Truthseeker's Pass Main Quests
According to Xinyi, Hongzhen's Mayor, Jinhsi has gone off to Truthseeker's Pass, or the Court of Savantae Ruins. The Cipher Key stored in the heart of Truthseeker's Pass is a precondition to opening Mianloong Chamber and the audience with Jué, the Sentinel.
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1 Why are there Tacet Discord here? No, these monsters... They don't look like the usual Tacet Discords.
2 These, too, look like the works of the Court of Savantae.
3 Did they create these simulated holograms to protect this place?

1 The glowing patterns on that gate... It's a Flare Crest.
1 Did the Court of Savantae build this too?
2 Yes. The Flare Crests have a complex structure, but they can be deciphered with patience.
3 See how each star represents a Flare Stone?
4 That mechanism we accidentally solved earlier should be one of them.
4 That's why the corresponding star has dimmed.
5 Yes, we still need the other two Flare Stones to open it.
6 ...Wait.
7 The blood and scales here... It's Jinhsi.
7 Jinhsi was injured?
7 What happened?
8 ...She is likely teethering on the edge of Overclocking now.
9 ...We are running out of time.

1 One last Flare Stone to go. There's a Carrier Lift nearby... Is the Flare Stone on the floor beneath us?
2 We should be able to find Jinhsi soon...

1 You...
2 Don't worry. {PlayerName} is special. The Temporal Dusruption can't hurt her.
3 I... *cough*... but Changli, your...
4 Shh...
5 I gave my word to be your pawn and I intend to keep it. As your teacher and courtier, it is only right for me to do so.
6 And let's not forget, without me playing the Wayfinder for {PlayerName}, we wouldn't even have her here.
7 {PlayerName} has a strong connection to this place. You need her help to resolve Mt. Firmament's crisis.
8 But... We already owe {PlayerName} a lot.
8 I don't mind helping you again. (Jump:9)
8 I'm here to find out about my past. (Jump:10)
9 Thank you, {PlayerName}... Thank you.
9 (Jump:13)
10 As we headed toward Mt. Firmament, {PlayerName} mentioned a strange dream she had. It may have been a flashback of her lost memories.
11 {PlayerName}, Jué, and Mt. Firmament... There must be some kind of crucial connection between the three. {PlayerName} has her own reasons for being here.
12 I see...
12 (Jump:13)
13 {PlayerName}, I will do everything I can to rescue the Sentinel as soon as possible, then we can finally talk to it in person. It will surely have the answers you want.
14 Let's cut to the chase.
15 What did you find in Truthseeker's Pass, Jinhsi?
16 According to the Court of Savantae's records... the Sentinel was already injured upon its arrival at Mt. Firmament.
17 As time passed and its condition worsened, the flow of time became unstable here, causing Temporal Disruptions that could potentially threaten Jinzhou.
18 Only the Sentinel's Appointed Resonator can restore its Temporal Mandate(ability to control time)...
19 Their records indicate a solution.
20 To reverse the rapid aging effect from Temporal Disruptions, I must deliberately collide with the Sentinel’s resonance power during combat—triggering my Second Resonance Awakening. That will enhance my power beyond its limits.
21 Let's say you can achieve all that, but Jinhsi... Do you understand what is at stake for yourself?
22 I understand.
23 ...I share a Resonance connection with Jué, but I never took the time to truly get to know it... I've been blind to its suffering for so long...
24 Sentinel Jué has been guiding us since the city's founding with its wise words and well-crafted decisions.
25 The Temporal Disruptions we face are just a side effect of its efforts to protect local people.
26 ...Without the Sentinel blocking out Tacet Discords through its time-manipulation power, Jinzhou would be a barren wasteland today.
27 So what do you plan to do, Jinhsi?
28 If the Sentinel's condition is indeed incurable... Nobody knows how far the Temporal Disruptions will continue to spread.
29 Today it's Mt. Firmament, but tomorrow it could be all of Jinzhou.
30 I... I will...
31 If it truly comes down to that, I'll fulfill Jué's prophecy myself.
32 According to the Court of Savantae's records... the Sentinel was already injured upon its arrival at Mt. Firmament.
33 Have you thought about the consequences, Jinhsi?
34 Trying to trigger a Second Awakening by fighting the Sentinel... It could make you Overclock at any moment.
35 We both know what that means. You could lose your mind forever, or even disintegrate into dust... You don't want to end up like those Chronosorters, shredded under immense pressure.
36 On top of that... Do you honestly believe you can fight in your current condition?
37 I can see right through your façade, Jinhsi. You're essentially committing suicide at this point.
38 You're one to talk, my teacher.
39 I learned from the best. When have you ever backed down from risking your life for what you believe in?
40 Oh? I don't remember ever teaching you that.
41 We all die eventually, but we need to stay alive as long as we can to achieve more.
42 Jinhsi, you must live and inherit the Sentinel's power. Then you can save and protect these people for years to come.
43 Changli... I...
44 ... Jinhsi, I don't intend to stop you. I know you have made up your mind.
45 That's why I brought {PlayerName} here.
46 You may have already guessed it. {PlayerName} is indeed the hero who fought by our Sentinel's side during Jinzhou's early days. She is also the mysterious visitor spoken of in tales about Mt. Firmament.
47 All evidence we've gathered points to this being true.
48 If anyone can help us with the situation at Mt. Firmament, it must be {PlayerName}.
48 I don't remember anything, but I can fight.
48 I'm strong. It wouldn't hurt to help.
48 There might be other options.
49 Thank you, my teacher... Jinhsi will keep your words in mind.
50 Lastly, we still don't know for sure how the Fractsidus is keeping our Sentinel trapped. This will determine if you can actually meet it face to face.
50 Maybe the Fractsidus are just really strong...
50 They might be using the Court of Savantae's mechanisms.
50 Maybe they manipulated the Sentinel's weakness.
51 Yes, it could be any of these scenarios. Lady Xinyi is already on the case. We should get an answer soon.
52 The Cipher Key should be inside the stone chamber, behind its entrance gate. There is one more Flare Stone to work out. Let's get moving.

1 Another Chronosorter... The second Flare Stone should be behind this gate.
2 {PlayerName}, let's restore the collapsed gate with this Chronosorter.

1 Jinhsi...

1 I'm done with all three Flare Stones.
2 Good. Let's head back to the entrance. We should be able to access the Cipher Key now.

1 That thing up ahead... Is it another mechanism?
2 It seems to have unlocked after we got rid of those holograms. Let's go and have a look.

1 The Sentinel's situation is worse than we thought. It had already sustained severe injuries when it descended on Mt. Firmament...
2 "With one of the Temporal Programs lost"... It no longer had the power to restore time, instead it could only stop and rewind it.
3 So the Sentinel protected Hongzhen with its power, but it couldn’t return things back to normal?
4 It would seem so...
5 According to their theories, the Sentinel's injury would worsen over time. And if the Sentinel perishes... the Temporal Disruptions will spiral out of control, engulfing all of Jinzhou.
6 ...
7 So the Fractsidus just added a pinch of salt to the already gaping wounds on Mt. Firmament...
7 Is there any way to cure the Sentinel?
8 There is nothing we can do. At least that's what it says on these records.
9 Only the Mianloong Chamber can provide temporary relief for the Sentinel, but it won't heal it completely.
10 In the end, the Sentinel and the "peculiar visitor" who was immune to Time Disruptions would have to come up with a last resort.
10 The Chronosorters.
10 The "Resonance".
11 The Sentinel couldn't be fixed, so they decided to replicate its power onto a Resonator through induced Resonance...
12 Their experiments resulted in the first Chronosorter—a manmade Resonance Object.
12 So it worked?
13 No. A Chronosorter can only rewind time within a narrow range. It's no match for the Sentinel's immense power.
13 If objects didn't work, then... What if it was a person...
13 Jinhsi...
14 We are getting closer and closer to the truth.
15 Two more Flare Stones left. Everything aside, first we must find Jinhsi.

1 Is that so...
1 What does it say?
2 So, this file confirms that the Chronosorters are artificial Resonance Objects.
3 They activate when hit with a strong impact to create the corresponding Resonance Effects.
4 And this also answers my previous question: the Chronosorters rewind time through resonating with the Sentinel.
4 That sounds really powerful.
5 No, it was nowhere near enough. The Chronosorters shut down once they are removed from the Sentinel's range or the abnormal time flow on Mt. Firmament.
6 Plus, as artificial Resonance Objects, their capacity is limited.
7 According to the Court of Savantae researchers, there was a hypothesis that could potentially make them more powerful—the Second Resonance Awakening hypothesis.
8 Which states the collision between two resonating frequencies might cause a Second Resonance Awakening...
8 That prophecy...
8 A destined fight between Jinhsi and the Sentinel...
9 ...Yes. That fight has to happen to trigger a Second Resonance Awakening for Jinhsi, so she may exert even stronger Resonance Abilities... One that allows her to restore the flow of time.
9 Did the Court of Savantae's research succeed?
10 Countless Chronosorters were made to collide with the Sentinel's frequencies, but they were no match. All the machines turned to dust.
10 ...
10 Without exception?
11 One Chronosorter briefly showed the power to restore time before breaking apart.
12 This proved that a Second Awakening can indeed improve Resonance Ability.
13 The research log mentioned that all Chronosorters were in working in an overdrive mode.
14 —It's similar to how human Resonators experience Overclocking, they wrote.
14 What is Overclocking?
15 Overclocking happens when a Resonator overexerts their ability. And this researcher who wrote this suggests that it might be the key to triggering a Second Awakening.
15 It doesn't sound like a good thing.
16 No, it's not. Exhausting oneself will only result in destruction...
17 In addition, I noticed another detail in these records.
18 The Chronosorters required manual control, while the Sentinel Jué appeared to be under someone else's command.
19 In that only incident of success, just as the 'Chronosorter' was about to break down, that "peculiar visitor" gave an order to the Sentinel.
20 And the Sentinel successfully transferred some kind of energy to the Chronosorter thanks to that order.
20 Overclocking...
20 When the Chronosorter almost broke down...
20 Energy transmission...
21 {PlayerName}, do you have an idea?

1 Look, our last target. On those floating floor tiles. We need a way to restore them.