To Mt. Firmament Main Quests
Jinhsi has gone missing, and you just had an enigmatic dream.... That Wayfinder at the ferry may hold answers to these mysteries.
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1 Are you trapped here by the rain?
1 No, I'm waiting for someone. (Jump:2)
1 Thank you. (Jump:3)
2 I happen to be waiting for someone, too.
2 (Jump:4)
3 No need for thanks. We're about to embark on a journey together, {PlayerName}.
3 (Jump:4)
4 Who are you?
4 Are you the "Wayfinder"?
5 I am Changli, your "Wayfinder".
6 Don't worry. The rain won't last much longer. Our destination lies just beyond it.
7 {PlayerName}, what do you know about Mt. Firmament?
7 Not much.
7 It's the place where Jinzhou was founded?
7 What on earth is going on in that place?
8 There is... a certain folk tale. Have you heard of it?
9 While hiking in the mountains, a woodcutter came upon two people playing Weiqi and became enthralled with their game.
10 Upon his return home, he found a world transformed. Everything was different, as if in a new reality.
11 That mountain was a secret realm where time worked differently. The woodcutter only spent half a day inside, but outside, a century had passed.
12 Mt. Firmament is such a place.
13 But unlike this folk tale, there is a price to pay for entering and exiting its grounds.
14 If I spend a full day in the mountains, ten days will be taken off my lifespan upon my leaving, reflecting the actual time that has passed outside.
15 Not to mention... the situation on Mt. Firmament right now is probably even more complex than before.
15 What happened?
16 The strange time patterns of Mt. Firmament are tied to the Sentinel's Temporal Mandate. Time ebbs and flows at its will.
17 If the Fractsidus really has imprisoned our Sentinel, causing it to lose control of its powers, that could explain the Temporal Disruptions... which means Mt. Firmament is basically a dead end with no way out.
17 And you are heading straight into that dead end.
18 Lifespan is not the top of my concerns. If you've decided to venture there... I'll join you as your Wayfinder.
19 Jinhsi has stayed on Mt. Firmament for too long.
19 Sanhua said she might be in danger.
20 She doesn't miss a thing, does she?
21 Before Jinhsi left for Mt. Firmament, scales began appearing on her body, and her Resonance Ability was weakening.
22 Those signs pointed to a dire situation for the Sentinel as well.
23 That's why I must lead you there. You might have the key to solving our dilemma.
23 What do you mean?
24 You're here because I invited you. Sanhua was instructed to disclose my whereabouts if you ever went to City Hall and asked about Jinhsi.
24 Why would you tell me? (Jump:25)
24 How did you know I'd go to the City Hall? (Jump:26)
25 From what I understand, there is a strong link between you and the Sentinel. More importantly, you've been the primary target of the Fractsidus.
25 (Jump:28)
26 It's no surprise that you went to City Hall for answers, considering your memory loss and Jinhsi's prolonged absence.
27 I need to tell you the truth... Because you've been the top priority—No, the sole concern of our enemy. The Fractsidus.
27 (Jump:28)
28 That Overseer tried everything to sway you and make you join their side before our battle with the reviving Threnodian.
29 It's a clear sign that your involvement could disrupt their plans, especially at Mt. Firmament.
29 Why do they care so much about me?
29 It seems everyone's interested in me...
30 Records at the Grand Library tell a tale of someone who dared to enter Mt. Firmament after the Sentinel's descent. And they emerged unscathed, as if time had no hold on them.
31 They were also said to have "stood alongside the Sentinel".
32 And here before me stands someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to that very individual.
32 You think that person is me?
33 Is it you? If not you, who else could it be?
34 It took me some effort to finally reach this conclusion.
35 {PlayerName}, the journey ahead is filled with danger at every turn. Once we venture into the mountains, there's no turning back. Are you sure you still want to join me?
35 Yes. The strange time pattern can't hurt me.
35 I am the key to solving your dilemma. Then why ask?
36 As your Wayfinder, I'll lead you to your destination. What you do after that is entirely up to you.
37 The rain is subsiding, and the sky will soon clear.
38 {PlayerName}, it's time for us to head out.

1 We're at the base of Mt. Firmament, but we won't enter the Temporal Barrier until we cross the Luminous Shore.
2 Shall we proceed? The storm is coming... Some people must be itching to pounce.

1 The bridge has broken...
2 What's this?
3 Judging by its design and intricate details, it must be a creation of the Court of Savantae.
4 This is what they call a Chronosorter...
4 What is that?
5 It mimics the Sentinel's Temporal Mandate(Ability to control time), able to reverse small-scale events and restore objects to their previous state.
6 My master once told me about the Court of Savantae and their fearless quest to unravel the mysteries of Mt. Firmament, risking all in their pursuit of understanding the strange flow of time.
7 Their dedication bore fruit in the form of fascinating inventions, such as this Chronosorter.
8 But it doesn't add up...
8 What's wrong?
9 Why hasn't this brilliant invention spread beyond Mt. Firmament?
10 This Chronosorter was built beyond the Temporal Barrier, so its creator must have already paid the price for leaving.
11 But even if they died, there are countless other CSC members(Court of Savantae Committee) who could replicate it. How did such advanced technology become lost?
12 Or... do these Chronosorters stop functioning once they are removed from Mt. Firmament?
12 What should we do now?
13 This Chronosorter, weathered though it may appear, bears no signs of neglect. Someone has tended to it diligently.
14 Let's give it a try.

1 Weren't they concerned about losing lifespan?
2 For those fanatics, nothing mattered more than the truth.
3 To live every moment with overwhelming passion... How many can claim such a tenacious drive and unshakable determination?

1 {PlayerName}, it's the Fractsidus!

1 The Fractsidus... It's them again.
2 They've set traps all around the Luminous Shore...
3 They must have anticipated your arrival.

1 Once we reach the cave's end, we'll enter the domain of Mt. Firmament. Proceed with caution.

1 So it can't hurt me...
2 ...
3 Is this the effect of that strange time pattern you mentioned?
4 Time on Mt. Firmament used to simply flow slower than in the outside world. Visitors were safe as long as they remained within the Temporal Barrier.
5 But what we're seeing now is different. The flow of time has gone haywire. This is what we call the Temporal Disruptions...
6 What was once slow and steady has become chaotic and turbulent. Some areas are frozen in time, while others speed up or slow down unpredictably.
7 No one knows how much they'll age after leaving Mt. Firmament, but aging from youth to old age may be a blessing compared to the unknown fate that awaits.
8 Leaving Mt. Firmament could turn any mortal to dust in just a moment. Such is the power of time within its walls.
9 These poor creatures, trapped in the Temporal Disruption, are the most pitiful of all... Their bodies and minds have been ravaged by the chaotic time, leaving them in unimaginable suffering...
10 So, it looks like the Fractsidus did manage to capture our Sentinel, leading to the Temporal Disruptions we are facing now.
11 I had wished that my theories would turn out wrong...
12 ...As expected, my Terminal isn't working. We can't reach Jinhsi.
13 The Temporal Disruption is preventing it from functioning.
13 Jinhsi...
14 We can't waste a moment. Jinhsi's fate isn't the only one at stake—all the inhabitants of Mt. Firmament are in danger.
15 We need to hurry to Hongzhen, a town nestled at the heart of Mt. Firmament. Jinhsi would likely pass through there on her search for the Sentinel.

1 The Temporal Disruptions have spared nothing on our way here...
2 Changli, does that mean you're in danger too?
3 So far, nothing feels out of the ordinary. It seems the Sentinel contained the situation before being fully trapped.
4 But I don't know how long this stability will hold.
5 {PlayerName}, if I go down... please don't worry about me.
6 You need only focus on what you have to do.

1 What's the matter, {PlayerName}?
1 I dreamed of this place...
2 You dreamed of Hongzhen?
3 You describe your dream from last night.
4 It sounds like you did dream of this place.
4 I dreamed of Hongzhen being attacked by TDs.
4 I dreamed of the Sentinel protecting people here.
5 What you just described closely aligns with the accounts documented in our Grand Library.
6 Over a century ago, a vast horde of Tacet Discords invaded Huanglong. Hongzhen suffered greatly during that onslaught.
7 Thankfully, the Sentinel descended, manipulating time to erect a protective barrier, keeping those monsters at bay.
8 {PlayerName}, perhaps... That dream is more than just a dream.
9 It could be a glimpse into your own past, and... a guiding light for the future.
10 It's the Fractsidus.
11 Hongzhen is a pivotal location, linking various parts of Mt. Firmament. With the Fractsidus now targeting us, they'll seize any opportunity to intercept our path.
11 They've laid a trap in Hongzhen.
12 But every trap has its weak points.
13 What's this?
14 Someone has used their Resonance Ability here, but it feels different from the Fractsidus' aggression... It's Jinhsi.
15 And it seems like she used it in a dire situation. Could it be related to the people of Hongzhen?
16 The traces lead deeper into the heart of Hongzhen.
17 Let's keep moving, {PlayerName}. Don't let your guard down.

1 This vase on the stone table seems rather peculiar.

1 There's something behind the waterfall.
2 Let's go take a look.

1 Another Photon Barrier.
2 Three Photonvaults to break. {PlayerName}, use ranged attacks.

1 Did Xinyi and Jinhsi know each other?
2 Jinhsi was chosen as a baby for her Resonance Ability, and raised in City Hall to become the Sentinel's Appointed Resonator.
3 All the government workers there helped care for and teach her at some point, including Lady Xinyi.
4 She grew up with immense responsibilities, forced to suppress her true nature from a young age. Thinking back, Jinhsi was only a teenage girl when she became the Magistrate...
5 She has been burdened with unimaginable weight that most cannot fathom.

1 I assume this is the Truthseeker's Pass Xinyi mentioned.
2 Yes.
3 This should be another Chronosorter. It should work in similar ways with the one we saw near the Luminous Shore.
4 The entrance is built on that cliff, and it's been blocked...
5 We will need to break the three Photonvaults with ranged attacks first.
6 ...
6 What is it, Changli?
7 Nothing. I was wondering, how did the Court of Savantae create such an advanced mechanism using the Sentinel's power? Mortals aren't supposed to be able to comprehend it.
8 I've never heard of any human civilization having the ability to manipulate time.
9 Unless the Sentinel willingly taught them... But why?
10 We need to focus on items related to the Court of Savantae in Truthseeker's Pass. Maybe we can find some clues there.

1 I believe you are here for Magistrate Jinhsi?
2 The Magistrate left Hongzhen about fifteen minutes ago. She should be at the Truthseeker's Pass now.
2 The Truthseeker's Pass?
3 That's what they call it in Hongzhen. You might know it better as the ruins of a Court of Savantae facility.
3 What is Jinhsi doing there?
4 Lady Xinyi, please elaborate.
5 Madam Magistrate, are you...
6 I'm… fine…
7 How's the situation? Have we evacuated all the civilians?
8 Yes. Remaining civilians have been counted and escorted to safety.
9 Good. These hidden chambers should provide some much-needed shelter for them to rest a little...
10 Despite being the Sentinel's Appointed Resonator, I haven’t been able to sense its presence for some time now…
11 I can feel my Resonance Ability waning, and I get my power from the Sentinel. This can only mean one thing: the Sentinel's condition is getting worse.
12 Lady Xinyi, I need to know where the Sentinel was last seen.
13 I can only fix the Temporal Disruption within a confined radius. It's already pushing my limits to keep this small pocket of space secure.
14 Mt. Firmament is in serious trouble, and we can't waste any more time. We need our Sentinel to stabilize the time flow.
15 The Sentinel was last seen flying towards Mianloong Chamber, where it would normally rest. The Fractsidus likely swarmed it soon after.
16 But little did they know, we had a defense system in place, built with the help of the Court of Savantae. It was reactivated as soon as our Sentinel made it back inside.
17 This mechanism has allowed us to locate their troops, and we've already eliminated some of them outside the Mianloong Chamber.
18 To get inside Mianloong Chamber, we have to find the Cipher Key in Truthseeker's Pass and unseal it with the Keyforge.
19 Understood. I will go bring back the Cipher Key.
20 You are injured... Please rest and leave it to me.
21 The Fractsidus will most likely attack this place once I leave. You must stay here and guard it.
22 I implore you, Xinyi. Help me keep our people safe.
23 ...Yes, I will, Madam Magistrate.
24 ...Before I headed to Mt. Firmament, the Fractsidus revealed a prophecy from our Sentinel: a fateful clash between the Sentinel and myself that would shape the fate of our city.
25 I never intended to believe their baseless claims, but I was not surprised to hear it.
26 The Sentinel had told me long ago that there would come a day when I surpass it in power. A day when the humans of Jinzhou take control of their own destiny.
27 ...Once we save the Sentinel from danger, I intend to have a serious conversation with it about this prophecy.
28 ...And then she left.
29 There's still one thing that doesn't add up—How did the Fractsidus kidnap our Sentinel?
30 The Mianloong Chamber was once renovated by the Court of Savantae. Do you think their research could be involved somehow?
31 I'll look into what you said, but once we have the Cipher Key, the Mianloong Chamber will be left vulnerable to the Fractsidus' potential retaliation.
32 We must keep them at bay...
33 {PlayerName} and I are headed to the Truthseeker's Pass to meet up with Jinhsi. We'll distract the Fractsidus main forces, giving you an opportunity to stage your ambush.
34 And the locals will handle the rest.
35 I will send some men to open up the side exit for you. Head south and keep walking a couple of minutes, and you will see the Truthseeker's Pass downstream.
36 Thank you, Lady Xinyi. Please leave it to us.
37 ...In this place she was born, and in this place she returns. Our Magistrate's fate is bound to Mt. Firmament...

1 Someone fought here against those Fractsidus...
2 Must be Jinhsi. Her trails led to this location.
3 Using her Resonance Ability too much would only worsen her condition...
4 But she must have had a reason... Was she helping the people of Hongzhen find refuge?

1 Changli, there are traces here.
2 They're pointing north... Let's proceed in that direction.

1 The entrance is sealed.
2 It's the Photon Barrier. Another invention from the Court of Savantae.
3 Specific steps must be followed to undo the barrier. {PlayerName}, I'll guide you.

1 The traces disappear by the pond.
2 {PlayerName}, we need to keep an eye out for anything unusual.

1 The traces end here.
2 Let's search the area. There should be more clues nearby.

1 Use long-range weapons on the Photonvaults to cut off its energy.