Clashing Blades Main Quests
You have discovered the three tokens' purpose and directions, but the answers to their riddles are hidden behind a mysterious entrance, which you found with help from the Sundial's hints.
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1 I think I heard a low, grumbling noise...

1 It's been three days.
2 We've both made it on time.
3 Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Jinhsi. It brings me great joy to see you, Rover.
3 Hello. (Jump:8)
3 Why wait three days to meet me in person? (Jump:8)
3 Did something happen? (Jump:8)
3 I hope I'm not talking to another projection. (Jump:4)
4 To show up as a projection again would be ill-mannered of me. Please rest assured, it is a real human in the flesh you're speaking to. Despite Huanglong's advanced technology, such a realistic projection is still impossible.
5 Or perhaps you would like to verify it?
66 Jinhsi smiles genuinely and offers her hand to you, radiating calmness and sincerity.
64 (Shake her hand.)
65 Are you injured?
7 ...It is nothing to be concerned about.
7 (Jump:8)
8 An emergency forced me to leave, and I only had the time to prepare some tokens for you. Please pardon my lack of hospitality.
8 Does that emergency have something to do with the Fractsidus?
8 Does that emergency have something to do with your Sentinel?
9 ...Yes. The Sentinel of Jinzhou is currently absent.
9 Aren't they supposed to stay in their domains?
10 Correct.
11 The Sentinels guide and guard humanity as a symbol of our civilization.
12 When a region's Sentinel goes absent, chaos is bound to ensue. As this news could lead to civil unrest, please keep it a secret.
13 Jinzhou's Sentinel, "Jué," is being held captive by the Fractsidus. I had to postpone our meeting and put all my effort into finding its whereabouts.
13 I heard you can resonate with the Sentinel?
14 Yes, our thoughts are connected to a certain degree. I can sense its memories, feelings, and surroundings, though not very clearly.
14 Have you found it yet?
15 Unfortunately, I haven't. I can feel Jué is in danger. The good news is, I have figured out the culprit behind all of this.
15 Is it Scar?
16 Precisely.
17 The Fractsidus plans to advance another Lament and cause disasters worldwide.
18 Overseer Scar had several objectives upon infilrtrating Jinzhou.
19 To track you down, to test your strengths, and to make you join their cause. To abduct Jué and to resurrect the Threnodian in advance.
19 Why me?
20 They must have discovered your value, likely from one of Jué's prophecies. If you join them, they'll gain significant power.
21 Should you refuse to join, the Fractsidus will likely want to eliminate you so you don't get in their way.
21 ...
22 I have a plan to apprehend Scar. Once we capture him, the Fractsidus won't be that much of a threat to you for the time being.
23 If you are willing to lend us a hand, I will ensure your safety during our cooperation.
23 Count me in. (Jump:24)
23 Can I have some time to think? (Jump:25)
24 Thank you for your trust, Rover.
24 (Jump:26)
25 Of course. Your decision is valued, Rover.
25 (Jump:26)
26 Speaking of which, you seem to have already gathered a lot from the tokens.
26 The mangosteen points to how people lived through the wars in Jinzhou.
26 The sugar pearl points to past epidemics and disasters.
26 The leaf points to the Fractsidus.
26 The sundial points to when and where we are meeting.
27 Impressive, Rover.
27 And I learned more about my identity as I deciphered the tokens.
28 The threat Jinzhou is facing is far worse than meets the eye.
29 One of the Threnodians will soon be reawakened...
29 What are the Threnodians?
30 They are the enemies of human civilizations, born from the dark side of our collective consciousness. We must defeat them to protect all of humanity.
31 We have been doing our best to prevent the disaster, but the Fractsidus is accelerating the Threnodian's revival.
31 And it has something to do with me, yes?
32 Indeed.
33 You have defeated the Crownless and absorbed its Echo with your bare hands. It is the Tacet Discord that embodies the concept of warfare.
34 Resentment of the fallen, fright of the ignoble... Those are the emotions that laid grounds for its birth.
35 The Crownless is a Tacet Discord that possesses powers from the reviving Threnodian.
36 Jinzhou is a border city with an unbreakable will and strong spirit of resistance. However, we also fear the constant wars and loss of life, and the Threnodian can prey on that.
37 You, however... You were able to defeat and absorb a Threnodian-related Tacet Discord with your bare hands, and resonate with other TDs.
38 Meanwhile, Huanglong's records mention a hero with similar powers who saved our nation during the Threnodian War. She is also mentioned in literature dating back to Jinzhou's establishment.
39 To uncover your true identity, this could be a helpful lead to pursue.
39 You believe that person and I could be related in some way?
40 Yes. Based on my own deduction, and the prophecies of Jué.
40 Jué... In the Gorges of Spirits...
41 You mean... The unfinished statue of Jué?
41 I remembered something when I saw it...
41 But I'm not sure if that really happened.
42 I see. Do you mind letting me know what you remembered? Since it's related to our Sentinel, I might be able to help.
43 You tell Jinhsi about the fragmented memories you were able to remember.
44 Rover, the memories of which you speak...
44 Yes? Anything worth noting about them?
45 As I mentioned earlier, I can resonate with Jué, our Sentinel. Your recollections... They align with what I've witnessed in Jué's memories.
46 Yes, I do remember seeing something similar... I believe it had truly happened in the past.
46 In other words...
47 In other words, you may be the person mentioned in our records.
48 The unwavering presence by our Sentinel's side, bonded by an unbreakable trust.
48 I don't reckon Resonators can live that long.
49 Resonators tend to have a longer lifespan, but it is indeed unprecedented to live hundreds of years without any sign of aging.
50 So many mysteries about you remain unsolved, and your age is just one of the unknowns.
50 If this is true, who was I all that time ago?
50 Then how did I end up losing my memories?
51 Sorry, but I don't know. Jué's last piece of information pointed to the Norfall Barrens, where you should find the Threnodian.
52 I pray you will find your answers there.
53 A Threnodian is resurrecting, and our nation is in grave danger. This reminds me of the Threnodian War all too much. Perhaps... This has something to do with your mysterious appearance in Jinzhou?
53 You mean I showed up to protect Jinzhou like the historical hero did?
54 Not really. I don't plan to believe in a hero showing up out of nowhere and protecting us.
55 I am just presenting whatever lead I have about your past, as I know it is troubling you. I want to help you, and that is all there is to it.
56 Thank you for considering lending us a hand. Your help is much appreciated, but please do not feel obligated because of the information I shared.
57 They are my people, and the responsibility to keep them safe should fall on no one else but my own shoulders.
58 I am saying this because I have faith in my abilities, and even more so in the bravery of Jinzhou's soldiers and our people.
59 You deserve to make your own decision about this after uncovering your true identity.
60 I appreciate everything you've done for us, during the past few days, or perhaps even longer ago.
61 Once it all settles, I am ready to accommodate and assist in whatever future decision you make. You can leave Jinzhou, or the entire Huanglong if you wish.
62 If you ever need me again, you need only ask.
63 Let's keep this a secret between the two of us. How does that sound?

2 (Now I have retrieved the Magistrate's message for me from the puzzle box.)
3 (But it only points me to where the Grand Library is. There's no meeting time... Something is still missing.)
4 (I've solved the puzzle, the disks have been rotated, and the two symbols are now glowing.)
5 (With this glowing light, a shadow is cast on two other symbols.)
6 (The Black Tortoise of the North... North to the City Hall.)
7 (And the time reads... The Shichen(Time Period) of Chou, in the Wei hours of the morning.)

1 How did it go? Anyone hurt? Lemme check on you!
2 Phew! You're still in one piece.
2 Course I am. You're overreacting.
3 Okay okay. Anything new about the tokens?
4 You tell Chixia of your findings in the Desorock Highlands and Qichi Village.
5 So those Fractsidus goons are here in Jinzhou now. Things are more serious than I thought.
5 I wonder what they are up to.
6 Beats me. I've only ran into some bozos before.
7 Those wackos are hellbent on making their own Resonators. Said there's no right or wrong when it comes to Resonance powers and everyone should have the right to them.
8 They use mechanical manipulation to integrate parts of Tacet Discords into human bodies.
9 Seeking power with such gruesome acts... I cannot bring myself to understand them.
10 That Scar guy you mentioned sounds like he's on a whole other level. How did the fight go?
11 He... It seems he didn't intend to kill us. I would say he was even pulling his punches.
12 I don't know what he wants from us. But Madam Magistrate may have intended to hint something by letting us run into him.
13 I still can't wrap my head around what happened in that village...
14 I went over the files. That case is ancient. It was dealt with and archived way before our current Magistrate took office.
15 What happened to the village in the end?
16 Don't worry, the crooks were brought to justice, and most of the villagers were relocated to new settlements.
17 But I didn't find anything in the files about that little girl you mentioned.
18 So Scar really did take her away.
18 And it seems he did not hurt her. (Jump:19)
18 Maybe the Fractsidus had plans to use her for something. (Jump:20)
19 I agree.
19 (Jump:21)
20 ...
20 (Jump:21)
21 If only we could capture him...
22 Ugh... I'm so lost. Why did Madam Magistrate point you to Qichi Village anyway? What did she want to tell you with that?
23 And then Scar went there to tamper with the site and mislead you with fake clues...
23 Or maybe it's the other way around.
24 You mean...?
25 The Fractsidus was planning to tell you something about what had happened in that village. Then our Magistrate intercepted by leading you there before they could?
25 Scar wanted to preach his ideas to me.
25 I suppose she just made use of the occasion.
25 She knew what was going to happen.
26 ...
27 Madam Magistrate knew they were going to lure you to the village. And she knew they weren't planning to kill you.
28 Her token was a warning that the Fractsidus had their eyes on you...
28 Plus, even if Scar really tried to kill us...
28 We wouldn't be in real danger.
29 How so?
29 Jinzhou's way of hospitality, remember? (Jump:30)
29 In a game of Weiqi, when the Black moves, White is sure to follow. (Jump:32)
30 You mean she's got someone looking out for you?
31 Or maybe she prepared other means of protection.
31 (Jump:33)
32 Yes, I agree. Knowing their plans, Madam Magistrate would have prepared countermeasures for the worst scenario.
32 (Jump:33)
33 ... (Jump:34)
33 And vice versa. Since the White has made her move... (Jump:35)
34 What's the matter, Rover?
34 (Jump:36)
35 Uh, I don't think I follow.
35 Nothing in particular. (Jump:36)
36 The legendary figure who changed Jinzhou's history, a looming war with the resurrecting Threnodian, and the Fractsidus acting in the shadows...
37 If all of these have something to do with your true identity. Then... who exactly are you?
38 I'm hoping Madam Magistrate has the answer. (Jump:41)
38 I am your friend, the one you know as Rover. (Jump:39)
39 Yes... You will always be the Rover we know, no matter what.
40 That same old TD eating, Echo munching Rover all right!
40 (Jump:41)
41 Come to think of it, the sundial's the last token we need to work out.
42 Mr. Mortefi said it's an intricate puzzle box. Madam Magistrate might have hid her real message inside.
42 We learned about the time at the Academy. (Jump:43)
42 We learned about the direction in Qichi Village. (Jump:44)
43 Yes. It's the 12th Shichen(Time Period) of the day, represented by the symbol Wei.
43 (Jump:45)
44 Yes. It's the South, represented by the Vermillion Bird, one of the Four Symbols.
44 (Jump:45)
45 Now we have the Shichen of Wei and Vermillion Bird. We should be able to solve the puzzle.

1 So, Rover, you're gonna try it now?
2 Symbols on the larger disk represent time, and we need to align the correct symbol with this pointer. It should be...
3 The Shichen of Yoh. (Jump:4)
3 The Shichen of Wei. (Jump:5)
4 It's not working. So we can rule out the Shichen(Time Period) of Yoh now... The correct time we learned at the Academy should be...
4 (Jump:3)
5 It's working. And now...
5 (Jump:6)
6 Symbols on the smaller disk represent direction, and we need to align the correct symbol with this pointer. It should be...
7 We have Teal Loong of the East, White Tiger of the West, Vermilion Bird of the South, and Black Tortoise of the North. According to the clues we've gathered, it should be...
8 White Tiger of the West. (Jump:9)
8 Vermilion Bird of the South. (Jump:10)
9 It's not working. I guess it's not the White Tiger...
9 (Jump:8)
10 Wow, you really solved it!
11 (So this is the last message the Magistrate has for me. This is... the location of Jinzhou's Grand Library.)
11 (Jump:12)
12 Wait, I don't think it's something we're allowed to see.
13 Quick, Yangyang. We should turn around!
13 Why should you? (Jump:14)
13 It's nothing you can't see. (Jump:17)
13 We solved this together. (Jump:18)
14 It's gotta be some super confidential stuff Madam Magistrate's written for Rover's eyes only!
15 As public servants... Well, even though we're both just reservists. We know there are rules to follow!
16 Chixia has a point.
16 (Jump:19)
17 Maybe you should read it first, Rover?
17 (Jump:19)
18 Come on, just go ahead and see what's written inside!
18 (Jump:19)
19 It's about the Grand Library...
20 I see. The Grand Libraries in Huanglong are renowned for their vast databases, holding valuable information about the regions they represent. Their exact locations are kept confidential, but it is believed they hold answers to all questions one could ask.
21 The Grand Libraries are vital for Huanglong's data security, managed by the regional Sentinels, accessible only to the Magistrates. They are rarely open to the public.
22 Kinda like a big piggy bank inside the City Hall. Data-wise!
23 Yes. You will find the most comprehensive and accurate information there.
24 Rover, if you'll need to visit the Grand Library in Jinzhou to find out who you are, I think it suggests two things...
25 First, there is a strong link between your past and Jinzhou's history.
26 Second, you must be a really significant person.
27 So you're super important to Jinzhou, maybe even all of Huanglong...
28 Wow, I think we stumbled upon a real big shot when we didn't even know it!
29 What's that matter, Rover? Something wrong with the sundial?
29 Is the City Hall at the center of Jinzhou?
30 It is Jinzhou's political center. And it's also located at the city's center, if that's what you mean.
31 The City Hall was built first when Jinzhou was established. It's a popular landmark for locals giving directions.
32 Why do you ask, Rover?
32 Nothing in particular.
32 Madam Magistrate wishes to meet me alone.
32 I'll need to go somewhere on my own.
33 See? What did I say! Covert ops, real confidential stuff going on!
34 ...
35 C'mon, Yangyang. It's just an one-on-one meeting with Madam Magistrate. What's the worst that could happen?
36 Relax, relax!
36 I wouldn't be so sure about that. (Jump:37)
36 Indeed. (Jump:38)
37 Hey! Are you really trying to stress her out?
37 (Jump:38)
38 I guess you're right... Still, please be careful.
39 We'll be waiting for you.

1 Scar, you are now under arrest for committing multiple felonies in Huanglong. Do you have anything to say?
2 What do I want to say, huh? While I'd love to tell you another story... I guess that's not what you want to hear.
3 Let's cut to the chase, “Madam Magistrate.” I'm getting bored already.
4 Very well. You will answer only our questions from now on.
5 Sure, why not. What do you want to know?
5 Why did you kidnap Jué? (Jump:6)
5 Why are you obsessed with reviving the Threnodian? (Jump:8)
5 What on earth is the Lament? (Jump:10)
5 Why were you following me? (Jump:13)
5 I'm done with him. (Jump:18)
6 A Sentinel(Oracle Engine) such as Jué can predict and "correct" future events. It gets in our way of achieving our sublime vision.
7 We merely wanted to topple the set future built on lies, and take control of our own destiny.
7 (Jump:5)
8 The Threnodians... They hold the key to our ideal.
9 Together they will bring us the promised "true Lament," and we will embrace the new world that is bound to come.
9 (Jump:5)
10 What is the Lament? Disaster? Curse? Some kind of punishment? Ha! People only see the surface...
11 The Lament brings death, destruction, and countless Reverberations.
12 Reverberations that will be reflected, overlapped, and interwoven during the Lament... They will be our salvation, the only path to a new lifeform and a new civilization.
12 (Jump:5)
13 Our goal has always been the same... We want you. Want you to join us.
13 Why me? (Jump:14)
13 And if I say no? (Jump:16)
14 Forces battle over you, causing all this strife, and yet you remain unaware of your own worth... Are you really that naive, or are you just dense?
15 Whatever. Our interest in you is not affected by such trivial matters.
15 (Jump:5)
16 Too bad. We will then be forced to kill you, by any means necessary...
17 But I'm sure you'll willingly come to us... When the time arrives.
17 (Jump:5)
18 You kidnapped Jué and revived the Threnodian, accelerating the next Lament... This is proof enough that you are the enemy of Jinzhou, and all humanity.
19 Stop dreaming you can force Rover to join you. She is our honored guest, and I will not allow any harm to come her way.
20 Ha! How confident you sound. As the Threnodian's resurrection approaches, Jinzhou is barely holding on. How much longer do you think you can keep up this facade?
21 Thank you for your concern. We have crushed your schemes once, and we can do it again.
22 I have one last question for you. Abducting "Jué," stalking Rover, and setting up an ambush in Qichi Village... You couldn't have accomplished that all on your own.
23 Unless...
24 Unless I'm not the only Overseer in Jinzhou, right? Hahaha...
25 I have answered all your questions with full honesty. I don't mind you knowing, because it won't make any difference.
26 You can try to stop us with all you have... But it's too late to change the course of history.
27 Now, I have one question for you...
28 You seem convinced we caused the disappearance of Jué... What if I told you there was more to it? Would you be curious?
29 About Jué... What else do you know?
30 Come closer and I'll tell you, Madam Magistrate... It's a secret for your ears only...
31 How dare you! Madam Magistrate, I...
32 No, it can't be...
33 Shocked, aren't you? But there's more...
34 What if I told you... Your Sentinel had made this prophecy a long, long time ago?
35 Your all-seeing Sentinel abandons you now of all times. Need I say more?
36 We're merely adding a touch of extra fuel to the fire that will soon consume all.
37 Rover, care for a wager? I know you've been searching for answers about your past, and I've got news for you—
38 Watch out!
39 You are one of us, the "black lambs," and you have been chosen to join us ushering in the new world...
40 Once you discover what you really are, you will come to us with no hesitation.
41 The Fractsidus awaits your arrival with open arms.
42 And I look forward to that day in sincere anticipation...
43 Hehehehehe.... AHAHAHAHAHA!
44 After the interrogation, Scar is put in jail...

1 ...
1 What did Scar tell you?
2 ...Sorry, Rover. What he mentioned about our Sentinel is... highly sensitive. I cannot disclose it yet, not before verifying it myself.
3 Is it a ploy to create distrust among us, or... I must first find our Sentinel to uncover the truth.
3 How important is Jué to Jinzhou?
4 Jué is the Guardian Sentinel of Jinzhou. It is responsible for assisting Jinzhou's Magistrate in administrative affairs.
5 While I am final decision maker... Without the assistance of Jué, I cannot guarantee I'm always making the best choices for my people.
5 You seem to be doing well enough on your own. (Jump:6)
5 Why are you so sure Jué is always right? (Jump:8)
6 T-Thank you. I am glad you think so.
7 Jué can predict the future, and up to this point, every one of its prophecies have been proven true.
7 (Jump:9)
8 Jué can predict the future, and up to this point, every one of its prophecies have been proven true.
8 (Jump:9)
9 While justice may not be universally agreed upon, its decisions have consistently served the best interests of Huanglong.
9 Perhaps it left to set Jinzhou's future right.
9 Perhaps it intended to let you make your own decisions.
10 For that... I suppose we will have to talk to it in person to find out.
11 In addition, Rover, Jué once told me to deliver a message to you.
12 "To the Awakened One: When raindrops fall upstream, please head to the Norfall Barrens, and seek General Jiyan of the Midnight Rangers."
12 So I'll need to find this General Jiyan?
12 So I'll need to go to the Norfall Barrens?
13 I suppose so. General Jiyan is currently battling another TD Outbreak in the Norfall Barrens, which will also serve as our frontline against the Threnodian.
14 But the ongoing war has made it a very dangerous place to go.
15 Since you won't need to go there right now, not until when the "raindrops fall upstream"...
16 I know you're here for clues about your true identity, and I don't want you to leave the city empty-handed.
17 Have you heard about the Black Shores, Rover?
18 It's an organization shrouded in mystery, with a secretive membership process and members who usually keep their identities hidden.
19 Upon your awakening, one of their members discreetly contacted me to gather information about you.
20 But please don't worry. The Black Shores developed a special Lament prediction system, and has established partnerships with countries worldwide.
21 While operating in secrecy, they are not an extremist group like the Fractsidus.
22 They have been monitoring the situation in Jinzhou to provide assistance when needed.
23 Thanks to their extra help, my meeting with you went smoothly.
24 This Blake Bloom is their symbol. The Black Shores members usually wear it on their person.
24 What do they want to achieve in Jinzhou? (Jump:25)
24 There sure are a lot of people keeping an eye on me. (Jump:28)
24 Wouldn't that make them easy to spot? (Jump:31)
25 The Black Shores once provided us significant insights into the relationship between the moon and Threnodians.
26 This time, they've come to inform us a Threnodian is about to resurrect near Jinzhou.
27 Apart from that, I am not sure what else they may be hoping to achieve.
27 (Jump:32)
28 Rover, after the recent series of events, I trust you have gained a general idea of who you might have been.
29 Before you fell into that deep slumber, you likely played a significant role in important historical events, shaping the course of history in some way.
30 Ultimately... I suppose it is up to you to discover the final definitive answer for yourself.
30 (Jump:32)
31 Yes, I suppose it does make them stand out. On the other hand, they presumably possess extraordinary abilities to stay anonymous.
31 (Jump:32)
32 This photo is yours to keep. I will return with Jué shortly, and the Black Shores may be worth your try during this time.

1 Rover! Are you all right?
1 I saw something... I was wearing the Blake Bloom...
2 I see... The Black Shores must have a deep connection to your past.
3 Since you are likely being closely monitored by the Fractsidus now...
4 I suggest keeping an eye out for the Black Shore members. They could prove to be your valuable allies.
5 I'll do my best to find Jué, and tell you everything I learned from it once I return.
6 This is my promise.
6 I'm counting on you.
7 Yes. Please leave it to me.

1 Sanhua.
2 Yes, Madam Magistrate.
3 I will be going on a temporary leave. During my absence, please help me handle my responsibilities in Jinzhou.
4 Understood. Should I continue protecting that Rover?
5 No need. Both Changli and I will be away, and there'll be more than enough paperwork for you to handle.
6 Is Lady Changli leaving for the capital?
7 Please pardon my intrusion, but she just faced an ambush in the Central Plains. What if...
8 Regarding that incident... We tried to warn her about the Fractsidus, but they were more cunning than we thought.
9 If she runs into another powerful enemy like Scar, she'll eventually have to confront them on her own.
10 Sanhua, you can place more trust in Rover and me.
11 Understood. I will.
12 My lady... No matter what happens, my sword is always yours.
13 Both the interrogation and my appointed meeting with Rover have already finished.
14 Scar only needed the two of you as his audience. We already knew what he wanted, and we let him have as much.
15 She decrypted every message we intended to convey. It's only proper you meet her in person, as the one who crafted those puzzles.
16 Such intricate puzzles... I guess only Rover has the patience to solve them all.
17 No detail is too small. I'm sure she understands. Besides... Not seeing the opponent heightens the thrill of the game.
18 If everything goes according to the prophecies of Jué, I will meet her in person eventually.
19 So... What did our captive from the Fractsidus tell you about Jué?
20 ...That Jué had predicted I will have to fight it one day. A fight that will shape Jinzhou's future.
21 Well, that is... unexpected. But you don't seem all that surprised, do you?
22 Can't say I am. I had suspected as much from our previous conversations, and the message it left me... His words only confirmed it.
23 Where was it when you last sensed its presence?
24 It was... In Mt. Firmament. Unlike Jinzhou city, that mountain is still resting in "stillness."
25 The place where the first people of Jinzhou lived, and where Jué first manifested before us humans... I see.
26 I'll find Jué and bring it back as soon as possible.
27 Our enemies could have planned it as a trap. We have a bigger goal to focus on, remember?
28 I understand. I will not let anything or anyone disrupt the peace in Jinzhou.
29 Would you let what you heard from Scar sway your determination?
30 No, he cannot ever turn me against Jué. If anything, his words only confirmed my theory.
31 I am the Magistrate of Jinzhou, appointed by the Sentinel itself.
32 The prophecy speaks of a decisive incident for Jinzhou's future, where I will be a key player. The fight between me and Jué is only a precursor.
33 My job remains unchanged. I will fulfill my duty as Jinzhou's Magistrate with my own judgment.
34 And that's your final answer?
35 A single strand's neglect births mountainous upheaval. You taught me that, remember?
36 The safest option is for me to go in person.
37 ...Very well.
38 Since we are already mid-game, I will let you decide our next move.
39 This time, I shall be a pawn in your hand.
40 Remember I will always stand by your side, in this crisis or any other.
41 ...Am I a player or a mere pawn? I suppose there is no difference at this point.
42 No matter what, I will do what I must.