The Commander of Time Main Quests
It is the deity that commands time. It is the deity that bestows blessings. Now is your time to confront Sentinel Jué.
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1 This entrance leads to one's Sonoro Sphere. Magistrate Jinhsi, one shall await you there.
2 {PlayerName}, this battle is related to the fate of Jinzhou, and only you can open this Sonoro Sphere. The key to Jinzhou's future lies in your hands.
3 ...If I open it, Jinhsi is bound to face you in the ultimate battle.
4 The ideal outcome would be for her to absorb your power at the critical moment and restore the time flow without any loss of life.
5 But there's also a chance that she could push herself too far and end up dying from Overclocking.
6 Though... if I do nothing, you'll use your remaining power to freeze all of Jinzhou in time.
7 Correct.
8 Now, please let us know your choice.
9 {PlayerName}...
9 I will open the entrance once you're ready. (Jump:10)
9 There will be no turning back... (Jump:11)
10 I have been preparing for this moment.
10 (Jump:12)
11 I understand. I have made up my mind since before I stepped foot on Mt. Firmament.
11 (Jump:12)
12 Leaving Jinzhou behind fills me with regret, knowing I may never again bask in its glorious sunshine or witness the purity of its snowflakes.
13 But that's why I'm here—to ensure that others can still experience the wonders of nature.
14 Our city has a rich history, with generations witnessing endless sunrises and sunsets at the border. Our people have sacrificed their blood and tears to protect Huanglong's safety.
15 They deserve a bright future.
16 I want to protect Jinzhou in my own way, as Jinhsi, as a citizen of Jinzhou, and as Jinzhou's Magistrate.
17 {PlayerName}, let's begin.

1 Jinhsi, it has been quite some time.
2 And greetings, Lady Arbiter. Or should one address you as "Rover" now?
3 One cannot discern the cause of your arrival, yet its significance heralds Jinzhou's fateful juncture.
4 Shall a "child" who has lost their memories take up arms and fight for their fate? Or shall they retreat to their cradle and slumber?
5 The seed of the future shall be sown in this very moment.
5 What do you mean by "Arbiter"? What should I do?
5 I don't understand. Care to explain again?
6 Once the situation settles, an explanation shall be provided. For now, one must implore you to simply engage, decide, and observe.
7 Jinhsi, your journey has been an arduous one. Aside from aiding one in this predicament, surely there are other inquiries you wish to make?
8 I cannot bring myself to ask for more. All I seek is the truth.
9 Mt. Firmament is in grave danger... Regarding the Temporal Mandate and your injuries... Please, do not keep the truth from me any longer.
10 One understands your concerns. The timing may not be optimal for this disclosure, yet in the midst of crisis, one must act with expedience.
11 For one will soon perish.
12 ...
13 One such as this, of immortal nature, is designed to endure for all time.
14 Yet one suffered severe harm in ancient times, and now relies on the Mianloong Chamber for survival.
15 This is not the optimal solution.
16 For a long time, one has had to use this chamber to replenish energy, hoping to delay the inevitable doom.
17 Yet fate cannot be defied. The Fractsidus have conspired against this one. Now, the injury only worsens... The Mianloong Chamber can no longer prolong one's life.
17 If you die, what will happen to Jinzhou?
18 Jinzhou... The city of Jinzhou will be no more.
19 ...
20 Ever since one descended upon Mt. Firmament, using the power of Temporal Mandate to repel Tacet Discords, time has been in disarray within this location. The fate of Jinzhou was sealed from that moment on.
21 Over the past millenia, one has defied the laws of nature and sustained Jinzhou at the cost of one's own life force.
22 Otherwise, the Temporal Disruption would wreak havoc not only on Mt. Firmament, but on the entire region of Jinzhou. If this were to happen, all life will be engulfed in a chaotic storm of twisted time flow.
23 What would happen to them?
24 Jinzhou shall forever remain frozen in time. The past and the future meld into one, rendering life indistinguishable from death. The ceremonial rituals and endless battles persist, intertwining joy and sorrow into an eternal blur.
25 All inhabitants of Jinzhou shall endure this perpetual fate until time itself ceases to exist.
26 ...It is this one's own doing, and one must put an end to it.
27 In the coming days, one will exert every ounce of strength to freeze the time in Jinzhou at the cost of one's remaining life.
28 In that moment, Jinzhou will fall into stillness, but not perish. In the distant future, the people of Huanglong may discover a method to rescue Jinzhou.
29 Is there truly nothing else we can do?
30 This is not the optimal solution, but it suffices as an option.
31 Please forgive me... but I cannot do as you say.
32 A decade, a century... What if nobody comes up with a solution? By that time, the world will have turned its back on this forgotten city...
33 ...And who would be willing to spend precious resources rescuing a small city in a far-off corner of the world?
34 Jinzhou's fate deserves better than an uncertain future.
35 Whilst one may not live to witness the future, one can still envision endless possibilities yet to come. In my deduction, this method proves to be the most effective and stable.
36 Magistrate Jinhsi, as you express doubts, pray tell how do you propose to solve this issue?
37 The flow of time upon Mt. Firmament is in disarray, and it can only be contained through one's utmost effort.
38 If one does not freeze the time now, the situation in Jinzhou shall surely worsen a hundredfold, or even a thousandfold, after one's passing.
39 ..You once predicted a destined battle between us... Is it true?
40 Correct.
41 ...I was lost at first, struggling to grasp the prophecy's meaning. Only when I learned of your actions alongside the Court of Savantae did it all become clear—
42 By clashing two resonating powers, a Second Resonance Awakening can be induced. Through this, I am able to push my Resonance Ability beyond its limits and invoke the Temporal Mandate to restore the flow of time.
43 ...Though I will be forced to raise my blade against you...
45 If you clash with my resonance power, even the smallest mistake will result in Overclocking and leave you nothing but an empty husk.
46 You are well aware of its excruciating effects. The pain you feel now is but a faint scratch in comparison to its true torment.
47 Moreover, you will be trapped within the fissures of time itself. Your being will be relentlessly shredded and mended, day after day, denied any respite for eternity.
48 But I can restore the errors in the flow of time. Isn't that why you saved me all those years ago? I'm just doing what you've been doing all along... Going against fate to keep Jinzhou safe.
49 Jinhsi, you are given one last opportunity. Let me freeze the time, and I can ensure your safety.
50 There must be another way.
50 What if I help her? I am here for a reason.
50 Is there really no chance for her to live?
51 You are only here to witness before the right time arrives.
52 But you are not compelled to remain idle. Should you intervene, we may augment Jinhsi's odds of survival by a fraction.
53 Command me to transfer my Temporal Mandate access to Jinhsi at the right moment.
54 —The moment of her Resonance Ability's depletion, when she is teetering on the brink of Overclocking and near death. Then, we may still save her life.
55 Miss that moment by even the slightest margin, and Jinhsi's fate will be sealed.
55 I will do everything I can to keep Jinhsi safe.
55 So a fight between you two is unavoidable.

1 ...I should have died a long time ago... but I was lucky enough to be saved by you, allowing me the chance to see the glittering lights of Jinzhou for myself.
2 ...You rewinded time to save me. I am responsible.
3 Jinzhou is my home. If it's ever in danger, I will do everything in my power to protect what I hold dear, even at the cost of my own life.
4 Such a valiant speech!
5 Do you know the weight of this decision?
6 I understand your concerns. I will reach my Second Awakening with our destined confrontation, and restore the time flow.
7 Are you willing to bet on me?
8 Restore the time flow? Pray, from where does this confidence arise?
9 You are my Resonator, but your strength is only a fraction of mine.
10 There is little chance for you to retreat unscathed.
11 But I can at least win some hope for our people!
12 Even if it costs me my soul, my everything... I cannot die without trying.
13 I may only bear your power for a fleeting moment... It's all I need to secure a better future for Jinzhou, defying all of your predictions. And I can keep you safe.
14 If there is anyone who can face you in a fight...That person has to be your Resonator.
15 I will be your final winning move in this game.
17 Are you truly ready to challenge a being worshipped by your kind? Will you not regret it when you meet your bitter demise?
18 I will not regret it, no matter what.
19 Very well! Magistrate of Jinzhou!
20 Come to the summit. Demonstrate your prowess!
21 Show me how you shall be my triumphant ace.