive...

1 This is... No wonder...
2 Those crazy savants... They were trying to recreate the Retroact Rain...

1 Never thought they could pull off something like this... Incredible...
1 What on earth is the Retroact Rain?
2 The Retroact Rain is essentially a form of condensed Remnant Energy from the Etheric Sea.
3 Various events across space and time from every dimension are recorded in the form of Remnant Energy. The Retroact Rain conjures illusions of past events for those exposed to it.
4 That rain curtain we saw earlier was probably the results of their experiments.
5 Before the Retroact Rain forms, it goes through three stages. In the first stage, it looks just like any regular rain.
6 And what we're seeing now should be the second stage: Water droplets floating in midair, being absolutely still.
7 I've heard of plenty independant studies on the Retroact Rain.
8 Most of the researchers were driven by their obsessions. Some wanted to relive a particular experience, while others yearned to reunite with their loved ones...
9 But look at all these devices here... The sheer scale of this research is really something.
10 It really makes one wonder... What on earth were they trying to bring back with such a massive Retroact Rain?

1 The power system here might still work... Let's split up and find it.
2 Hurray! Woolies, thataway!

1 Now, this is the last room...
2 Aalto, Rover! Encore spotted something!

1 ...It's getting closer. These will be my final words, haha... If only I had more time...
2 I thought my enemies were misconceptions, waning passion, and my own ignorance.
3 Only in the end did I realize... time is my ultimate foe.
4 I became blindsided by my fear of death and insatiable thirst for truth, eventually derailing our research...
5 It was too late when I finally came back to my senses... We... We had already walked into that false "Gate"...
6 Now, I'm leaving my last realization behind...
7 They are our "past"... but they are also our "future"... Had I realized it sooner, there might have been a chance to get things back on track...
8 The future being hailing from our past... Please save us... once again...
9 Please, keep pushing forward... until you reach... the real Gate that can change the world...
10 ...
11 Wow... She's so pretty...
12 Rover, about this person...
12 I think I know her....
12 But I can't remember why...
13 Heh, knew it...
14 Great, now that power's been restored, that elevator should work.
15 The Beacon's signal is coming from below. Let's go.

1 Wow! A big cluncky monster!
2 Damn... Those savants never run out of new surprises for us...
3 The signal's coming from it. Did it swallow our Resonance Beacon?
4 Looks like peace isn't an option. Guys, brace yourself. We'll need to take it down!
5 Aalto, we doing it like we usually do?
6 Of course.
7 Hehe, then this big guy is Encore's to tackle!
8 Cosmos, Cloudy, ATTACK!

1 Let me figure out its weakness...
2 I see! It’s cobbled together from these metal parts!
3 We should target its joints, use the fallen parts to counter its attacks and destroy its unstable structure.

1 Phew, job done!
2 Hehe, Encore is strong! Told ya!